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1、形容词、副词,形容词,形容词是描述人和事物的特性、性质、属性或状态的一种开放性此类。它主要用来修饰名词或代词、一般置于所修饰的名词之前,多数形容词有比较级以及特定的后缀。,形容词,多个形容词修饰一个名词,限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老。颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。a large black wooden box 一只黑色的大木箱a beautiful old red Italianate handmake cupboard 一个漂亮的老式意大利风格的手工制作的红橱柜She has a jacket. (leather, brown, beautiful)It was song. ( a,

2、French, old, lovely) students. (strong, ten, Chinese, young),beautiful brown leather,a lovely old French,Ten strong young Chinese,由分词转化而来的形容词,-ing分词和-ed分词可作名词修饰语,起形容词的作用,并具有形容词的各种特征,故称为分词形容词。以-ing结尾的形容词通常翻译为“令人”;以-ed结尾的形容词通常翻译为“感到”主语或所修饰的是人时,常用-ed形容词主语或所修饰的是物时,常用-ing形容词This is an interesting book. 这

3、是基本有趣的书。He is interested in this book. 他对这本书感兴趣。,副词,副词是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词以及全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。,副词的排列顺序,方式副词地点副词时间副词(有时时间副词也可放在句首)具体的笼统的,小的大的按照单词长度,排列顺序一般为:短的长的,1. You can sit on this newly bought chair .A. comfortB. comfortableC. comfortablyD. with comfortable2. Your answer sounds .A.

4、 correctB. correctlyC. correctnessD. correcting3. They all looked at the master and felt quite .A. sad; sadB. sadly; sadlyC. sad; sadlyD. sadly; sad,C,A,D,so与such都有“如此、这么、那么”的意思,可进行同义改写,但用法不同。so是副词,修饰形容词和副词;而such是形容词,修饰名词。后接单数可数名词时,词序不同。so的词序为: so+ adj. + a(an) + n.such的词序为: such +a(an) +adj. + n.它们

5、可以表达同样的意思,可以进行同义改写。so nice a coat = such a nice coat ;such an interesting book=so interesting a book,3. 后接复数名词或不可数名词时,只能用such,而不能用so.such beautiful flowers; such clever children; such sweet water4. 复数名词或不可数名词前有many,few,much,little修饰时,只能用so而不能用such,这是一种固定用法。so many books;so few peopleso much money;so

6、 little milk,当little用作“小的”,修饰名词时,其前面扔需用such,而不用so。如:They are such little children that they cant do anything.这些孩子太小了,他们什么也做不了。He is such a little boy. 他真是个小男孩啊。名前such, 形副so, 多多少少也用so;little属特殊,“小”用such, “少”用so,1. The boy is young that he cant go to school.2. He told us a funny story that we all laug

7、hed.3. He has few books to read that he has to borrow some books from the library.4. It is a tall building that I cant see its top.5. . It was _ that a hundred people looked lost in it. A. so large a room B. so large room C. a such large room D. such large a room6. 1. It was _ serious accident that

8、he was kept in hospital for a month. A. such aB. suchC. so D. so a,so,such,so,such,A,A,形容词、副词的比较等级及其用法,原级1. 肯定:as/so + 形容词/副词(原级)+as (asas结构,表示:像一样) He is as energetic as a young man. 他像年轻人一样充满活力。 Your pen writes as smoothly as mine. 你的钢笔书写起来和我的一样流畅。2. 否定:not as/so +形容词/副词(级)+as This dictionary is n

9、ot as/so useful as you think. 这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。 It doesnt rain as/so frequently here as it does in my country. 这儿没有我们国家下雨频繁。,3. 当asas句型中,两个as之间有名词时,应用“as+形容词+a(n)+名词单数+as”或 “as many/much/few/little+名词复数/不可数名词+as”结构She is as a good student as Julie. 她和朱莉一样,都是好学生。We have produced as many computers as we

10、 did last year. 我们生产电脑的数量和去年的一样多。,better,more,most,best,worse,worst,less,least,farther; further,farthest; furthest,older; elder,oldest; eldest,好 坏 多 少 远 老,比较级的用法,1. 表示:一方超过另一方比较级+thanMary works harder than John. 玛丽比约翰工作努力。2. 表示:越越the+比较级,the+比较级The sooner, the better. 越早越好。3. 比较级前可用many, much, far,

11、a little, a few, slightly, a great/good deal, a lot, completely, even, still等词语修饰;也可用“数词+名词”修饰,表示程度。He is much taller than Jim. 他比吉姆高多了。He is three inches shorter than his brother. 他比他的哥哥矮三英寸。,比较级的用法,4. superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior 等词本身含有比较意义,此时应用介词to引出比较对象,而不用连词than。We are inferior to

12、others in many aspects. 我们在许多方面不如别人。This computer is superior to that one. 这台电脑比那台要好。,比较级的用法,补充搭配:表示:表示一方不及另一方less+原级+thanTom is less smart than Lucy. 汤姆不及露西聪明。2. 表示:越来越比较级+and+比较级The price is becoming cheaper and cheaper. 价格越来越便宜。He is becoming more and more famous. 他变得越来越有名。,最高级的用法,形容词、副词最高级主要表示:“

13、最”,前面一般带定冠词the,用语表示三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较。Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth.南极洲是地球上最冷的地方。He works (the) hardest among us. 我们中他工作最努力。2. 形容词和副词的最高级形式可以被much, almost, far, by far(目前为止), nearly, by no means(一点也不)及序数词修饰,表示程度或顺序。This hat is almost the biggest. 这顶帽子差不多是最大的了。The Yellow River is the second

14、longest in China. 黄河是中国的第二长河。,倍数的表达,1. 倍数:once, twice, three times, four times2. 比较级用法:“A+be+倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+than+B”表示A是B的多少倍。The rope is twice longer than that one. 这根绳子的长度是那根绳子的两倍。 这本字典比那本贵五倍。,This dictionary is five times more expensive than that one.,倍数的表达,3. 原级用法:“A+be+倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+B”表示A是B的

15、多少倍。Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。 这块大石头的重量是那块的三倍。,This stone is three times as heavy as that one.,倍数的表达,4.“A+be+倍数+the size/length/width/heightof+B”表示A是B的多少倍。This room is three times the size of that one. 这个房间是哪个房间的三倍大。 这条街是那条街的四倍长。,This street is four times the length of that

16、one.,这个大厅比我们的教室大两倍。 (比较级) (原级)这颗树是那颗的三倍高。 (比较级) (原级),This hall is twice bigger than our classroom.,This hall is twice as big as our classroom.,This tree is three times taller than that one.,This tree is three times as tall as that one.,1. The bread is _ _ than these cakes. A. very delicious B. much

17、delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious2. Lin Tao jumped the _ _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting. A. far B. farther C. farthest D. quite far3. When they met in the hotel. They talked and laughed _.A. happily B. happy C. happier D. happiest4. In our city its _ in July ,but it is eve

18、n _ in August. A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter5. A horse is _ than a dog. A. much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier D. more heavy,C,C,A,D,C,6. She doesnt speak_ her friends, but her written work is excellent. A. as well as B. as often as C. so much as D. as good as7. He is not _ _ as any of us, but he is brave enough. A. as a good player B. as good a player C. a player so good D. a so good player8. Mary kept weighing herself to see how much _ she was getting. A. heavier B. heavyC. the heavier D. the heaviest,A,B,A,


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