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1、信用证英语必备 I agree to use letter of credit at sight.我同意用即期 信用证 付款。Is the credit at sight or after sight? 信用证 是即期的还是远期的?Our letter of credit will be opened early March.我们在3月初开出 信用证 。Well open the credit one month before shipment.我们在装船前1个月开立信用证。Please open the L/C 20 to 30 days before the date of deliver

2、y.请在交货前20到30天开出信用证。This letter of credit expires on 15th July.这张信用证7月15日到期。The validity of the L/C will be extended to 30th August.信用证的有效期将延至8月30日。Will you persuade your customer to arrange for a one-month extension of L/C No.TD204?你们能不能劝说客户将TD204号信用证延期一个月?To do so, you could save bank charges for o

3、pening an L/C.这样做,你们可以省去开证费用。Its expensive to open an L/C because we need to put a deposit in the bank.开证得交押金,因此花费较大。We pay too much for such a letter of credit arrangement.这种信用证付款方式让我们花费太大了。There will be bank charges in connection with the credit.开立信用证还要缴纳银行手续费。A letter of credit would increase the

4、 cost of my import.信用证会增加我们进口货物的成本。The seller will request to amend the letter of credit.卖方要修改信用证。Please amend L/C No.205 as follows.请按下述意见修改第205号信用证。Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation of the order.你们拒绝修改信用证就等于取消订单。Letter of Credit (L/C) 信用证form of credit 信用证形式Terms of valid

5、ity 信用证效期Expiry Date 效期Date of issue 开证日期L/C amount 信用证金额L/C number 信用证号码to open by airmail 信开to open by cable 电开to open by brief cable 简电开证to amend L/C 修改信用证fixed L/C or fixed amount L/C 有固定金额的信用证Sight L/C 即期信用证Usance L/C 远期信用证Buyers Usance L/C 买方远期信用证Travelers L/C 旅行信用证Revocable L/C 可撤消的信用证Irrevoc

6、able L/C 不可撤消的信用证Confirmed L/C 保兑的信用证Unconfirmed L/C 不 保兑的信用证Confirmed Irrevocable L/C 保兑的不可撤消信用证Irrevocable Unconfirmed L/C 不可撤消不保兑的信用证Transferable L/C 可转让信用证Untransferable L/C 不可转让信用证Revolving L/C 循环信用证Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证Back to Back L/C 背对背信用证Countervailing credit (俗称)子证Overriding credit 母证Banke

7、rs Acceptance L/C 银行承兑信用证Trade Acceptance L/C 商业承兑信用证Red Clause L/C 红条款信用证Anticipatory L/C 预支信用证Credit payable by a trader 商业付款信用证Credit payable by a bank 银行付款信用证usance credit payment at sight 假远期信用证Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 跟单信用证统一惯例I.C.C. Publication No.400 第400号出版物Credi

8、t with T/T Reimbursement Clause 带有电报索汇条款的信用证method of reimbursement 索汇方法without recourse 不受追索Opening Bank Name & Signature 开证行名称及签字beneficiary 受益人guarantor 保证人Exporters Bank 出口方银行Importers Bank 进口方银行Sellers Bank 卖方银行Buyers Bank 买方银行Paying Bank 付款行,汇入行Remitting Bank 汇出行Opening Bank 开证行Issuing Bank 开证

9、行Advising Bank 通知行Notifying Bank 通知行Negotiating Bank 议付行Drawee Bank 付款行Confirming Bank 保兑行Presenting Bank 提示行Transmitting Bank 转递行Accepting Bank 承兑行Additional Words and Phrasespay bearer 付给某人bearer 来人payer 付款人consignee 受托人consignor 委托人drawer 出票人principal 委托人drawee 付款人consingnee 受托人truster 信托人accepto

10、r 承兑人trustee 被信托人endorser 背书人discount 贴现endorsee 被背书人endorse 背书holder 持票人endorsement 背书bailee 受托人,代保管人payment against documents 凭单付款payment against documents through collection 凭单托收付款payment by acceptance 承兑付款payment by bill 凭汇票付款Letter of Guarantee (L/G) 保证书Bank Guarantee 银行保函Contract Guarantee 合约保

