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1、目 录1 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究意义21.2.1 理论意义21.2.2 现实意义31.3 研究思路与方法41.4 研究内容与框架52 相关研究文献综述82.1 心理资本82.1.1 心理资本的提出82.1.2 心理资本的概念92.1.3 心理资本的维度与测量122.1.4 心理资本的研究小结152.2 组织承诺162.2.1 组织承诺的涵义162.2.2 组织承诺的维度182.2.3 组织承诺的测量202.2.4 组织承诺的研究小结212.3 心理资本与组织承诺的相关研究212.4 文献评述223 研究设计与实施243.1 研究构想243.2 假设提出243.2.1 个体背景项对

2、研究变量的影响243.2.2 心理资本与组织承诺253.3 问卷设计与变量测量263.3.1 问卷设计263.3.2 心理资本量表273.3.3 组织承诺量表283.4 问卷发放与回收283.4.1 问卷预测试283.4.2 数据收集283.5 研究方法294 数据分析与假设检验304.1 样本描述304.2 信效度检验314.2.1 信度分析314.2.2 效度分析344.3 研究变量的描述性统计分析374.4 个人背景对研究变量的差异分析374.4.1 个人背景对心理资本的差异分析384.4.2 个人背景对组织承诺的差异分析404.5 简单相关分析424.6 因果关系分析434.7 假设检

3、验结果445 研究结论与展望475.1 研究结论475.2 对策建议485.3 研究不足与展望48参考文献49附录:调查问卷53致谢57Contents1. Introduction11.1 Study background11.2 The significance of the study21.2.1 Theoretical significance 21.2.2 Practical significance31.3 The ideas and methods of the study41.4 The contents and framework of the study52. Litera

4、ture review82.1 The reviews of psychological capital82.1.1 Propose of psychological capital82.1.2 Concept of psychological capital92.1.3 Dimensions and measurement of psychological capital122.1.4 Summary of psychological capital152.2 The reviews of organizational commitment162.2.1 Definition of orga

5、nizational commitment162.2.2 Dimensions of organizational commitment182.2.3 Measurement of organizational commitment202.2.4 Summary of organizational commitment212.3 The correlational research212.4 The review of literature223. The design and process of research243.1 Research supposition243.2 Researc

6、h hypotheses243.2.1 The effect of individual background243.2.2 The psychological capital and organizational commitment253.3 The questionnaire design and variable measurement263.3.1 The questionnaire design263.3.2 The psychological capital scale273.3.3 The organizational commitment scale283.4 Distrib

7、ution and collection of questionnaire283.4.1 The pre-test of questionnaire283.4.2 The collection of date283.5 Research methods294. Data analysis and hypothesis test304.1 Description of sample304.2 The reliability and validity analysis 314.2.1 The reliability analysis314.2.2 The validity analysis344.

8、3 The descriptive statistical analysis of research variables374.4 Variance analysis between each research variable and personal background374.4.1 Variance analysis between psychological capital and personal background 384.4.2 Variance analysis between organizational commitment and personal backgroun

9、d404.5 Simple correlation analysis424.6 Causal relationship analysis434.7 Hypothesis test results445. Conclusion475.1 Summary of research475.2 Suggestions485.3 Insufficiency and prospects of research48Reference49Appendix 1:The questionnaire53Acknowledgement5759摘 要随着当前世界范围内科学技术、经济全球化等的快速发展,促使市场竞争日益白热




13、的组织承诺情况进行数据收集。本研究调查问卷分别借用Luthans编制开发的PCQ-24量表,包括自我效能、希望、韧性、乐观四个维度,以及Meyer & Allen(1997)编制的三因素模型量表,即感情承诺、持续承诺、规范承诺,对心理资本和组织承诺进行测量。然后利用SPSS16.0统计软件对数据进行分析,利用单因素方差分析方法探讨了个人背景项对研究变量的显著影响,运用相关分析和回归分析方法对心理资本与组织承诺之间的关系假设进行验证,得出以下主要结论:(1)不同性别、年龄的销售人员在自我效能维度上存在显著差异;不同岗位级别的销售人员在希望维度上存在显著差异;不同性别的销售人员在韧性维度上存在显著


