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1、111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Unit 3 All about Me,JJ 四年级下册,Lesson15 Where Do You Live?,111111111111111111111111111111,Where do you live?,Where do you live?,1.Where do you live?,Where do yo

2、u live,Steven?,I live in a house beside the park.,Whats your address?,My address is 135 Ninth Street.,Whats youraddress?,My address is 942 Ninth Street.,Is that near the cinema?,No.Its near the Mr.Donut Restaurant!,I like thatrestaurant!,Me,too!,1.Where do you live?Where do,Where do you live,Steven?

3、斯蒂文,你住在哪里?,讲解来自点拨,知识点 1,这是一个由Where 引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问居住的地点。,句型结构:,Where+do/does+主语+live+其他?,答语:,主语+live/lives+介词+地点+其他.,用法:,Where do you live,Steven?讲解来自,讲解来自点拨,/lv/v.(动词)住;生活四会,Where does your uncle live?你叔叔住在哪里?He lives in a tall building.他住在一座高楼里。,用法:,live 表示“居住”,是不及物动词,“live in+地点”表示“居住在某地”。,短语:,live

4、 in住在,例句:,讲解来自点拨/lv/v.(动词)住;生活四会,讲解来自点拨,live后跟there,here,home 三个副词时,不加介词 in。例句:They have a farm.They live there.他们有个农场。他们住在那里。,讲解来自点拨live后跟there,here,home,讲解来自点拨,用所给单词的正确形式填空。The boy _(live)in a house.,lives,讲解来自点拨用所给单词的正确形式填空。lives,Whats your address?你的地址是什么?,知识点 2,讲解来自点拨,Can you tell me your addre

5、ss?你可以告诉我你的地址吗?,例句:,短语:,ad(广告)+dress(裙子)=address(地址),/dres/n.(名词)地址,an address 一个地址,Whats your address?你的地址是什么?知,讲解来自点拨,答语:,My address is+具体地址.,用法:,这是一个由What 引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问地址。Whats 是What is 的缩写形式。,Whats your address?你的地址是什么?,例句:,What is your address?你的地址是什么?My address is 942 Apple Avenue.我的地址是苹果大街942

6、号。,讲解来自点拨答语:My address is+具体,讲解来自点拨,英文地址一般的写法是由小地方写到大地方。和中文地址的表达方式正好相反,中文地址是按从大地方到小地方的顺序写。,讲解来自点拨英文地址一般的写法是由小地方写到大地方。和中,知识点 3,讲解来自点拨,用法:,that 用作代词时,可以指前面提到的那件事,也可指在空间上较远的事物或人物。,/t/pron.(指示代词)那;那个,例句:,That is a bird.那是一只鸟。,知识点 3讲解来自点拨用法:that 用作代词时,可以,讲解来自点拨,在打电话时,我们一般用“Whos that?”询问对方是谁。,复数:,those 那些

7、,对应词记忆法:,this 这个;这,讲解来自点拨在打电话时,我们一般用“Whos that,知识点 4,讲解来自点拨,Me,too!我也是!,too/tu/adv.太;也,用法:,too 表示“也”,一般用在肯定句句末;too 作为副词,也可以修饰形容词,放在形容词前面。,例句:,I am a student.He is a student,too.我是一名学生。他也是一名学生。The river is too long.这条河太长了。,同音异形词记忆法:,two 二 to 对,知识点 4讲解来自点拨Me,too!我也是!too,讲解来自点拨,I like that book.我喜欢那本书。

8、Me,too!我也是!,Me,too!意为“我也是!”,用法:,表示自己与别人有同样的情况。,例句:,讲解来自点拨 I like that book.我喜,2.Lets do it!,Read and find.Then draw and say.,Where do you live?,My house is near the supermarket.It s far from the school.Canyou find my house?,2.Lets do it!Read and find.,Can you find my house?你能找到我的房子吗?,知识点 5,讲解来自点拨,Ca

9、n you help me?你可以帮助我吗?Sure.当然可以。,用法:,这是由情态动词Can 引导的一般疑问句,可用来征求意见。,例句:,Can you find my house?知识点 5讲解来,讲解来自点拨,can 的意思是“能,会”,一定要注意它后面接的动词要用原形,而且can 没有人称和数的变化。,讲解来自点拨can 的意思是“能,会”,一定要注意它后面,讲解来自点拨,用所给词的适当形式填空。She can _(play)with you.,play,点拨:,要注意这里的主语虽然是第三人称单数,但是因为有情态动词can,后面接的动词要用其原形。,讲解来自点拨用所给词的适当形式填空。

10、play点拨:要注意,一、情景选择。(1)你想问对方住在哪里,应该说:_ A.Where are you live?B.Where do you live?C.What do you live?,C,点拨:,live 表示“居住”,是不及物动词,“live in 地点”表示“居住在某地”。故选C项。,一、情景选择。C点拨:live 表示“居住”,是不及物动词,,(2)你想表达:“我住在公园旁边的一所房子 里。”应该说:_ A.I live in a house beside the park.B.I live in a house near to the park.C.I live in a

11、house beside to the park.,A,(2)你想表达:“我住在公园旁边的一所房子 里。”应该说:_,(3)你想表达:“你的地址是什么?”应该说:_ A.Where is your address?B.What is your address?C.How is your address?(4)你想说:“我的地址是公园路305 号。”应该说:_ A.My address is Park Road 305.B.My address is 305 park Road.C.My address is 305 Park Road.,B,C,(3)你想表达:“你的地址是什么?”应该说:_,

