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1、Module 3Slavery and the American Civil War,Grammar,1. All修饰名词主语时,可放在主语或行为动词 之前,但要放在be动词之后。当be动词是句中最 后一个词时,All要放在动词之前。 Eg. All the boys study well? The boys all study well? 孩子们都学习得很好。 Eg. They are all steel workers. 他们都是钢铁工人。 Eg. 一Are you young pioneers? 你们是少先队员吗? 一Yes, we all are. 是的,我们都是少先队员。,2all指

2、“三个(以上)的数目”,反义词是none;both指“两个数目”,反义词是neither. Eg. I have three brothers. All of them are TV college students. 我有三个哥哥,他们都是电大学生。 Eg. He has two sisters. Both of them major in English 他有两个姐姐,她们都主修英语。,3不说 all 代词,要说代词十all或all of 代词。如: 误:All they like disco dance. 正:They all like disco dance. 正:All of the

3、m like disco dance. 他们都喜欢迪斯科舞。,4 all of可代all,但all of后的名词前要加定冠词。 误:All of books belong to her. 正:All of the books belong to her. 正:All the books belong to her 所有的书都是她的。,5. all冠词(或指示代词,物主代词):冠词(或指示代词,物主代词) whole, all the worldthe whole world全世界 all my lifemy whole life= 我的一生 注:all可修饰不可数名词或复数名词,the who

4、le不可修饰不可数名词或复数名词,要改用the whole of才行。如: all Shanghai the whole of Shanghai全上海 all inkthe whole of ink所有墨水 all his booksthe whole of his books他所有的书,Too 用法,一、too一般用于肯定句中,常放于句末或作为插入语放在句中,相当于also, as well,表示也,还。例句:Ill go to work too.我也去上班。She plays the piano, and sings too.她会弹钢琴,还会唱歌。He, too, is going to

5、the park.他也要到公园去。,二、在口语中,有时相当于very,表示真是,很,非常;有时还可表示太,过分之意。例句:Im too happy.我非常高兴。Im not too well.我不很舒服。Dont drive too fast.车子不要开得太快。This coat is too big.这件大衣太大了。Thats too much.那太过分了。三、too可以用于某些表示肯定的词组后面,表示而且,还。例句:You ought to see a doctor,and quickly too.你应该去看大夫,而且要快去。We finished the work quickly and

6、 well too.我们迅速地做完工作,而且做得很好。,四、too有时没有具体含义,只是为了加强语气。例句:I will too go!我要去的!五、too不能用于very, fairly和quite后面,但它前面可以用a bit, a little, a lot, rather, much等表示程度的词来修饰。例句:Its much too cold, today.今天天气太冷了。Hes rather too sure of himself.他未免有点太自信了。请比较下面的例句:You gave him too much. Im much too busy. too much意为太多,太过分

7、,可以用在不可数名词前,也可用作代词或副词,后面不接名词。前句可译为:你给他太多了。much too表示太,非常,是副词短语,常用来修饰形容词和副词。后句可译为:我实在是太忙了。,六、句式的用法结构意为太而不能,形式上是肯定,但却表示否定意义,此结构可转换成so.that.复合句。例句:You are too young to go to school. You are so young that you cant go to school. You are not old enough to go to school. 2.too.not to.句式表示肯定的

8、意思,如果too前面有否定词(如never)时,也表示肯定之意。例句:You are too wise not to solve the problem.你很聪明必定能解决这个问题。Its never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。,3.too后面如接形容词ready(现成的),apt(易于,倾向于), inclined(偏于的)等词时,表示肯定之意,too表示十分、极其。例句:She is too ready to help others.她十分乐于助人。I am too apt to forget.我十分健忘。4.only(but)tooadjto do sth.结构

9、也表示肯定之意,only相当于really, too相当于very,意为非常,并且too后面的形容词多数为表示心情的,如pleased, glad, delighted, thankful等;有时也可接描绘性的形容词,如:good, kind等。例句:Im only too glad to go with you.让我和你去,我真是太高兴了。The film is only too good to see.这部电影很好,值得看。,Put 用法,1. put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把放在一边He has a little money put aside for a rainy da

