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1、Chapter 13,变革与创新管理,韵 江东北财经大学工商管理学院,学习目标,你应该能够:对比变革的风平浪静与急流险滩两种观点描述管理者能对组织作些什么变革解释人们为什么会抵制变革列示降低变革阻力的策略说明促进组织文化变革的情境因素,学习目标 (续),你应该能够:解释流程再造与变革有什么关联描述减轻员工压力的办法说明创造与创新的区别解释组织如何能激发和培育创新,什么是变革?,变革人员、结构或技术方面的任何改变变革是一个组织的真实写照变革管理是每一个管理者工作中不可分割的部分是管理者的工作变得复杂,变革的力量,外部力量市场 适应消费者需求的变化政府法律和条例 变革的频繁推动力技术 所有行业的变

2、革来源劳动力市场 人力资源管理工作必须变革以吸引和留住这些急需的高技能员工经济 利率、预算赤字和汇率的不确定性,变革的力量(续),内部力量最初产生于组织的内部运营力量可能包括战略、劳动力队伍、新设备和与工的态度管理者作为变革推动者变革推动者 作为催化剂并承担变革过程管理责任的人任何管理者都可能成为变革推动着变得更深思熟虑、也可能更加小心谨慎外部咨询人员 对于更大范围的变革而言 带来更急剧的变革,变革过程的两种不同观点,风平浪静观卢因的三步骤模型解冻 可通过以下方式为变革提供准备:增强驱动力 ,使行为脱离现有状态减弱制约力,这种阻挠的力量使行为维持现有平衡状态现状 被认为是风平浪静的变革 转向一

3、个其他的平衡状态再冻结 确保变革持久使得新状态能保持较长的时间将变革看作对组织平衡状态的一种打破,变革过程,变革过程的两种不同观点(续),急流险滩观更适合不确定与动态的环境与日益由信息、思想和知识主导的新时代的动态环境相适应管理者必须在不断的急流中保持机智管理者面临着持续的变化今天,管理者必须作好有效且有力的变革管理的准备,因为他们的组织与工作领域面临着变革,变革的三种类型,Exhibit 16.2 Three Categories of Change,变革管理,发动变革:识别需加以变革的组织领域将变革行动付诸行动对变革的阻力加以管理变革的类型结构变革 组织的正式设计、分配职权以及决定正规化程

4、度结构组成 and 结构设计,变革的类型(续)技术变革 变革工作的开展方式方法和设备的改变行业内竞争与创新因素的结果自动化 以机械取代人力的一种技术变革计算机化 近来最明显的信息系统变革,变革管理(续),变革的类型(续)人员变革 员工工作态度、期望、认知和行为的改变组织发展 (OD) 借以改变人员及人际间工作关系的本质和性质的各种方法或方案旨在使得个体和群体更有效地合作,变革管理(续),组织发展的技术,更有效的人际工作关系,过程咨询,组际发展,敏感性训练,调查反馈,团队建设,Exhibit 16.3 Organizational Development Techniques,变革管理(续),应


6、西来换取阻力的减少在阻力来自少数有影响力的人物时是必要的措施潜在的高成本,并可能面临其他变革反对者的勒索操纵与合作操纵是将努力转换到施加影响上,如有意扭曲某些事实,隐瞒具有破坏性的消息,制造不真实的谣言合作是介于操纵和参与之间的一种形式使用成本较低,也便于争取反对派的支持要是欺骗或利用的意图被察觉,易适得其反强制直接使用威胁或强制手段取得支持的花费低,也较易可能是不合法的,即便合法的强制也容易被 看成是一种暴力,Exhibit 16.4 Helping Employees Accept Change,变革管理中的新问题,组织文化变革组织文化阻碍变革是因为它是由相对稳定和持久的因素构成的强文化会

7、成为变革的一种特别的阻力对情境因素的认识 使得文化更有可能变革大规模危机出现领导职位是人组织新而小文化力弱,变革管理中的新问题(续),组织文化变革(续)如何实现文化变革?需要一个全面的、协调的战略展示现有文化是无效的推行新的“做事方式”强化新的价值观如果能产生变革,那也是迟缓的保护新的价值观,以免回到原有熟悉的做法和惯例中,文化变革的途径,进行组织文化分析,确定需要变革的文化因素向员工们明确说明,如果不马上推行变革,组织的生存就会 受到致命的威胁任命具有新观念的新领导发动一次组织重组引入新故事来传播新观念改变人员甄选和社会化过程及绩效评估和奖酬制度,以支持 新的价值观,变革管理中的新问题(续)