15、分析,结合相关理论对结果进行了分析,提出相应对策建议,并指出本研究的局限性和未来研究展望。关键词:心理资本 组织承诺 销售人员 AbstractAs the rapid development of science and technology and the economic globalization in the worldwide, market competition is becoming more and more heated. Homogeneity degree of product in the industry is higher and higher, and the

16、 boundaries of products between different manufacturers are blurred increasingly. To maintain continuous and excellent market competition status in the “hyper competition market environment, the scarce resources, financial resources, or technology alone in the traditional sense is obviously not enou

17、gh. Enterprise managers have realized that the most important resource is human resources, and then they begin to pay attention to training and developing vigorously those talents who can create core competitiveness for enterprises. At the same time of training talents, how to improve the employees

18、organizational commitment, to reduce the turnover rate, to retain those required talents, is hot spot of research in all parties.Since new century, with the vigorous development of the positive psychology ideological trend, many scholars point out that, managers should strive to cultivate members po

19、sitive emotions such as optimism and positive in the organization. The cultivation of these emotions not only is advantageous to turn around the individual, but also can make the employees psychological capital development, and contributes to the development of the organization. Psychological capita

20、l is an important concept of positive organizational behavior, and it can reveal a new perspective of organizational competitiveness source and provide a new way to strengthen the competitive advantage basically. At the same time, there are researches which have shown that through the development or

21、 promotion of employees psychological capital; it will be likely to affect the employees organizational commitment and then raise the employees job satisfaction and reduce the turnover rate.In practice, because of professional characteristics and work environment of the sales staff in the enterprise

22、, their dimission rate is often higher than the other employees in jobs. In the realistic environment of sales becoming increasingly important, how to improve sales staffs commitment to the organization, to reduce the loss of customer resource, are the research of Chinese enterprises especially thos

23、e enterprises which are in the condition of high degree of product homogeneity and the fierce competition in the industry subject to be solved and needs careful analysis. In the existing related researches, some scholars demonstrate that the employees psychological capital and his organizational com

24、mitment is significantly positive correlation through empirical study, but most researches are conducted under the background of western culture. Whether these results can be continue to apply under the background of Oriental culture represented by the situation of our country, whether can also proc

25、ess humanistic management around the sales staff, how to use the theory of positive psychology to establish sales staffs confidence, be full of hope, remain optimistic, enhance toughness, develop or promote psychological capital of organization members, enhance a positive spiritual connection betwee

26、n employee and organization, to reach the goal of enhancing employees organizational commitment and reducing the dimission rate, is worth to analysis and research.Based on the related literature review and summarize of psychological capital and organizational commitment, this article propose theoret

27、ical hypothesis that: Background have significant effect to study variables, and Psychological capital have a significant impact on organizational commitment. This study takes organization internal sales staff as the research object, collects data of psychological capital level of sales personnel an

28、d organizational commitment of units through the questionnaire form. This research questionnaire respectively use the PCQ-24 scale which includes self-efficacy, hope, resilience and optimism four dimensions and is worked out by Luthans, and the three factors model scale which includes affective comm

29、itment, continuous commitment and normative commitment and is worked out by Meyer & Allen(1997),to measure the psychological capital and organizational commitment. Then this article uses SPSS16.0 statistical software to analyze data, and use the method of one-way ANOVA to discuss significantly influ

30、ence of background to study variables, and use correlation analysis and regression analysis to check the relationship between the psychological capital and organizational commitment. The following main conclusions of this thesis:(1) There are significant differences in self-efficacy dimensions betwe

31、en different genders, ages of sales staffs; there are significant differences in hope dimensions between different departments of sales staffs; there are significant differences in resilience dimensions between different genders of sales staffs; there are not significant differences in optimism dime

