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1、闽教版六年级上册英语全册课件,1,Goodbye!,Unit1The Olympic Games Part B,Lets chant,Games,games,the Olympic Games.Watch,watch,did you watchDid you watch,the Olympic Games?What, what,what do you know?Wha dou you know about the Olympic games?,点击此处播放视频,Review,读出你看到的单词,看到 拍手两次,game,Olympic games,trake place,Summer,winte

2、r,ring,answer,hold 举办,held hold 的过去式,动词的过去式,Now,August 8,2008,yesterday,holdbegin,heldbegan,读课本P4,回答下列问题,Read and answer,1.When did the Games bigin?,2.What are the slogans?,The Games began on August 8,2008.,One world,one dream.Faster,higher and stronger.,以两人或四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(分角色读

3、),Read after tape.(跟录音读),Read together.(齐读),Show reading,Act it out fluently Act it out with emotions有感情地表演Act it out fluently with movement有感情地带动作表演,Lets act,Unit1The Olympic Games Part C,Enjoy a song,点击此处播放,answer,slogan,together,began,world,火眼金睛:Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词 ),world,hold,dream,somethin

4、g,Review,Lets sing,根据刚才听的中文版,唱出英文版,一千里,手拉手,翻开课本P6,观察五环图片,然后,补全书中句子,老师会找同学上黑板展示。,Lets write,Lets chant,点击此处播放音频,跟老师一起打着节拍chant。,长城,福娃,根据老师读的英文内容,将下列时间和相应活动连线,Lets match,五环图,Lets evaluate,完成课本P8,然后自主默单词,背诵课文,完成练习题。,Unit2 Physical ExercisePart A,Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy a

5、nd wise.,No exercise, no life.,healthy,heli ,健康的,xxx is healthy.,h_lthy,heal_,exercise,ekssaz,锻炼,ex_ci_,Lets review some exercises.,Do you often exercise?,fn,游戏猜一猜游戏规则:请一位经常锻炼的学生上台,每组请一位学生用“Do you often?”提问来猜测该同学经常锻炼的体育项目。给猜对的学生所在的小组加分。,Whos the man?,Whos the woman?,woman,women,wmn,w_m_n,wmn,one wom

6、an,two women,five women,Whos she?,Where is she from?,Whos he?,Where is he from?,Is he good at sports?,He is good at sports,What are they doing?,They are having a class meeting. Look,Sally and her father are talking. What are they talking about?Please listen and watch carefully.,What are Sally and he

7、r father talking about?,They are talking about Peter.,Peter exercises every day.How does Peter exercise every day?,He always gets up early in the morning.,He is good at sports,always,He always gets up early in the morning.,Then he goes running.,He is good at sports,always,then,Does he often play bas

8、ketball?,He is good at sports,always,then,often,Does he often play football?Whats Sallys answer?Please underline the answer.,He is good at sports,always,then,often,sometimes,get up,Does he often do high jump?,看图复述,He is good at sports,always,then,often,sometimes,get up,根据实际谈谈自己,如:I often go to schoo

9、l at seven oclock.Sometimes I play chess with my father.I always go running on Sunday morning.,Peter exercises_. So he looks_ .,Fill in the blanks,XXX looks strong and healthy.,Where is the cat?,Its between the box.,btwi:n,Where is the cat?,Its in the box.,Where is the cat?,Its on the box.,Where is

10、the cat?,Its beside the box.,bsad ,Where is the cat?,Its behind the box.,bhand ,Unit 2 Physical Exercises,Part B,Goodbye!,Unit 3 Food and Health,Part A,闽教版小学英语第七册,Enjoy a song:,An apple,health 健康,healthy健康的,milk,They are good for you.,They are bad for you.,dumplings,hot dogs,rice,grapes,Coke,noodles

11、,ice cream,hamburgers,chocolate,candykndi ,糖果,some candy,candy 是不可数名词,Its bad for your teeth.,它对你的牙齿不好。,Do you like candy?,Yes,Its sweet. I like it very much.,Its bad for your teeth.,foot,feet,tooth,teeth,你发现了什么规律?,.is bad for your teeth.,Learn the text,1.Does Ben like the candy? Why?Yes,he does. Be

12、cause the candy is sweet.2.Is the candy good for the teeth?No,it isnt. It is bad for your teeth.3.What food is good for our health?Vegetables,fruit,milk,eggs,fish,Look and say(P17),Learn the English sounds.(P17),Learn to write,Tips: 1. I like_ ,_ and _. 2. I dont like_ ,_ and _.,milk (牛奶) bread (面包)

