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1、国际经济与贸易事物【英语】,怎样思想,就有怎样的生活,Chapter IIntroduction to International Tradeey gPrepared by Xiaoping ZhangTo AccompanyInternational Trade Practiceby Luoxia Yi and Yuan Chen,Chapter organizationWhat is International trade?Reasons for International tradeProblems Concerning International TradeForms of Inter

2、national TradeCopyright o 2007 Ludong UniversitySlide 1,IntroductionThe study of international trade has never been asImportant as it Is nowAt the beginning of the 21st century,nations are moreclosely linked through trade in goods and services,through flows of money,and through investment ineach oth

3、ers economies than ever beforeFigure 1-shows that international trade for the unitedStates has roughly tripled in importance comparedwith the U.S.economy as a wholeCopyright o 2007 Ludong UniversityForeign Language SchoolSlide 1-3,IntroductionFigure 1-1:Exports and Imports as a Percentage of U.S.Nat

4、ional Incomenational incomeports1098TTTTTTTTTT鬥1965197019751980Copyright 2007 Ludong UniversityForeign Language School,IntroductionFigure 1-2:ExportsImports as Percentages of National Income in 1994International trade is 70to most other coun-60United StatesAbstract of the UnitedU.SCopyright o 2007 L

5、udong UniversitySlide,What isInternational Trade About?According to Encyclopedia Britannica,all economic transactionsthat are made between countries are referred to as internationaltradeTraditionally,the international trade business confines to the importand export of goodsIn the Uruguay Round of th

6、e General Agreement on Tariffs andTrade starting from 1986.the definition of international trade isextended to the import and export of technologies and services onaccount of the development of the international economic exchangeIn spite of the fact that the technology transfer,which is mainlyshown

7、in the license trade,and the international trade in serviceshave already formed a considerable proportion in theinternational trade,the trade in goods or the visible trade stillremains the most elementary and essential part of theinternational tradeCopyright o 2007 Ludong UniversitySlide 1-6,Reasons

8、 for International trade tResource Acquisition(寻求资源)Manufacturers and distributors seek out products andservices as well as components and finished goodsproduced in foreign countriesBenefits Acquisition(追求利润)A country benefits more by producing goods it canmake most cheaply and buying those goods th

9、at othercountries can make at lower costs than by producineverything it needs within its own border-the theoryof comparative advantagesCopyright o 2007 Ludong University,Reasons for International TradeDiversification(多种经营)Companies usually prefer to avoid wild swings in their sales andprofits;so the

10、y seek out foreign markets and procurement as ameans to this endExpand Sales(扩大销售)Sales are limited by the number of people interested in a firmsproducts and services and by customers capacity to makepurchases.Since the number of people and the degree of theirpurchasing power are higher for the worl

11、d as a whole than for asingle country,firms may increase their sales potentials bydefining markets in international termsCopyright o 2007 Ludong UniversityForeign Language SchoolSlide 1-8,Problems Concerning InternationalTradeCultural Difference(文化差异问题)When companies do business overseas,they come i

12、n contactwith people from different cultures with different languages anddifferent customs and mannerThe people of all cultures are ethnocentric,which means theyudge the world from their own ways of looking at thingsMonetary Conversion(货币兑换问题)Every country has its own currency.Importing and exportin

13、gfirms to whom the payment is made in foreign currency can beinvolved in significant foreign exchange risks because of thefluctuation in exchange ratesCopyright o 2007 Ludong Universityde 1.,Problems Concerning InternationalTradeTrade barriers(贸易壁垒)Countries put controls on trade for the reasoa.To c

14、orrect a balanced of payment deficitb In view of national security(restrict exports of critical rawmaterial,high technology or equipment)c.To protect their own industries against thecompetition of foreign goods(infant industries)Other problems(其他问题)The turbulence of international situation and the c

15、hange of market conditions oftenresult in trade disputes.The rising and falling of goods prices in the internationalmarket,and the occurrence of economic and financial crisis all add greatly to thedifficulty and risk in international tradeCopyright 2007 Ludong UniversitySlide 1-10,END,16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。华盛顿17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。罗素贝克18、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。马云19、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。雷锋20、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。布尔沃,


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