1、My Hometown Tai an,13110304207 郑元坤,在此录入文字标题,Which mountain is shown on the 5 yuan bill?,天下第一山 泰山,Mount Tai,壹,Mt Tai Location,It is located north of the city of Taian,in Shandong province.,History&Culture,If Mount Tai is stable,so is the entire country“泰山安,四海皆安,The foremost of the“Five Great Mountain
2、s”,A place of worship,ceremonial center,五岳之首,Qin Shi Huang,East is associated with sunrise,birth,and renewal.东方为万物交替、初春发生之地,72 emperors,贰,叁,Jade Emperor Peak玉皇顶,The tallest peak,1,545 metres,叁,Jade Emperor Temple玉皇庙,Burn joss sticks烧香,8,Four Wonders,Sunrise on Mt Tai 旭日东升,Sea of the clouds 云海玉盘,Budd
3、has light 泰山佛光,Sunset on Mt Tai 晚霞夕照,肆,Sunrise on Mt Tai 旭日东升,Sun Viewing Peak日观峰,Sunset on Mt Tai 晚霞夕照,Buddhas light 泰山佛光,Sea of the clouds 云海玉盘,Oddly-shaped Pines,伍,Oddly-shaped Pines,Welcoming-Guest Pine,伍,Rock Inscriptions 石刻,Many poets and literary scholarsGain inspirationpoems,essays,The delicious food,泰山三美,Tofu 豆腐Cabbage 白菜Water from Mt Tai 泰山水,2023/1/3,Thank you for listening,