13、 cake (蛋糕) eggs(鸡蛋) rice(米饭) noodles(面条) dumplings(水饺)hot dogs(热狗)pears(梨)hamburgers(汉堡) fish(鱼) Coke(可乐)vegetables(蔬菜) ice cream(冰淇淋)bananas(香蕉)apples(苹果)grapes(葡萄)melon(西瓜) candy(糖果)peaches(桃子) orange(橘子) juice(果汁) chicken(鸡)meat (肉),Homework,1.完成活动手册PartA。2.预习PartB,并完成练习。3.给你的家人提出饮食上的建议。,They are

14、 good /bad for you.,They keep your body healthy.他们可以让你的身体保持健康。,bag,bad不好的,糟糕的,它们对你有好处/它们对你有害处。,Unit 3 Food and Health,Part B,闽教版小学英语第七册,Song,An Apple,Chant,Do You Like Fast Food?,边听边画出食物的单词。,Do You Like Fast Food?,Do you like fast food?Yes, I do .Do you like it, too?I dont like chicken.I dont like c

15、heese.No more, please.,I like fish.I like rice.Theyre very nice.,_ is good for our health._ is bad for our health.,menu菜单,two menus,milk,cake,eggs,juice,corn,egg,hamburger,coke,ice cream,noodles,vegetables,fish,chicken,hot dogs,dumplings,fruit,_ is good /bad for our health.,看谁反应快:遇到可数名词,读大声,遇到不可数名词,

16、读小声。,_ is/are delicious.,Listen,Which menu does Yang Ming Like?Why does he like it?,He likes menu A.,is sweet.,are delicious.,Because,Listen and follow,画出你不懂的句子。,1. Is there any problem with Menu A?2. There arent any fruits and vegetables.3. Thats the problem.4. We need vegetables and fruits to keep

17、 healthy.,any (一些),一般用在否定句和疑问句中。some(一些),一般用在肯定句中。,There be 句型,1. Is there any problem with Menu A?2. There arent any fruits and vegetables.,There be ,表示“某处有某人/某物”.这种结构的句子变成问句,只要把be动词提前,句号变成问号就可以了。,Practice,There _ an English book on the desk.There _ five books on the desk.There _ four windows in th

18、e classroom.There _ an apple on the desk._ there any books on the desk?_ there an apple on the desk?,Is,Are,is,is,are,are,Homework,熟读课文5遍,小组长检查签名。完成相应的活动手册。完成P 22 的自我评价,同桌检查签名。,Unit 4 Buying New Clothes,Part A,I want a.wants a.,Now Sally,Ben and their mother are buying new clothes.,What does Sally w

19、ant? What does Ben want?,dress,skirt,short,shorts,short,shirt,skirt,shorts,shorts,a pair of,a pair of shoes,a pair of shorts,a pair of glasses,Now Sally,Ben and their mother are buying new clothes.,What does Sally want?Sally wants a dress. What does Ben want?Ben wants a pair of shorts and a cap.,cat

20、,cap,hat,cap,Can I help you,madam?Can I help you,sir?,mother,daughter,father,son,Can I try it on?She looks beautiful in her new dress.,A. looks beautiful in her skirt.B. looks cool in his new sports shoes. C.looks beautiful in her dress.,Ask and answerLearn to write,Homework,1.听录音,熟读并背诵本课内容。2.结合今天所学

21、的知识,谈论一下班上同学的着装。3.写本课单词与句子。,Unit4 Buying New ClothesPart B,a T-shirt,a jacket,a dress,a sweater,a shirt,a coat,a skirt,a pair of sports shoes,a pair of shorts,a pair of glasses,a pair of socks,a hat,a cap,trousers,a pair of,Girls can wear trousers like boys.,Boys cant wear skirts or dresses like gir

22、ls.,1、What can girls wear like boys?,Girls can wear shorts, trousers and T-shirts like boys.,2、What cant boys wear like girls?,Boys cant wear skirts or dresses like girls.,lucky,boring,like (介词)像一样,Boys cant have long hair like girls.(男孩不能像女孩一样留长发。)Ducks cant fly like birds.(鸭子不能像小鸟一样飞。)I can run fa

23、st like you.(我能像你一样跑得快。),Summary.,New Words:clothes, trousers, boringNew sentences:,1.Girls can wear shorts, trousers and T-shirts like boys.,2.Boys cant wear skirts or dresses like girls.,依照课文内容填空,These clothes_ (be) very boring.Your shorts _(be) too short.My T-shirt _(be) too small.Its _(get) cool

24、.You_ (need) it.Ben_ (need) it.,Thank you!,Part A,Unit 5 Housework,homework,housework,(家庭作业),(家务事),do my homework,do some housework,h sew k,or,ou,Do you often do some housework ?,dirty kids,dirty clothes,dirty socks,airs of socks 袜子,clean socks,dirty socks,these(这些)those(那些),Bens socks,Whose T-shirt

