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1、八年级英语下周末辅导资料(1)Unit 1 Will people have robots?一、重点、难点、考点详解1、Do you think there will be robots in peoples homes? do you think 你认为, 通常用来询问对方的看法。后面常接宾语从句。如do you think 用在句中,则为插入语,常放在特殊疑问词之后,结构为:疑问词+do you think + 主语+谓语+其他成分。如:Do you think he will e back tomorrow?What time do you think the train will ar

2、rive here? in peoples homes 在人们家里。此时,home 作名词,家,相当于house; 注意:home 还可以用作副词,回家、在家。如:He didnt leave home until he was 21.I am going home now. See you tomorrow.辨析:home, family, house.home 家(乡),指家人共同居住的地方,侧重强调家庭的氛围。如:I regard Beijing as my second home.family 家(庭),指一家人或家庭成员,侧重强调人,与房子或其他无关。如:My family are

3、watching TV now.house 房(屋),指人所居住的地方,侧重于建筑物,包括院子等等。如:We will move to a new house next week.2、Everything will be free. everything pron. 每件事物,属于不定代词。注意:做主语时,谓语用单数;当形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词后置。如:I hope everything goes well.He loves everything new.常见的不定代词有:something, anything, everything, nothing, somebody, someone

4、, etc. free adj. 自由的、空闲的, 相当于 have time; 免费的、免税的。如:Are you free today?Buy one, one free!【典型例题】-Is _ ready for the journey?-No, we havent got a camera. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing3、Books will only be on puters, not on paper. on puters / paper 用电脑/ 纸, 介词on 表示“借助或通过某种方式”,类似的用法还有:o

5、n TV 在电视里; on the phone 在电话中; on the radio 在收音机里; on the Inter 在网上。 paper n. 纸、纸张,不可数名词,一张纸表示为:a piece of paper; 当paper 作试卷、论真的不掉线吗?、?文讲时,是可数名词。如:Please pass me three pieces of paper.The history paper is really easy.【典型例题】Please pass me two _A. pieces of paper B. pieces of papersC. pieces paper D. p

6、iece paperI think kids will stay at home _ puters _ the future.A. on, at B. in, in C. on, in D. at, in 4、people will live to be 200 years old.live to be +基数词+ years old 活到.岁。如:I want to live to be 100 years old.Can pandas live to be fifty years old?注意:熟记一下与live有关的短语。live on sth. 以.为生。live by doing s

7、th. 靠做.为生。live in + 地点。住在某地。live a quite life 过着平静的生活。live on the fourth floor. 住四楼。5、Will people use money in 100 years? use 作动词,利用、使用。如:May I use your ruler?use 做名词,用处、作用,常用语一下结构:Its no use doing sth. 做某事没有用。 make (good) use of (充分)利用某物。如:Its no use arguing with her, because he wont listen.We shou

8、ld make good use of time. in 100 years 在100年以后。in +时间段表示:在一段时间以后,常与一般将来时连用。对之提问常用how often。如:How soon will she e back?In a week.辨析:in,after与laterin 后加时间段,以现在时间为起点,表示从现在起之后的一段时间,句中用一般将来时。如:My mother will return in a month.after 后即可以加时间段也可以加时间点。如果after后接一段时间,常以过去的时间为起点,句中常用过去时;如after 后接时间点,表示某一时间为起点的若

9、干时间之后,也可以用于将来时。如:He came back to school after two weeks.I think that they will arrive there after five oclock.later 前加时间段,表示若干时间之后,常用于过去时。如:He went back to this city eight years later.真的不掉线吗?、?=He went back to this city after eight years.【典型例题】The students will go back to school in two days (画线部分提问)

10、_ _ _ the students _back to school?6、There will be more/less/fewer pollution. fewer 更少的。修饰可数名词复数。如:He has fewer friends in this school. less 更少的。修饰不可数名词。如:There will be less pollution.辨析:few, a few, little, a little.few 指没有多少,表否定,后接复数可数名词。如:I am afraid I know few words of French.a few 指少数几个,而非很多,表肯定

