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1、人教版 七年级英语 上册 How much are these socks?,Welcome To our class!,Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section A (1a-2e),Qi Yongchun,Lilys store,What are in the store?,a hat,hats,a bag,two bags,a jacket,three jackets,sweaters,a sweater,T-shirts,a T- shirt,a shirt,two shirts,a skirt,three skirts,shorts,shorts

2、,trousers,trousers,a pair of socks,four pairs of socks,a sock,a shoe,a pair of shoes,three pairs of shoes,Do you have a good memory(记忆)?,1. socks _ 2. T-shirt _ 3. shorts _ 4. sweater _ 5. bag _6. hat _7. trousers _8. shoes _9. jacket _10. skirt _,i,a,f,c,j,g,d,b,e,h,Lilys store,What do we use to bu

3、y(买) things?,Money,dollar 美元,ound英镑,RMB人民币,How to buy(买) things in English?,Lets watch and find the answers!,$ 10,$ 8,$ 4,$ 9,$ 5,$ 3,$7,How much is this ?Its dollar(s).,Practice,How much are these ?Theyre dollar(s).,$10,$9,$8,$2,$7,Practice,bag,hat,T-shirt,trousers,shoes,shorts,sweater,socks,-How m

4、uch is/are this / that / these / those ?-Its / Theyre $.,$8,$3,$5,$8,$9,$6,$7,$2,Ask and answer:,2b Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear.,2c Listen again. Fill in the price tags.,$6,$8,$5,$7,$9,$2,2e Listen carefully and answer.,-Where are they ?,-They are at a clothes store.,W

5、hat does Mary need?2. What color does Mary want?3. How much are the socks?,2e. Read the conversation quickly and answer the questions.,Mary needs a sweater for school.,Blue.,Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.,Woman: Can I help you?Mary : Yes, please. I need a sweater for schoo

6、l.Woman: OK. What color do you want?Mary: Blue.Woman: How about this one?Mary: It looks nice. How much is it?Woman : Nine dollars.Mary: Ill take it. How much are those yellow socks?Woman: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.Mary: Great! Ill take two pairs.Woman: Here you are.Mar

7、y: Thank you.Woman: Youre welcome.Woman: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.Mary: Great! Ill take two pairs.Woman: Here you are.Mary: Thank you.Woman: Youre welcome.,2e Role-play the conversation.,Summary:,Find out what the shop worker says,Can I help you?/What can I do for you

8、?What color do you want?What/How about this one?What else do you want?,Find out what the customer says,I need/want How much is it/ are they?Ill take .,Lilys store,Student A.You are the boss of Lilys store . Student B.You are a customer(顾客).,Lets make new dialogues(对话) !,When you buy something, make sure it is worth of it.Save money Save time Thanks for your attention!,


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