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1、revision,1/5/2023,revision9/24/2022,459.Hows Jimmy today?吉米今天怎么样了?460.Better.Thank you,Doctor.他好些了。谢谢您,医生。461.Can I see him please,Mrs.Williams?我可以看看他吗,威廉斯夫人?462.Certainly,doctor.当然可以,医生。463.Come up stairs.上楼吧。,459.Hows Jimmy today?,464.You look very well,Jimmy.你看上去很好,吉米。465.You are better now,你现在好些

2、了,466.but you mustnt get up yet.但你还不应该起床。467.You must stay in bed for another two days.你必须再卧床两天。,464.You look very well,Jimmy.,468.The boy mustnt go to school yet,Mr.Williams.这孩子还不能去上学,威廉斯夫人,469.And he mustnt eat rich food.而且不能吃油腻的食物。470.Does he have a temperature,doctor?他还发烧吗,医生?471.No,he doesnt.不,

3、他不发烧了。472.Must he stay in bed?他还必须卧床吗?,468.The boy mustnt go to sch,473.Yes.He must remain in bed for another two days.是的,他还必须卧床两天。474.He can get up for about two hours each day,他每天可以起来两个小时,475.but you must keep the room warm.但您必须保持房间温暖。476.Wheres Mr.Williams this evening?威廉斯先生今晚去哪儿了?,473.Yes.He mus

4、t remain in bed,477.Hes in bed,doctor.他在床上呢,医生。478.Can you see him please?您能看看他吗?479.He has a bad cold,too!他也得了重感冒!,477.Hes in bed,doctor.,Lesson 65 Not a baby,1/5/2023,Lesson 65 9/24/2022,New words,1/5/2023,New words9/24/2022,Dad n.爸(儿语)dddad和mum前如没有所有格代词或名词所有格作修饰语,就特指自己的父母亲,要大写。Tom dad is a worker

5、.汤姆的爸爸是个工人。Can you buy me a gift,Dad?老爸,你能给我买个礼物吗?,1/5/2023,Dad n.爸(儿语)9/24/2022,key ki:1)n.钥匙;the key to the door 门的钥匙2)n.键 a computer keyboard 计算机键盘,1/5/2023,key ki:9/24/2022,3)adj.关键的 key words 关键的话语(词)key point 关键点 the key to(solving)a problem解决问题的关键4)n.答案;the key to exercises 练习题的答案,1/5/2023,3)

6、adj.关键的 9/24/2022,hear v.听见,倾听,认真听 你能听到吗?Can you hear me?你最好认真听听他想说什么。Wed better hear what he wants to say.,1/5/2023,hear v.听见,倾听,认真听9/24/2022,hear from sb“收到(某人)的来信”。我每周都能收到我妈的信。I hear from my mother every week.hear of(about)表示“听别人说”(指间接听到);你听说过我们产品吗?Did you hear of our product?,1/5/2023,hear from

7、sb“9/24/2022,hear 是及物动词,表示“听见”,“听到”,可能是有意识的听,也可能是无意误解的听。hear 还可作不及物动词 hear from,hear of;Louder,please,I cant hear you.请大点声,我听不到你的声音了。,hear和listen 的区别,1/5/2023,hear 是及物动词,表示“听见”,hear和lis,listen 是不及物动词,表示有意识或注意地“听”,并不说明是否听见的结果;listen to 后接宾语。He often listens to news on radio.他经常在广播中听新闻。I listen but he

8、ar nothing.我注意听了,但什么也没听见。,1/5/2023,listen 是不及物动词,9/24/2022,enjoy(1)v.玩得愉快;enjoy+反身代词:我在假期玩得很愉快。I enjoy myself in the holiday.,1/5/2023,enjoy 9/24/2022,(2)v.乐于,喜爱 enjoy+n.(物体)喜欢 我很喜欢这顿饭。I enjoy this meal.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 我们喜欢沿着这条河开车 We enjoy driving along the river.,1/5/2023,(2)v.乐于,喜爱9/24/2022,

9、(3)v.享受 Enjoy the life!享受生活!要加V-ing 的动词:like,enjoy,mind,finishenjoy doing sth 享受某事like doing sth.喜欢做某事mind doing sth.介意于做某事finish doing sth.做完某事,1/5/2023,(3)v.享受9/24/2022,yourself pron.你自己(反身代词),1.当宾语和主语是同一个人时,一般需要用 反身代词2.反身代词有:myself,herself,himself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves 老妇人自言自语。The old l

10、ady is talking to herself.,1/5/2023,yourself pron.你自己(反身代词,我们自己去那儿。We go there ourselves.他们想自己完成作业。They want to finish the work themselves.,1/5/2023,我们自己去那儿。9/24/2022,Listen to the tape then answer questions.,Question:,Listen to the tape then answer,1.What is Jill going to do?2.Must she get home at

11、half past ten?3.How old is Jill?4.Does her father want to give her the key?5.When must Jill get home?6.Do she and her friends always enjoy themselves?,1/5/2023,1.What is Jill going to do?9/,Note on the text 课文详解,1/5/2023,Note on the text9/24/2022,1.What are you going to doo this evening,Jill?吉尔,你今天晚

