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1、 新 建郑州至西安铁路客运专线基础工程沉降观测指导方案(试行)Zheng-Xi PDL Foundation Engineering Settlement Observation Directing Scheme(Provision)郑西铁路客运专线有限公司郑西铁路客运专线工程咨询项目部2006年11月西安目 录一、总 则4二、主要依据的标准及规范5三、沉降变形监测网建立及测量技术要求5四、路基7(一)一般规定7(二)观测的内容8(三)观测断面和观测点的布置8(四)沉降观测的频度9(五)观测精度要求10(六)沉降观测要求10(七)评估方法和判定标准11五、桥梁13(一)一般规定13(二)沉降观

2、测的内容14(三)沉降观测点的布置14(四)观测精度14(五)沉降观测频度15(六)评估方法和判定标准17六、隧道18(一)一般规定18(二)沉降观测的内容19(三)沉降观测点的布置19(四)观测精度19(五)沉降观测频度19(六)评估方法及判定标准20七、过渡段21(一) 般 规 定21(二)观测点布置与观测频次21(三)观测精度21(四)沉降观测频度22(五)评估方法和判定标准22八、组织与管理22(一) 主要工作内容22(二)工作分工与职责22(三)工作程序24(四)工作要求26附件一:沉降观测记录手簿格式27附件二:沉降观测表格式31附件三:组合式沉降板路基沉降观测方法46附件四:路基

3、沉降常用预测方法53郑西铁路客运专线基础工程沉降观测指导方案Zheng-Xi PDL Foundation Engineering Settlement Observation Directing Scheme一、 总 则General 1、 为指导郑西铁路客运专线做好施工期间的沉降观测,通过对路基、桥梁及隧道工程的沉降观测资料进行分析,预测工后沉降,提出加速路基沉降的措施,确定无碴轨道的铺设时间,评估路基工后沉降控制效果,确保无碴轨道结构的安全,制定本指导方案。In order to direct Zheng-Xi PDL to do well settlement observation

4、during construction, establish this directing scheme by analyzing settlement observation data of subgrades, bridges, and tunnels, forecasting settlement after construction, raising accelerating subgrade settlement measurement, confirming the time of paving slabtrack, evaluating the controlling effec

5、t of subgrade settlement after construction, making sure safety of slabtrack structure.2、 无碴轨道铺设条件评估的重点应是线下工程的变形,评估应综合考虑沿线路方向各种结构物间的变形关系,以标段为单位实施。设计单位按照本指导方案,以标段为单位制定沉降观测实施设计方案。Evaluation keypoints of slabtrack paving conditions should be deformation of underline construction. Evaluation should synt

6、hetically consider deformation relation among different structures along alienment, implement by section. Contractors should establish settlement observation implement design scheme by section according to this scheme. 3、 基础工程的沉降观测数据必须采用先进、成熟、科学的检测手段取得,且必须真实可靠,全面反映工程实际状况。Settlement observation data

7、of foundation engineering should be gotten by advanced, matured, scientific checking methods. The data which fully reflects the actual engineering must be true. 4、 本规定适用于施工期及正式验收通过前的沉降观测评估工作。This regulation applies to settlement observation evaluation during construction and before acceptance. 二、 主要

8、依据的标准及规范The main references:1、 客运专线无碴轨道铺设条件评估技术指南;Evaluation Technique Guide for Paving Conditions of PDL Slabtrack 2、 客运专线无碴轨道铁路工程测量技术暂行规定;Provisional Regulation for PDL Slabtrack Railway Engineering Measure Technique3、 国家一、二等水准测量规范(GB1287991)National First and Second Level Measure Regulations (GB1

9、287991)4、 工程测量规范(GB002693)Engineering Measure Regulations(GB002693)5、 全球定位系统(GPS)铁路测量规程GPS Railway Measure Regulations(TB1005497)三、 沉降变形监测网建立及测量技术要求1、 沉降监测网的建立、精度要求等应符合客运专线无碴轨道铁路工程测量技术暂行规定的要求;The establishment and precision requirement of settlement monitoring net should accord with Provisional Regu

10、lation for PDL Slabtrack Railway Engineering Measure Technique2、 沉降监测网应在施工高程控制网的基础上进行加密建立,按二等水准测量的精度和测量方法要求进行施测。Settlement monitoring net should be encrypted based on the construction height control net, and should implement measure according to measure precision and measure methods of second level.