10、y. 他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。,2. put away 收拾起来;储存(钱);喝掉The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner. 小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品放到橱柜里。,3. put back 时钟向后拨;放回原处;拖延Please put the dictionary back where it was. 请

11、把字典放回原处。We had to put the meeting back a week. 我们不得不把会议推迟一周。,4. put down 写下;记下;控制Put it down to my account, please. 请记在我的帐上。Its time that the government put down interest rates. 政府早该降低利率了。,5. put forward 提出(意见、建议);推荐;把时针向前拨She has decided to put herself forward as a candidate. 她已经决定自荐为候选人。6. put off

12、 延期;推迟Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today. 今日事,今日毕。,7. put on 假装;增加;上演(戏剧)Shes by no means really mad; she puts it on in order to gain attention. 她绝不是真的疯了,她只是为了引起人们的注意才假装的。 8. put out 熄灭;使忧虑;扑灭;出版Would you mind putting your cigarette out, please?把烟熄了,好吗?,9. put through 接通电话Your call h

13、as been put through.你要的电话接通了。10. put up 举起;张开(伞);张贴;为提供食宿We can put up ten people for the night at a pinch.必要时我们可以留宿十个人。,11. put up with 忍受;忍耐;受苦That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with. 作为家庭主妇,那女人得忍受很多烦恼。,used是没有现在式的不完全变化动词的过去式。肯定式:used用于所有人称否定式:used notusednt用于所有人称疑问式:used youhethey?等否

14、定疑问式:used you not?usednt you?等其否定式和疑问式也可以用did来构成:didnt use to did you use to? didnt you use to?这是一种较不正规的形式,在口语中用得相当普遍。,used后面接带to的不定式,为提醒学生这一点,常常称之为used to(就如表示义务的have被称为have to)。used to可用于以下场合:,1 表示已经中断的一个习惯,或者过去与现在相反的状况:I used to smoke cigarettes;now I smoke a pipe我以前抽烟卷,现在我抽烟斗。He used to drink be

15、er;now he drinks wine他以前喝啤酒,现在他喝葡萄酒。She usednt to like Tom but she quite likes him now她以前不喜欢汤姆,可她现在很喜欢他。She used to dislike Tom but she quite likes him now(译文同上。)used通常不重读,但是如果说话人想强调现在与过去的对比,可以加以重读。,2 表示过去的例行活动或方式。这样使用时,不是将过去与现在对比。仅仅描述某人在某一定时期的例行活动。这时常常描述一连串的动作。这里used to可以由would取代(但would不能代替如在上面1中所提

16、到的、表示已经中断的习惯的used to)。这种情况下的used to总是不重读的。Tom and Ann were a young married coupleEvery morning Tom used to kiss Ann and set off for workAnn used to stand at the window and wave goodbyeIn the evening she used to welcome him home and ask him to tell her about his day汤姆和安是一对年轻的夫妇。每天早上汤姆都要亲吻安,然后再去上班。安总是

17、要站在窗前挥手送别。傍晚的时候,安总要迎接汤姆回家并要他告诉她一天的情况。,如果用would就会写成:Every morning Tom would kiss Ann and set off for work Ann would stand at the window and wave goodbye每天早上汤姆总是亲吻了安,然后再去上班。安总是要站在窗前挥手送别注意:used没有现在式。因此要表示现在的习惯或例行活动时,我们必须用所需动词的现在式。,一 用作现在分词1 构成状语。如:Being angry at his question, I made no reply.2 用于构成被动语态

18、进行时。如:Being ill, I could not go with you.3 当动词be作“behave, act”解时,being作为be的进行时可以用来表示临时的行为或表现。如:The experiment was being made at this time yesterday.4 与过去分词一起构成后置定语(常含“被动进行”概念)。如:We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here.,5 构成独立主格结构,作状语。如:The meeting being over, her left the hall one by one.二 用作动名词如:My being here should make no difference.三 用作名词如:He did not know the aim of our being.四 用于构成词组如:1 come into being形成,产生。 2 for the time being暂时,一时。,


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