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1、111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Module 4,WY 四年级下册,Unit 1Will you take your kite?,111111111111111111111111111111,一、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。()1. A . take B. make C. cake()2. A. great B. meat

2、C. read()3. A. why B. fly C. my()4. A. our B. your C. famous()5. A. whose B. old C. holiday,T,F,T,F,F,一、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。TFT,二、看图圈出对应的单词。1. aballt2. hkitebi3. bagppicnic4. breaday5. Saturdayon,二、看图圈出对应的单词。,三、风车转转转, 将风车上的字母按顺时针或逆时针顺序转圈, 组成一个单词, 并写出它们的汉语意思。1. 2. ,take 带, 拿,fly 飞,三、风车转转转, 将风车上的

3、字母按顺时针或逆时针顺序转圈,3. 4. 5. ,great 太好了, 好极了,because 因为,icnic 野餐,3. great 太好了, 好,四、单项选择。()1. Will you take your ball?Yes, _will. A. you B. I C. she()2. _not?Because tomorrow is Friday. A. What B. Whose C. Why,B,C,点拨: “Will you ”引导的一般疑问句, 肯定回答是“Yes, I will. ”, 否定回答是“No, I wont. ”。,四、单项选择。BC点拨: “Will you ”

4、引导的一般,()3. We _ have a picnic next week. A. are B. are going to C. are going()4. I will_. A. fly B. flying C. to fly()5. I will take_ ball tomorrow. A. I B. me C. my,B,A,C,点拨: be going to 结构意为“将要, 打算”, 三者缺一不可。,()3. We _ have a picnic,五、根据图片提示选择正确的选项。()1. What will you do on Saturday?I will_. A. go s

5、wimmingB. read a bookC. have a picnic,C,五、根据图片提示选择正确的选项。C,()2. I will take my _ tomorrow. A. kite B. ball C. ship()3. Because tomorrow is_. A. Thursday B. Wednesday C. Friday,A,B,()2. AB,()4. Will you take your book? _A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I will. C. No, I wont. ()5. I will_. A. run B. fly C. walk,

6、C,B,()4. CB,六、核心素养练 例: I will fly a kite tomorrow. Will you fly a kite tomorrow?I am going to ride a bike. Are you going to ride a bike?1. I will go swimming this Sunday. _,Will you go swimming this Sunday?,六、核心素养练 Will you go swimming,2. I am going to do housework on Saturday. _3. He will have a pi

7、cnic on Saturday. _4. We are going to play football at the park. _,Are you going to do housework on Saturday?,Will he have a picnic on Saturday?,Are you going to play football at the park?,方法点拨:通过观察我们可以发现这是将陈述句改为一般疑问句的练习。我们需要将情态动词will或be动词(am, is, are)放到句子的最前面。,2. I am going to do housework,七、周末, 我们全家要去野餐, 妈妈让我按照列好的清单, 准备要携带的物品, 请帮我一起收拾行李, 不要带错了物品。在要带的物品下打“”。Hello, Im Hanhan. We are going to have a picnic on Saturday. I will take a ball, some books, some milk and some apples. I wont take rice and bananas. I wont take my bike.,七、周末, 我们全家要去野餐, 妈妈让我按照列好的清单, 准,() () () () () () (),() () (),


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