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1、现在完成时态present perfect,时态(tense),不同时间发生的动作,动词要用不同形式。,已学习过的时态,已学习过的时态,1.v.2.v+s/es(三单现),am/is/are+v-ing,1.will/shall+v.2.am/is/are going to+v.,1.v-ed(规则动词)2.不规则动词,was/were+v-ing,判断下列句子的时态,1.She works in a factory.2.I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.3.We are going to have a picnic this Sun

2、day.4.They held a sports meeting last week.5.Are you helping your mother?,一般现在时,过去进行时,一般将来时,一般过去时,现在进行时,现在完成时动词构成 have/has+v 过去分词,助动词,否定,haventhasnt,疑问,Have you?Has he?,1.现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。(汉语中常用“已经”、“过”、“了”等表达)通常与表示包括现在在内的时间副词 just,already,before,yet,never,ever 等状语连用。例如:I have never

3、heard of that before.Have you ever ridden a horse?She has already finished the work.Have you milked the cow yet?Yes,I have done that already.Ive just lost my math book.,用法:,present(now),future,Past,learn English,2.现在完成时表示过去开始动作或状态一直持续到现在,而且有可能持续下去。有延续的时间状语如for、since 等动词要用延续性的),一段时间的表达方法有两种:for:+一段时间

4、 for a year for two weeks for three years,过去的某一时刻,since nine since last week 一般过去时态的时间状语从句 since you came since you got home.,注意:for 和since 所引导的时间状语都表示一段时间.,He has been away since last week.,He has been away for one week.,对划线部分提问都用How long,Since,用for 或since填空,Mr.Brown has had his TV _ 15 years.Ive t

5、aken driving lessons _ last month.My sister has had her cell phone _ a month.My friends havent visited me _ my birthday.We havent used our car _ a long time.She hasnt had a good cup of coffee _ years.Tom has worn glasses _ he was 7 years old.,for,since,for,since,for,for,since,现在完成时与瞬间动词,瞬间动词可以用于现在完成

6、时,但不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如可说“He has left.”但不能说“He has left for three years.”如果要表达“他已走了三年了”可用以下几种表达法:,一、用ago,使用一般过去时。He left here three years ago.,二、用“It is+一段时间since 一般过去时从句”It is three years since he left here.,三、用“一段时间has passed+since+一般过去时从句”Three years has passed since he left here.,瞬间动词与延续的动词转化,1.直接转化

7、成延续性动词 buy catch(get)a cold borrow come/go/become,have,have a cold,keep,be,、He has been away from here for three years.五、He has been away from here since three years ago.,将结束性动词转成延续性动词,2.转换成be+名词 join the army join the Party go to school,be a soldier,be a Party member,be a student,3转换成be+形容词或副词 die

8、finish begin leave fall sleep close open,be dead,be over,be on,be away,be asleep,be closed,be open,4.转换成 be+介词短语 go to school join the army,.我们买这本书三年了.,We have had the book for three years.,他感冒三天了.,He has had a cold for three days.,We bought the book three years ago.,He caught a cold three days ago.

9、,一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句,be in school,be in the army,自从上星期以来,我就借了这本书.,I have kept the book since last week.,我成为一个学生两年多了.,I have been a student for over two years.,I borrowed the book last week.,I became a student two years ago.,Mr Black死了三年了。,Mr Black has been dead for three years.,Mr Black died three

10、years ago.,小明参军半年了。,Xiao Ming has been a soldier for half a year.,Xiao Ming joined the army half a year ago.,我们上了8年学了。,We have been students for eight years.,下课10分钟了,The class has been over for ten minutes.,9.电影开始了一小时了,The film has been on for an hour.,判断正误,I have bought this pen for two months.,I h

11、ave had this pen for two months.,How long have you _ this pen.,had,The teacher has left for half an hour.,The teacher has been away for half an hour.,改错:,How long have you become a league member?For more than one year.Have you arrived here since last night?Yes,youre right.He has gone to Shanghai twi

12、ce.How long have you been at this school?Since two years.,been,been,been,ago,For,翻译.(English=Chinese),finish,homework,I have finished my homework.,He has finished his homework.,havent,Has he,Yes,he has.,No,he hasnt.,1.翻译这两句话;2.第一句变成否定句;3.第二句变成一般疑问句并回答。,?,她成为一名护士已经三年了。我五年前就认识李雷了。那些相片我已经寄给他了。(post)我来到

