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1、,Festivals around the world,1.take place 发生;举行演出没有进行。The performance didnt take place.发生:happen,occur,Great changes _ in the rural areas in the last two decades.A.are happening B.have taken placeC.took place D.have been taken place,B,take place 不能用于被动语态中,句中短语 in the last two decades 可确定句子的时态为现在完成时。,

2、starve v.1)挨饿;饿死Millions of people starved to death during the war.战争中数百万人挨饿至死。2)starve for sth=long for渴望得到这些无家可归的孩子渴望得到爱。The homeless children starved for/were starved of love.,3)感觉很饿(仅用于进行时态)When will dinner be ready?Imstarving.晚饭什么时候做好?我快饿死了。类似于 I am dying.,5.in memory of=to the memory of sb The

3、 museum was built in memory of the famous scientist.in honor of in charge of in search of sb./sth.,6.dress up 盛装打扮,化装打扮You dont have to dress up.Come as you are.Children love dressing up in Halloween.,Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs:dress,put on,wear.,She is _ a gold ring.She

4、hurriedly _ her son and took him to the kindergarten.Remember to _ your coat.It is cold outside.,wearing,dressed,put on,dress vt.(+sb./oneself)“给穿衣服”。get dressed 穿衣服 be dressed in+衣服/颜色“穿着”=be in+衣服/颜色e.g.这个女孩穿着一身红衣服。The girl was dressed in red.,7.gain vt.&vi.获得;赢得(1)I have _ since I arrived.我到这里以后,

5、结识了很多朋友。(2)He had _ and looked much better.他体重增加,脸色好看多了。,gained a lot of friends,gained weight,n.收获(1)No _,no _.不劳无获。(2)_ into the pit,_ in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。,pains,gains,A fall,a gain,8.award n.奖品,奖项,奖金,助学金 Mary got an award and was able to finish her study.vt.授予;裁定award sb.sth.=award sth.to sb.授予某人

6、某物 win/receive/get an award for 因而获奖 reward 回报,报酬,(1)They _ John the first prize.他们授予约翰一等奖。(2)He won _ his excellent skill.他由于他出色的技能而获奖。,awarded,the award for,9.admire vt.钦佩;赞赏;欣赏 admire sb/sth(for sth)他们很欣赏我们的花园。They admired our garden very much.我羡慕他生意上的成功。I admire him for his success in business.a

7、dmire oneself in the mirror照镜自怜,10.look forward to 期望;期待;盼望即学即练9(1)My mother said she was _ _ you.我妈妈说她正期待着与你见面。(2)I was _ his comments on this new film.我期待听到他对这部新影片的评论。,looking forward,to meeting,looking forward to hearing,look forward to 结构中的 to为介词,其后接名词或动名词(动词ing形式)。类似的动词短语还有:be/become/get used t

8、o 习惯于 pay attention to 注意devote.to.把致力于 prefer.to.宁愿也不,11.as though=as if 好像,仿佛虚拟语气(从句所用的时态比前面真实句所用的时态倒退一个时态.)He behaved as if/though nothing had happened.He talks as if/though he knew everything.He looks as if he were ill.2.陈述语气表(示很可能的事实就用陈述语气,)It looks as if/though it is going to rain.,12.turn up

9、出现;到场;开大,调高(1)Guess who _ at Marys wedding.猜猜都有谁参加了玛丽的婚礼。(2)The book you have lost will _ someday.你丢的那本书说不定哪一天又会找到。(3)Please _.I want to listen to the news.请把收音机音量开大些,我想听听新闻。,turned up,turn up,turn up the radio,拓展:turn down关小,调低;拒绝turn off关(水源、煤气、电等);令厌烦turn on打开;使感兴趣turn out结果是;证明是;turn to转向,变成;求救于

10、,求助于,13.keep ones word守信用;履行诺【注意】keep ones word=keep ones promise,反义短语是break ones word/promise。注意两短语中的word不可数,无复数。,(1)She is a girl who always _.她是一个很讲信用的人。(2)Dont _,otherwise no one will trust you.不要失信,否则没有人会信任你。,keeps her word,break your word,holding his breath,14.hold ones breath 屏息;屏气take a deep

11、 breath 深呼吸out of breath 上气不接下气The race was so close that everyone was _ at the finish.这是一场势均力敌的比赛,以至于到最后每个人都屏住了呼吸。,15.apologize v道歉apologize to sb.for(doing)sth.say sorry to sb.for(doing)sth.apology n道歉accept/refuse an apology 接受/拒绝道歉,1)Bill was _ his friend _ having kept her waiting for a long tim