11、函Payment Guarantee 付款保证书Repayment Guarantee 还款保证书Import Guarantee 进口保证书Tender/Bid Guarantee 投标保证书Performance Guarantee 履约保证书Retention Money Guarantee 保留金保证书Documents of title to the goods 物权凭证Authority to Purchase (A/P) 委托购买证Letter of Indication 印鉴核对卡Letter of Hypothecation 质押书General Letter of Hypo

12、thecation 总质押书 信用证 英语 - 信用证 种类1. revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C 可撤销 信用证 /不可撤销信用证2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/远期信用证4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证5.divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证6.rev

13、olving L/C 循环信用证7.L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 带电汇条款信用证8.without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证9.documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证10.deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C 延付信用证/预支信用证11.back to back L/Creciprocal L/C 对背信用证/对开信用证12.travellers L/C(or:circular L/C) 旅行信用证信用证有关各方名

14、称-Names of Parties Concerned1. opener 开证人(1)applicant 开证人(申请开证人)(2)principal 开证人(委托开证人)(3)accountee 开证人(4)accreditor 开证人(委托开证人)(5)opener 开证人(6)for account of Messrs 付(某人)帐(7)at the request of Messrs 应(某人)请求(8)on behalf of Messrs 代表某人(9)by order of Messrs 奉(某人)之命(10)by order of and for account of Mes

15、srs 奉(某人)之命并付其帐户(11)at the request of and for account of Messrs 应(某人)得要求并付其帐户(12)in accordance with instruction received from accreditors 根据已收到得委托开证人得指示2.beneficiary 受益人 (1)beneficiary 受益人 (2)in favour of 以(某人)为受益人(3)in ones favour 以为受益人 (4)favouring yourselves 以你本人为受益人3.drawee 付款人(或称受票人,指汇票) (1)to

16、drawn on (or :upon) 以(某人)为付款人(2)to value on 以(某人)为付款人 (3)to issued on 以(某人)为付款人4.drawer 出票人5.advising bank 通知行 (1)advising bank 通知行 (2)the notifying bank 通知行 (3)advised throughbank 通过银行通知(4)advised by airmail/cable throughbank 通过银行航空信/电通知6.opening bank 开证行(1)opening bank 开证行 (2)issuing bank 开证行 (3)e

17、stablishing bank 开证行7.negotiation bank 议付行(1)negotiating bank 议付行(2)negotiation bank 议付行8.paying bank 付款行9.reimbursing bank 偿付行10.the confirming bank 保兑行Amount of the L/C 信用证金额1. amount RMB¥ 金额:人民币2.up to an aggregate amount of Hongkong Dollars 累计金额最高为港币3.for a sum (or :sums) not exceeding a total o

18、f GBP 总金额不得超过英镑4.to the extent of HKD 总金额为港币5.for the amount of USD 金额为美元6.for an amount not exceeding total of JPY 金额的总数不得超过日元的限度- The Stipulations for the shipping Documents1. available against surrender of the following documents bearing our credit number and the full name and address of the open

19、er 凭交出下列注名本证号码和开证人的全称及地址的单据付款2.drafts to be accompanied by the documents marked()below 汇票须随附下列注有()的单据3.accompanied against to documents hereinafter 随附下列单据4.accompanied by following documents 随附下列单据5.documents required 单据要求6.accompanied by the following documents marked()in duplicate 随附下列注有()的单据一式两份7

20、.drafts are to be accompanied by 汇票要随附(指单据)-Draft(Bill of Exchange)1.the kinds of drafts 汇票种类(1)available by drafts at sight 凭即期汇票付款(2)draft(s) to be drawn at 30 days sight 开立30天的期票(3)sight drafs 即期汇票(4)time drafts 远期汇票2.drawn clauses 出票条款(注:即出具汇票的法律依据)(1)all darfts drawn under this credit must cont

21、ain the clause “Drafts drawn Under Bank ofcredit No.dated” 本证项下开具的汇票须注明“本汇票系凭银行年月日第号信用证下开具”的条款(2)drafts are to be drawn in duplicate to our order bearing the clause “Drawn under United Malayan Banking Corp.Bhd.Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.dated July 12, 1978” 汇票一式两份,以我行为抬头,并注明“根据马来西亚联合银行1978年7月12