11、3、 高程基准网点间距不宜大于200m,以便于对沿线桥梁和路基等建筑物或构筑物进行沉降观测。The space between height datum net points should be within 200m in order to observe settlement of bridges, subgrades and other buildings along the line. 4、 变形测量点分为基准点、工作基点和变形观测点。其布设应符合下列要求:Deformation measure points are classified into datum marks, work

12、basic points and deformation observation points. The layout of them should accord with the following requirements:(1) 每个独立的监测网应设置不少于3个稳固可靠的基准点,且基准点的间距不大于1公里。基准点应选设在变形影响范围以外便于长期保存的稳定位置。使用时应作稳定性检查与检验,并应以稳定或相对稳定的点作为测定变形的参考点。Each independent observation net should set no less than 3 steady datum marks,

13、and the space between datum marks should be within 1km. The datum marks should be set out of deformation scope, which is easy to long term keep. When using, should check the stability, and make the stable or comparatively stable points as the referent points for measuring deformation.(2) 工作基点应选在比较稳定

14、的位置。对观测条件较好或观测项目较少的工程,可不设立工作基点,在基准点上直接测量变形观测点;Work basic points should be set at a stable place. For the engineering which has better observation conditions and less observation projects can directly measure deformation observation points at datum marks, without setting work basic points.(3) 变形观测点应设

15、立在变形体上能反映变形特征的位置。Deformation observation points should be set at a place which can reflect deformation characters.5、 每次观测前,对所使用的仪器和设备,应进行检验校正,并保留检验记录.Before observation, check and revise the instrument and facility, and save the checking record.6、 在沉降观测基准网建立后,应对水准基点做好保护工作,发现丢桩或桩位有移动现象,应尽快恢复和补测桩点。另外,

16、应定期对沉降观测基准网进行复测,提出复测成果,复测周期不大于6个月。After establishing settlement observation norm net, should protect well level basic points. If find pier missing or moved, should recover and measure it as soon as possible. Whats more, should regularly remeasure settlement observation norm net and raise remeasuring

17、 results. The remeasuring period should be no more than 6 months.7、 应使用精度不低于DSZ1的自动安平水准仪或DS1的气泡式水准仪,水准标尺应采用与之配套的带有两排分划的线条式铟瓦合金标尺,水准仪和水准标尺各项技术指标应符合国家一、二等水准测量规范(GB1287991)有关规定,在沉降观测前和沉降观测过程中的规定时间段应对仪器和标尺进行检定。Should use the automatic level, precision of which is no less than DSZ1, or use the bubble lev

18、el DS1. The level rod should use two rows indium alloy staff gauge. Every technical criteria of water level and level rod should accord with National First and Second Level Measure Regulations(GB1287991), facilities and rods should be checked before settlement observation and at the specified slot o

19、f settlement observation.8、 沉降观测置镜点、观测路线、观测人员、观测设备一般应固定,在成像清晰稳定的条件下进行观测,不得在日出后及日出前约半小时及其他不宜观测的天气情况下作业;作业中应经常对水准仪及水准尺的水准器和i角进行检查;在同一测站观测时,不得两次调焦,以确保观测成果的质量。Mirror place of settlement observation, observation routes, observers, observation facilities should be fixed. Observe under the clear and stable

20、 imaging condition, dont after sunrise, half an hour before sunrise, and other weather which isnt good for observation; should frequently examine level tube and i angle of level instrument and level rod; in order to make sure the quality of observation results dont focus two times at the same observ

21、ation station.9、 每一项目的工程变形测量任务完成以后要及时进行测量成果整理, 应提交下列综合成果资料:After finishing engineering deformation measure of each project, clear up the results in time, and hand in the following data of integrated results:(1)施测方案与技术设计书; measure scheme and technique design(2)控制点与观测点平面布置图; layout plan of reference p

22、oints and observation points(3)标石、标志规格及埋设图;markstone, mark standard, and embedded drawing(4)仪器检验与校正资料;check facilities and revise data (5)观测记录手簿;observation record notebook(6)平差计算及测量成果表;balance calculation and measure results list(7)变形过程和变形分布图表;deformation process and layout plan(8)变形分析成果资料;data of