12、e.比尔正在向他的朋友道歉,因为让她等了好长时间。(2)I _ my host and left early.我向主人道过歉后提早离去。(3)Please _ my sincere _.请接受我真诚的歉意。,apologizing to,for,said sorry to,accept,apology,16.remind vt.提醒;使想起reminder n.起提醒作用的人或物remind sb.of sth./doing提醒某人(做)某remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人去做remind sb.that.提醒某人,(1)The pictures _ me _ my school

13、 days.这些照片使我想起学生时代。(2)I _ him _ he must go home before dark.我提醒他必须在天黑前回家。(3)_me _ to Mother.提醒我给母亲写信。,remind,of,reminded,that,Remind,to write,1.Mohandas Gandhi was a political and a r_ leader in Indian history.2.After the accident,he has lost his b_ in God.3.Dont play t_ on me I want to know the tru

14、th.,religious,belief,tricks,根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。,练习坊,4.He has g_ rich working experience in these years.,gained,5.A crowd _(聚集)to see what had happened.6.He has been _(奖励)a medal for his great bravery.7.This _(衣服)sells well to the teenage market.,gathered,awarded,clothing,8.The king pr

15、omised to hold a great _(盛宴)for all his people.9.We apologize for the late _(到达)of the train.,feast,arrival,用适当的介词填空。,1.Without food,the dog was starved _ death.2.The scientists published a new theory to explain the origins _ the universe.3.My mother says shes looking forward _ meeting you.,to,of,to

16、,4.We covered the sofa _ a large blanket.5.A good marriage is based _ trust.6.India gained independence _ Britain in 1947.7.We named the lake Rebecca _ memory of her.8.The film ends _ the death of the heroine.,with,on,from,in,with,根据汉语提示,将下列句子补充完整。,_(该词的来源)remains unknown.2.He knew I _(精力充沛)and woul

17、d get things done.3._(看起来好像)everyone else has gone home.4._(很明显)Tom stole the book.,The origin of the word,was energetic,It looks as though,It is obvious that,选用合适的短语,用其适当形式填空。look forward to;be proud of;in memory of;dress up;day and night;play a trick on;decorate with;have fun with;as though;do har

18、m toHer sister helped her to _ for the party.2.They set up a monument _ those who died in the big earthquake.,dress up,in memory of,look forward to;be proud of;in memory of;dress up;day and night;play a trick on;decorate with;have fun with;as though;do harm to3.We _ them and they fell right into it

19、yesterday.4.My coming summer holiday starts on the same day as my cousins,and I am much _ it.5.Go with your friends and _ them.,played a trick on,looking forward to,have fun with,look forward to;be proud of;in memory of;dress up;day and night;play a trick on;decorate with;have fun with;as though;do

20、harm to6.You have to convince them that you will put 200 percent into it and will work _ to make it a reality.7.She stared at me _ I were a complete stranger.,day and night,as though,look forward to;be proud of;in memory of;dress up;day and night;play a trick on;decorate with;have fun with;as though

21、;do harm to8.This kind of drugs will _ our health unless we follow the instructions.9.My students have worked hard,and I _ them.10.Mrs Lament showed me an old-fashioned dress _ ribbons and lace.,do harm to,am proud of,decorated with,翻译下列句子。1.离开家去上大学使我变得独立多了。(go away from;independent)2.两姐妹没有什么共同之处。(i

22、n common),Going away from home to college has made me much more independent.,The two sisters have nothing in common.,Holi A festival in India,每年2月底或3月初,即印度历12月的月圆之夜,印度教的传统大节胡里节(也叫洒红节)就要开始了。上至达官显贵,下至寻常百姓,都载歌载舞,尽情地用五彩缤纷的颜色装扮起来,迎接春天的到来。到时候,印度人为了表示喜庆和祝福,会向人们身上泼洒五颜六色的颜料。,胡里节源于印度的著名史诗摩诃婆罗多。传说,从前有一位国王暴虐无道,

23、狂妄自大,连天神也不放在眼里。一天,暴君对国民宣布,不准人们再提天神的名字,举国上下只能崇拜他一个人,否则就严加惩处。王子是天神的忠实信徒。他公开反对父亲,对天神依然虔诚如初。因此,暴君对王子怀恨在心,千方百计要陷害他。暴君叫人把王子推下万丈悬崖,但王子没有摔死。后来,暴君又命大象踩死王子,也未得逞。,暴君的妹妹名叫胡里,曾得神灵保佑不怕火烧,因此,暴君就让胡里抱住王子跳进熊熊燃烧的火中,企图烧死王子。孰料,王子毫发未损,胡里却葬身火海。当王子走出火堆时,人们向王子洒七色彩粉,表达对善良的赞颂和对邪恶的憎恨。每年人们都将柴草堆成一堆,象征助纣为虐的胡里,将其焚烧。据说,在此期间,人们可以大声说脏话,甚至骂人,表示对坏人的唾弃。,Thank you,


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