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1、$ _7 , / e0 b3 s q 图片:柚木 Teak 高级进口材,油性丰富,线条清 . $ B, A% ) h* 4 / 2 L c- N B: . % E& A柚木 Teak / O& At9 V3 . IC4 I高级进口材,油性丰富,线条清晰,色泽稳定,装饰风格稳重。属皇室指定用料,装饰家具不可或缺之高级材料。直纹表现出非凡风格,山纹彰显沉稳风范。 4 a( T8 W, o2 j( r5 u( _1 B4 qIt comes from Burma, which is famous for the teak. Teak is full of greasy, nevertheless,

2、due to its special quality and profound color, it is applied for high level decoration in the wood industry./ V0 e6 X3 _+ c- T: Q) , K; H/ s4 黑檀 Ebony % c+ R8 Z, Z- V/ n, Y! C) D色泽油黑发亮,木质细腻坚实,为名贵木材,山纹有如幽谷,直纹疑似苍林。装饰效果混厚大方。为装饰材料之极品。 0 O3 C0 E+ s/ r6 c1 R0 e2 J/ zIt is from Indonesia, which is the plac

3、e of plenty of wood. Ebony is very special wood for its color and character; its charm darkness always expresses the connotation and sedateness character. Ebony is always the best choice to make high value furniture in wood industry. g1 ?- e$ M7 V/ f5 / S6 G) m5 m3 i% D7 A! _% p* x; Z胡桃木 Walnut - z;

4、 a2 o0 j: f5 T+ A; W+ Y F3 R2 P产于美国、加拿大之高级木材。色泽深峻,装饰效果稳重。属于高级家具特选材料。 % o2 l! i7 S1 b G, q/ pIt comes from USA and Canada. The color and lines present profound effect. The high level furniture of Walnut is always the best selection in the high test choice& Y% |$ X1 w+ A0 2 - L6 k2 ; a! H/ q. 1 L7 R白橡

5、 White Oak / ( Sn m. z) E6 x色泽略浅,纹理淡雅。直纹虽无鲜明对比,但却有返朴归真之感。山纹隐含鸟鸣山幽。装饰效果自然。 c, Y/ z) A/ 4 n6 T0 v# 0 T2 c/ A& PThe light color of white oak presents the natural and simple contrast. The performance of decoration makes people feel living in the wonderful woods.2 t; i* j& w0 e: 2 M( K& i) d5 c( U x# _0

6、r; s% F9 u5 D/ 9 d1 s雀眼树瘤 5 d% 7 E7 * p. f, Skylark Knot 3 E- y; V. U9 Z看似雀眼。与其他饰板搭配,有如画龙点睛的效果。 7 b6 K4 S: gH i% qDue to the effect of skylark eyes on the surface of picture, Skylark Knot is quite matched to others drawings, and always presents finishing touch for decoration.: U BG+ S7 G$ u# T* D6 v

7、; J6 m4 U; y$ Q玫瑰树瘤 , b) X& + B3 t1 P& 7 Rose Tree Knot & P8 ! t. G$ R7 U 质地细腻,色泽鲜丽,图案独特,适用于点缀配色。 7 ( : V j. U4 c; DThe rose tree knot is full of unique color and shiny pictures, which are always the good material of ornament for decoration( t w% K( z1 D3 q) ( j! M8 _3 L/ Y L红橡 Red Oak # z& M) F. h)

8、 V3 ?0 y4 l+ R主要产于美国。纹理粗犷,花纹清楚,深受欧美地区喜爱。 & y; S9 R3 t% . x+ Z- Q5 ( l2 b1 It comes from USA. Red Oak one of the highest value wood of decoration, and always become the best choice for its beautiful lines and coloration.3 Lm4 2 n* z% p, |) _% G5 E- j3 W美国樱桃 6 : ZT0 H, h1 NF2 y, g X2 X, r8 wAmerican C

9、herry : e/ F/ , |/ Z* 1 a0 - O% f0 p9 S v自然柔美,色泽粉中带绿,高贵典雅,装饰效果呈现高感度视觉效果。 2 B( 3 M: tt( tNatural and soft coloration present American Cherry unique character on decoration, especially on the office and living room.& v% G+ h$ V, : r- s& V& ; Z1 + R% 9 o沙比列 9 ! ?- ; a- G5 uSapele . G) h. A1 7 V. 7 R7 J