22、日第号不可撤销信用证项下开立”(3)draft(s) drawn under this credit to be marked:“Drawn underBank L/C No.Dated (issuing date of credit)” 根据本证开出得汇票须注明“凭银行年月日(按开证日期)第号不可撤销信用证项下开立”(4)drafts in duplicate at sight bearing the clauses“Drawn underL/C No.dated” 即期汇票一式两份,注明“根据银行信用证号,日期开具”(5)draft(s) so drawn must be in scrib

23、ed with the number and date of this L/C 开具的汇票须注上本证的号码和日期(6)draft(s) bearing the clause:“Drawn under documentary credit No.(shown above) ofBank” 汇票注明“根据银行跟单信用证号(如上所示)项下开立”信用证付款英语例句 【 国际商贸人才门户-世贸人才网 2009-07-29】 【字体:放大 缩小】 一、支付条件(Terms of payment)1. Our usual way of payment is by confirmed and irrevoca

24、ble letter of credit available by draft at sight for the full amount of the contracted goods to be established in our favour through a bank acceptable to the sellers.我们的一般付款方式是保兑的、不可撤销的、以我公司为受益人的、足额 信用证 ,见票即付。 信用证 应通过为卖方认可的银行开出。2. For payment,we require 100% value,confirmed and irrevocable letter of

25、 credit with partial shipment and transhipment allowed clause,available by draft at sight,payable against surrendering the full set of shipping documents to the negotiating bank here.我们要求用100%金额的、保兑的、不可撤销的 信用证 ,并 规定 允许转船和分批装运,凭 汇票 向议付行交单即期付款。3. The letter of credit should be established with its cla

26、uses in confirmation with the terms and conditions of the contract.信用证所开 条款 ,必须与合约 条款 相符。4. We usually accept payment by L/C at sight draft or by T/T in advance,but never by C.O.D.通常我们接受即期信用证付款或电汇。我们从不接受货到付款的 办法 。二、催开信用证(Pressing for L/C)1. As the goods against your order No.111 have been ready for

27、shipment for quite some time,it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering credit established as soon as possible.由于贵方定单第111号之货已备待运有相当长时间了,贵方必须立即行动尽快开出信用证。2. We repeatedly requested you by faxes to expedite the opening of the relative letter of credit so that we might effect s

28、hipment for the above mentioned order,but after the lapse of 3 months,we have not yet received the covering L/C.我们已经多次传真要求贵方从速开来有关信用证,以使我们装运上述定单之货。但是三个月过去了,仍未收到有关信用证。3. We hope that you will take commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and open L/C at once,otherwise you will be respons

29、ible for all the losses arising therefrom.希望贵方认真考虑商业信誉,立即开证,否则,由此产生的一切损失均由贵方负责。4. The shipment time for your order is approaching,but we have not yet received the covering L/C.Pls do your utmost to expedite the same to reach here before the end of this month so that shipment may be effected without

30、dealy.贵方定单的装船期已经临近,但我们尚未收入到有关信用证,请尽最大努力从速将信用证在本月底开到,以便及时装运。三、修改信用证 (Amendment to L/C)1. Pls amend the foregoing L/C to read piece length in 30 yards instead of 40 yards.请把上述信用证条款中匹长40码改为30码。2. We would draw your attention to the fact that the construction of our Art.No.3100S is 3232 7865 whereas you

31、r credit calls for 3030 7865.Therefor,you are requested to amend the credit according to the stipulationof the contract.我们提请贵方注意,我方坯布的规格为3232 7865,而贵方信用证却 规定 3030 7865,故请按照合约规定修改信用证。3. Pls extend the shipment date and the validity of your L/C No.111 to the end of Jan.and Feb.15,2006 respectively,and

32、 see to it that the amendment adivce will reach us before the end of Dec.2005.请将信用证111号的装运船和议付期分别展延至2006年1月底及2月15日,并请注意把修改书于2005年12月底前寄达我们这里。4. We have received your L/C No.111 covering the above -mentioned contract.But on checking up its clauses,we find that it calls for shipment to be effected not

33、 latter than Nov.10,2005,whereas the contract stipulates shipment Dec.2005.Pls extend the shipment date to the Dec.15th 2005 and validity to the 31st of Dec.上述合约项下的信用证111号已收到。但是经过核对条款,发现该证规定装期不迟于2005年11月,而合约规定装期为2005年12月份,为此请把该证装期展延至2005年12月15日,议付期展延至12月31日。信用证常用术语及条款翻译 (1)special additional risk 特别

