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1、,争分夺秒,满分闯关,等着你!,请进入直播的同学开始完成下列任务:易中考58-59页的核心考点,把答案写在消息里。注意:1、准备好红笔,把讲课中用正红色标示的知识点抄到书上 2、课后作业:完成易练通P110 完形填空(四),易练通P110 完形填空(三)CAABC ADCCD BDABD,教材同步复习篇,八年级(上)Unit 5,1.culture(n.)(adj.)与文化有关的;文化的_ 2.success(n.)(adj.)获得成功的;有成就的_(反)_(v.)实现目标;成功_(过去式)_-(反)_ succeed in doing sth.成功做成某事 eg:The talent sho

2、w was a great_ It _ showing Chinese culture.,cultural,successful,unsuccessful,succeed,succeeded,fail,success.,succeeded in,3.luck(n.)(adj.)幸运的 _(adj.)不幸的;不吉利的_(adv.)幸运的_(adv.)不幸的_ Good luck(to you)!祝你好运!eg:I was a_ boy.But _ I didnt perform well in the show.,lucky,unluckily,,lucky,unlucky,luckily,un

3、luckily,4-6.violinist(n.)小提琴手/pianist(n.)钢琴家/scientist(n.)科学家 tourist 游客 typist 打字员artist 艺术家 physicist 物理学家 play the+乐器 eg:play the violin 拉小提琴 play+球 play basketball 7.medicine take the medincine 吃药 不可数名词,9.week(n.)on weekdays在工作日;在上学的日子里;on the weekend/on weekends在周末 eg:She was doing the weekly s

4、hop.她正在进行每周一次的采购。weekly report 每周报告;周报告/weekly production 每周生产;每周产量/weekly newspaper 周发报纸/weekly magazine 周刊 monthly每月的 yearly 每年的,10.person(n.)in person 亲自=by oneself eg:The master played the piano in person to welcome the president.那位大师亲自弹钢琴来欢迎那位主席。11.relation(n.)friendship 友谊;hardship 苦难;spaceshi

5、p 宇宙飞船,12.educate(u.)educator 教育家 educate sb to do sth 教育某人做某事 get an education 受教育 educated adj.受过教育的,有教养的.well-educated 受过良好教育的 eg:My parents educated me to be friendly to others.Teachers educated me to follow the traffic rules.,13.plan(v.8n,)plan to do sth/make a plan to do sth.计划做某事 Whats your p

6、lan?/What are you planning to do?你计划干什么?14.discuss(u.)discuss sth with sb 和某人讨论某物/have a discussion about sth讨论某物 eg:I discussed my education with my parents last night.We had a discussion about my schoolwork.,15.stand(v.)eg:I cant stand that.我受不了那样的事。stand up 站起来 stand doing sth 忍受做某事 eg:I cant sta

7、nd waiting in line while waiting for the bus.,16.expect unexpected 出乎意料的事 expect sb to do sth 期待做某事 should do sth=be expected to do sth=be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 eg:We should keep quiet while watching movies in the cinema.We arent supposed/expected to talk loudly when reading in the library.My par

8、ents expect me to achieve my dream someday in the future.,17.mean adj.自私的 eg:Scrooge used to be mean.mean-meant-meant What does the word mean?=Whats the meaning of the word?那个单词什么意思?18.act take action to do sth 采取行动做某事(不可数名词)eg:We should take action to protect our homeland.action movie 动作片,19.appear

9、 eg:A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain.He appears(to be)quite rich 他似乎相当富有。It appears that he forgot to sign the letter.他似乎忘记在信上署名了。20.become become+n./adj.eg:I want to become an actor in the future.My country will become stronger and stronger.,21.get lost/be lost 迷路 eg:I was lost.There is

10、 no way for me to come out of the forest.loser n.失败者 eg:Im not a loser.Ill beat myself and achieve my goal.lose oneself in sth/get lost in sth 迷失在某物中 eg:Soon I lost myself in the story.不久我就沉浸在哪个故事中。I got lost in thought.我沉浸在思考中。,重点句型:情景交际1-4,A:Hello,Tina.Can I interview you?/Can I ask you some quest

11、ions?B:Sure,please.A:Thank you._B:Yes,I watch TV three times a week.A:_B:My favorite program is CCTV news.A:_?B:I hope to find out whats going on around the world.A:_?B:I dont mind comedies.I sometimes watch them when Im sad.A:Thank you very much.B:_,Do you often watch TV?,What is your favorite prog

12、ram?,Why do you like it?,What do you think of comedies?/How do you like comedies?,You are welcome.,考点2:hope/wish+that 从句 hope to do sth hope sb to do sth wish sb to do stheg:I hope to achieve my dream in the future.I hope my country will be better and better.I wish my parents to be in good health for ever.我希望我父母永远健康。,作业:完成易练通P110 完形填空(四),


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