10、线条粗犷,颜色对比鲜明,装饰效果深隽大方,为家具不可缺少的高级木材。 + C, X% O* X# T- M5 s9 Q/ ! PIts bright color effect always catches up the eyes of the high-test people, and sharp contrast of lines and grains make wonderful decoration. U: w W3 B; i. V8 P! Q! | / N9 |% Z ) E 6 C7 p安丽格 Anigre T$ 9 Fx( h( t, T O色泽略带浅黄,线条高雅迷人,清新逸气确有

11、另一番情境。 / W4 v1 l: v) i3 c( The coloration of Anigre is bel0nging to light and clear. The integration of decoration is based on the simple and clear character, and give us soft and gentle.4 _2 W. t+ ?* E6 I$ Q E7 ( W4 % Y红影 Anigre-figue . q# r: Q# F) Q% p1 C即安格丽水波。有如动感水影,呈现活泼自然效果。 5 C6 k 5 I8 B0 R4 Y

12、9 yIt looks like moving river, which present the agile and smooth decoration8 a9 u. M7 q; T7 i* Sf. e: W! k, j6 J. , J1 l( J斑马木 Zebra Wood - H% d# k* x* L3 A o色泽深鲜,线条清楚,呈现独特装饰效果。 . hc; H+ T. G: _& y% X2 FThe coloration of Zebra is deep and contras, which presents the lines and grains clear and preci

13、se, therefore, the decoration is quite distinction and unmatched2 M# U ?: e+ $ Ay. U, v$ . W h& - n5 T4 u/ d% E麦格丽Maigelie 6 Nl3 |$ y4 l材质精细。色泽对比鲜明,呈现深烈影波与立体感效果。 ! h+ p_: ; % IMaigelie presents the sharp contrast of 3 dimensions effect. The shine shadow of picture makes the strong and beaming achiev

14、ement.3 X. A! d$ . w2 j! Y) Z s+ r% O) B% g0 h3 g0 _- Z红樱桃 Nyatoh ) W6 v4 g% c: g3 M0 I4 S/ r色泽鲜艳,属暖色调。装饰效果温馨浪漫,为宾馆、餐厅首选饰材。直纹恰似春江水暖、山纹宛若惠风和畅。 ( t8 V$ ) e! X5 D& 7 dThe color of cherry is full of brightness, and bel0ngs to the warmness coloration. It is full of romantic effect after decoration; there

15、fore, cherry is very appropriate to hotel and restaurant.( D3 h4 v+ B1 f* I7 q8 v6 u( n& A/ & 巴花木 Bubinga u L- V8 H1 h4 hM( U8 3 G图形丰富多彩,色泽奇丽,花纹亮丽。装饰于门板、天顶,独具奇观。 - + W2 D* ! S. m2 T/ GBubinga is full of drawings on its surface, which with wonderful color and lines. When it is applied on the door and

16、 cell, it will be showed the magnificent effect% ? u5 g% s; c H- k0 g. A: I4 l2 _; S- T, F% b玫瑰木 Rose Wood + V+ l# r! C; 4 U2 |0 & Q2 O5 o线条纹理鲜明,色泽均匀。装饰效果呈现清晰现代感。 5 Y9 p1 N7 ox. X# 2 FThe lines and grains of rose wood is sharp and clear, and, due to this characters, the decoration on house present h

17、igh value and full of modernism. / U: G: ?4 k$ a8 - fZ: & Q$ F5 k$ X3 Z6 P梨木 Pear 6 j f0 H& t& & K k+ 材质精细。纹路细腻,色泽亮丽,呈现夺眼鲜丽效果。为装饰不可多得的材料。 ; k& l$ o1 w4 ?- ! T7 cThe lines and grains of pear offer bright and shine effect after decoration of house. It is always the wonderful material for decoration.,

18、s6 + r% i6 j: 3 Q% yY* j- M) H$ w1 Q. W) d3 L! x: o9 |白影Sycamore-figue 6 H; G& A2 N4 2 D. 即西卡蒙水波。产于欧洲。色泽白皙光洁,呈现光水影的效果。 U, P J9 l$ D. x; F1 F! u* cIt bel0ngs European wood. The distinctive color from others is on the purity and clearness presentation. ; A) K4 I# S6 Q; Y& W; o4 n& E: r+ N1 oH3 |白榉Whit

19、e Beech , V3 j. Y9 h) ?# f1 B9 i材质精练,颜色轻淡,纹理清晰,装饰效果清新淡雅。 p! j0 T9 # k1 v+ Y7 S q- SSimplicity and smooth of white beech is biggest difference from others. The decoration presents soft and brilliant effect on itself.( f; s+ d/ _. Y9 K8 I h. 2 H2 Z Z: 玛珀树瘤 Mappa Burl 6 U- Y% Z& 1 I) B a5 E产于欧洲之精选木材,底色