12、二、单项选择。(1)_ is your address?Its 458 Eighth Avenue.A.Where B.Which C.What(2)My address is 156 _ A.Ninth street B.Ninth Street C.ninth Street,C,B,点拨:,根据答语可知,问句询问的是地址。应用what引导的特殊疑问句。故选C项。,二、单项选择。CB点拨:根据答语可知,问句询问的是地址。应用,三、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。()(1)A.your B.that C.my()(2)A.house B.ninth C.tenth()(3)A.this B.t

13、hat C.those()(4)A.address B.house C.live,B,C,A,C,三、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。B习题来自点拨CA,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:live,too,live in,house,that,beside the park重点句式:Where do you live,Steven?I live in a house beside the park.Whats your address?My address is 135 Ninth Street.,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加

14、强巩固,1 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。2 将Where do you live?的对话朗读流利。3 完成配套的课后作业,见典中点或 课后作业课件。,1 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写,Thank you!,Thank you!,JJ 四年级下册,Unit 3All about Me,Lesson 15Where Do You Live?,JJ 四年级下册 Unit 3All about Me,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,六,三,七,八,提示:点击 进入习题四一五二六三七八,一、将单词与相应的图片连线。1.cinemaA.2.sup

15、ermarket B.3.library C.4.house D.5.restaurant E.,习题源于典中点,一、将单词与相应的图片连线。习题源于典中点,二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。()1.A.what B.this C.where()2.A.far B.near C.school()3.A.live B.from C.find()4.A.cinema B.park C.beside()5.A.ninth B.road C.street,习题源于典中点,B,C,B,C,A,二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。习题源于典中点B,三、读一读,选一选。()1.My school is_ my h

16、ouse.A.far B.from C.far from()2._ do you live?I live in Baoding.A.Where B.What C.When,习题源于典中点,C,A,三、读一读,选一选。习题源于典中点CA,()3.My address is 942_ Street.A.Nine B.Ninth C.Nineth()4._ is your address?A.What B.Where C.Whats,习题源于典中点,B,A,()3.My address is 942_,()5.Can you_ my house?A.find B.look C.finds,习题源于典

17、中点,A,()5.Can you_ my hous,四、看地图,判断句子正(T)误(F)。()1.I live in a house near the super market.,习题源于典中点,T,四、看地图,判断句子正(T)误(F)。习题源于典中点T,()2.My school is on Changcheng Street.,习题源于典中点,F,()2.My school is on Changche,()3.My school is far from the library.,习题源于典中点,F,()3.My school is far from th,()4.The cinema i

18、s near the restaurant.,习题源于典中点,T,()4.The cinema is near the r,()5.The supermarket is beside the restaurant.,习题源于典中点,T,()5.The supermarket is besid,五、连词成句。1.dowhereliveyou(?)_2.likeIrestaurantthat(.)_,习题源于典中点,Where do you live?,I like that restaurant.,五、连词成句。习题源于典中点Where do you l,3.isyourwhataddress(

19、?)_4.thatisfrom the farpark(?)_5.ismythehousenearlibrary(.)_,习题源于典中点,What is your address?,Is that far from the park?,My house is near the library.,3.isyourwhataddress(?)习题源,六、核心素养练请观察地图,仿照例子回答问题。例:Whats Marys address?Marys address is 482 Dali Road.,习题源于典中点,六、核心素养练习题源于典中点,1.Whats Kims address?_2.Wha

20、ts Toms address?_,习题源于典中点,Kims address is 942 Beixin Street.,Toms address is 135 Jianshe Road.,1.Whats Kims address?习题源于,3.Is Mikes house far from the zoo?_4.Is Toms house beside the supermarket?_,习题源于典中点,Yes,it is.,No,it isnt.,3.Is Mikes house far from t,七、选择合适的句子补全对话。Tom:1._Bob:2._Tom:Whats your a

21、ddress?,习题源于典中点,E,B,七、选择合适的句子补全对话。习题源于典中点A.My a,Bob:3._Tom:4._Bob:No,it isnt.Tom:5._Bob:Yes,I can.,习题源于典中点,A,C,D,Bob:3._习题源于典中点A.My,八、阅读短文,将符合人物信息的选项填在相应的位置。Hello,my name is Tim.Im eleven years old.My birthday is June 25.Im 1.4 metres tall.My favourite month is October.I live in a house near the sch

22、ool.I have a friend.His name is Bob.,习题源于典中点,八、阅读短文,将符合人物信息的选项填在相应的位置。习题源于,He is ten years old.His birthday is January 12.He is 1.35 metres tall.His favourite month is January.It is cold in January.He can play in the snow.He lives in a house near the supermarket.His address is 134 Beijing Road.,习题源于

23、典中点,He is ten years old.His birth,1.A.I am Tim.B.I am Bob.C.I am eleven.D.I am 1.35 metres tall.E.I am ten years old.F.I like October.G.I live in a house near the school.H.My birthday is June 25.I.I like January.I can play in the snow.J.My address is 134 Beijing Road.,习题源于典中点,A,C F G H,1.习题源于典中点AC F G H,2.A.I am Tim.B.I am Bob.C.I am eleven.D.I am 1.35 metres tall.E.I am ten years old.F.I like October.G.I live in a house near the school.H.My birthday is June 25.I.I like January.I can play in the snow.J.My address is 134 Beijing Road.,习题源于典中点,B,D E I J,2.习题源于典中点BD E I J,Thank you!,Thank you!,


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