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1、雅思作文如何结尾 雅思作文如何结尾?-绝学之作,烤鸭必读!。今天给大家带来了雅思作文如何结尾,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下。雅思作文如何结尾?-绝学之作,烤鸭必读!就雅思写作3大出题类型/写作思路,暂时归纳3种结尾方式,并试图一一说明。(1)一边倒型:完全同意/反对题目中的一方观点结尾:再次重述观点,并总结前文给出的理由。(30-50字即可)(2)双边讨论型:对双方观点的优劣进行讨论结尾:总结双方观点,提出自己的判断标准和结论:即倾向于更赞同某一方,还是认为双方应互补,或者认为双方都有缺陷,因此应该提出一个更合理的观点。(一般需要50-80字左右)(3)问题解决型:分析问题

2、/现象产生的原因,提出解决办法结尾:问题/现象的解决办法(无需再总结原因)。(一般需要100字以上)举例1:一边倒型Many people say that cooking and eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating out in restaurants and canteens. Do you agree or disagree?Everyone has to eat. The question is, where to eat? You may cook and eat at home

3、, or just eat out in restaurants or canteens. My personal opinion is that eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating out.First, it has no doubt that cooking and eating at home can save a lot of money. Generally, the cost of eating in restaurants is much higher than eating

4、 at home. By cooking at home, you dont have to pay the labor fee for the chef, and dont have to pay tips to the waiter. What you have to do is just a little hand operation and a little time. From supermarkets, you can buy cheap vegetables and meat, which may cost only 10 percent of the same food in

5、a restaurant. Sometimes, you can get cheaper food in discount time. Especially, a big family may enjoy the method, as the monthly cost would be less.Second, you can freely select your favorite food to cook. A restaurant cannot always provide you with delicious food. The taste of food in restrurants

6、is usually designed for the public, which is not suitable for a particular guest. If you miss the taste of your mums soup, its not likely to find the same one in a restraurant. In this case, the best choice is to cook by yourself, to reproduce your mums food to the best you can.Finally, its obvious

7、that eating at home is more healthy and clean. You dont know whether its dirty in the restaurants, and also you dont know whether the food is fresh. But by cooking at home, you can know everything about the cooking materials. Moreover, its easy to control the usage of fat and oil, unless you dont ca

8、re to become too fat.In brief, I believe that eating at home is healthy and clean. If people want to save money, eating at home is also a good choice. In addition, people can cook what they like as well. So I personally prefer eating at home.Band: 7 (难度较低完成质量高的动作)评析:本习作采用的是一边倒结构。开头段即表明自己的观点:在家吃饭更好。接

9、下来三段从三个方面论述在家吃饭的好处:(1)在家吃饭省钱;(2)在家吃饭可吃自己最喜欢的饭菜;(3)在家吃饭更健康卫生。最后一段为结尾段。各位烤鸭注意,这三个原因的先后顺序安排符合老雅一直试图告诉你们的三个层次哦:从物质层次(钱)- 心理层次(喜欢)- 社会层次(健康卫生)。若对老雅的三大层次理论仍不清楚,请回读本公众号!结尾段里,作者用三句话总结前面讲的三大原因:eating at home is healthy and clean; eating at home also saves money; people can cook what they like if they eat at

10、home. 最后一句结论:我宁愿在家吃饭。本结尾虽然结构清晰,但的确没有什么难度,甚至过于简单了,就像体操中下杠前的动作与前面动作是一模一样的重复,让看客都很无聊了。若是老雅来写,可能会玩点花(这得根据你自己的情况,不要从杠上掉下来最重要!):In brief, I personally prefer eating at home. Besides saving money and being more healthy and clean, eating at home also gives me the freedom to cook whatever I like, and I like

11、this feeling.举例 2: 双边讨论型In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.It is quite common these days for young people in many coun

12、tries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time.The reasons for this trend may invol

13、ve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or travelling to other places, have a broader view of life and better perso

14、nal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of student life.However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young

15、 adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment. They may think that it is better to continue in a particular job or to do something completely different from a university course. But overall I think this is less likely today, when ac

16、ademic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usual

17、ly the most effective and motivated ones and taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.Band:8 (难度适中完成质量较高的动作)评析:本习作采用的双边讨论型结构。第一段提出现象,但不表明自己观点;第二段讨论上大学前休假或工作一年的好处:拓宽视野、积累资源、学会独立;第三段讲此举可能带来的坏处:很多人就再也难以适应大学生活了(顺便表明自己不太赞同这个观点);最后一段结论段。内容并无惊艳之处。双边讨论的结尾段需要表明自己的观点,并简要说明原因(也就是说到底是什么标准让你选择支持某个观点,或者

18、两个观点都支持,甚或两个观点都反对)。本作文对学生上大学前工作或休假1年表示赞同,原因是可以拓宽视野,接下来用 “自然接续”法讲为什么拓宽视野很重要:拓宽视野就可以帮助他们清楚地知道生活需要什么,而知道了生活需要什么后他们就会变得非常有效率,有动力(如果还不知道“自然接续”是什么,你已经OUT啦!没关系,请回看老雅公众号,马上补课!)。这个结尾段显得非常有效:观点明确,支持观点的理由充分。值得注意的是:在双边讨论作文中,由于前面讨论双方观点已经占据了很多篇幅,因此,在结尾段,一般不再对自己的结论过多展开论述,而是在前文讨论基础上表明立场,并用1-2句话适当说出自己的理由。在这样的结尾段中,最重