20、白洁细腻,树瘤布满于饰板上,有如满天星斗。 . L V) u q8 f# f3 h6 G1 a5 V1 Is from European wood, and the lines and grains show us delicate and elegant, which looks like the stars shining on the sky.( N- u+ X( _/ x8 h3 J% ?& q6 ! Xl, I红榉 Red Beech # i3 N, Y2 A; V3 7 C属于欧洲精品材。颜色鲜艳,纹理细洁,装饰效果亮丽温馨柔和。 3 Fk6 b w0 fIt bel0ngs Eu

21、ropean wood. Its coloration of lines and grains always become the good choice of decoration, because the warmness and brightness bring soft and gentle performance/ M! q/ t* J, U: ?3 q % ?P: b _白胡桃 White Walnut ) b$ w, m% de6 6 r4 I色泽略浅,纹理俱厚实感。居家装饰呈现浓厚归属感。 s4 K7 n0 P, r6 r# Z+ |Its light coloration o

22、f lies and grains present the solid and thick sense, therefore, the decoration of house could offer people purity and simplicity.6 O7 _2 N3 E: U8 d+ |. P% ?: + - : 2 F. A+ y风影 Phoenix Shadow - & p& + R! C I色泽白皙光亮,图形变化万千,纹理细密,有如孔雀开屏。 2 ; ?1 D1 c6 A1 + y6 dPhoenix shadow has unique color on its surfac

23、e, and the drawing is full of changes. At the glimpse, it looks like the peacock spreading its shiny feather.# m, 8 q f y& 7 4 / J2 # h4 X7 D0 8 f9 r9 M水曲柳 Ash 9 n ) 7 dN1 $ 6 |% f产于美洲与大陆东北长白山之高级木材。花纹漂亮,直纹纹路浅直,山纹颜色清爽,装饰效果自然。 , n4 n% 0 b7 B; K: m: From Chang-Bai Mountain, China. Presenting fine grain

24、. Its color presents nature and balance after decoration* Y, f# d/ + O9 t6 e) Zz, Q( ( P2 dj) G. e6 0 H6 O8 s: n/ R, W; f! t6 h: d; e0 T, 7 o9 rq6 d $ 1 N% W- 5 s# L; s: . j; J& H; l! M, t4 Y3 y W! ?8 g5 G% j3 o E I0 S+ e3 Y0 n$ ( s2 O- ; I6 m; y2 v& z$ T5 D3 i+ a# ( 0 P- X p- f+ s1 i/ G( v+ 6 4 j2

25、f) 4 J; wY% V* O$ v; ( E& _1 h, G+ z# ?# z 8 S& T5 q/ x& E x j# ?- D& b9 j n+ , c7 L$ U- s H7 O* 2 ?% 4 7 Z + M) Q0 X! E, x+ g* o O2 P- f3 I2 E, c) o: i 装修常用木材饰面识别图样, sb8 k4 G- |+ I& 6 % R) a% ( w- u( L4 U2 D1 F6 J3 b- zu2 6 U图片: j% Z/ X0 h3 Q1 i A5 T6 u D$ 2 h: O8 G6 ym柚木 Teak % c$ X9 y0 C/ X* T8 |

26、) w高级进口材,油性丰富,线条清晰,色泽稳定,装饰风格稳重。属皇室指定用料,装饰家具不可或缺之高级材料。直纹表现出非凡风格,山纹彰显沉稳风范。 # r/ d# : j0 ; AIt comes from Burma, which is famous for the teak. Teak is full of greasy, nevertheless, due to its special quality and profound color, it is applied for high level decoration in the wood industry.! ! G. x: W% F

27、7 |rS2 X9 H% k1 L图片: + _, ? s+ _| # ; v1 M! Q K, O7 Z& X黑檀 Ebony 8 A5 d0 v( B3 c+ h色泽油黑发亮,木质细腻坚实,为名贵木材,山纹有如幽谷,直纹疑似苍林。装饰效果混厚大方。为装饰材料之极品。 : w2 ( A. x It is from Indonesia, which is the place of plenty of wood. Ebony is very special wood for its color and character; its charm darkness always expresses

28、the connotation and sedateness character. Ebony is always the best choice to make high value furniture in wood industry.8 N9 a) v6 B2 s* f% a$ a$ _. 4 O) j4 E$ s+ b5 ?图片: ( Z0 C, I i7 . d! I1 A6 _* t1 B7 I4 % O( hr) / + L5 H胡桃木 Walnut % E& X1 x9 产于美国、加拿大之高级木材。色泽深峻,装饰效果稳重。属于高级家具特选材料。 + qe: T% P* b( I