11、,后接复数可数名词。如:There are a few students in the classroom.little 指很少,几乎没有,表否定,后接不可数名词。如:Unfortunately he now had little money left.a little 指一点,有点儿,表肯定,后接不可数名词。如:I need a little help to move these books. pollution n. 污染(物),不可数名词。对应的动词为pollute,污染、弄脏。如:There is a lot of pollution in the air here.This is a

12、 polluted river.【典型例题】I have more apples than Lucy. (改为同义句)Lucy _ _ apples than I 7、Cities will be very big and crowed.crowed adj. 拥挤的,常用于词组 be crowded with 挤满了。对应的crowd可以作名词,表示:人群,也可以作动词,表示聚集。如:The supermarket was crowded with customers.He pushed his way through the crowd.Supporters crowded the sta

13、dium.8、I will live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. go to + 地点 去某地,类似的结构还有:fly to 飞往. move to 搬到e to 来到 walk to 步行去.drive (a car )to 开车去. ride (a bike)to 骑车去.注意:此类动词如果后面接的是地点副词则去掉to , 如go home/there等。如果是名词则带to,如:go to school 等。 fall in love with 喜欢、爱上.。如:Sh

14、e saw the doll and fell in love with it.真的不掉线吗?、?拓展:记忆与fall 有个的短语fall down 跌落、掉落。fall off 从.掉下fall ill 病了fall behind 落后,落后于(某人或某物)fall over 跌倒,绊倒fall into 落入、陷入。9、Because I dont like living alone. alone 单独的,独自一人,相单于by oneself,在句中常作表语,不做定语。此外,alone还可以做副词,表示仅仅,只有,用语名词或代词之后。如:She is alone at home.He we

15、nt to hang out alone.You alone can help me in the work.辨析:alone 与 lonely.alone 表示“单独一人,无人相伴:如:This job is too big for me to do alone.lonely 只能做形容词,表示“孤独的,寂寞的”,带有强烈的感情色彩;此外,还可以表示“荒凉多、偏僻的”,常作定语。如:Though the old man is alone, he doesnt feel lonely.My grandfather used to live in a lonely village.10、I mi

16、ght even keep a pet parrot.keep a pet 养宠物 keep 在此处为“养、饲养”。如:In china, many peasants keep cattle.注意keep 的其他用法:keep 表示继续处于某种状态、地位,保持,后常接形容词做表语。如:In the library, we need to keep quite.keep sb. from doing sth. 表示阻止某人做某事,相当于stop sb. from doing sth. 如:The noise outside kept me from sleeping.11、I will be a

17、ble to dress more carefully. able 能干的、有能力的,常用于结构be able to do sth. 如:My uncle is an able teacherShe is able to swim=She can swim辨析:can 与 be able tocan 与 be able to 都表示能够,其区别如下:can 是情态动词,无人称和数的变化,只能用于现在时和过去时中。如:She couldnt ride the bike at the age of four.be able to 除用于现在时和过去时外,还可以用语将来时、完成时等多种时态,也可以用

18、于情态动词,不定式之后。在过去的场合中,还可以表示经过努力而做到某事。如:Will you be able to e tonight?真的不掉线吗?、?I hope to be able to go skating with you next week.He studied hard and was able to pass the exam. dress 穿衣,带宾语只能是人,而不是衣服。常用于一下结构:dress oneself 给自己穿衣服,be dressed in 穿着., dress up 化妆打扮。如:He could dress himself when he was thre

19、e.She was dressed in a red coat.此外,dress 还可以作名词,表示 连衣裙,女服。如:She wore a long white dress last night.辨析:dress, put on, wear, and have onput on 强调穿的动作,宾语是物,如:He put on his coat and went out.dress 既可以表动作也可以标状态,但带宾语时只能是物。如: She dressed quickly.She was dressed in red.wear 强调穿的状态,以物为宾语,可以用于进行时。如:He was wea

20、ring run glasses.have on 强调穿的状态,以物为宾语,不用进行时。如:She always has a miniskirt on.【典型例题】Work hard, and then you will _ learn English well. A. can B. able to C. be able to D. are able to -Can you _ the kids while I make breakfast- All right, I will do it right now.A. put on B. wear C. dress D. be in12、ther

21、e are many famous predictions that never came true. prediction n. 预言,可数名词,对应的动词为predict 预测、预言。如:I find it very difficult to make a prediction.The report predicts that this kind of animal will be extinct in 20 years. e true 实现、变为现实,主语常常是理想,愿望等。不能用语被动语态。如:My wishes will e true.13、Before 1929, there wa

