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1、BritishWedding,Team 9,CONTENTS,01 Topics Introduced,02 The Specific Content,03 Conclusion,04 Add the Content,01,Topics IntroducedParagraph 1-2,With over two thousand years of culture from which to drawA uniquely elegant sense of poise and class,Paragraph one,all the rage 正在流行quaint 古色古香的; 少见的,古怪的; 离

2、奇有趣的sophistication 老练,精明;强词夺理,诡辩;伪品,掺杂品;有教养just the thing正是想要的; 够味儿,Paragraph two,02,folklore民俗学; 民间传说; 民间创作ritual典礼; 仪式; 例行公事,老规矩; 作为仪式的一部分,Paragraph three,groom使整洁; 使清洁; 准备; 新郎; 马夫; 王室侍从官;kidnapped 诱拐,绑架reluctant 不情愿的,勉强的;顽抗的;难处理的;厌恶的Best Man 男傧相;伴郎,Paragraph four,The Specific Content Paragraph 3-

3、14,02,Paragraph five,Labour n.劳动;劳工;分娩,临产阵痛;工作,活计 vi.劳动,努力;艰难行进;分娩,产前阵痛;使疲倦compensate vt.抵消;补偿,赔偿;报酬 vi.补偿,弥补In Middle Ages gold rings were used as currencyso a gold ring was given to the family in payment for the bride and this is the reason why a gold ring is now placed on the third finger of the

4、left hand.中世纪时,金戒指被用作货币因此,一枚黄金戒指送给新娘的家庭作为支付,这就是为什么戒指现在放在左手第三个手指上的原因。,The Specific Content Paragraph 3-14,02,Paragraph six,gimmal n.双连环;小链条 interlocking adj.联锁的worn adj.穿旧的,用旧的;穿坏的,用坏的;筋疲力尽的 v.wear的过分词formality n.礼节;拘谨;正式手续acknowledge vt. 承认;鸣谢;对打招呼;告知已收到On the wedding day the three pieces were unite

5、d as a single ring for the bride戴在未婚妻、未婚夫和征婚人手上的三个戒指将在婚礼那天会组成新娘的一枚连环戒指,The Specific Content Paragraph 3-14,02,Paragraph seven,Chosen adj.挑选出来的,精选的;上帝所选的 v.选择;选定;挑选( choose的过去分词 );喜欢wedding ring结婚戒指 engagement ring订婚戒指acknowledgment n.承认,承认书,感谢crystallized adj. 医结晶的,使晶状的 v.使结晶( crystallize的过去式和过去分词);

6、计划成型,具体化dew n.水珠,露水Diamonds are the most chosen stone to decorate rings在结婚戒指上,钻石是装饰戒指的最精选的宝石The diamond is said to represent innocence,and is a symbol of love and courage.据说钻石象征着纯真,也是爱与勇气的象征Splinters of stars that had fallen down on the earth 散落在地球上的星星碎片The tears of Gods 天神的眼泪Crystallized lightning

7、or hardened dew drops 结晶的闪电或坚硬的露珠,The Specific Content Paragraph 3-14,02,Paragraph eight,Stag Parties 雄鹿会;男子聚会 Hen Parties 妇女聚会Rehearsal n.排练,排演;彩排,演习;复述,详述Bachelorhood n.独身,独身生活Allegiance n.忠诚,拥护;(封建)臣道,忠节Groom:cheer his good luck;feast with his male friends;celebrate leaving his days of bachelorho

8、od;swear continued allegiance to his buddies;friends would also give the groom money庆祝他的好运气;与朋友享受庆祝盛宴;离开他的独身生活;发誓继续效忠于他的朋友;朋友们会给新郎的钱Bridge:leave her old life but assure her girlfriends she would still remain their friend;gather to offer advice and support结束她的旧生活,但向她的女朋友保证,她仍然是他们的朋友;朋友们都聚集起来给新娘提供建议和支

9、持,The Specific Content Paragraph 3-14,02,Paragraph nine,Rhymes n.韵;韵文;同韵的词;押韵诗;同韵词( rhyme的名词复数 );押韵词;押韵的短诗 vt. 使押韵;作押韵诗;成韵 v.(使)押韵,押韵( rhyme的第三人称单数 );(词或音节)押韵,和同韵;(诗歌)押句尾韵Indicate vt.表明,标示,指示;象征,暗示,预示;医显示需要做的治疗Fertility n.肥力;(土地的)肥沃;丰产;繁殖力Proceed from 从.开始Mondayhealth健康;Tuesdaywealth富裕;Wednesdaybest

10、 of all最好的;Thursdaylosses失去;Fridaycrosses十字架;Saturdayno luck at all毫无运气;The sun has always been associated with fertility and summer is traditional for the bride to“walk with the sun” 太阳一直与生育有关,夏季举行婚礼是新娘“与太阳同行”的传统Proceeding from east to west on the south side of the church and then circling the chur