29、# eIt comes from USA and Canada. The color and lines present profound effect. The high level furniture of Walnut is always the best selection in the high test choice., 1 1 t/ y ! g% ) D3 L H. v# E2 K, C( E, n# | V图片: X) i3 k8 j6 T7 N# k- |3 T4 I/ H- / v6 T% g白橡 White Oak . a8 h8 G8 i. q0 色泽略浅,纹理淡雅。直

30、纹虽无鲜明对比,但却有返朴归真之感。山纹隐含鸟鸣山幽。装饰效果自然。 * |0 V* 2 v2 e6 z4 c& 8 JThe light color of white oak presents the natural and simple contrast. The performance of decoration makes people feel living in the wonderful woods.& O( _9 c, ao: E8 P: g2 u. f图片: + d/ ?% S9 e3 C- H/ _; N7 e6 w) N s+ h1 s8 K; 0 F雀眼树瘤 Skyla

31、rk Knot ! E4 v; GJ% j t% w( O8 v |看似雀眼。与其他饰板搭配,有如画龙点睛的效果。 ( 2 3 1 k5 O# p5 qDue to the effect of skylark eyes on the surface of picture, Skylark Knot is quite matched to others drawings, and always presents finishing touch for decoration.: o( s) l- X) Oa. W% K7 c; v; E4 _% V# * j图片: & w/ h8 k* E4 o6

32、 a! W% E/ N8 nk/ x9 Y/ N3 E玫瑰树瘤 Rose Tree Knot : k: E & Y5 H9 6 f质地细腻,色泽鲜丽,图案独特,适用于点缀配色。 - M5 E; p) I$ pThe rose tree knot is full of unique color and shiny pictures, which are always the good material of ornament for decoration7 N J( k) o6 g- S5 P5 6 A# k# Z. p4 h/ O5 B- N$ r: O图片: 7 t, ! 6 f. i- F

33、6 m0 f9 w% v红橡 Red Oak 7 % E; 0 i4 W主要产于美国。纹理粗犷,花纹清楚,深受欧美地区喜爱。 / H- t+ S/ b8 K9 G$ o+ rIt comes from USA. Red Oak one of the highest value wood of decoration, and always become the best choice for its beautiful lines and coloration.! Z# P) k& J- u6 J& s, b# v( g8 V) z% F; y s; Z ?图片: & s: Z1 y7 E; ?

34、/ n, YB, - D5 . q( c3 B+ G美国樱桃 American Cherry % m- ( S# W9 + B1 h& o自然柔美,色泽粉中带绿,高贵典雅,装饰效果呈现高感度视觉效果。 U+ t( P/ v0 T( 1 d3 B/ CNatural and soft coloration present American Cherry unique character on decoration, especially on the office and living room./ x! K) x2 P7 _+ G* o5 r- x4 V1 Z s3 M) X图片: ( Ev-

35、 C1 w% D& n& R% O, F& J 6 Z! 4 H. Y6 i+ v8 w沙比列 Sapele & j4 zC6 o X_- b! Z0 L1 |; j线条粗犷,颜色对比鲜明,装饰效果深隽大方,为家具不可缺少的高级木材。 , I9 n& X1 o0 w U: C* i5 U9 BIts bright color effect always catches up the eyes of the high-test people, and sharp contrast of lines and grains make wonderful decoration.6 c$ M; H7 P

36、* e3 Y( b; B6 b3 t/ I. q+ t图片: 9 g7 Z9 E! ( ) n0 w1 0 Q* t ) G) X! c$ R- P/ U+ d( _* m0 A安丽格 Anigre 5 h1 p* s5 h8 Z8 s9 F色泽略带浅黄,线条高雅迷人,清新逸气确有另一番情境。 8 , + A: h! g H* A1 The coloration of Anigre is belonging to light and clear. The integration of decoration is based on the simple and clear character,

37、and give us soft and gentle.# f) 3 O3 P+ g% X; w8 A( A0 T# ON图片: . F9 + V6 j, / I0 H6 S4 P4 a! K红影 Anigre-figue 0 p: Jb9 0 R2 a即安格丽水波。有如动感水影,呈现活泼自然效果。 ; Y3 2 o X. U9 MWy1 G0 dIt looks like moving river, which present the agile and smooth decoration.+ d) . 8 o1 q1 T& R3 s8 T; V4 V. n7 Q8 D* J& A图片: 0