25、 is this?,this 这,I think its Wang Taos.,Whose dog is that?,that 那,I think its Sallys.,I think they are Kates.,Whose toys are these?,these 这些,this 这,这个,that 那,那些,these 这些,those 那些,Q 1 : What does Mom want Ben to do ?,Put them in the washing machine .,the dirty socks,washing machine,Put them in the wa

26、shing machine.,washing machine.,Put them in the .,box,table,Put them in the .,bag,bedroom,Q 1 : What does Mom want Ben to do ?,Q 2 : What does Mom want Kate to do ?,Put them in the washing machine .,the dirty socks,Put them in the box.,the toys,M: Lets do some together .S : OK .M : are those ?S : I

27、think theyre .M : them the .B :Yes , Mom.M : Kate . Are those your ?K : , they are .M : them the .K : .,Good memory,housework,Whose,dirty,socks,Bens,Put,in,washing,machine,toys,Yes,Put,in,box,All,right,Listen and learn the English sounds.,Homework,1、Recite Part A ,2、Finish Activity BookU5 PA .,See y

28、ou!,water the flowers,pick up the toys,clean the toilet,make the bed整理床铺,Can you make the bed ?,Yes , I can .,I make my bed every morning .,clean the room打扫房间,Can you clean the room ?,Yes ,I can .,I clean my room every week .,clean the table擦桌子,Can you clean the table ?,Yes , I can .,I clean the tab

29、le after dinner .,clean the toilet打扫卫生间,Can you clean the toilet ?,Yes ,I can .,Please help me clean the toilet .,wash my clothes洗衣服,Can you wash the clothes ?,Yes ,I can .,water the flowers浇花,Can you water the flowers ?,Yes . I can .,Its a piece of cake .这很简单。,water the plants给植物浇水,Can you water th

30、e flowers ?,Yes ,I can .,Its a piece of cake .这很简单。,Now clean your bedroom .,First make the bed .,Then pick up the toys on the floor .接着 捡起 在地板上,Sally often goes shopping with her mother.,Sometimes she picks vegetables from their garden.,She often plays with her sister Kate.,Kate can do some housewo

31、rk, too.,She can clean her little bike .,She can make her bed .,But she is too young .,She cant wash her clothes.,Unit 5 Housework,Part C,Mom is busy .Dad is busy , too .I want to help.What can I do ?,I can wash my clothes.And clean my room .I can water the flowers .And the trees , too.,We should he

32、lp parents to do some housework .,(我们应该帮助父母做家务。),Unit 6 An Unusual Day,Usual day,一般现在时表示经常性,规律性,习惯性的状态或者动作。如每天起床,吃饭,上学,一个星期去几次超市等。这个动作经常发生,是一般的情况,而不是具体的某一次。还有些动作或状态是永恒的,如地球绕着太阳转,太阳从东方升起等。,标志性的词有:usually sometimes always often every morning every week every day,get up起床,问题一:When do you get up?,get up

33、,I usually get up at seven oclock.She usually gets up at seven Oclock.,Walk to school走路去上学,Walk =on foot步行I walk to school=I go to school on foot,walk,I usually walk to school.She usually walks to school.,问题二How(怎么样) do you go to school?,I usually walk to school.She usually walks to school.,take a b

34、us 乘公交车,take a bus =by bus 乘公车,I usually go to school by bus.I usually take a bus to school,take a taxi=by taxi,问题三:How do you go to school?,I usually go to school by taxi.I usually take a taxi to school.,by bike,How do you go to school?,I go to school by bike.Wang Tao usually goes to school by bike

35、.,When do you get to school? (到达学校),I get to school at _. She gets to school at _.,at (在点钟),Half(半,一半),half past six 六点半half past nine 九点半half past twelve 十二点半,at 在点钟后,Wang Tao usually gets up at six thirty.at six thirty在六点半=at half past six,一般过去式表示过去某个时间里发生的非持续性动作或存在的状态,也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。用动词的过去式表示,常和

36、表示过去的时间状语连用,如:,Yesterday昨天 last night昨天晚上 two days ago两天前 this morning今天早上,动词原形及其过去式,原形 过去式is wasdo didgo wentget gottake tookwalk walkedhave had,动词变化对比,一般现在时 一般过去式get up got up/gets upwalk to school walked to school/walks to schooltake a taxi took a taxi/takes a taxiget to school got to school/ get

37、s to school,Late(迟到),Last night (昨天晚上)I went to bed lateTwo hours late.This morning(今天早上)I got up late,An hour late.Too bad, too bad,I got to school late,Ten minutes late.,读课文回答问题,When does Wang Tao usually get up?How does he usually go to school?When does he usually get to school?,读课文回答问题,When did

