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1、妇产科学Obstetrics and Gynecology,姜晓晶教授Phone:,妇产科学Obstetrics and Gynecolog,Obstetrics and Gynecology relates medicine, surgery and pediatrics. and it is important subject which has wide information,Obstetrics and Gynecology rela,第一章 绪 论Chapter oneintroduction,第一章 绪 论Chapter oneintroduct,History,Obstetri

2、cs and gynecology were marked by technical, intellectual, and social innovation in the early modern period. While female midwives continued to deliver almost all babies, both male and female writers sought to improve obstetrical practice, and anatomists strove to understand the workings of the human

3、 body, including the female sexual and reproductive systems. Although historians argue about the actual extent of maternal mortality, it is clear from sources that women feared losing their lives in childbirth and that most women knew personally another woman who died in childbirth or shortly therea

4、fter. Similarly, while the full extent of neonatal death in early modern Europe will remain unknown, it is clear that birth was far more hazardous for babies than for their mothers.,HistoryObstetrics and gynecolo,Obstetrics and gynecology were grounded in classical and medieval precedent. The first

5、European vernacular work on obstetrics, Eucharius Roeslins Rosegarten, was published in German in 1513 and was reprinted at least another twenty-four times up to 1608. Addressed to midwives and married women, it describes the mechanics of labor and delivery, care of the newborn, and common complaint

6、s in pregnancy. Roeslins son translated the work into Latin, and the book subsequently became a European best-seller, translated into French, Dutch, Spanish, Danish, English, and Czech and republished into the eighteenth century.,Obstetrics and gynecology were,Although Roeslins work proclaimed itsel

7、f to be for a popular or lay audience, it owed much to learned authorities. Scholarship suggests that the work was not originally written for midwives but for medical men. In his preface, Roeslin describes how Galen (129c. 199 C.E.), Rhazes (Rz, c. 865between 923 and 935), Avicenna (Ibn Sn, 9801037)

8、, and Averros (Ibn Rushd, 11261198) struggled to understand the human body, and then places his own work within this learned masculine lineage. Much of the book, including the illustrations, ultimately derives from classical antiquity, specifically from Gynecology by Soranus (c. 100 C.E.).,Although

9、Roeslins work procla,Indeed some historians have argued that contemporary midwifery practice was more sophisticated than Roeslins classically based text might suggest. Roeslin after all was working from texts, not from experience delivering healthy babies, and his preface suggests a scorn for the ma

10、nual knowledge and skill midwives possessed.,Indeed some historians have ar,18世纪末剖腹取胎术1978年第一个试管婴儿路易布朗的诞生,产前诊断、胎儿宫内治疗 1940年巴巴尼古拉的阴道宫颈细胞学检测90年代的TBS系统,CCT(计算机辅助细胞检测),Thinprep细胞涂片,肿瘤综合治疗、肿瘤疫苗研究 1909年第一枚蚕肠线IUD含铜、含药形状各异的IUD,计划生育基础理论研究和临床技术实施成为发展中国家的典范,18世纪末剖腹取胎术1978年第一个试管婴儿路,妇产科学 医学科学重要组成部分 涉及面广、整体性强 与内科

11、、外科并驾齐驱,妇产科学,妇产科学范畴,研究妇女特有的生理和病理的医学学科 产科学、妇科学、计划生育,妇产科学范畴研究妇女特有的生理和病理的医学学科,产 科 学,对象 研究内容,产 科 学对象,产科学(Obstetrics) 产科学基础 生理产科学 病理产科学 胎儿及早期新生儿学 围生医学,产科学(Obstetrics),妇 科 学,对象 研究内容,妇 科 学 对象,妇科学(Gynecology) 妇科学基础 生殖器炎症 生殖器肿瘤 生殖内分泌疾病 生殖器损伤 生殖器畸形 其他(内异症),妇科学(Gynecology),计划生育 避孕 绝育 优生,计划生育,妇产科学特点,妇产科学与其他学科密不

12、可分 妇产科学本身是个整体不可分割 妇产科学是临床医学又是预防医学,妇产科学特点妇产科学与其他学科密不可分,产 科 学 进 展(advance of obstetrics),产科理论体系转变 产前诊断及PGD 围生期胎儿及新生儿超声监测 胎儿宫内治疗,产 科 学 进 展(advance of obstetri,妇产科学绪论课件,妇产科学绪论课件,产 科 学 进 展(advance of obstetrics),辅助生殖技术 妊娠合并症的诊断及处理 剖宫产相关问题 分娩减痛术 围生期感染及STD,产 科 学 进 展(advance of obstetri,妇科学进展(advance of gyn

13、.),普通妇科 腔镜妇科 内分泌妇科 肿瘤妇科 创伤与修复妇科,妇科学进展(advance of gyn.)普通妇科,如 何 学 习?,1:两个阶段 系统学习阶段 毕业实习阶段 2:两个问题 教与学的问题,如 何 学 习?1:两个阶段,教 学 目 标,围绕教学大刚要求,组织教学 掌握基本理论、基本知识、基本技能 系统学习+毕业实习=合格医生,教 学 目 标围绕教学大刚要求,组织教学,教 学 方 法,1: 系统讲授 2: 专题讲座 目的(1)了解学科最新发展动态 (2)临床工作焦点、难点问题 3: 模拟查房 效果(1)巩固、复习、提高 (2)心理素质培养、锻炼 (3)角色转化,教 学 方 法1: 系统讲授,教 学 手 段,1:多媒体动画、图片 2:实体标本 3:手术实况直播,教 学 手 段1:多媒体动画、图片,电视剧 橘子红了节选,电视剧 橘子红了节,妇产科学绪论课件,学 习 要 求,倡导一个理想 两种精神 理想: 攀登医学高峰 精神: 脚踏实地的干劲 持之以恒的钻劲,学 习 要 求倡导一个理想 两种精神,结 语,做人要知足 做事要知不足 做学问要不知足,结 语做人要知足,Thank you for your attention!,Thank you,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!,


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