19、要的就是要写出:(1)自己的观点;(2)自己观点的判断标准或者依据(不需详细展开)。举例3:问题分析/解决型Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?What other measures do you think might be effective?There is no doubt that traffic and pollution from vehicles

20、 have become huge problems, both in cities and on motorways everywhere. Solving these problems is likely to need more than a simple rise in the price of petrol.While it is undeniable that private car use is one of the main causes of increasing in traffic and pollution, higher fuel costs are unlikely

21、 to limit the number of drivers for long. As this policy would also affect the cost of public transport, it would be very unpopular with everyone who needs to travel on the roads. But there are various other measures that could be implemented that would have a huge effect on these problems.I think t

22、o tackle the problem of pollution, cleaner fuels need to be developed. The technology is already available to produce electric cars that would be both quieter and cleaner to use. Persuading manufacturers and travelers to adopt this new technology would be a more effective strategy for improving the

23、air quality, especially in cities.However, traffic congestion will not be solved by changing the type of private vehicle people can use. To do this, we need to improve the choice of public transport services available to travelers. For example, if sufficient sky train and underground train system we

24、re built and effectively maintained in our major society, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced.Long-distance train and coach services should be made attractive and affordable alternatives to driving your own cars for long journeys.Band:8.5 (难度较大完成质量较高的动作)本题是一个类似讨论+问题解决综合类题型,很少见,但万


26、。注意:本题中有两个问题需要解决,因此需要提出不同的解决办法。大家若有兴趣,可以进一步学习*在提出解决办法时,使用的不同句型:1)I think to tackle the problem of pollution, cleaner fuels need to be developed. (need to do.引导建议)2).if sufficient sky train and underground train system were built and effectively maintained in our major society, then traffic on the ro

27、ads would be dramatically reduced.(虚拟语气引导建议)3)Long-distance train and coach services should be made attractive and affordable alternatives to driving your own cars for long journeys. (should 引导建议)相比而言,我们的同学好像通篇只会用should来引导建议和问题解决方法,做人做文的差距怎么那么大呢!另外提一句,我们的同学只要一写到问题解决,好像就必须要写“提高.的意识”、“政府要加强教育” 这样假大空的词

28、句,真是够了!看看本段人家的具体建议,记住:在雅思作文中拒绝假大空,多点具体实际、贴近生活的内容!雅思图表作文中的优秀作文梳理1.我们可以从图表上看出:托雅的女生比例远远高于男生所占比例。As can be seen from the chart, the percentage of female students was far higher than that of male students at Toya.2.从图表反映的情况来看:读雅思的人数远远超过读托福的,同时,读托福的人数一直呈现平稳上升趋势。As can be seen from the chart, those who ch

29、ose to study for IELTS far outnumbered those choosing to study for TOEFL. Meanwhile, the number of those who chose to study for TOEFL was on a steady rise.3.从图表反映的情况来看:托雅学生在饭店用餐的频率在不同的月份呈现出了相应的波动趋势。As can be seen from the diagram, the frequency of Toya students eating at restaurants revealed a trend

30、 of fluctuations in different months.4.从图表反映的情况来看:托雅男教师所承担的每周工作量要高于女教师的。As can be seen from the charts, the weekly workload borne by male teachers outweighed that of female teachers at Toya.5.从整个图表反映的情况来看:托雅总部以及五个分校的营业收入都呈现出了快速的增长趋势。As can be seen from the chart, the sales of Toya Headquarter and th

31、e five branch schools all revealed a trend of fast increase across the board.6.从整个图表反映的情况来看:托雅教师的收入状况呈现出了稳步增长的总态势。As can be seen from the chart, the income of Toya teachers revealed a general trend of steady rise.7.图表显示:托雅广告投入呈现出逐渐下降的趋势,然而有趣的是,营业收入却呈现出大幅度的攀升。As can be seen from the chart, the advert

32、ising investment of Toya revealed a trend of gradual decrease, but interestingly, its sales witnessed a trend of increase by leaps and bounds.8.饼图反映出托雅女生的比例远远高于男生;曲线图则表明在雅思考试成绩方面,女生的表现也远远好于男生。The pie chart shows that the percentage of female students was much higher than that of male students while

33、the graph indicates that in terms of students performance on IELTS, female students did a much better job than male ones.9.饼图表明:托雅雅思比托福所占份额要高出很多;曲线图则显示出:两个项目每月的招生情况呈现出了总的波动趋势。The pie chart indicates that IELTS accounted for a much larger percentage than TOEFL at Toya while the graph shows that stude

34、nt enrollment on the two programs on a monthly basis revealed a general trend of fluctuations.10.图表反映出:托雅上半年与下班年的营业收入总体呈现出快速的上升趋势,成本与支出表现出了较大的波动。The graph indicates that the sales of Toya both in the first half and the second half of the year revealed a general trend of fast increase while costs and

