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1、七年级(下)Units 14,1单词关2短语关3句式关4教材语篇关七年级(下)Units,单词关,名词1.story(n.)_(pl.)故事;小说_ 编故事_讲故事 2.center(n.)中心;中央_(adj.)中心的,中央的_ 在中心,stories,tell a story,central,教材与课标共有,5 次,make up a story,11 次,in the center of,单词关名词storiestell a storycentra,3.tooth(n.)_(pl.)牙齿_(n.)牙痛_ 牙痛(短语)_ 刷牙4.life(n.)_(pl.)生活;生命_ 改变某人的生活_

2、改善某人的生活_ 救某人的生命,teeth,have a toothache,brush ones teeth,28 次,toothache,lives,change ones life,improve ones life,save ones life,3.tooth(n.)_(pl.)牙齿t,5.village(n.)村庄;村镇_(n.)村民6.luck(n.)幸运;运气_(adj.)幸运的_(adv.)幸运地;好运地_(反义词)不幸的;不吉利的,villager,luckily,unlucky,15 次,lucky,5.village(n.)村庄;村镇villagerluc,动词7.sin

3、g(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)唱歌_(n.)歌手8.draw(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)画_(n.)图画_画一幅画(2019.34),sang,sung,singer,drew,drawn,10次,drawing,draw a picture,7 次,动词sangsungsingerdrewdrawn10,9.speak(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)说(某种语言);说话_(n.)讲(某种语言)的人;发言者_ 对某人说话_ 说话技巧10.tell(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)讲述;告诉_ 告诉某人某事_ 告诉某人(不要)做某事,spoke,spoken,speaker,speak

4、 to sb.,speaking skills,told,tell sb.sth.,19次,tell sb.(not)to do sth.,23次,9.speak(v.)_(过去式)spo,11.write(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)写作;写字_(n.)作者;作家_ 写下;记录下_ 给某人写信,wrote,written,writer,write down,write to sb.,49次,11.write(v.)wrotewrittenwrite,12.make(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)使成为;制造_ 确保_ 编造(故事、谎言等)_使某人做某事_ 由制作(看得出原材料)_ 由制作(

5、看不出原材料)_ 做菜,made,make sure,make up,make sb.do sth.,be made of,85次,be made from,make dishes,12.make(v.)made make sure mak,13.teach(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)教;讲授_(n.)老师_(n.)教学_ 教某人做某事_ 自学_ 教学方法,43次,taught,teacher,teaching,teach sb.to do sth.,teach oneself,teaching method,13.teach(v.)43次taughtteachert,14.run(v.)_

6、(过去式)_(过去分词)_(现在分词)跑;奔_(n.)赛跑的人_ 跑开_ 追赶_ 用尽;耗尽,14次,ran,run,running,runner,run away,run after,run out(of),14.run(v.)_(过去式)14次,15.drive(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)开车_(n.)驾驶员;司机_ 开车_ 使人发疯,drove,driven,driver,drive a car,drive sb.crazy/mad,10次,15.drive(v.)drovedrivendriver,16.live(v.)居住;生活_(adj.)活着的;有生气的_(adj.)生气勃

7、勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的_ 和某人住一起(2017.29)_ 住在某地_ 谋生17.cross(v.)横过;越过_(n.)十字路口_ 过马路_ 在第一个十字路口,alive,lively,live with sb.,live in sp.,make a living/live on,crossing,cross the road,at the first crossing,11次,4 次,16.live(v.)居住;生活alivelivelyli,18.leave(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)离开_ 让某人单独待着_ 前往_ 忽略;不提及;不包括_ 忘带,留下_ 留一个信息,left,leave

8、sb.alone,leave for,leave out,leave behind,leave a message,13次,18.leave(v.)leftleave sb.alo,19.fight(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)打架;战斗_ 与作斗争_ 和某人打架_ 为战斗20.wear(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)穿;戴_ 戴眼镜,fought,fight against,fight with sb.,fight for,wore,worn,wear glasses,6 次,19.fight(v.)foughtfight again,21.arrive(v.)_(n.)到达_ 到达(小地

9、点)_ 到达(大地点)22.bring(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)取来;带来_ 把某物带给某人_使某人表现出最好的一面_ 抚养,arrival,arrive at,arrive in,brought,bring sth.to sb.,bring out the best in sb.,bring up,14次,4 次,21.arrive(v.)arrivalarrive at,23.relax(v.)_(n.)放松;休息_(adj.)放松的_(adj.)令人放松的24.read(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)读;阅读_(n.)读者,relaxation,relaxed,relaxing,rea

