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1、Lesson 103,The French test,exam n.考试pass v.及格,通过mathematics n.(maths是缩写)数学 question n.(具体的某一个)问题easy adj.容易的enough adv.足够的paper n.考卷fail v.未及格,失败answer v.问答mark n.分数rest n.其他的东西difficult adj.困难的hate v.讨厌low adj.低的cheer v.振作,振奋guy n.家伙,人top n.上方,顶部,WORDS,fail,pass,guy,top,cheer,rest,exam,easy,enough,

2、mark,math,low,difficult,question,answer,paper,hate,exam n.考试pass v.及格,通过mathematics n.(maths是缩写)数学 question n.(具体的某一个)问题easy adj.容易的enough adv.足够的paper n.考卷fail v.未及格,失败answer v.问答mark n.分数rest n.其他的东西difficult adj.困难的hate v.讨厌low adj.低的cheer v.振作,振奋guy n.家伙,人top n.上方,顶部,WORDS,exam n.考试examination t

3、est(专项技能的)考试 take an examan entrance exama midterm exama final exampass an examfail an examcheat in an exam,pass1)v.及格,通过只有十名学生通过了考试。Only ten students passed the examination.pass in+具体学科我通过了数学考试。I passed in mathematics 2)通过,前进这条路宽度只够小汽车通过。The road is only wide enough for cars to pass.,pass3)把递给 pass

4、 sb sth=pass sth to sb 请把这张纸传给他。Please pass him the paper.=Please pass the paper to him.,fail 1)v.不及格(反义词pass)我数学及格,但法语不及格.I passed in math,but failed in French.2)v.失败(反义词succeed)计划失败了。The plan failed.fail to do 未成做成某事我今天下午未能见到他。I failed to see him this afternoon.,mathematics n.数学缩写 maths你数学好吗?Are y

5、ou good at mathematics?她数学不太好。She is poor at mathematics.,English 英语Chinese 语文Math(Mathematics的简称)数学Music 音乐Arts 美术P.E.(即Physical Education的简称)体育Politics 政治Geography 地理History 历史Biology 生物Chemistry 化学Physics 物理Moral Education 思想品德,subjects,question 1)n.问题我能问你个问题吗?May I ask you a question?2)v.询问,审问警察

6、正在审问他。The policeman is questioning him now.3)v.怀疑,对提出异议 我怀疑他是否有能力。I question his ability.,easy adj.adv.easily 1)简单的,容易的这是个简单的问题。This is an easy question.2)安逸的,舒适的,不用操心的 He has an easy life.他过着安逸的生活。Be easy/Take it easy.请放心,别紧张。3)宽大的,温顺的,不严厉的be easy on sb 对宽容,不严厉你为什么那么宽容她?Why are you so easy on her?,

7、difficult 1)adj.困难的那本书对小孩来说很难。The book is difficult for the children.be difficult to do sth.做是困难的该问题很难回答。The question is difficult to answer.2)adj.难对付的他是一个很难相处的人。He is a difficult man to get along with.,enough 1)adv.足够地你还太小,不能做这件事情。You are not old enough to do it.Enough!够了!2)adj.充足的十张纸就足够了。Ten piece

8、s of paper are enough.,paper n.1)n.考卷(可数名词)Fifty papers are not enough for the students to take the exam.五十份考卷不够学生考试。2)纸(不可数名词)一张纸 五张纸a piece of paper three pieces of paper3)报纸(可数名词)相当于newspaper 日报 晨报 晚报daily paper morning paper evening paper 4)论文,报告(可数名词)5)文件,资料(常用复数形式papers),answer1)v.回答 他不想回答我。He

9、 doesnt want to answer me.2)v.应答,回应 请接电话。请应门。Please answer the phone.Please answer the door.3)n.答案 你知道这道题的答案吗?Do you know the answer to this question?,mark1)n.分数他在英语考试中得了高分。He got a high mark in English.2)n.记号,印,标记 make a mark 做记号他在船上标上了记号。He made a mark on the boat.,rest 1)n.其他的东西你打开门和窗户,剩下的由我来做。Yo

10、u open the door and window.Ill do the rest.2)n.休息休息一下。Take a rest./Have a rest(break).,hate v.讨厌我讨厌狗。I hate dogs.他们厌恶对方。They hate each other.hate doing sth.不喜欢做她不喜欢做作业。She hates doing homework.hate to do sth.不愿意.,不想做我很不想说这句话,但你错了。I hate to say it,but you are wrong.,low adj.低的(adv.)1)低的(反义词high)小心,门很

11、矮。Be careful!Its a low door.low season high season 淡季 旺季 2)(身体)弱的,没有精神的,意志消沉的He is in a low state of health.他的健康状况不好。I feel so low today.我今天心情很坏。,cheer v.振作,振奋1)振作,振奋提起精神!Cheer up!The news cheered the family.那个消息使那一家人振奋不己。2)欢呼,喝彩,为(某人)加油The crowd is cheering for the queen.人群正在为皇后欢呼。,Cheers!干杯!,guy n