34、附加险(2)failure to delivery 交货不到险(3)import duty 进口 关税 险(4)on deck 仓面险(5)rejection 拒收险(6)aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险(7)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination hongkong, including kowloon, or macao 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展 条款(8)survey in customs risk 海关 检验险(9)survey at jetty risk 码头 检验险(10)

35、institute war risk 学会战争险(11)overland transportation risks 陆运险(12)overland transportation all risks 陆运综合险(13)air transportation risk 航 空运 输险(14)air transportation all risk 航 空运 输综合险(15)air transportation war risk 航空 运输战争险(16)parcel post risk 邮包险(17)parcel post all risk 邮包综合险(18)parcel post war risk 邮

36、包战争险(19)investment insurance(political risks) 投资保险(政治风险)(20)property insurance 财产保险(21)erection all risks 安装工程一切险(22)contractors all risks 建筑工程一切险二.the stipulations for insurance 保险条款(1)marine insurance policy 海运 保险单(2)specific policy 单独保险单(3)voyage policy 航程保险单(4)time policy 期限保险单(5)floating policy

37、 (or open policy) 流动保险单(6)ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输 货物保险条款(7)ocean marine insurance clauses (frozen products) 海洋运输 冷藏货物保险条款(8)ocean marine cargo war clauses 海洋运输货物战争险条款(9)ocean marine insurance clauses (woodoil in bulk) 海洋运输散装桐油保险条款(10)overland transportation insurance clauses (train, trucks)

38、陆上运输货物保险条款(火车、汽车)(11)overland transportation insurance clauses (frozen products) 陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款(12)air transportation cargo insurance clauses 航空 运输货物保险条款(13)air transportation cargo war risk clauses 航空运输货物战争险条款(14)parcel post insurance clauses 邮包保险条款(15)parcel post war risk insurance clauses 邮包战争保险条款(

39、16)livestock & poultry insurance clauses (by sea, land or air)活牲畜、家禽的海上、陆上、航空保险条款(17)risks clauses of the p.i.c.c. subject to c.i.c.根据中国人民保险公司的保险条款投保险(1)marine insurance policy 海运 保险单(2)specific policy 单独保险单(3)voyage policy 航程保险单(4)time policy 期限保险单(5)floating policy (or open policy) 流动保险单(6)ocean m

40、arine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款(7)ocean marine insurance clauses (frozen products) 海洋运输冷藏货物保险条款(8)ocean marine cargo war clauses 海洋运输货物战争险条款(9)ocean marine insurance clauses (woodoil in bulk) 海洋运输散装桐油保险条款(10)overland transportation insurance clauses (train, trucks) 陆上运输货物保险条款(火车、汽车)(11)overland trans

41、portation insurance clauses (frozen products) 陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款(12)air transportation cargo insurance clauses 航空运输货物保险条款(13)air transportation cargo war risk clauses 航空运输货物战争险条款(14)parcel post insurance clauses 邮包保险条款(15)parcel post war risk insurance clauses 邮包战争保险条款(16)livestock & poultry insurance cla

42、uses (by sea, land or air)活牲畜、家禽的海上、陆上、航空保险条款(17)risks clauses of the p.i.c.c. subject to c.i.c.根据中国人民保险公司的保险条款投保险(18)marine insurance policies or certificates in negotiable form, for 110% full cif invoice covering the risks of war & w.a. as per the peoples insurance co. of china dated 1/1/1976. wit

43、h extended cover up to kuala lumpur with claims payable in (at) kuala lumpur in the currency of draft (irrespective of percentage) 作为可议付格式的 海运 保险单或凭证按照到岸价的 发票 金额110%投保中国人民保险公司1976年1月1日的战争险和基本险,负责到吉隆坡为止。按照 汇票 所使用的货币在吉隆坡赔付(无免赔率)(19)insurance policy or certificate settling agents name is to be indicated, any additional premium to cover uplift between 10 and 17% may be drawn in excess of the credit ualue 保险单或凭证须表明理赔代理人的名称,保险费如增加10-17%可在本证金额以外支付(20)insurance policy (certificate) name of


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