32、nsions between different personal backgrounds of sales staffs.(2) There are significant differences in normative commitment dimensions between different ages of sales staffs and there are not significant differences in other dimensions of organizational commitment between other different personal ba

33、ckgrounds (e.g.genders, degree of education, years of working, departments) of sales staffs.(3) The overall psychological capital has significant positive effect on affective commitment; Hope, resilience and optimism dimension have a significant positive effect on employees affective commitment; Sel

34、f-efficacy dimension has no significant effect on employees affective commitment.(4) The overall psychological capital has significant positive effect on continual commitment; Self-efficacy and optimism dimension have a significant positive effect on employees continual commitment; Hope and resilien

35、ce dimension has no significant effect on employees continual commitment.(5) The overall psychological capital has significant positive effect on normative commitment; Hope and resilience dimension have a significant positive effect on employees normative commitment; Self-efficacy and hope dimension

36、 have no significant effect on employees normative commitment.Finally, based on empirical survey data and statistical analysis, combined with related theory, this paper analyzes the results and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions and points out the limitations of this stud

37、y and future research prospects.Key words: psychological capital; organizational commitment; salesman1.绪论1 绪论1.1 研究背景随着当前世界范围内科学技术、经济全球化等的快速发展,促使市场竞争日益白热化。在原材料、生产工艺、运作模式等方面,厂商相互之间已然没有太多商业秘密,再也没有了能“一招鲜,吃遍天”的企业生存环境。行业内产品的同质化程度越来越高,不同生产商的产品之间界限日趋模糊,在这种“超竞争”的市场环境下维持企业持续而卓越的市场竞争地位,单靠传统意义上的稀缺资源、财力或技术显然是不够

38、的。企业管理者纷纷意识到企业中最重要的资源是人力资源,随后便大张旗鼓地开始注重培养和发展能够为企业创造核心竞争力的人才。然而,众多的企业或组织往往非常重视吸引人才、培养人才、留住人才三个部分中的前面两个环节,对于留住优秀人才这一关系到组织持续发展的工作环节却存在部分缺失的现象。随着科学理论的发展,学者们为解决实际问题提出了更为广泛的思路。20世纪末期,以美国心理学会主席Seligman博士为代表的几位著名心理学家在心理科学领域掀起了一场“积极心理学”(Positive Psychology)研究的浪潮。他们认为,现实生活中,人们可以通过有针对性的学习和实践积极心理学的理论,通过改变心理状态和认

39、知角度,有效地提升人们的幸福感,从而使员工心情舒畅,使社会快速健康的发展,而积极心理学理论在其中居功至伟,发挥重要作用,进而他们呼吁心理学研究者不仅要关注人们心理疾病的治疗和预防,而且还要帮助人们更加幸福和获得成功,发挥人们的优势和潜能 Seligman M. E., Csikszentmihalyi M. Positive Psychology:an IntroductionJ. American Psychologist. 2000, 55(1): 5-14.。随着积极心理学思潮的蓬勃发展,其对人文社科类科学的各个分支都产生了深刻影响。比如在积极心理学的影响下,研究管理心理学的学者就指出,

40、组织中的管理者应该努力培养组织成员的乐观、积极等正性情绪,这些情绪的培养,不仅有利于个人的改观,而且也会使员工的心理资本得到开发,有利于组织的发展。著名组织行为学家Luthans教授和其同事也在2001年开始逐步将关于积极心理学领域的研究成果引用到组织行为学的相关研究中,并开创性地提出了积极组织行为学这一学科。Luthans认为,积极组织行为学的研究目的是为了进一步提升组织成员在工作场所中的绩效,采取对那些有特殊性质(包括积极导向、能够测量、可以开发利用、便于管理)的人力资源优势和心理能力所进行的针对性分析研究及其运用(Luthans,2002) Luthans F. Positive Org