12、上打算做什么?be going to do=will 表将来(一般将来时),1.What are you going to doo,2.日期的表达:,通常使用介词on表示1)星期几(on Monday)2)一天中的某段时间(on Monday morning)3)具体日期(on April 1st),2.日期的表达:通常使用介词on表示,4)星期几+日期(on Monday,April 1st)5)具体时间(on that day)6)周年纪念日(on your birthday)7)节日(on Christmas Day),4)星期几+日期,-How old are you?-Im eigh

13、teen years old.-How old are you?-Im eighteen-year-old.,3.年龄的表达,-How old are you?3.年龄的表达,4.频度副词的用法,always 总是 100%often 经常 80%usually 通常 60%sometimes 有时 40%seldom 很少 20%hardly 几乎不、简直不 10%rarely 罕有地 5%never 从不 1%,4.频度副词的用法always 总是,e home,come home 回家,表示回家的动作 be home 回家,表示回家的状态go home 回家 在外get home 到家

14、不论在家与否arrive home 到家 比较正式,e homecome home 回家,表示回家的,6.Thats all right 不客气=Youre welcome.=Dont mention it.=Not at all.7.Enjoy youself!玩的愉快=Have a good time!,6.Thats all right 不客气,Lesson 66,What time is it?几点钟?,1/5/2023,Lesson 66What time is it?9/24/,What time is it?几点钟?,What time is it?,时间表达法口诀,时间顺读时后

15、分,时间逆读分后时。三十以内past连,三十以后to中间。分用六十减放前,时后加一不能欠。,时间表达法口诀时间顺读时后分,,英语中日期的表达法有两种:英式英语习惯“先日后月”。美式英语习惯“先月后日”。如:10月1日 英式:the first of October 美式:October the first,1/5/2023,英语中日期的表达法有两种:9/24/2022,代词的归类表格,代词的归类表格,1.人称代词:是用来指代人或者事物的代词,I,we,me,us,you,you,you,you,he,she,it,him,her,it,they,them,用法口诀:人称代词分两格,主格宾格来分

16、说;主格定把主语作,宾格作宾不会错。,1.人称代词:是用来指代人或者事物的代词,2.物主 代词,my,our,your,your,his,her,its,their,mine,ours,yours,yours,his,hers,its,theirs,用法口诀:物主代词两类型,形容词性、名词性。形容词性作定语,后面定把名词用。名词性、独立用,主宾表语它都充。,名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词,人称第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数,3.反身代词,myself,ourselves,yourself,yourselves,himself,themselves,herself,its

17、elf,反身代词用法口诀:反身代词表自身,句中可作两成分:表示强调同位语,宾语动作回自身。,3.反身代词 人称 第一人称第二人称,根据汉语填空:,1、The man fell off his bike and hurt _(他自己).,2、I teach_(我自己)French.,3、We_(我们自己)did it.,4、Lily!Help _to some fish.(你自己),himself,myself,ourselves,yourself,根据汉语填空:1、The man fell off his,2.反身代词常见固定搭配 过得愉快 自学 请随便吃 自言自语 独自 伤了某人自己 不要客

18、气 陶醉沉浸于 自己穿衣服 照顾自己,enjoy oneself learn-by/teach oneself help oneself to sth.say to oneself by oneself hurt oneself make oneself at home lose oneself in dress oneself look after oneself,2.反身代词常见固定搭配 enjoy oneself,1.My pen is broken.May I use_?A.you B.yours C.yourself D.your2.-Are these_ coats?-No,the

19、y arent._ are here.your,Ours B.your,We C.you,Ours D.you,Our3.Dont lose_ in computer games,boys.yourself B.yourselves C.himself D.themselves,选择填空:,1.My pen is broken.May I use_,4.Wheres your mother?I cant find _ anywhere.A.she B.her C.he D.him5.Mikes words are different from_.We really cant agree wit

20、h_.ours,him B.ours,hes C.us,him D.us,his,4.Wheres your mother?I cant,6.I saw_playing in the street at that time.A.them B.they C.their D.theirs7The pen is hers.Pass it to_,please.A.her B.she C.hers D.herself 8.We _ at the party last Sunday.A.enjoyed myself B.enjoyed ourselvesC.enjoy myself D.enjoyed

21、themselves,选择填空:,选择填空:,9.Let Tony do it by_.He is no longer a kid.A.him B.his C.himself D.he10.Our room is big,but_ is bigger than_.A.their;our B.their;ours C.theirs;ours D.theirs;our,9.Let Tony do it by_.He is,11.Only_know it.A.I and he B.he and you C.he and I D.I and you12.Make_at home.he said to

22、his friends.A.yourself B.yourselves C.you D.yours13.Could you help_with_English?A.I,my B.me,me C.me,my D.my,I,选择填空:,11.Only_know it.A.I and,14.We cant leave my grandparents by_.A.they B.them C.themselves D.their15.Mary,please show_ your picture.A.my B.mine C.I D.me,14.We cant leave my grandpare,代词用法小结:主格:宾格:形容词性物主代词:名词性物主代词:反身代词:,用于句首,用在动词之前。,用于动词或介词之后。,后接名词。,后面不需要加名词。,表示“某人自己”。,代词用法小结:用于句首,用在动词之前。用于动词或介词之后。后,


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