11、ch three times for good luck从教堂的南边开始,从东到西绕着教堂转三圈,期盼好运,The Specific Content Paragraph 3-14,02,Paragraph ten,Promptly adv.迅速地;敏捷地;立即地;毫不迟疑Strewing daisies洒满雏菊Succession n.继承人,继承权;继承顺序;生自然演替;一系列,接连Robbers and highwaymen 拦路抢劫的强盗Abduct vt.诱拐;劫持;使外展Ward off v.抵挡;避开,挡住;架;搪Wrongdoers n.做坏事的人,违法犯罪者,作恶者The ce

12、remony is held promptly at noon.婚礼在中午迅速结束Begin with a flower girl strewing daisies along the path to the church,followed in close succession by the bride accompanied by her bridesmaids.Bridesmaids dressed as brides were meant to ward off the wrongdoers. 伴娘打扮成新娘是为了避开强盗。,The Specific Content Paragraph

13、 3-14,02,The Specific Content Paragraph 3-14,Paragraph elevenRecite vt.殡仪馆a fairly uniform order相当统一的秩序,从今天开始互相拥有、互相扶持不论未来是好或是坏富裕或是贫穷疾病或是健康彼此相爱且珍惜至死不渝我以我的身体向你致敬我所赐给你的一切以及我与你分享我拥有的一切都是在上帝、圣父,圣子,圣灵的爱里,To have and to hold From this day forward For better,for worse For richer,for poorer In sickness and

14、in health To love and to cherish Till death do us partWith my body I honor you All that I give to you And all that I have I share with you Within the love of God Father,Son and Holy Spirit,02,Paragraph twelve,Sew vt.令人陶醉silver horseshoe 银马蹄onto the hem of 下摆bouquet 花束chimney sweep 扫烟囱的人emerge from 从

15、出现omen 预兆sew a good luck charm,such as a silver horseshoe,onto the hem of their dress 缝一个幸运符,比如裙子的下摆上的银马蹄carry a horseshoe with their bouquet for additional good luck带着一个马蹄形的花束,以获得更多的好运chimney sweep to kiss the bride 烟囱清洁工亲吻新娘rain on the morning 清晨的雨,The Specific Content Paragraph 3-14,02,Paragraph

16、thirteen,elaborate vi.详尽说明;变得复杂 vt.详细制定;详尽阐述;生理学加工;尽心竭力地做 adj.精心制作的;精巧的;复杂的;(结构)复杂的ingredient n.因素;(混合物的)组成部分;(烹调的)原料;(构成)要素trace vt.跟踪,追踪;追溯,探索;探索;查找 vi.沿着一小径或道路前进;可以追溯的 n.痕迹;痕迹,踪迹;微量,极少量;植(脉)迹splendor n.光辉;壮丽;华丽;显赫Tudor n.英国都铎王室 adj.都铎王朝的都铎式建筑式样的top layer 顶层christening cake 洗礼仪式的蛋糕,The Specific Co

17、ntent Paragraph 3-14,02,Paragraph thirteen,a traditional wedding cakean elaborate fruitcake made from cherries,ground nuts,and other sweet ingredients一个精心制作的由樱桃,花生,和其他甜的成分组成的蛋糕the fruitcake is sometimes called the “christening cake” and is set aside to celebrate the christening of the couples first

18、child这个水果蛋糕顶层有时被称为“洗礼蛋糕”,意喻着庆祝他们的第一个孩子的洗礼仪式the grooms cake is usually chocolate and traces its origins to the splendor of the Tudor period when the bride would carry a bouquet of wheat and scatter the grains after the ceremony新郎的蛋糕通常是巧克力,追溯到都铎时期的辉煌,那时新娘会带着一束麦子,在婚礼结束后撒下谷粒,The Specific Content Paragra

19、ph 3-14,02,Paragraph fourteen,The bride and groom cut the wedding cake to represent sharing their new life together新娘和新郎共同切结婚蛋糕,代表分享他们的新生活Bride and groom should kiss over the cake and if they dont knock it over they will have a life of good fortune新娘和新郎应该亲吻蛋糕如果他们不碰掉,预示着他们就会有好运的生活。Single woman places

20、 a piece of wedding cake under her pillow单身狗把结婚蛋糕切一块,放在自己的枕头底下,The Specific Content Paragraph 3-14,03,Conclusion Paragraph 15,Paragraph fifteen,Arrayn.数组;队列,阵列;一大批;衣服 vt.排列;部署兵力;打扮,装饰For better or worse,the vows may be the same,but in our increasingly diverse society,popular wedding traditions are f

21、ar from what you would expect. Sharing the experiences of getting married in one of the most exciting nations on earth,people are invited to celebrate a diverse array of customs and cultures as couples embrace their new home while seeking to hold on to familiar tradition不管是好是坏,誓言可能一样,但在我们日益多元化的社会里,流

22、行的婚礼传统远不是你所期望的。在世界上最激动人心的国家之一分享结婚的经验,人们被邀请来庆祝各种各样的习俗和文化,在试图保存熟悉的传统的同时,新婚夫妇们拥抱他们的新家/新生活.,02,Thanksgiving Day Key man,Abraham Lincoln,Abraham Lincoln scheduled Thanksgiving for the final Thursday in November in 1863 at the height of the Civil War,04,Your text hereAnd here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy, thought,Having begun in one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it.,Your text,THANKS,Team 9,


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