10、d,reader,33次,3 次,23.relax(v.)relaxationrelaxed,25.feel(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)感受;觉得_(n.)感觉;感触_ 给的感觉;想要_ 对感到抱歉_ 满足感26.follow(v.)遵循;跟随_(adj.)接着的_(n.)追随者,felt,feeling,feel like,feel sorry for,the feeling of satisfaction,following,follower,7次,24次,25.feel(v.)feltfeelingfeel li,27.keep(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)保持;保留_(n.)饲养员;

11、保管人_ 避免接近;远离_ 一直做某事_ 记住某事_ 与保持联系_ 写日记,kept,keeper,keep away from,keep(on)doing sth.,keep sth.in mind,keep in touch with,keep a diary,16次,27.keep(v.)keptkeeperkeep awa,28.learn(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)学习;学会_(n.)学习者_ 从/向学习_ 了解,学习_学着做某事,learned/learnt,learner,learn from.,learn about,learn to do sth.,28次,28.learn

12、(v.)learned/learntlea,形容词29.true(adj.)真的;符合事实的_(adv.)真正地;确实_(adj.)诚实的;真实的_(n.)实情;事实_ 说实话;老实说,truly,truthful,truth,to tell the truth,6 次,形容词trulytruthful truth to tel,30.important(adj.)重要的_(n.)重要性;重要_ 对很重要_做某事是重要的_ 的重要性31.quiet(adj.)安静的_(adv.)轻声地;轻柔地;安静地_ 保持安静,importance,be important to,it is importa

13、nt to do sth.,the importance of.,quietly,keep/be quiet,33次,4 次,30.important(adj.)重要的importan,32.dirty(adj.)_(比较级)脏的33.noisy(adj.)吵闹的 _(adv.)吵闹地34.terrible(adj.)非常讨厌的;可怕的_(adv.)非常;可怕地;极度地 35.funny(adj.)_(比较级)_(最高级)奇怪的;滑稽好笑的,dirtier,noisily,terribly,6 次,funnier,funniest,3 次,32.dirty(adj.)dirtiernoisil

14、y,兼类词36.home(n.)家;活动本部_(adj.)无家可归的(adv.)到家;在家_ 回家_ 敬老院_ 在家,homeless,go home,old peoples home,at home,20次,兼类词homelessgo homeold peoples,37.swim(v.)游泳_(过去式)_(过去分词)_(现在分词)游泳_(n.)游泳者(n.)游泳_去游泳_ 游泳池38.dance(v.)跳舞_(n.)舞者(n.)舞蹈,swam,swum,swimming,swimmer,go swimming,swimming pool,dancer,4 次,37.swim(v.)游泳_(

15、过去式)s,39.show(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)给看;展示(n.)演出;节目_ 向某人展示某物 _ 赶到;出现_ 炫耀_带领某人参观_ 展示;演出,showed,shown,show sth.to sb.,show up,show off,show sb.around,on show,10次,39.show(v.)showedshown show s,40.work(v.)工作_(n.)工人(n.)工作_ 成功地发展;解决_ 致力于;从事于_ 失业41.ride(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)骑;旅程(n.)旅程_ 让某人搭便车,worker,work out,work on,o

16、ut of work,rode,ridden,give sb.a ride,58次,40.work(v.)工作_(n.)工人,42.dream(v.&n)_(过去式/过去分词)做梦;梦想;睡梦 _梦想做某事 _ make ones dream come true实现某人的梦想,dreamed/dreamt,dream of/about doing sth.(dream to do sth.),realize/achieve ones dream,7 次,42.dream(v.&n)dreamed/drea,43.clean(v.)打扫;弄干净_(n.)清洁工(adj.)干净的_ 打扫(或清除)

17、干净_ 打扫某人的房间_ 把擦掉_ 保持干净44.taste(v.)有的味道;品尝_(adj.)好吃的(n.)味道;滋味,cleaner,clean up,clean ones room,clean.off,keep clean,tasty,6 次,4 次,43.clean(v.)打扫;弄干净_(,45.early(adv.&adj.)早地(的)_(比较级)更早(的)_(最高级)最早(的)46.far(adv.&adj.)远;远的_(比较级)更远(的);较远(的)_(最高级)最远(的);最久(的)_ 远离_ 多远_ 到目前为止;迄今为止,earlier,earliest,farther/fur

18、ther,farthest/furthest,far away from,how far,so far,5 次,3 次,45.early(adv.&adj.)早地(的)earl,47.many(adj.&pron.)许多_(比较级)更多的(地)_(最高级)最多;大多数,more,most,47.many(adj.&pron.)许多moremos,适当形式填空,1.On the first night,we just sat under the big moon and told each other _(story)人教七(下)Unit 12 P712.Making other people