38、Wang Tao usually get up?How did he usually go to school?When did he usually get to school?,区别词组,get up 起床 get into 上车get to the school到达学校get home 到家,English Proverb (英语谚语),Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.早睡早起让人变得健康 富有 智慧!,语法知识小结,I/We/They + usually+动词原形He/She/it

39、+ usually+动词s或者es(不管主语是谁)+this morning+动词ed(不管主语是谁)+can+动词原形,usually (often/ sometimes/ always everyday /every morning /every week)This morning ( last night / yesterday)Can ( may must need),Homework:,听课文录音,模仿并熟读课文。完成活动手册中本课的练习。用动词过去式写出你的不寻常的一天。,Yesterday Wang Tao had an unusual day. Do you remember?

40、,动词原形和过去式,is do go get take,was,did,went,got,took,Unit 6 An Unusual Day,Part B,Wang Tao got to school at eight oclock.He was late.He came to his classroom.What happened next?,seat,go to your seat,After class,are,were,night,last,昨晚,half past eleven,so late,Miss Gao asked three questions.How did Wang

41、Tao answer?Please listen and repeat.,a little football fan,Youre a little football fan.My father is a football fan.My mother is a film fan.My brother is a basketball fan.She is a fan of Wang Fei.,Ask and answerRead. Tick or cross.Learn to write.,News,S1:Hello,.S2:Hi.S1:What did you do yesterday even

42、ing?S2:I read an interesting book.S1:When did you go to bed?S2:At ten oclock.,Homework,1.听录音,熟读本课内容。2.完成课本第49页自我评价表。,Christmas Day,December 25,December 25,December 25,Childrens Day,June 1,老师祝您节日快乐,Teachers Day,September 10,National Day,October 1,Mid-Autumn Day,Spring Festival,Its in January or Febru

43、ary.,Its a Chinese holiday.,How do you spend it?,make dumplings,have a big dinner,go to the fair,watch New Year programs on CCTV,What holiday is it?,Thanksgiving Day,Unit 7 ThanksgivingPart A,1.What is Thanksgiving?2.When is it?,1.What is Thanksgiving?,Its an American holiday.,Its an _holiday.Ben is

44、 an _boy.Sally is from _.Shes an _girl.,American America,American,American,America,American,2.When is it?,The fourth Thursday of November.,_is coming.,Thanksgiving,How does Sallys family spend Thanksgiving?,Listen the tape,have a big family dinner,Invite 邀请Can I invite my friends to dinner?,Invite f

45、riends to join us.,join 参加;加入,Invite friends to join them.,Role play,S: Whats the date today, Dad?F: Its November 17.S: Thanksgiving is coming. Can I invite my friends to dinner?F: sure.,S: Please come to our Thanksgiving dinner.J: Thank you.W: What is Thanksgiving?S: Its an American holiday.J: When

46、 is it ?S: The last Thursday of November.,W: How do you spend it?S: We have a big family dinner. We also invite friends to join us.W: Thats interesting.,Listen and learn the English sounds.,1.Does he live on the third floor?2.Did you go to bed late last night?3.Do you know the girl in the red dress?

47、4.Are there any pupils in the playground?,Summary,Words:,Thanksgiving American invite join,Sentence:,Whats the date today?Its ,Homework,1.背诵单词和句子2.完成练习册,Unit 7 Thanksgiving,Part B,Happy Thanksgiving !,Help yourselves to the food.请自便吃菜。,Would you like some soup?,Yes, please. Its delicious.,soup 汤,Pas

48、s me the vegetable salad, please.,A:Pass me the,please.B:Here you are.A:Thanks.,Pass me the corn please.,Here you are.,corn 玉米,Yes, please.,A:Would you like some?B:Yes, please.,Would you like some beef?,Yes, please.,Would you like some soup?,Thank you!,Unit 8 The Universe,Part A,the sun 太阳,the moon

49、月亮,the stars 星星,Look at the moon.,Its so bright.,shine 发光,Its light comes from the sun.,Are there any people on the moon?,No, there arent.,Is there a rabbit on the moon?,No, there isnt.,But in the Chinese story there is one.,That isnt real.,This is the real moon.,Are there any ?Yes, there are./No, t

50、here arent.,1. Are there any pupils in the playground? Yes, there are.2. Are there any trees on the moon? No, there arent.,Is there a ?Yes, there is./No, there isnt.,1. Is there a baby elephant in the zoo? Yes, there is.2. Is there a rabbit on the moon? No, there isnt.,Thank you!,Look and say!,big,s


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