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1、托福阅读推理类比题怎么做 托福阅读推理类比题怎么做?2道例题教会你实用解题思路,今天给大家来托福阅读推理类比题怎么做,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读推理类比题怎么做?2道例题教会你实用解题思路托福阅读推理题解题思路分析从题型构成上来看,托福阅读10大题型中的推理题其实很像是细节题,似乎都是需要考生返回原文来寻找具体信息并加以解题的。而这两种题型的不同之处在于细节题能够在原文中找到对应选项的细节,最多进行一些简单的表述形式变化,但含义却保持一致,可以说相对简单。而推理题则需要大家在找到原文的基础上再做进一步的逻辑推理分析,正确选项代表的含义要靠大家自己思索出来,无法


3、给大家两道来自托福官方真题中的阅读逻辑题做参考分析。推理题类比思维解题技巧实例讲解实例1:When it comes to physiology, the leatherback turtle is, in some ways, more like a reptilian whale than a turtle. It swims farther into the cold of the northern and southern oceans than any other sea turtle, and it deals with the chilly waters in a way uni

4、que among reptiles.What can be inferred about whales from this paragraph?A . They are considered by some to be reptiles.B. Their bodies are built in a way that helps them manage extremely cold temperatures.C .They are distantly related to leatherback turtles.D .They can swim farther than leatherback

5、 turtles.思路分析:先来看一道简单一点的逻辑题,这段文字讲了某种海龟的特点,其中提到了鲸鱼,问题就是能够从这段文字中推理出什么和鲸鱼有关的信息。根据infer这个关键词,可以看出这是一道较为明显的逻辑推理题。这段文字一共就两句话,第一句话就类似上面举的简单例子里的“像小刘一样”的这个部分,直接把类比双方海龟和鲸鱼提了出来。然后第二句话则说明了海龟具体具有的特点。那么根据类比逻辑,鲸鱼应该具有的也是第二句话中的这个特点,接下来大家只要从选项里找到和第二句话内容相近的部分就可以了,也就是海龟具有的应对寒冷的独特能力鲸鱼也有,所以选B。实例2:Buck rubs also have a sc

6、ent. These odors make buck rubs an important means of olfactory communication. Forehead rubbing by male deer on buck rubs presumably sends a great deal of information to other members of the same species. The presence of many well-marked rubs is indicative of older, higher-status males being in the

7、general vicinity rather than simply being a crude measure of relative deer abundance in a given area. The information conveyed by the olfactory signals on a buck rub make it the social equivalent of some auditory signals in other deer species, such as trumpeting by bull elk.What can be inferred from

8、 this paragraph about the trumpeting of bull elk?A.Trumpeting by higher-status bull elk signals their presence to other members of their species.B.Bull elk need to combine trumpeting with olfactory signals to covey information about their identity.C.Trumpeting alerts white-tailed deer to the presenc

9、e of bull elk in their vicinity.D.Trumpeting provides a better measure of deer presence in a given area than buck rubs do.思路分析:接下来再来看这道更有难度的推理题,这道题目的类比逻辑结构和上面正好相反,先说了A事物的一个特点,然后再说B事物也有类似特点。对应到原文中应该就是*的最后一句给出的提示,也就是buck rub散发出的olfactory signal和bull elk trumpeting发出的auditory signal有相同的作用。那么接下来大家就要去找出b

10、uck rub的olfactory signal有什么功效然后和选项对照一下就能得出正确答案了。具体到*里,buck rub的作用就是sends a great deal of information to other members of the same species和indicative of older, higher-status males being in the general vicinity,而trumpeting by bull elk应该也具备类似功效,也就是选项A了。总结以上两个例子可以看出,托福阅读中的逻辑题虽然需要考生进行自主思考,但这种推理思考的难度其实也并不

11、算高,大家不用想得太多太复杂,只需要稍稍进行简单的逻辑推理自然就能找到正确答案了。希望大家能够通过上面的例子了解应对托福阅读逻辑题的正确和实用思路,更好地解答阅读逻辑题拿到考试高分。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:reflective practice could.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:This was justified by the view that reflective practice could help teachers to feel more intellectually involved in their role and work in teac