12、.家伙,人大家好!Hi,guys!他是一个善良、友好的家伙。He is a nice and friendly guy.,top n.上方,顶部反义词 bottomIts on the third line from the top.在从上面算起第三行。(feel)on the top of the world非常幸福的,欢天喜地的他高兴得心情飘飘然。He felt on the top of the world.,exam n.考试pass v.及格,通过mathematics n.(maths是缩写)数学 question n.(具体的某一个)问题easy adj.容易的enough ad

13、v.足够的paper n.考卷fail v.未及格,失败answer v.问答mark n.分数rest n.其他的东西difficult adj.困难的hate v.讨厌low adj.低的cheer v.振作,振奋guy n.家伙,人top n.上方,顶部,WORDS,lesson 103 The Intelligence testHow was the exam,Richard?Not too bad.I think I passed in English and Mathematics.The questions were very easy.How about you,Gary?Th

14、e English and Maths papers werent easy enough for me.I hope I havent failed.I think I failed the French paper.I could answer sixteen of the questions.They were very easy.But I couldnt answer the rest.They were too difficult for me.French tests are awful,arent they?I hate them.Im sure Ive got a low m

15、ark.Oh,cheer up!Perhaps we didnt do too badly.The guy next to me wrote his name on the top of the paper.Yes?Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours!He didnt write a word.,宾语从句,lesson 103 The Intelligence testHow was the exam,Richard?Not too bad.I think I passed in English and Mathematics.

16、The questions were very easy.How about you,Gary?The English and Maths papers werent easy enough for me.I hope I havent failed.I think I failed the French paper.I could answer sixteen of the questions.They were very easy.But I couldnt answer the rest.They were too difficult for me.French tests are aw

17、ful,arent they?I hate them.Im sure Ive got a low mark.Oh,cheer up!Perhaps we didnt do too badly.The guy next to me wrote his name on the top of the paper.Yes?Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours!He didnt write a word.,How was the exam,Richard?Not too bad.I think I passed in English and

18、 Mathematics.The questions were very easy.How about you,Gary?The English and Maths papers werent easy enough for me.I hope I havent failed.,How was your vacation?Pretty good./Awesome.Just so so.Awful.,very too enough 的用法,too通常用于表示否定或贬义,如too much,too many,too hard等等,有时与to连用,表示“太以至不能”,如 too heavy to c

19、arry(太重拿不动),too busy to have a rest(太忙 没时间休息)very一般表示褒义的“太”、非常,如 very good,thank you very much.enough表示“够了”“足够”,没有褒贬的,中性词。与形容词连用,放在enough前,如 He is good enough.(他做得够好了),总结,very+形容词 非常(表褒义)too+形容词 太(表贬义)(too to)形容词+enough 足够(中性词),1.He is old _ to go to school.2.She is _ weak to take care of her baby.3

20、.The book is interesting _ for everybody to read.4.The boy is _ short to reach the lift.5.The boy isnt _ _ to reach the lift.,练习,enough,too,enough,too,tall,enough,I think I failed the French paper.I could answer sixteen of the questions.They were very easy.But I couldnt answer the rest.They were too

21、 difficult for me.French tests are awful,arent they?,(too)difficult for sb.对说做事很难煮饭对我妈妈来说是件困难的事情。Cooking is too difficult for my mom.自己独自完成作业对他来说实在是很难。Its too difficult for him to do his homework by himself.,反意疑问句结构:前肯,+后否前否,+后肯,方法:1.判定(判断该用肯定还是否定);2.找动(找句子的助动词:be用be,动词原形do,三单does,过去did,完成have);3.换代

22、(将主语换为代词);,I hate them.Im sure Ive got a low mark.Oh,cheer up!Perhaps we didnt do too badly.The guy next to me wrote his name on the top of the paper.Yes?Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours!He didnt write a word.,试卷的上方,形容词修饰名词副词修饰动词副词修饰形容/副词His English is very good.He speak English ve

23、ry well.,He wrote nothing.,and 链接的动词时态要一致。,Lesson 104too,very,enough,C.He was clever to answer all the questions.D.He was stupid to answer all the questions.E.The car was cheap for him to buy.F.The car was expensive for him to buy.G.The were fresh enough for them to eat.H.The cakes too stale for the

24、m to eat.I.The stereo was loud enough for them to.J.The stereo was too low for to hear.K.The wall was low enough for him to climb.L.The wall was too high for him to climb.M.The pear was soft enough for her to eat.N.The pear was too hard for her to eat.O.The orange was sweet enough for her to eat.P.The orange was too sour for her to eat.,enough,too,enough,too,cakes,were,hear,them,The End!,


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