13、这个学校后,他就一直教我。我刚丢了我的历史书。,She has been a nurse for three years.,I have known Lilei since five years ago.,I have already posted the photos to him.,He has taught me since I came to the school.,I have just lost my history book.,know,knew,known,teach,taught,taught,lose,lost,lost,Chinese=English,三个重要句式have

14、/has been(to)“曾经去过某地”,说话时此人不在那里,已经回来。侧重指经历。have/has gone(to)“已经去某地了”,说话时此人可能在路上或已到那里,不在这里。试比较:He has been to Beijing.他曾去过北京。(人已回来,可能在这儿)He has gone to Beijing.他已经去北京了。(人已走,不在这儿)。去一段时间用have/has been in He has been in the USA for 3years.,选择been,gone填空.1.Jim is on holiday.He has _ to Italy.2.Hello!I ha

15、ve just _ to the shops.I have bought lots of things.3.Alice is not here at the moment.She has _ to the shop to get a newspaper.4.Tom has _ out.He will be back in about an hour.5.“Are you going to the bank?”“No,I have already _ there.”6.He went to the USA last year.He has _there for a year.,gone,been

16、,gone,gone,been,been,一般过去时与现在完成时之比较,1)一般过去时单纯叙述过去的事情有明确的过去时间状语。而现在完成时强调的是现在的情况,不能和过去时间连用,when 开头的问句没有现在完成时。2)现在完成时可以跟表示包括现在在内的时间状语连用。now,today,this morning/month/year(今天早上/这个月/今年)in the past few years(在过去的几年中)during the last 10 years(在过去10年中)recently(最近)so far(到目前为止)up to now(到目前为止),Exercises,()1.Yo

17、uve never seen such a wonderful film before,_?A.havent you B.have you C.do you D.dont you()2.I have watched the game.When _ you _ it?A.have;watched B.do;watch C.did;watch D.will;watch,()3.Mr.Green _ in China since five years ago.A.lived B.has lived C.lives D.is going to live()4.His grandma _ for two

18、 years.A.died B.has died C.was dead D.has been dead,B,C,B,D,()5.Where is Han Mei now?She _ to Shanghai.She will be back in two days.A.has gone B.has been C.goes D.had gone()6._ you _to the United Stated?No,never,but I went to Canada a few years agoA.Have;been B.Have;gone C.Did;go D.Do;go,()7.You hav

19、ent changed your mind,_?A.do you B.are you C.have you D.did you,()8.How long have you _ the football team of the school?A.played B.been at C.joined D been on,A,A,C,D,()9.Where have you _ these days?I have _ to Kunming with my friends.A been,gone B been,been C gone,been D gone,gone()10.How long have

20、you _ this book?A.bought B.borrowed C.had D.lent()11.Excuse me,_ you seen the film yet?Yes,I _ it last night.A have,see B have,have seen C have,seen D have,saw()12.He has never ridden a horse before,_?A.is he B.isnt he C.hasnt he D.has he,B,C,D,D,Homework:,抄写动词以及过去式和过去分词。1.be-e 3.go-4.do 5.have-6.dr

21、ink 7.give-8.eat 9.know-10.make 11.run-12.say 13.see-14.find 15.draw-16.get 17.hear-18.begin 19.buy-20.leave,was/were-been,came-come,went-gone,did-done,had-had,drank-drunk,gave-given,ate-eaten,knew-known,made-made,ran-run,said-said,saw-seen,found-found,drew-drawn,got-got,heard-heard,began-begun,boug

22、ht-bought,left-left,写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词1 become_-_2 break_-_3 bring _-_4 build_-_5 bite_-_6 catch_-_7 choose_-_8 cut_-_9 fall_-_10 fly_-_11 forget_-_12 grow_-_,13 hit_-_14 hurt_-_15 keep_-_16 lend_-_17 lose_-_18 meet_-_19 put_-_20read_-_21 ring_-_,became become,broke broken,brought brought,built built,b

23、it bit,caught caught,chose chosen,cut cut,fell fallen,flew flown,forgot forgotten,grew grown,hit hit,hurt hurt,kept kept,lent lent,lost lost,met met,put put,read read,rang rung,send,sing,shake,sit,sleep,speak,spend,stand,steal,swim,teach,think,tell,throw,understand,wake,wear,win,write,take,sent sent,shook shaken,sang sung,sat sat,slept slept,spoke spoken,spent spent,stood stood,stole stolen,swam swum,taught taught,told told,thought thought,threw thrown,understood understood,woke woken,wore worn,won won,wrote written,took taken,思考:,现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别,Thank you,everyone!Good-bye!,


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