12、hing and enable them to cope with the paucity of scientific fact and the uncertainty of knowledge in the discipline of teaching.结构分析:This(主语)was justified(谓语)by the view that reflective practice could help teachers to feel more intellectually involved in their role and work in teaching and enable th

13、em to cope with the paucity of scientific fact and the uncertainty of knowledge in the discipline of teaching(同位语从句).词汇讲解:reflective表示“反思的”,比如:in a reflective mood 思潮起伏。intellectually有“智力地;理智地”意思,这里表示“理智地融入到他们的角色和工作中去”。enable sb. to do sth.表示“使能够”,是写作可以借鉴的词组,比如:Money from her aunt enabled Jane to bu

14、y the house. 阿姨给简的钱使她能够买下那幢房子。paucity作名词,表示“缺乏”,比如:the paucity of imagination 缺乏想象力,a paucity of information 缺乏信息。句子分析:本句的主句是This was justified by the view that.,表示“后面的观点证明前面的事情是合理的”。什么观点呢?由that引导的同位语从句来作进一步的解释,同位语从句中的谓语动词分别是could help和enable,两者由and连接,形成并列结构。参考翻译:这一点被以下观点证明是合理的:反思的实践可以帮助老师们更加理智地融入到他

15、们的角色和工作中去,并让他们在学科教学中能够应对科学事实的缺乏和知识的不确定性。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:Cross sections cut through.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Cross sections cut through some of the fossils reveal that the mud filing the interior of the carcass differed in consistency and texture depending on its location inside the fish.结构分析:复合句,主句中含

16、有that引导的宾语从句。词汇讲解:carcass: the dead body of an animalconsistency: the consistency of a mixture or a liquid substance is how thick, smooth, etc.texture: the way a surface, substance or piece of cloth feels when you touch it句子分析:Cross sections cut through some of the fossils reveal主句中,cross sections 主

17、语,cut through some of the fossils 过去分词短语作定语修饰主语, reveal 是主句的谓语。 本部分的意思是:通过一些化石的横截面显示。that the mud filing the interior of the carcass differed in consistency and texture depending on its location inside the fish.宾语从句中,the mud 是主语,filing the interior of the carcass 现在分词作定语。differed 是从句的谓语, in consiste

18、ncy and texture 状语。depending on its location inside the fish, 状语。 本部分的意思是:由于在鱼体内的位置不同,填满尸体内部的泥在稠度和纹理上都有所不同。参考翻译:通过一些化石的横截面显示,由于在鱼体内的位置不同,填满尸体内部的泥在稠度和纹理上都有所不同。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:When the world which.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:When the world, which was created in beauty, becomes ugly and disorderly, the Nav

19、ajo gather to perform rituals with songs and make sand paintings to restore beauty and harmony to the world.结构分析:when引导的时间状语从句,其中含有定语从句作插入语,之后才出现主句。句子分析:When the world, which was created in beauty, becomes ugly and disorderly时间状语从句中,the world 作主语,后接which引导的定语从句,which指代the world, which引导的从句中was creat

20、ed 作谓语,in beauty 状语。 becomes ugly and disorderly 是when引导的状语从句里的系表结构作谓语部分。本部分的意思是:当在美丽中创造的世界变的丑陋和无序。the Navajo gather to perform rituals with songs and make sand paintings to restore beauty and harmony to the world.主句终于上线,其中the Navajo 主语,gather. and make是并列动词作谓语。to perform rituals with songs, 目的状语。make sand painting,中sand painting作宾语。to restore beauty and harmony to the world,不定式作状语。本部分的意思:纳瓦霍人聚集起来用歌曲举行仪式,并且用沙画恢复世界的美丽与和谐。参考翻译:当在美丽中创造的世界变的丑陋和无序,纳瓦霍人聚集起来用歌曲举行仪式,并且用沙画恢复世界的美丽与和谐。托福阅读推理类比题怎么做


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