38、 B) j8 S: ?( N) V2 o K. D6 h. A) ) , ; z: P斑马木 Zebra Wood , q, r# S; V: |色泽深鲜,线条清楚,呈现独特装饰效果。 , ?, g# E# y1 f y+ U l6 rThe coloration of Zebra is deep and contras, which presents the lines and grains clear and precise, therefore, the decoration is quite distinction and unmatched.+ z+ h# G. . n! T: R2

39、 . o/ k4 G) t( 6 y. 2 J7 ) 图片: 7 ! 0 Z c; i. D; nH+ b0 9 / Q; P% 7 w6 k) X4 P: E麦格丽Maigelie + H$ X( o& : N材质精细。色泽对比鲜明,呈现深烈影波与立体感效果。 8 I3 ; S7 X! N X6 pMaigelie presents the sharp contrast of 3 dimensions effect. The shine shadow of picture makes the strong and beaming achievement.: i4 W* V! 7 e2 h-

40、o2 U, s0 m& : 图片: - h: N2 J0 j8 | : O& ; W5 ( u! e红樱桃 Nyatoh B8 L$ L% 8 r8 色泽鲜艳,属暖色调。装饰效果温馨浪漫,为宾馆、餐厅首选饰材。直纹恰似春江水暖、山纹宛若惠风和畅。 5 b: g$ l* l5 d7 | xThe color of cherry is full of brightness, and belongs to the warmness coloration. It is full of romantic effect after decoration; therefore, cherry is very

41、 appropriate to hotel and restaurant.1 J, f8 i0 1 P1 J$ k6 P; R: X3 q& c图片: & p5 T3 N$ K6 r- V3 ; a4 k- h8 F0 K& z4 h0 |1 M- : n巴花木 Bubinga m8 b& _! I% 1 e* l1 图形丰富多彩,色泽奇丽,花纹亮丽。装饰于门板、天顶,独具奇观。 8 w0 y w& T3 7 i: u Z/ OBubinga is full of drawings on its surface, which with wonderful color and lines. Wh

42、en it is applied on the door and cell, it will be showed the magnificent effect./ g/ G1 I( t. G: O g. v* i, p4 P* iW( L6 M) j! a# D, X/ h# a$ & q图片: 9 B) n8 i 0 j# p1 w9 ?0 u# E$ n3 z; T* k+ g1 6 4 c玫瑰木 Rose Wood 1 c/ U8 n( D3 o% t1 h) v线条纹理鲜明,色泽均匀。装饰效果呈现清晰现代感。 ! ? u# D/ b8 $ 2 j+ c) IThe lines and

43、grains of rose wood is sharp and clear, and, due to this characters, the decoration on house present high value and full of modernism.& Z3 D: O- b P3 o; $ Z6 u1 D& U3 : L& A图片: , y, U7 W- O! O* v( ?. I$ P . u: x% y6 n8 F2 u9 i6 T; g% H梨木 Pear / t8 C2 X% q4 U3 c材质精细。纹路细腻,色泽亮丽,呈现夺眼鲜丽效果。为装饰不可多得的材料。 5 q

44、 U3 M- 1 Z8 8 rThe lines and grains of pear offer bright and shine effect after decoration of house. It is always the wonderful material for decoration.2 2 K$ e$ c, J& M+ 6 S. A* O ?n9 Q4 0 P e0 l图片: 2 t7 Y4 f( q8 + T$ j2 H, . y; M( S yv白影Sycamore-figue # J4 i% p! E4 |& W即西卡蒙水波。产于欧洲。色泽白皙光洁,呈现光水影的效果。

45、 7 Z, e2 S8 T9 R: z9 Q- N1 ZIt belongs European wood. The distinctive color from others is on the purity and clearness presentation.8 Y/ K) M2 t% W9 P L* 3 u5 F i Q图片: ! 4 f* v8 Q$ i $ r / M$ _- y( V1 % l Y白榉White Beech 7 k& S* N! N) q* F4 G0 V, J材质精练,颜色轻淡,纹理清晰,装饰效果清新淡雅。 6 s: q7 WG6 B/ q. ESimplicity and smooth of white beech is biggest difference from others. The decoration presents soft and brilliant effect on itself.7 av2 r/ P7 _2 v2 g5 J- h2 ?4 H$ I图片: q5 c6 o9 : q9 i2 m5 ?: i: z) G # W4 & p# r4 q/ L6 7 Y1 q玛珀树瘤 Mappa Burl 6 y) f1 A4 ?/ q


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