19、smile can make them feel _(relax)鲁教八(下)Unit 2 P143.Sarah heard a song full of feelings about returning home in England.It _(make)Sarah think about her family and friends back in the US.人教八(下)Unit 8 P62,stories,relaxed,made,适当形式填空1.On the first night,w,4.Everyone is good at something,but someone is _

20、(true)talented.人教八(上)Unit 4 P295.Liu Cixin is the writer who _(write)the science fiction novel The Three Body Problem.2019宿迁词语运用6.France is well known for its fine art,_(taste)food and romantic scenery.2019通辽读写综合7.Gina went to the doctors yesterday.She was told about the _(important)of good living h

21、abits once more.2019江西单选35题,truly,wrote,tasty,importance,4.Everyone is good at somethi,盲填,8.I think simple things like bringing a bag _ go shopping can help with waste pollution.人教九(全)Unit 13 P189.Then after you finish your homework,lets clean _ the kitchen.人教八(下)Unit 3 P98,to,up,盲填8.I think simple

22、things lik,10.My brother is interested in _.He often _ on weekends.Now he is a member of a _ team in the middle school.He hopes that he would be a professional_ in the future.(swim),swimming,swims,swim/swimming,swimmer,(用所给词的适当形式填空),微语段,10.My brother is interested i,11.My grandmother is seventy year

23、s old this year.She used to be a Chinese _.She was so experienced that she had many _ methods.But after she left school,she _ herself English.Now she can communicate with me in simple English.She always _ me that its never too late to learn.(teach),teacher,teaching,taught,teaches,11.My grandmother i

24、s seventy,短语关,动词短语,1._ 下国际象棋2._ 说英语3._ 敲鼓4._ 弹钢琴5._ 拉小提琴6._ 弹吉他,play chess,speak English,play the drum,play the piano,play the violin,play the guitar,短语关动词短语1._ 下国际象棋pl,7._结交朋友8._ 在某方面帮助(某人)9._起床;站起10._穿上衣服 11._洗淋浴 12._做作业 13._散步;走一走,make friends,help(sb.)with sth.,get up,get dressed,take a shower,d

25、o(ones)homework,take a walk,7._结交朋友make fri,14._ 乘地铁15._ 跟说16._ 骑自行车17._实现;成为现实 18._听19._外出(娱乐)20._ 铺床,take the subway,talk to.,ride a bike/by bike,come true,listen to.,go out,make ones/the bed,14._ 乘地铁take th,21._ 遵守规则22._ 清洗餐具23._ 认为;想起24._ 到达25._ 刷牙26._ 谈论,follow the rules,do the dishes,think of,

26、get to,brush ones teeth,talk about,21._ 遵守规则follow,27._ 擅长于28._ 大量;许多 29._(对某人)要求严格 30._ 对某事严厉 31._ 善于应付的;对有办法,be good at.,lots of,be strict(with sb.),be strict in sth.,be good with.,形容词短语,27._ 擅长于be good,32._ 广播电台 33._ 餐厅 34._ 每天35._ 准时 36._(在)周末 37._ 要么要么;或者或者 38._ 在和之间,radio station,dining hall,e

27、very day,(be)on time,on weekends/on the weekend,either.or.,between.and.,名/副/介/连词短语,32._ 广播电台 radio s,用“分类练短语”中的短语并用其适当形式填空1.These days,Chinese children are sometimes busier _ _ than weekdays because they have to take so many afterschool classes.人教八(下)Unit 4 P302.As a reporter,I think I will meet_ in

28、teresting people,so Ill have more friends.人教八(上)Unit 7 P553.I must _ early at 6:30 am.every morning.人教七(下)Unit 4 P24,on weekends,lots of,get up,用“分类练短语”中的短语并用其适当形式填空,4.Sometimes he has to work all day and all night,but he still finds time to _ my studies.上海牛津七(下)Unit 1 P115.His life story teaches us

29、 that a person should follow his own dream and try his best to make it _北师九(全)Unit 3 P366.Wed better go there_.Then we can take exercise by riding bikes at the same time.2019龙东补全对话,help me with,come true,by bike,4.Sometimes he has to work al,7.Fred hopes to improve his spoken English,so he practices

30、 it _2019葫芦岛单选7题8.These days it usually rains,so youd better take an umbrella with you when you _2018百色单词拼写9.Im used to _ every morning.I have kept this habit for more than ten years.,every day,go out,taking a shower,7.Fred hopes to improve his s,1.Im in the school music club.I_我在学校音乐俱乐部。我可以弹吉他和钢琴。2