41、anizational Behavior:Development and Managing Psychological StrengthsJ. Academy of Management Executive. 2002, 16(1): 57-72.。因此,与传统的组织行为学相比,传统的组织行为学强调预防和纠正,包括引导和激励消极怠工的员工,改变不良的工作作风和态度,有效地应对压力和冲突等。而积极组织行为学则强调的是对人们本身优势和潜能的开发与管理,强调的是组织如何采取积极的措施以发挥员工的优势进而提升组织的整体绩效 尼尔森,库珀著,王明辉译. 积极组织行为学M. 北京: 中国轻工业出版社, 2


43、著正相关的,但是绝大数研究是在西方文化的背景下进行的。这些研究结论是否能在以中国国情为代表的东方思想文化背景下继续适用,是否也可以通过围绕销售人员进行“人本管理”,借鉴积极心理学的理论,让销售人员建立信心、充满希望、保持乐观、增强韧性,开发或提升组织成员的心理资本,增强员工与组织之间一种积极的精神联系,从而达到增强员工的组织承诺、降低离职率的目的,是非常值得学者们去分析和实证研究的。1.2 研究意义1.2.1 理论意义关于“资本”的管理理论是从最初的人力资本理论到社会资本理论,直到近年来的热点心理资本理论,演化而来。三类理论目的都是为了通过研究“资本”的形成及开发途径,进而挖掘企业员工的潜力,



46、发,将心理资本的相关理论运用到组织承诺的相关研究中,利用数据分析,进一步扩展了心理资本理论在中国情景下的运用范围,探究心理资本与组织承诺之间的关系,对丰富和拓展心理资本理论以及分析影响组织承诺的因素具有较大的学术价值。1.2.2 现实意义如果说顾客是企业生存发展的衣食父母,那么企业的销售环节则是组织实现创造价值、获取利润的重要过程,夸张点说“一个企业的产品销售决定着该企业的财富”。销售人员在组织中的作用非常关键,他们一般直接为企业赚取利润,销售业绩的高低也直接影响着企业的发展。无论在何种类型的企业中,销售人员始终是需要企业高度重视的一类员工。但是,在当前中国企业组织中,由于该类岗位员工的工作压

47、力和高绩效考核等原因,造成销售人员离职率高、流动性大的现状。如果企业的销售人才大量离职,不仅将有可能使企业失去原有的客户资源,直接影响企业的产品或服务的正常销售,甚至有可能由于销售人才进入到竞争对手公司,加剧市场竞争强度,进而导致企业的业务受到重创,严重的甚至会使企业陷入重大危机。因此,笔者选择企业内销售人员作为主要研究分析对象。组织承诺(organizational commitment,OC)被证明对员工的离职率和缺勤率具有显著的预测效果。员工的正常流动对员工的个人职业生涯发展以及社会发展都是必不可少的,但是,过高的流动率则会给组织带来大幅度的成本增加。这种成本表现在以下四个方面:首先,企

48、业人力资源重置成本,比如重新招聘、选拔和培训该岗位员工所要投入的时间、精力和金钱;其次,离职员工的成长成本,包括在招聘、选拔和培训该岗位员工所投入的时间、精力和金钱;第三,机会成本,即新的合格员工到岗之前,老员工如果不流失所可能产生的价值;最后,其他成本,即由于员工离职所带来的客户流失、核心技术外泄、商业机密泄漏等问题所可能产生的成本。最后,本研究试图利用本论文研究的结论,帮助企业管理者有针对性地制定人力资源管理策略,帮助企业通过积极有效地开发销售人员的心理资本,强化核心员工的组织归属感,从而有利于企业培养出更多高承诺的员工,留住优秀人才。1.3 研究思路与方法首先,笔者通过观察到现实生活里各类公司的销售人员流动率普遍偏高,结合理论前沿与热点问题,拟设了本文的研究主题。其次,通过查阅和梳理相关文献,分析目前国内外学者们对心理资本与组织承诺关系性研究领域的成果和最新进展,并以基础理论和实证结果为起点,确定


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