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2、心。没能给领导当好助手,心里很是过意不去,加之工作无规律性,对家人关心不够,也让自己倍感压抑。就在上学期当我产生辞职的念头时,已对这份工作失去应有的热情,希望领导理解我的苦衷,准许我的申请,同时也相信学校许多有能力的年轻人更能胜任此项工作。本人考虑再三,决意辞去教师工作,恳请领导批准我的申请。此致敬礼!姓名20 xx年xx月xx日公办教师辞职报告(二)尊敬的领导:您,Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.,Section A 1a-2c,刘晓丽,公办教师的辞职报告参考Unit 6 An old man,Do you like reading

3、 stories?,Do you like reading stories?,SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN DWARVES,SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN DWARVES,人教英语八年级下册Unit6Section-A1a-2c(共19张PPT),人教英语八年级下册Unit6Section-A1a-2c(共19张PPT),人教英语八年级下册Unit6Section-A1a-2c(共19张PPT),Journey to the west,Hou Yi shoots the suns,Journey to the westHou Yi shoo,Nu Wa repairs t

4、he sky,Yu Gong Moves a Mountain,Nu Wa repairs the skyYu Gong M,1b Listen and check the facts you hear.Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about?,The two mountains were very high and big.A very old man tried to move the mountains.A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it.,1b Listen and chec

5、k the fact,Group Discussion,Read the conversation again.What grammar points are there in the conversation?You should discuss with your group members.,Group Discussion Read the,Discuss the questions with your partner.,1.How does the story begin?2.What happened next?3.Where would they put all the eart

6、h and stone from the mountains?,Once upon a time,there was an old man called Yu Gong.There were two big mountains near his house.It took him a long time to walk to the other side.,Yu Gong told his family that they should all help him to move the mountains.,They would put all the earth and stone into

7、 the sea.,Discuss the questions with you,2a Listen and number the pictures1-4 in order to tell the story.,3,2,1,4,2a Listen and number the pictu,2b Listen again and circle the words you hear.,1.A man saw Yu Gong and his(children/family)when they were working on moving the mountains.2.He told Yu Gong

8、 that he could never do it because he was old and(poor/weak).3.As soon as the man finished(talking/speaking),Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.4.Finally,a god was moved by Yu Gong that he sent(two/three)gods to take the mountains away.5.This story remind

9、s us that you can never(know/see)whats possible unless you try to make it happen.,children,weak,talking,two,know,2b Listen again and circle th,Fill in the blanks according to the listening material.,there was a very old man Yu Gong.There were near his house.They were so and that it took a long time

10、to walk to the other side.One day,he got an idea.He told his family they should all help him to the mountains.He said they could all the earth and from the mountains the sea,because its big to hold everything.So they started the next day.,Once upon a time,called,two mountains,high,big,move,put,stone

11、,into,enough,digging,Fill in the blanks according t,Do you think Yu Gong can move the mountains away?Write an end for the story.,Do you think Yu Gong can move,2c Look at the pictures in 2a and tell the story in your own words.,2c Look at the pictures in 2a,What do you learn from the story?,Free talk,Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.,You can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.,What do you learn from the sto,Homework,Make your writing more perfect after class.,HomeworkMake your writing more,Thank you for listening.,Thank you for listening.,


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