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1、Unit 1 Playing Sports,Topic 2 Ill kick you the ball again.,Section B,学习目标,1、能正确会读,说出、写出P11-12的生词,并能进行英汉互译2、熟读1a,能够说出1a的知识点,能正确表达歉意和接受道歉。3、能正确使用动词的双宾结构做同义句转换。,自学指导1,1.自学内容:课本P11-12的生词。2.自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音,提问。3.自学时间:5分钟4.自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思,并能英汉互译。,自学检测1 英汉互译,争论,打仗,发怒的,生气的,没有什么,完成,协同工作,配合,斥责某人,生的气,尽最大努力,

2、谈论,fight,angry,nothing,finish,teamwork,shout at sb,be angry with sb.,do ones best,talk about,自学指导2自学内容:课本99页1a自学方法:听录音和扫读。自学时间:5分钟自学要求:听1a,完成1b; 读1a,完成1c.自学检测2完成课本1b和1c,Listen to 1a and find out the answer.,Why is Kangkang fighting with Michael? Because Michael didnt pass the ball.,录音1a-P11,Watch th

3、e flash and mark T (True) or F (False).,视频1a-P11,The word “fight” means “talk in an angry way”. ( )2. Michael and Kangkang are fighting because Michael didnt pass the ball. ( )3. Michael is good at soccer and he did his best. ( )4. Jane and Maria are sure Michael will do better next time. ( ),T,F,T,

4、T,自学检测2,Kangkang and Michaels team lost the soccer game and then they had a _. Kangkang was angry with Michael and _ at him because Michael wouldnt _ the ball to him. With the help of Maria and Jane, Kangkang said _ to Michael, and they learned _ is very important. The girls were sure Michael will d

5、o better and have more _ next time.,fight,Read 1a and fill in the blanks. Then retell the story.,shouted,pass,sorry,teamwork,Try to repeat the information you have read in another way. It can help you learn English better.,fun,自学检测2,自学指导3自学内容:课本P11 1a自学方法:精读自学时间:8分钟自学要求:找出1a 中的重点短语和句子,自学检测3,shout at

6、 sb. do well in be angry with say sorry to sb. have a fight with the help of What about saying sorry to Michael?Im sorry for what I said.Its nothing.You are sure to have more fun.Dont be angry with each other.,英译汉,Practice,Match the verbs in Box A with the words in Box B to make phrases.,2,A do say

7、talk shout be have try,B angry with fun at well in about ones best sorry to,Phrase do well in say sorry to talk about shout at be angry with have fun try ones best,自学检测3,Practice,Then use the correct forms of phrases to complete the sentences.,2,Ill _ to finish my homework on time.They want to keep

8、trying and _ math next time.She was angry and said, “Dont _ me!”He was late again. His teacher _ him.Mr. Smith is _ the football game with his teammates.Kangkang should _ Michael.We _ a lot of _ at Sallys birthday party.,try my best,do better in,shout at,was angry with,talking about,say sorry to,had

9、 fun,自学检测3,1. Michael doesnt do well in soccer but he did his best.,do ones best = try ones best 尽力,努力,Eg:我会尽力帮助你的。Ill _ help you.,do my best to,2.Dont be angry with each other.,be angry with sb. 对某人生气,Eg:请不要总是生别人的气。Dont _ others, please.,be always angry with,要点归纳,3.What about saying sorry to Michae

10、l?,say hello/sorry/thanks/goodbye to sb. 对某人问候/道歉/道谢/道别,4.Keep trying! keep (sb.) doing sth. 使(某人)不停地做某事,5.You are sure to have more fun.你们一定会玩的更高兴!,be sure to do sth. 肯定要做某事,要点归纳,自学指导4自学内容:自学课本P12 Part 3。自学方法:通过例子总结双宾结构的用法。自学时间:5分钟自学要求:通过自学能够自己总结“双宾结构及用法。,3,Study the example and rewrite the followi

11、ng sentences.,Example:Please give me the book. = Please give the book to me.,give + + = give + + to +,direct object 直接宾语,indirect object 间接宾语,3,Study the example and rewrite the following sentences.,You can also pass a teammate the ball.Please throw me the ball.My dad bought a basketball for my brot

12、her.Bring Peter a present.I made a big cake for my grandfather.,You can also pass the ball to a teammate.,Please throw the ball to me.,My dad bought my brother a basketball.,Bring a present for Peter.,I made my grandfather a big cake.,自学检测4,4a,Read the pairs of words and pay attention to the differe

13、nce between /e/ and /aI/.,/e/- /aI/,press-price,smell-smile,net-night,said-side,录音4a-P12,4b,Listen and read the sentences aloud, paying attention to the pronunciation and incomplete plosion.,She is going to ta(k)e part in the sports mee(t) nex(t) weekend.A: Michael, we los(t) because you wouldn(t) p

14、ass the ball. B: Don(t) shou(t) at me li(k)e that.3. A: Would you min(d) no(t) throwing bottles around? B: Im sorry abou(t) that. I won(t) do it again.4. A: Sorry, I misse(d) the ball. B: Never mind. Kee(p) trying, Ill kic(k) you the ball again.,The consonants in brackets here are usually pronounced

15、 as stops like t, d, p, b, k and g.,录音4b-P12,1. Could you please _ me around? -Sorry, I wont. not to follow B. follow C. not following D. not follow2. Would you mind _ the windows for me? I feel a little cold. No, of course not. opening B. closing C. to open D. to close3. I was really angry _ Mike.

16、He kept me waiting for an hour.with B. to C. for D. in,当堂训练,( ) 4. Dont worry.Ill do my best _- you when you are in danger. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps( ) 5. When I meet my friends,I always say hello _ them. A. to B. at C. with D. about( )6.Henry is sure _ to you. A. to write B.of write C

17、. about write D. that write( )7.Im quite sorry for _ your cup.A. to break B. breaking C. broke D. broken( )8 .Im quite sorry for I _ your cup.A. to break B. breaking C. broke D. broken( )9.With _ of my father ,I can ride a bike.A. help B. the help C. helping D. helps( )10.My friends are very _ becau

18、se I am late again.A. happy B.excited C. angry D.relaxed,当堂训练,Summary,We learn: 1. Phrases:擅长于:do well in 说道歉:say sorry to谈论: talk about 大声斥责:shout at对生气:be angry with玩得开心:have fun 尽最大努力:try ones best,2. Sentences with direct and indirect object structure,Homework,用今天所学的短语造句,写在作业本上。 背诵1a。,Thank you !,


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