23、deformation analysis results (9)变形测量技术报告。deformation measurement technique report四、 路基subgrade(一)一般规定general regulation1、 观测的目的是通过沉降观测,利用沉降观测资料分析、预测工后沉降,提出加速路基沉降的措施,确定无碴轨道的铺设时间,评估路基工后沉降控制效果,确保无碴轨道结构的安全。The purpose of the observation is after settlement observed, used the settlement observation data

24、to analyze and forecast the after work settlement, put forward the measure, which increase the subgrade settlement, ensure the slab track installed time, estimate the subgrade after work settlement control effect and ensure the slab track structure safety. 2、 路基上无碴轨道铺设前,应对路基变形作系统的评估,确认路基的工后沉降和变形满足无碴

25、轨道铺设要求。Before install the slab track, it shall systemic assess the subgrade deformation to affirm the subgrade after work settlement and deformation can satisfy the slab track installation requirement. 3、 路基填筑完成或施加预压荷载后应有不少于6个月的观测和调整期。观测数据不足以评估或工后沉降评估不能满足设计要求时,应延长观测或采取必要的加速或控制沉降的措施。After finished fi

26、lling or preloading, it shall have more than 6 months observation and adjustment period. When the observed data is not sufficient to assess the settlement or the after work settlement can not satisfy the design requirement, it shall be extended the observation time or adopted the necessary measure t

27、o increase or control the settlement. 4、 观测期内,路基沉降实测值超过设计值20及以上时,应及时查明原因,必要时进行地质复查,并根据实测结果调整计算参数,对设计预测沉降进行修正或采取沉降控制措施。In the observation period, when the actual measured settlement exceed more than 20% of the design value, it shall clarify the reason, when necessary it shall recheck the geology, and

28、 according to the actual measured result to adjust the calculation parameter, modify or adopt the settlement control measure for the design forecast settlement. 5、 评估时发现异常现象或对原始记录资料存在疑问,要进行必要的检查。When assess, if it will appear the abnormal appearance or exist the doubt for the original recorder data,

29、 it shall be checked. (二)观测的内容the content of the observation1、 路基沉降观测应以路基面沉降和地基沉降观测为主。The subgrade settlement observation shall mainly observe the subgrade surface settlement and foundation settlement2、 路堑沉降观测部位为基床表层的底面处。The cutting settlement observation part is the bottom surface of the bedding su

30、rface layer.3、 路堤沉降是由路堤本体和地基组成,为了观测到路堤的沉降与时间的关系,及沉降主要产生的部位,一般路堤观测的内容应为:基床底层顶面的路基总沉降和地基面处地基部分总沉降。The embankment settlement is caused by embankment and the foundation. To observe the relationship between the settlement and time of the embankment and the main part that caused the settlement, generally

31、the embankment observation content is: the subgrade total settlement of the bedding bottom layer surface and the foundation part total settlement of the foundation surface.4、 对于地基条件复杂和填土高度大的路堤,还包括如下内容:路堤中部的沉降观测;地基处理范围的下限处地基深部的沉降观测。For the embankment that the foundation condition is more complex and

32、the filling is higher, it shall be also contained the following content: the settlement observation in the middle part of the embankment; in the foundation treatment range the lower limit part, the settlement observation of the foundation depth.(三)观测断面和观测点的布置set the observation cross section and obs

33、ervation point1、观测断面布置set the observation cross section(1) 路基沉降观测断面的设置及观测断面的观测内容应根据地形地质条件、地基处理方法、路堤高度、堆载预压等具体情况,结合沉降预测方法和工期要求具体确定。The setup of subgrade settlement observation cross section and the observation content of the observation cross section shall follow the landform and geological condition

34、, foundation treatment method, height of the embankment, preloading etc, and combine with the settlement forecasting method and the work time requirement to determine. (2) 沉降观测断面的间距一般不应大于50 m。地形、地质条件变化较大地段应适当加密(以设计文件为准),应不大于25m布设一个断面。Generally, the distance between the observation cross sections is

35、no larger than 50m, if the foundation condition is complex, the landform is changed a lot (the design document as a standard) it shall be increased, every 25m it shall be set one cross section.(3) 一个沉降观测单元(连续路基沉降观测区段为一单元)应不少于2个观测断面。In one settlement observation unit (continuous subgrade settlement o