35、 expenses fluctuated greatly.11.根据图表所示,托雅行政人员中男性员工的比例要高于女性。As is indicated in the graph, male employees working in executive positions accounted for a much higher percentage than females.12.根据图表所示,所有群体的收入都呈现了上升趋势,虽然上升的幅度有所差异。As is indicated in the graph, the income of all the groups revealed a gener

36、al trend of increase across the board though the margins of the rises varied.13.根据图表所示,人们的教育程度越高,收入便越高。As is indicated in the graph, the higher ones education level was, the higher his income.14.根据图表所示,该公司的净销售与成本支出皆呈现了快速提高的总趋势,而其利润则呈现了波动。As can be seen from the table, net sales and costs and expense

37、s of the designated company both showed a general trend of fast increase while its profit fluctuated.15.从图表我们可以看出:女性吸烟者的百分比呈现稳步增长,而男性则处于波动状态。As we can see from the first chart, the percentage of female smokers was on a steady rise across the board while the number of male smokers showed a trend of f

38、luctuations.16.从图表可以看出:选择数学的人们的百分比稳步下降,而选择商务管理者则呈现出上升的总趋势。As can be seen from the chart, the percentage of those who chose math declined steadilywhile those who studied business management revealed a general upward trend.17.从图表可以看出:在所界定的时段里,路上总的交通事故显示了波动的总趋势。As can be seen from the table, the total

39、road accidents over the designated period revealed a general trend of fluctuations.18.根据图表显示:中国在汽车生产与销售方面皆呈现出了迅猛的增长态势。As is indicated in the graph, Chinas auto manufacturing and sales both revealed a general trend of dramatic increase.19.如图所示:上海私家车保有量连续10年呈现出迅猛增长的趋势,而空气质量则显现出截然相反的态势。As is indicated

40、in the graph, private car ownership revealed a trend of dramatic increase for 10 years in a row while air quality showed an obviously opposite trend.20.如图所示,托雅学生开车前来上课的人数呈现大幅攀升态势,而停车困难指数也同步大幅提升。As can be seen from the chart, the number of Toya students who drove to school showed a trend of substanti

41、al increase and the index of difficulty for parking increased accordingly.21.图表显示:不管他们有几个孩子,已婚妇女都要比已婚男士做的家务活多得多。As we can see from the graph, married women did far more household work than married men did no matter how many children they had.22.总体而言,昂立托雅学院男女生注册学雅思的人数比学托福的人数多。Generally speaking, ther

42、e were more students of both genders getting enrolled in IELTS than in TOEFL at Onlytoya College.23.根据图表显示:男性在管理和专业类岗位上工作的百分比要高于女性,而女性在文书及其相关岗位上占的百分比要高于男性。As we can see from the charts, a much higher percentage of men worked on managerial and professional jobs than women did while women took up a mu

43、ch larger percentage in terms of clerical and its related jobs than men.24.总体而言,涵盖更多工作门类的服务业雇佣了较低百分比的劳动力队伍,却产出了这个国家较大百分比的GDP价值。Generally speaking, the service sector, which covered a much wider range of job varieties,employed a much lower percentage of the workforce but produced a much higher propor

44、tion of the GDP value in the designated country.25.总体而言,求与供皆呈现了总的波动趋势,以2003年后供大于求为主要趋势。In general both demand and supply revealed a general trend of fluctuations across the boardwith supply surpassing demand as the main trend after the year 2003.26.柱状图显示:收入越高者去饭店吃饭的频率和每次的消费额越高。As is indicated in the

45、 bar chart, the higher peoples income was, the more frequently they dined at restaurants and the more they spent each time.27.根据图表显示:参加雅思考试的考生年龄呈现年轻化趋势。As is indicated in the diagram, the age of IELTS candidates showed a trend of getting younger over the designated period of time.28.从图表中我们可以看到:雅思考生的

46、家庭经济状况总体而言要比托福考生的家庭状况好得多。As can be seen from the chart, the family financial statuses of IELTS candidates were much better than that of TOEFL candidates.29.图表显示,前往美国和加拿大留学的人数呈现出下降趋势,而前往英国和澳大利亚的留学人数则呈现稳步增加趋势。As is indicated in the graph, the number of students who chose to go to U.S.A. and Canada sho

47、wed a trend of decline while that of those who went to the U.K. and Australia revealed a trend of steady rise.30.图表显示:雅思每月考试次数的增加对于雅思考生人数的迅速增长产生了非常大的影响。As is shown in the chart, the increase in the number of IELTS per month had a significant impact on the rapid increase in the number of IELTS candid

48、ates.雅思G类小作文写作高分技巧G类的小作文绝大多数都是以书信形式展开的,这一形式本身决定了它与A类小作文有着很大的区别。但仔细分析一下题目,基本万变不离其宗,下面以剑9的一道题目为例来进行题目分析。You are working for a company. You need to take some time off work and want to ask your manager about this.Write a letter to your manager. In your letterExplain why you want to take time off workGive details of the amount of time you needSuggest how your work could be covered while you are away首先,作文


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