8、,持续的质量改进持续的、小规模的、渐进的变革改进现有的工作活动依靠基层人员参与决策制定流程再造使组织开展工作的方式产生激烈的、急剧的变革始于工作方式的全新设计确定顾客需要设计出能满足这一需要的工作流程要求管理者和一般员工的共同参与,持续的质量改进与再造的对比,持续的质量改进 持续的、渐进的变革改良、改进着重考虑“现状”从组织的底层开始,再造 急剧的变革再设计推倒重来着重思考“能变成怎样”从组织的高层开始,变革管理中的新问题(续),处理员工压力什么是压力? 一个人在面临与其愿望密切相关的机会、限制或要求时的一种动态条件结果被认为是不确定且重要的经常与限制和要求相伴随有压力未必就是件坏事情潜在压力

9、转换为现实压力的前提是:结果具有不确定性结果相当重要,变革管理中的新问题(续),处理员工压力(续)压力的根源存在于与组织有关的因素及员工自己生活中的个人因素任何形式的变革都有造成压力的可能在重大议题上的不确定性,压力的来源,压力,个人的因素,与职务相关的因素,压力的症状,压力的症状,生理的,心理的,行为的,Exhibit 16.9 Mistakes Managers Make When Leading Change,变革管理中的新问题(续),处理员工压力(续)减缓压力控制某些组织因素员工要有与职务要求相对应的能力增进组织的沟通减少模糊性绩效计划方案明确工作职责提供绩效反馈职务再设计降低工作厌倦

10、与超负荷,变革管理中的新问题(续),处理员工压力(续)减缓压力(续)对个人的压力提供帮助一般的考虑不易为管理者直接控制伦理方面的考虑可行的方法员工咨询实践管理方案举办各种健身活动,激发创新,创造与创新创造 以独特的方式综合各种思想或在各种思想之间建立起独特联系的这样一种能力创新 形成一创造性思想并将其转换为有用的产品、服务或工作方法的过程,创新的系统观,创新的激发与培育必须关注投入 具有创造性的个人和群体要有合适的环境 结构因素有机式结构富足的资源沟通,激发创新(续),激发创新(续),创新的激发与培育(续)要有合适的环境(续)文化因素鼓励试验不论成功还是失败都给予奖励赞赏失败人力资源因素对员工

11、开展培训和发展提供高工作保障鼓励员工成为创新带头人高度自信、有持久力、精力旺盛、敢于冒风险以其个人的精神来激发他人,创新的因素,Exhibit 16.6 Innovation Variables,本章结束,谢谢大家,PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookCopyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1340,L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E Fo

12、llow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.,What Is Change?Define organizational change.Explain how managers are affected by change.Forces for ChangeDiscuss the external and internal forces for change.Contrast internal and external change agents.Two Views of the Change ProcessCont

13、rast the calm waters and white-water rapids metaphors of change.Explain Lewins three-step model of the change process.Discuss the environment that managers face today.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1341,L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd) Follow this Learning Outline

14、as you read and study this chapter.,Managing ChangeExplain how managers might change structure, technology, and people.Explain why people resist change and how resistance might be managed.Contemporary Issues in Managing ChangeExplain why changing organizational culture is so difficult and how manage

15、rs can do it.Describe employee stress and how managers can help employees deal with stress.Discuss what it takes to make change happen successfully.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1342,L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd) Follow this Learning Outline as you read and stu

16、dy this chapter.,Stimulating InnovationExplain why innovation isnt just creativity.Explain the systems view of innovation.Describe the structural, cultural, and human resource variables that are necessary for innovation.Explain what idea champions are and why theyre important to innovation.,Copyrigh

17、t 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1343,What Is Change?,Organizational ChangeAny alterations in the people, structure, or technology of an organizationCharacteristics of ChangeIs constant yet varies in degree and directionProduces uncertainty yet is not completely unpredictableCreat

18、es both threats and opportunitiesManaging change is an integral partof every managers job.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1344,Forces for Change,External forcesMarketplaceGovernmental laws and regulationsTechnologyLabor marketEconomic changes,Internal ForcesChanges in or

19、ganizational strategyWorkforce changesNew equipmentEmployee attitudes,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1345,The Manager as Change Agent,Change AgentsPeople who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for changing process are called change agents.Types of Change Agen

20、tsManagers: internal entrepreneursNonmanagers: change specialistsOutside consultants: change implementation experts,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1346,Exhibit 13.1,The Change Process,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1347,Change Process Viewpoi