31、.He _ at eleven oclock.Hes _ late.他总是在11点去上班,他从来不迟到。3._ do you eat breakfast?你什么时间吃早餐?,can play the guitar and the piano,always goes to work,never,What time,句式关,1.Im in the school music clu,4._ your home to school?从你家到学校有多远?Its only about two kilometers.只有两公里。5._ to get home?回家要多久?About 15 minutes.大

32、约15分钟的时间。6._late for class.You_上课不要迟到。你必须按时到。7.At school,I _,and I must keep my hair short.在学校,我必须穿校服,并且我必须留短发。,How far is it from,How long does it take,Dont arrive/be,must/have to be on time,have to/must wear a school uniform,4._ your home,8.We need you to help with sports for Englishspeaking stude

33、nts._!我们需要你帮助说英语的学生做运动。那是放松和容易的!9.In the evening,she_ _在晚上,她做她的家庭作业,并且通常会游泳或散步。10.The bus ride _乘坐公共汽车大约花费20分钟。,It is relaxing and easy,does her homework and usually swims or takes a walk,takes about 20 minutes,8.We need you to help with sp,11.It takes me about 15 minutes to get to school by bike._.

34、我骑车去学校需要大约15分钟。这是很好的锻炼。12.Its my first day at school.This is a great school,but_ _.这是我第一天上学。这是所不错的学校,但是有许多规矩。13.At school,we have more rules_,dont eat in class,.在学校,我们有更多的规矩不能喧哗,上课不能吃东西,Its good exercise,there are a lot of rules,dont be noisy,11.It takes me about 15 minut,教材语篇关,Passage 1选自七(下)Unit 2

35、 Section B2bHi!Im Tony.In the morning,I get up at eight.Then I go to school at eight thirty.I dont have a lot of time 1._ breakfast.So I usually eat very 2._(quick).For lunch,I often eat hamburgers.After school,I always do my homework 3._(one).In the evening,I either watch TV 4._ do some exercise.At

36、 ten thirty,I brush my 5._(tooth)and then I go to bed.,for,quickly,first,or,teeth,教材语篇关Passage 1选自七(下)Unit 2 Se,Mary is my sister.She always gets up at six thirty.Then she always takes 6._ shower and eats a good breakfast.After that,she goes to school at eight thirty.At twelve,she eats lots of fruit

37、 and vegetables for lunch.After lunch,she sometimes plays volleyball with 7._(she)friends.She always eats icecream after dinner.She knows its not good for her,but it 8._(taste)good!In the evening,she does her homework.At nine thirty,she goes to bed.,a,her,tastes,Mary is my sister.She always,Passage

38、2选自七(下)Unit 3 Section B 2bHow do you get to school?Do you walk,ride 1._ bike or take a subway?Do you go by bus or on foot?For many students,it is easy to get to school.2._ for the students in one small village in China,it is 3._(difficulty).There 4._(be)a very big river between their school and the

39、village.There is no bridge and the river 5._(run)too fast for boats.So these students go on a ropeway to go across the river to school.,a,But,difficult,is,runs,Passage 2选自七(下)Unit 3 Section,One 11yearold boy,Liangliang,6._(cross)the river every school day.But he doesnt feel afraid,“I love to play wi

40、th my classmates,and I love my 7._(teach).Hes like a father to me.”Many of the students and the 8._(villager)never leave the village.It is 9._(they)dream to have a bridge.Can their dream come 10._?,crosses,teacher,villagers,their,true,One 11yearold boy,Lianglia,Passage 3选自七(下)Unit 4 Section B 2bTher

41、e are too many rules at Mollys home!At 6:00 am.,her mom says,“Get 1._ now and make your bed!”After breakfast,her mom always says,“Dont leave the dirty 2._(dish)in the kitchen!”After that,she runs to school because she cant be late.At school,they have more rulesdont be 3._(noise),dont eat in class,.H

42、er dad says she cant play basketball after school 4._ she must do homework by herself.She can play only on weekends.,up,dishes,noisy,because,Passage 3选自七(下)Unit 4 Section,After dinner,she cant relax 5._.She must do some 6._(read)before she can watch TV.But she has to go to bed before 10:00.Rules,rul

43、es,rules!Molly feels terrible about them.But I think there are a lot of things she can do.She can play basketball on weekends.She can watch TV after she reads 7._book.Parents and schools are sometimes strict 8._ us,but remember,they make rules to help us.We have to follow 9._(they),either,reading,a,with,them,After dinner,she cant relax,


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