22、s no sound in movies.sound n. 声音,泛指一切声音,由指是自然界所能听到的声音;v. 听起来。如:Light travels faster than sound.That sounds a good idea.辨析:sound, noise, and voice.noise 噪音,尤指不悦耳、不动听的声音,常为不可数名词。如:Dont make so much noise.voice 嗓音、说话声、笑声、歌声等。既可以是可数名词,也可以做不可数名词。如:Keep your voice down.He is not in good voice.14、T真的不掉线吗?、

23、?he head of one of the biggest panies in the united states predicted that on one would want to see actors talk. no one 没有人,相当于nobody, 做主语时,谓语用单数。如:No one knows the secret. see sb. do sth. 强调动作的全过程,see sb. doing 强调动作正在进行。如:I saw him run on the playground.I saw him running on the playground when I pas

24、sed by.15、we never know what will happen in the future. happen 发生,常常指偶然发生。happen to do sth. 碰巧,恰巧做某事。如:What happened to you?He happened to copying homework when the teacher came in. in the future 在未来,在将来,指一段时间后的将来。in future 从今以后,强调从现在开始,相当于 from now on. 如: We watched a movie about living in the futu

25、re I will get up on time in future.二、重点语法详解1、一般将来时态定义:一般将来时表示将来要发生的动作或存在的状态。构成:一般由“will/shall+ 动词原形“构成。其中will 适用于各种人称, shall 一般用于第一人称。如:Where shall we meet tomorrow?There will be an English party next Saturday.We will e to see you tomorrow.判断:一般将来时我们除了从其含义来判断以外,我们还可以从其常用的时间状语来判断。常用的时间状语有:tomorrow, t

26、omorrow morning/evening/., next week/year/., in 3 days/, this evening/ weekend/, in the future, soon etc. 如:There wont be any trees in this place in two years.He will go shopping with me this afternoon.注意:一般将来时除了用“will+ 动词原形”来表示以外,还可以用be going to +动词原形(准备、打算做某事)和be doing(动词主要为趋向性动词,如:leave, go, arri

27、ve, e, start, stay, return etc.)如:I am not going to tell you about it.I am ing in a minute.2、there be 句型与将来时的合用。注意其基本机构为:there is/are going to be或there will be。如:There will be a meeting next Monday.【典型例题】-There _ a concert this evening.-Yeah. Exciting news!真的不掉线吗?、?A. are going to be B. is going to

28、be C. is going to have D. will have综合练习1translate the following words weve learned in this unit.1.太空站_, 2. 免费_3. 度假_, 4. 与相同_5. 看起来像_, 6. 帮助_7. get bored_ . 8. on the weekend_9. in the future_ 10. e ture_2Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words below. 选词填空。1There _ be any paper money. Everyone wil

29、l have a _ _. 2I think there will be _ trees. 3There were many famous _ that never came _. 4Kids _ go to school. Theyll _ at home on puters. 3Form sentences. 组句(请注意大小写和标点符号)。1on paper, books, on puters, not, be, only, will_2will, 200 years old, to be, live, people_3in 100 years, wont, any, be, paper

30、 money, there_4pollution, less, be, will, there_5in five years, do you think, what, Sally, be, will_4Look at the pictures and plete the article. 看图完成短文。Could there be life on Mars? You probably know a lot about the city you live in. You may even know some interesting facts about our earth. But how m

31、uch do you know about M_, the pla where many think there may be l_? For many years, people have studied Mars. They have sent instruments (仪器) and r_ to the red pla. Some of them succeeded, but most f_. The first spacecraft (航天器), Mariner 4 from America, got a c_ look at Mars on November 28, 1964. Ma

32、riner 4 showed Mars had a red surface with many big h_. There 真的不掉线吗?、?were also signs that there had been w_ on Mars. Of course, scientists wouldnt miss the opportunity(机会)to send spacecraft to the red pla when it is so close to us. NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国国家宇航局), sen

33、t two robots to Mars in June and July. In January 2004, they will t_ to Mars at some 12 000 miles per hour. The two robots will then begin a 3 month s_ to look for evidence (证据) of water and life from Mars. One day, humans will travel to Mars to have a even closer look at the earths red n_. Maybe it

