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1、七年级(上)Units 59,1单词关2短语关3句式关4教材语篇关七年级(上)Units,单词关,名词1.class(n.)_(pl.)班级;课_(n.)同班同学_ 在课堂上_ 课后2.tomato(n.)_(pl.)西红柿 3.woman(n.)_(pl.)女子,classes,in class,after class,教材与课标共有,4 次,classmate,29 次,tomatoes,women,单词关名词classesin classafter clas,4.art(n.)艺术;美术_(n.)艺术家 5.science(n.)科学_(n.)科学家_(adj.)科学(上)的;关于科学的

2、_ 科幻小说,artist,scientific,science fiction,12 次,scientist,8 次,4.art(n.)艺术;美术artistscientifi,6.music(n.)音乐;乐曲_(adj.)音乐的;有关音乐的_(n.)音乐家_ 乡村音乐7.history(n.)历史_(adj.)历史的;历史上的,musical,country music,historical,13 次,musician,6.music(n.)音乐;乐曲musicalcountr,动词8.let(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)允许;让_ 让某人做某事 _ 使某人失望 _ 让某人进

3、来,let,letting,let sb.do sth.,let sb.down,let sb.in,18次,动词letlettinglet sb.do sth.le,9.go(v.)_(第三人称单数)_(过去式)_(过去分词)去;走_ 继续 _ 进入,加入_ 下降_回顾,追溯_(闹钟)发出响声_时间逝去,goes,went,gone,go on,go into,go down,go back,53次,go off,go by,9.go(v.)_(第三人称单数)goe,10.get(v.)_(第三人称单数)_(过去式)_(过去分词)_(现在分词)去取(或带来);得到_ 到达(2018.35)_

4、 从下来(2014.36)_ 上车 _ 出去_ 避免,摆脱;逃离 _ 起床_ 克服;恢复,gets,got,got/gotten,getting,get to,53次,get off,get on,get out,get away from,get up,get over,10.get(v.)_(第三人称单数)g,11.play(v.)参加(比赛或运动);玩耍_(n.)运动员;参赛选手_ 参与;发挥作用_ 下棋_ 拉小提琴_ 和某人一起玩某物,player,play a role/part,play chess,play the violin,play sth.with sb.,24次,11.

5、play(v.)参加(比赛或运动);玩耍player,12.like(v.)喜欢;喜爱_(反义词)不喜欢_ 喜欢做某事_(表示意愿)愿意/喜欢做某事_ 看起来像13.eat(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)吃_ 吃光_ 出去吃饭,37次,16次,dislike,like to do/doing sth.,feel like doing sth.,look like,ate,eaten,eat up,eat out,12.like(v.)喜欢;喜爱37次16次dislike,14.take(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)买下;拿;取_ 脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞(2019.31)_ 取出;发

6、泄;邀请(某人)外出(2016.39)_ 带走;拿走;取走(2017.31)_ 拿起;占据;从事_ 吸收_ 发生,52次,took,taken,take off,take out,take away,take up,take in,take place,14.take(v.)_(过去式)52次,15.buy(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)购买;买_ buy sth.for sb.为某人买某物_ 从某地买某物16.sell(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)出售;销售;卖_(n.)特价销售;出售_ sell sth.to sb.把某物卖给某人_ 卖光;卖完_ 大促销,bought,buy sb.sth.