21、nts,The Calm Waters MetaphorLewins description of the change process as a break in the organizations equilibrium stateUnfreezing the status quoChanging to a new stateRefreezing to make the change permanentWhite-Water Rapids MetaphorThe lack of environmental stability and predictability requires that

22、 managers and organizations continually adapt (manage change actively) to survive.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1348,Exhibit 13.2,Three Categories of Change,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1349,Types of Change,StructuralChanging the organiza

23、tions structure or its structural componentsTechnologicalAdopting new equipment or operating methods that displace old skills and require new onesAutomation: replacing certain tasks done by people with machinesComputerization,WorkforceChanging attitudes, expectations, perceptions, and behaviors of t

24、he workforceOrganizationaldevelopment (OD)Techniques or programs to change people and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1350,Exhibit 13.3,Organizational Development Techniques,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All

25、 rights reserved. 13-,1351,Managing Resistance to Change,Why People Resist Change?The ambiguity and uncertainty that change introducesThe comfort of old habitsA concern over personal loss of status, money, authority, friendships, and personal convenienceThe perception that change is incompatible wit

26、h the goals and interest of the organization,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1352,Exhibit 13.4,Managerial Actions to Reduce Resistance to Change,Education and CommunicationParticipationFacilitation and SupportNegotiationManipulation and Co-optationCoercion,Copyright 2005

27、Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1353,Issues in Managing Change (contd),Changing Organizational CulturesCultures are naturally resistant to change.Conditions that facilitate cultural change:The occurrence of a dramatic crisisLeadership changing handsA young, flexible, and small organizat

28、ionA weak organizational culture,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1354,Exhibit 13.5,The Road to Cultural Change,Conduct a cultural analysis to identify cultural elements needing change.Make it clear to employees that the organizations survival is legitimately threatened if

29、 change is not forthcoming.Appoint new leadership with a new vision.Initiate a reorganization.Introduce new stories and rituals to convey the new vision.Change the selection and socialization processes and the evaluation and reward systems to support the new values.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc

30、. All rights reserved. 13-,1355,Issues in Managing Change,Handling Employee Stress due to ChangeStressThe physical and psychological tension an individual feels when confronted with extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities and their associated importance and uncertainties.Functional Stre

31、ssStress that has a positive effect on performance.How Potential Stress Becomes Actual StressWhen there is uncertainty over the outcome.When the outcome is important.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1356,Exhibit 13.6,Causes of Stress,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All

32、 rights reserved. 13-,1357,Exhibit 13.7,Symptoms of Stress,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1358,Issues in Managing Change,Reducing StressEngage in proper employee selectionMatch employees KSAs to jobs TDRsUse realistic job interviews for reduce ambiguityImprove organizati

33、onal communicationsDevelop a performance planning programUse job redesignProvide a counseling programOffer time planning management assistanceSponsor wellness programs,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1359,Issues in Managing Change,Making Change Happen SuccessfullyEmbrace

34、changebecome a change-capable organization.Create a simple, compelling message explaining why change is necessary.Communicate constantly and honestly.Foster as much employee participation as possibleget all employees committed.Encourage employees to be flexible.Remove those who resist and cannot be

35、changed.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1360,Exhibit 13.8,Characteristics of Change-Capable Organizations,Link the present and the future.Make learning a way of life.Actively support and encourage day-to-day improvements and changes.,Ensure diverse teams.Encourage maveri

36、cks.Shelter breakthroughsIntegrate technology.Build and deepen trust.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1361,Stimulating Innovation,CreativityThe ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make an unusual association.InnovationTurning the outcomes of the creative proces

37、s into useful products, services, or work methods,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1362,Exhibit 13.9,Systems View of Innovation,Source: Adapted from R.W. Woodman, J.E. Sawyer, and R.W. Griffin, “Toward a Theory of Organizational Creativity,” Academy of Management Review, A

38、pril 1993, p. 309.,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1363,Exhibit 13.10,Innovation Variables,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1364,Creating the “Right” Environment for Innovation,Structural VariablesAdopt an organic structureMake available plentif

39、ul resourcesEngage in frequent interunit communicationMinimize extreme time pressures on creative activitiesProvide explicit support for creativity,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1365,Creating the “Right” Environment for Innovation (contd),Cultural VariablesAccept ambigu

40、ityTolerate the impracticalHave low external controlsTolerate risk takingTolerate conflictFocus on ends rather than meansDevelop an open-system focusProvide positive feedback,Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13-,1366,Creating the “Right” Environment for Innovation (contd),Human Resource VariablesActively promote training and development to keep employees skills current.Offer high job security to encourage risk taking.Encourage individual to be “champions” of change.,


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