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1、,必修四,Unit 2Working the land,(第三课时),必修四Unit 2(第三课时),春路雨添花花动一山春色,Leading,春路雨添花Leading,Do you know how to work on a farm?,Do you know how to work on a f,人教英语必修四unit2-reading(共28张PPT-),First,buy or select the seeds from the store.,First,buy or select the seeds,Second,we need to plough or turn over the s

2、oil.,Second,we need to plough or t,Third,we sow the seeds in the soil.,Third,we sow the seeds in th,In order to improve the output of the crop,we need to rid the soil of the weed,water the crop,fertilize the soil and kill off the pest.,water the crop,rid the soil of the weed,fertilize the soil,kill

3、off the pest,to improve the output of the crop,In order to improve the output,Finally,we can harvest our grain/sorghum.,Finally,we can harvest our gr,Thinking,Thinking,接天莲叶无穷碧映日荷花别样红,HAVE A REST,接天莲叶无穷碧HAVE A REST,Find out the main idea of each paragraph.,brief life experience,Para 1 A.Dr Yuans,True

4、 or False.,(1)Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist.(2)Dr Yuans kind of rice is the most suitable for Chinas farmland.(3)Yuan Longping became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow super hybrid rice at the age of 40.,F,T,F,True or False.(1)Dr Yuan i,True or False.,(4)More than 60%of

5、 the rice in the world is from the hybrid strain.(5)According to the text,farmers in China are producing rice harvests nearly 4 times as large as that in 1950.,F,T,True or False.(4)More than,Yuan Longping,Chinese,90born in1930,Scientist,Graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953,to export

6、his hybrid rice so that it can be grown around the globe,in 1973,developed hybrid rice which produces 20%more than normal rice,listening to violin music,playing mah-jong,swimming and reading,Name Nationality Age Occupatio,Accessing,Accessing,1Why does Yuan Longping work the land?ABecause he was born

7、 into a farmers family.BBecause he needs to do his research on farming.CBecause he is interested in farming.DBecause he has a slim and strong body.,Choose the best answer.,1Why does Yuan Longping work,2According to the text,in 1950,Chinese farmers could produce only about million tons of rice.A20 B2

8、00C56 D500,Choose the best answer.,2According to the text,in 195,3What is Yuan Longpings attitude towards money?AToo much money will cause a lot of troubles.BMoney is of no use to a scientist.CMoney is not important at all.DOne has to spend all his money on his own research.,Choose the best answer.,

9、3What is Yuan Longpings atti,4What can we know from the text?AYuan Longping found a way to increase rice harvests by expanding the area of fields.BYuan Longping is satisfied with his life because he is famous and rich.CIn the 1950s,many parts of the countryside were short of food.DYuan Longpings way

10、 of increasing rice harvests only works in some Asian countries.,Choose the best answer.,4What can we know from the te,Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.,1.Although he is one of Chinas most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer,for he works the land to do his

11、 research.,虽然他是中国最著名的科学家之一,袁隆平仍认为自己是一个农民,因为他在田间耕作、进行科学研究。,分析:此句为并列复合句。并列连词for 连接两个并列分句,第一个分句为主从复合句,含有although引导的让步状语 从句。“to do his research”为目的 状语。,Analyze the following difficul,Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.,2.Indeed,his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body are j

12、ust like those of millions of Chinese farmers,for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.,的确,他那被太阳晒得黝黑的脸庞和手臂,以及他那瘦削而又结实的身躯,就跟其他千百万中国农民一样。过去50年来,他一直在努力帮助他们。,分析:本句是一个主从复合句,句子主语为“his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body”,those指代“sunburnt face and arms and slim,strong body”,for whom为

13、“介词关系代词”引导非限制性定语从句,修饰Chinese farmers。,Analyze the following difficul,Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.,3.In 1973,he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.,1973年,他成为世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先驱。,Analyze the following difficul,Analyze the foll

14、owing difficult sentences in the text.,4.This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce 20%more of the crop in the same fields.,这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获20%的产量成为可能。,分析:句中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式短语。,Analyze the following difficul,Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.,5.He awoke from his

15、 dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.,他从梦中醒来,希望能培育一种能养活更多人的水稻。,Analyze the following difficul,Retelling,When he was young,Yuan Longping saw the great need for increasing the rice _ and then hunger was a _problem in China.He wanted to increase rice harvests wit

16、hout _the area of the fields.In 1973,a special strain of rice could produce 20%more of the _ in the same fields.,output,disturbing,expanding,crop,Retelling When he was,Retelling,_ his research,the UN has more tools to rid the world of _.He is now _ his knowledge in less developed countries and he wants to _ his rice so that it can be grown around the globe.Though he has been _for the past five decades,Dr.Yuan is quite_ with his life.,Thanks to,hunger,circulating,export,struggling,satisfied,Retelling _,终,THANKS,终THANKS,


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