36、bservation section is one unit), it is no less than 2 observation cross sections.2、观测点布置set the observation point(1) 沉降观测可在线路两侧地基、路肩和线路中心设置观测桩;在地基和基床底层的顶面设置剖面沉降管,或在线路中心设置沉降板。The settlement observation can be set on the foundation, shoulder at the two sides of the line and in the center of the line i

37、t can be set the observation pile. On the surface of the foundation and the bedding bottom layer it shall be set the profile settlement pipe, or in the center of the line shall be set the settlement board. (2) 对于路堤观测断面,在线路中心线布设一组沉降板,路肩两侧布设变形观测桩。对地形横向坡度大或地层横向厚度变化的路基工点应布设不少于1个横向观测断面,每个断面3组观测点。It shall

38、 be set one group settlement board on the alignment center line for the embankment observation cross section, on the two sides of the shoulder it shall be set the deformation observation pile. For the subgrade work area that the landform cross direction gradient is larger or the stratum cross direct

39、ion thickness changed, it shall be set more than 1 cross observation section, every cross section shall contain 3 group observation points. (3) 有预压土路堑地段,每个路堑断面在线路中心设沉降板一组,两侧路肩各设观测桩1个。无预压土路堑地段,每个路堑断面在两侧路肩各设观测桩1个。For the cutting section that have the preloading, every cutting cross section shall be se

40、t one group combined type settlement board in the center of the alignment, on the two sides of the shoulder it shall be set one observation pile separately. for the cutting sections that no preloading, every cutting cross section shall be set one observation pile separately on the two sides of the s

41、houlder.(4) 组合式沉降板对于减少路基填筑的施工干扰有优势,可以在郑西客运专线试验使用。实施前应制定操作细则、做好培训。组合式沉降板路基沉降观测方法见附件一。The combination form settlement board has the advantage to reduce the subgrade filling construction influence, it can be tested used for Zheng-Xi PDL. Before performed, it shall set the operation detailed principles,

42、 and prepare the training. The combination form settlement board subgrade settlement observation method sees the attachment 1. 图1 路堤沉降观测断面观测标志布置示意图Drawing 1 the drawing of embankment settlement observation cross section embedded the mark 图2 路堑沉降观测断面观测标志布置示意图Drawing 2 the drawing for cutting settleme

43、nt observation cross section set the mark(四) 沉降观测的频度the frequency of the settlement observation沉降观测分为四阶段进行,每个阶段的沉降观测的频次应根据沉降的发生与发展规律及沉降大小确定,一般应按照如下观测频度进行。The settlement observation shall be divided into four stages, the settlement observation frequency of every stage shall be followed the settlement

44、 developed regulation and the settlement dimensions to ensure, generally it shall be done follow the following observation frequency.第一阶段:路基填筑施工期间的观测,主要观测路基填土施工期间地基与堤身的沉降变形以及路堤坡脚边桩位移与沉降。本阶段沉降观测应与施工配合,每填筑一层应观测一次;同时应保证不超过3天观测1次。First stage: the observation during the subgrade filling construction, mai

45、nly observed the foundation and embankment settlement deformation and the replacement and settlement of the side pile on the toe of the embankment slope during the subgrade filling construction period. For this stage, the settlement observation shall be cooperated with the construction, when filled

46、one layer it shall be observed once, at the same time, it shall be observed once in 3d.第二阶段:路基填筑施工完成且预压土方施加后,自然沉落期的沉降观测,该阶段应对路基基床底层顶面的沉降及路基基底沉降进行系统的观测,直到工后沉降评估可满足铺设无碴轨道的要求为止。本阶段的沉降观测频度为:第115天每3天一次,第1690天每7天一次,第90180天每15天一次。Second stage: after finished subgrade filling construction and preloading, th

47、e settlement observation for the natural settlement period, for this stage it shall be observed the surface settlement of the subgrade the top of bedding bottom layer and the subgrade foundation bottom settlement until the after work settlement evaluation can satisfy installed the slab track require

48、ment. The settlement observation frequency is: for the first 1-15d, every 3d once, the 16th -90d, every 7d once, the 90th -180d every 15d once.第三阶段:预压土方卸载、铺设基床表层(级配碎石层)、无碴轨道铺设期间及正式运营前的观测。本阶段的沉降观测频度为:前15天每3天一次,第15天后每7天一次。Third stage: the observation for unload the preloading, pave the bedding surface layer (gradated crushed stone layer), install the slab track period and before officially operation. The settlement observation frequency is: for the first 15


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