7、,buy sth.from sp.,sold,sale,sell sb.sth.,sell out,on sale,23次,11次,15.buy(v.)_(过去式/过去分词,形容词17.late(adj.)迟到_(adv.)最近地_ 迟到(2019.35)_ 迟早;早晚18.difficult(adj.)困难的_(n.)难题_ 做某事有困难,lately,be late for,sooner or later,difficulty,have difficulty(in)doing sth.,5 次,形容词lately be late forsooner or,19.easy(adj.)容易的;

8、不费力的_(adv.)容易地20.healthy(adj.)健康的_(adv.)健康地_(adj.)不健康的_ 保持健康 21.fat(adj.)肥的;肥胖的_(比较级)较胖的_(最高级)最胖的,easily,healthily,unhealthy,stay/keep healthy,fatter,fattest,11次,3 次,19.easy(adj.)容易的;不费力的easily h,22.big(adj.)大的;大号的_(比较级)更大的_(最高级)最大的_(反义词)小的;小号的23.long(adj.)长的_(n.)长;长度_(反义词)短的;矮的_ 只要_ 不再,bigger,bigge

9、st,small,length,short,as long as,no longer,13次,18次,22.big(adj.)大的;大号的biggerbigge,24.happy(adj.)愉快的,高兴的_(adv.)快乐地;高兴地;满足地_(n.)幸福_(反义词)不快乐的;不幸福的;难过的;悲伤的25.busy(adj.)忙碌的;无暇的_(adv.)忙碌地_(比较级)更忙的_(最高级)最忙的_忙于做某事_ 忙于,20次,happily,happiness,unhappy,busily,busier,busiest,be busy doing sth.,be busy with.,5 次,24

10、.happy(adj.)愉快的,高兴的20次happi,26.free(adj.)空闲的_(adv.)不受限制地;无拘无束地;自由地_(n.)自由_(可以)随便(做某事)_ 在某人的空闲时间_免费,freely,freedom,feel free to do sth.,in ones free time,for free,11次,26.free(adj.)空闲的freelyfreedom,数词27.twelve(num.)十二_(序数词)第十二28.twenty(num.)二十_(序数词)第二十,twelfth,twentieth,数词twelfthtwentieth,代词29.we(pron

11、.)我们_(人称代词宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)我们的_(名词性物主代词)我们的_(反身代词)我们自己,us,our,ours,ourselves,代词usourours ourselves,兼类词30.do(aux.v&v)_(第三人称单数)_(过去式)_(过去分词)用于构成否定句和疑问句;做;干31.fun(n.)乐趣;快乐_(adj.)可笑的;滑稽的(adj.)有趣的;使人快乐的_ 做某事很快乐_ 开玩笑地;闹着玩地,does,did,done,funny,have fun(in)doing sth.,for fun,10次,兼类词doesdiddonefunny have fu,32.

12、love(v.)爱;喜爱_(反义词)厌恶(n.)爱;喜爱_(adj.)可爱的_ 爱上做某事_ 爱上/喜欢上33.much(adj.)许多;大量;多少_(比较级)更多(的)_(最高级)最多(的);大多数(pron.)许多,大量,多少,hate,lovely,love doing sth./love to do sth.,fall in love with.,more,most,32.love(v.)爱;喜爱_(反义词,34.well(adv.)好;令人满意地_(比较级)较好的(地);更好的(地)_(最高级)最好的;最好地(interj.)嗯,好吧_ 也;和一样,better,best,as we

13、ll as,34.well(adv.)好;令人满意地betterbes,适当形式填空,1.How many _(tomato)do we need?人教八(上)Unit 8 P592.I thought Eliza was the best.Shes an excellent piano_(play)人教八(上)Unit 4 P993.Come and buy your clothes at our great _(sell)!We sell all our clothes at very good prices.人教七(上)Unit 7 P41,tomatoes,player,sale,适当

14、形式填空1.How many _(to,4.One day I watched an English movie called Toy Story.I fell in love with this exciting and_(fun)movie!人教(全)Unit 1 P35.The population of America is much _(big)than that of Canada.冀教八(上)Unit 7 P1096.The girl is talking with her mum _(happy).上海牛津八(下)Unit 6 P87,funny,bigger,happily,

15、4.One day I watched an Englis,7.Even though many people now know about tea culture,the Chinese are without doubt the ones who_(well)understand the nature of tea.人教九(全)Unit 6 P438.Im sorry I _(take)your card by mistake.2019葫芦岛单选2题9.Dont _(easy)follow a fashion.Being yourself is the best rule.2019上海完成