34、 could be you! 5. 单项选择1. Will people live to be 300 years old? _. A. No, they arent B. No, they wont C. No, they dont D. No, they cant 2. There will be _ pollution this year than last year. A. fewer B. much C. less D. many 3. I think people here are friendly. Do you agree _ me? A. with B. to C. on D

35、. from 4. Where is Miss Wang? She went to Hainan Island last week and will return _ six days. A. ago B. later C. behind D. in 5. _ will they play? They will play football. A. What subject B. What sport C. What food D. What language 6. I will see you again _. A. a day B. every day C. one day D. every

36、day 7. I hope your dream will _. A. e true B. e out C. e in D. e on 8. Everyone wants to _ to the moon for vacations. A. walk B. run C. swim D. fly 9. This coat doesnt fit him well, as he has _ a huge body and the coat is _ small. A. so; such B. so; so C. such; such D. such; so 10. How many birds ca

37、n you see in the trees? I can see _ birds in them. A. hundreds of B. five hundreds C. hundred of D. five hundreds of 真的不掉线吗?、?韩文的由来韩文是1443年由朝鲜王朝的世宗大王与诸多学者共同创造。 韩文由元音与辅音组成,元音取自天、地、人的形象,辅音取自发声器官的模样。 元音的 辅音的 元音 共有21个,包括10个基本元音与11个双元音。 基本元音(10个) 一个元音以单独的音节出现时,与不发音的辅音“”共同使用,形成整齐美观的书写形式。 单词练习:(黄瓜), (孩子),

38、(牛奶), (狐狸), (弟弟) 字串4辅音共有19个,包括14个基本辅音与5个双辅音。 基本辅音(14个)真的不掉线吗?、?韩文的所有辅音必须同元音一起使用。此时,音节的构成形式可以分为辅音+元音、辅音+元音+辅音。 首先看一下辅音+元音的组合方式。 辅音与元音“”结合,形成如下音节。 单词练习:(气球), (树), (腿), (帽子), (公共汽车), (沙发), (棒球), (奶酪), (外套), (咖啡), (葡萄), (河马), 字串1(辣椒), (陶瓷), (鱼), (香皂), (道路), (方便面), (蝉), (雨), (洗脸), (邮票), (打针) (鸵鸟), (叉子),

39、(红心) 双元音(11个)双元音的发音与基本元音不同,发音过程中嘴唇和舌头的形状会发生变化。 单词练习:(蚂蚁), (话), (秋千), (纸币), (苹果), ?(为什么), (教会), (给我), 真的不掉线吗?、?(轨道), (剪刀), (椅子), (鸟), (脑), (上), (螃蟹), 字串3(婴儿), (毽子), (钟表), (糖果), (医生), (蝴蝶), (猪), (微笑), (地图), (猕猴桃), (大小), (画家) 双辅音(5个)双辅音如同, , , , 为一个元素。 单词练习:(尾巴), (肩膀), (起子), (同辈), (根), (爸爸), (写), (便宜),

40、 (咸), (蒸), (吻), (朱鹮), (打架), 字串7(癞蛤蟆), (兔子), (鬼), (布谷鸟), (大象) 收音音节构成方式的另一种为辅音+元音+辅音。韩文中的辅音+元音+辅音的音节构成形式如下图。这时,音节尾声的第二个辅音成为收音。 真的不掉线吗?、?真的不掉线吗?、?多种辅音可以作为收音使用,但作为收音时只有七种发音,即 , , , , , , 。因此其他的辅音作为收音时,其发音转换为这七种辅音中的一种。 单词练习:(脖子), (外), (厨房), (里), (即将), (衣服), (兰), (光), (底下), (黄), (马), (法), (前), (房间), 字串9(冠), (镰刀), (田地), (鞋跟), (叶子), (钱), (月亮), (柿子), (球), (土豆), (栗子), (豆子), (面具), (面包), (膝盖), (白天) 以辅音结尾的音节后面紧跟一个没有辅音的由“”和元音结合组成的音节时,收音的辅音移至下一音节的第一个辅音“”位置上发音。收音由两个辅音组成时,后一个辅音移至下一音


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