16、句子56题,best,took,easily,7.Even though many people now,10.The apartment has twelve floors and Mr.Green lives on the_(twelve)floor.2019龙东单选3题11.When we succeeded in reaching the top of Mount Tai,we felt proud of _(we)2019沈阳单选6题,twelfth,ourselves,10.The apartment has twelve f,盲填,12.We can use less water

17、 and plant more trees.Everyone should play _part in saving the earth.人教八(上)Unit 7 P5013.Dont arrive late _ class.You must be on time.人教七(下)Unit 4 P1914.Father was so busy _ his work that he had little time to read the newspaper.2019武威阅读理解,a,for,with,盲填12.We can use less water an,15.There are many gr

18、eat _ in China.They have made great progress in _.With their _ researches,China has improved a lot in different fields.(science)16.My grandmother likes music very much.When she was young,she could play different kinds of _ instruments.She always dreamed of becoming a _.Though she is in her sixties,s

19、he still likes attending _ lessons.(music),scientists,science,scientific,musical,musician,music,(用所给词的适当形式填空),微语段,15.There are many great _,短语关,动词短语,1._ 让我们(一起)2._ 看电视3._ 思考;思索 4._ 提供帮助5._ 把和相匹配6._ 把添加到,let us/lets,watch TV,think about,offer help,match.with,add.to,短语关动词短语1._ 让我们(一起),7._ 想要做某事8._ 看9.

20、_ 询问某人关于某事,want to do sth.,look at,ask sb.about sth.,7._ 想要做某事want to,10._(英式)足球11._ 半小时12._ 无疑;肯定13._ 至少14._ 在旁边 15._ 从到16._ 在下午,soccer ball,half an hour,for sure,at least,next to,from.to.,in the afternoon,名/形容/介词短语,10._(英式)足球soccer,17._ 给你。18._ 再见!19._(表示祝愿)过得愉快!20._(提出建议)怎么样?21._(购物时)多少钱?,其他短语,He

21、re you are.,See you!,Have a good time!,How/What about.?,How much.?,17._ 给你。其他短语Here y,22._ 多大年纪?几岁了?23._ 一双 24._ 生日快乐!25._ 的数量,How old.?,a pair of,Happy birthday!,the number of,22._ 多大年纪?几岁了?,用“分类练短语”中的短语并用其适当形式填空1._ foreign players,including Chinese players,in the NBA has increased.人教九(全)Unit 6 P46

22、2.Kim wants to buy _ shoes and a white blouse for school.冀教七(上)Unit 2 P273.I grew up _ the sea.My dad always took my sister and me for trips on his boat.上海牛津七(下)Unit 8 P108,The number of,a pair of,next to,用“分类练短语”中的短语并用其适当形式填空The numbe,4.If you promise somebody a present,you tell him/her that you wi

23、ll give him/her the present _上海牛津八(上)Unit 2 P205.Many times I _ giving up,but I fought on.2019兰州按要求完成句子100题6.When I grow up,I want to _ to people in poor areas.2019淮安完成句子7.Too much fear will _ your panic(恐慌)and make you too nervous to think clearly.2017淮安阅读C,for sure,thought about,offer help,add to,

24、4.If you promise somebody a p,1._ a baseball?你有棒球吗?Yes,I do.Its in my bag.是的,我有。在我的包里。2.I dont have a soccer ball,_ my brother has one.我没有一个足球,但是我哥哥有。3._ salad?你喜欢沙拉吗?_.是的,我非常喜欢。,Do you have,but,Do you like,Yes,I really like it/I like it very much,句式关,1._ a basebal,4._ are those yellow socks?那些黄袜子多少

25、钱?Tow dollars for one pair and_ for two pairs.一双两美元,两双三美元。5.Whats _ favorite subject?大卫最喜欢的科目是什么?6.School Day is on October _.10月22日是校园日。7._your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?My birthday is in August.我的生日在八月份。,How much,three dollars,Davids,twentysecond/22nd,When is,4._ are those ye,8.Our Chinese teacher,Miss C

26、hen,is _我们的语文老师,陈老师,非常有趣。9._,I _ with my classmates.课后,我和我的同班同学一起打乒乓球。10.On September 21st,we _ in the afternoon.9月21号下午,我们有一次校园旅行。11.Soccer is difficult.I like pingpong._足球很难,我喜欢乒乓球。它对我来说很容易。,great fun,After class,play pingpong,have a school trip,Its easy for me,8.Our Chinese teacher,Miss C,教材语篇关,P

27、assage 1选自七(上)Unit 5 Section B 2bLook!Here are some survey results.The 1._(one)is about Frank.He doesnt have a soccer ball,but his brother Alan does.They go to 2._ same school and they love soccer.They play it at school 3._ their friends.They think its 4._(relax).The next is about Gina.She has two s

28、occer balls,three5._(volleyball),four basketballs and five baseballs and bats.She,first,the,with,relaxing,volleyballs,教材语篇关Passage 1选自七(上)Unit 5 Se,6._(say),“I love sports,but I dont play themI only watch them on TV!”The last is about Wang Wei.He is a Chinese boy.He doesnt have soccer balls.He think

29、s it is difficult.He likes pingpong.Its easy for 7._(he).He has three pingpong balls and two pingpong bats.,says,him,6._(say),“I love spo,Passage 2 选自七(上)Unit 6 Section B 2bCindy Smith is a volleyball star.She has many good1._(eat)habits.For breakfast,she loves fruit.She thinks it is2._(health).But

30、she doesnt like 3._(banana).She likes oranges and apples.For lunch,she 4._(real)likes salad.What does she have 5._ dinner?Does she eat hamburgers?No.She says,“Hamburgers are not good for my health.I like chicken instead.”She likes icecream,6._ she doesnt eat it.She doesnt want to be fat.,eating,heal

31、thy,bananas,really,but,for,Passage 2 选自七(上)Unit 6 Sectio,Passage 3 选自七(上)Unit 8 Section B 2bDear students,Welcome to our school.We have some fun 1._(thing)for you this term.On September 21st,we have a school trip in the afternoon.October is one of the 2._(busy)months.On the 12th and the 15th,we have

32、 two ball games,soccer 3._ volleyball.School Day is on October 22nd.Your parents can come to our school.Next month,we have an art festival.Its 4._ November 3rd.We have 5._ English party on November 30th.And on December,things,busiest,and,on,an,Passage 3 选自七(上)Unit 8 Sectio,3rd,we have a book 6._(sel

33、l)in the school library.There you can 7._ and sell some good books.This is a really busy and 8._(interest)term!Hope you will enjoy 9._(you)!,sale,buy,interesting,yourselves,3rd,we have a book 6._,Passage 4选自七(上)Unit 9 Section B 2bDear Jenny,I am very busy on Friday.At 8:00 I have math.It is not fun.

34、The teacher says it is 1._ great use,but I think it is difficult.Then at 9:00 I have science.It is difficult 2._ interesting.At 10:00 I have history.After that,I have PE.at 11:00.It is the 3._(easy)and funniest of all classes.Lunch is from 12:00 4._1:00,and after that we have Chinese.,of,easiest,but

35、,to,Passage 4选自七(上)Unit 9 Section,It is my favorite of all the 5._(subject).Our Chinese teacher is very 6._(humour).The Chinese class 7._(finish)at 1:50.Then I have an art lesson for two 8._(hour).Unlike other subjects,it is really relaxing!How about you?When are 9._(you)classes?Which one do you like best?Your friend,Yu Mei,subjects,humorous,finishes,hours,your,It is my favorite of all the 5,


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