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1、,袁媛-同兴小学校,短文改错,1,Answer the questions,1、Have you ever made any mistakes in your daily life?2、What will you do if you make some mistakes?,2,In our everyday life,if we make some mistakes,we should correct them,then we are still good fellows.Chairman Maos words,3,How to correct a composition,英语中考专题复习-短

2、文改错,4,解题步骤 step1:通读全文,了解大意。短文改错是考查考生在理解的基础上对语篇整体的识错、纠错能力,必须从全篇考虑,而不能只顾一句或一行。要理解文章的谋篇布局,弄清楚整篇文章的意思。在阅读过程中,要注意行文逻辑、文章的时态以及人称等。,5,step2:逐句分析,行中找错。尽管短文改错是以行设置错误的,但语言毕竟是以句子为完整意义单位的。所以,可以逐句分析。把“短文改错”转化为“单句改错”,这样就会降低难度。step3:再读短文,检查漏洞。做完以后,再把文章阅读一遍,尤其注意上下句之间的逻辑关系。多读一遍,就有可能把某些不清楚的地方理顺。,6,解题思路 改错几大思路是:一致关系、连

3、接手段、平行结构、非谓语动词形式、冠词使用,名词数与格,词语搭配,词性分辨,行文逻辑等。,7,一、一致关系 短文改错中所涉及到的一致关系包括主谓一致、时态一致和代词指代一致。(谓语动词的单、复数形式要与句子的主语在人称和数上保持一致,动词的时态要与时间状语或上下文的时态保持一致,代词所指的内容与其先行词在词性和数方面以及与其自身的指代,要在意义上保持一致。)例如:1、There is problems to solve.2、When he bought a chocolate cake,he put them in a secret place so that I couldn t find.

4、3、He said he is busy.4、Their word were a great encouragement to me.,are,-it,was,words,8,1)What are your favourite sport?,2)Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.,1.主谓单复数一致,is,are,9,2.时态一致,1)They offered me coffee and other drinks.We have a good time talking and laughing.,had,2.She w

5、atches a wonderful concert yesterday.,watched,3.She liked it very much and reads it to the class.,read,10,3.语态一致,句中谓语动词或非谓语动词应与上下文语态保持一致.(主动/被动),eg:1.Books may be keep for four weeks.,eg:2.Thousands of trees should planted every year.,kept,be planted,_.,_,11,4.名词的单复数一致,1)and asked me lots of questio

6、n.,2)We study quite a few subject,such as maths,3)She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success.,questions,subjects,schoolmates,命题特点:本来用复数,却用单数.改正方法:(1)根据名词前的修饰限定成份;(2)根据上下文的逻辑关系.,12,5.代词的性、数一致,1.The Smiths did his best to make me feel,2.I think I liked those classes because I felt that

7、it helped me understand how the world works.,their,3.He drove too fast,and the police stopped her and handed him a ticket.,they,him,13,6.形容词和副词形式一致,1.The bad news made us feel sadly.2.The children learn to read and write,and they also play games good.3.He lives a health life and has a strong body.,s

8、ad,well,healthy,14,7.语意一致,1.She was smiling but nodding at me.,and,2.The food was expensive and the service was good.,3.Work hard,or youll succeed sooner and later.,but,and,判断句与句之间是并列、转折、选择、递进关系,15,1.This is the best film which I have ever seen.,2.I also enjoyed the days when we spent together.,that

9、,which that,8.逻辑关系一致(定语从句引导词选择),3.Unfortunately,I wont be able to visit you at the airport,although I have classes in the afternoon.,because,16,二、平行结构 平行结构是指两个或更多的具有相似或相同的句法功能的词、词组或从句并列在一起的结构,在表达相互平行的概念时,要使用相同的语法结构,即(动词与动词并列,形容词与形容词并列,不定式与不定式并列,短语与短语)并列。平行结构常使用等立连词and,but,or或连词词组not onlybut also,not

10、.but,eitheror,neithernor,as well as等。例如:1、As we climbed the mountain,we fed monkeys,visiting temples and told stories.2.She liked it very mush and reads it to the class.3.Linda can neither draw nor playing basketball,visited,read,play,17,三、非谓语动词形式 主要考查不定式符号to的多余或遗漏,to是介词还是不定式符号,现在分词与过去分词、动名词等。例如:1.Y

11、ou had better not to go out beacause it seems to rain.2、He didn t want share things with other people.3、Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper.,go,to share,talking,18,四、冠词的使用冠词用于名词之前,a/an用于泛指,the 表特指1.when I was a child,the rain was a mystery(谜)for me.2、Do you read a book called The Monkey Ki

12、ng?3、As everyone knows,it is an famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.,去 the,the,a,19,五、词语搭配 这主要考查介词与动词,名词、形容词的固定搭配,副词与动词的固定搭配,及物动词后面介词或副词的多余以及不及物动词后面缺少介词,英语中的一些固定结构及习惯搭配等。例如:1、Mo Yan is known for a writer around the world.2、I couldnt help laugh when I heard the joke.,as,laughing,3.Th

13、ey did not want me to do any work at family.,home,20,六、词性分辨 根据词在句中的位置与其它词的修饰与被修饰关系,判断词的正确使用形式,根据词在句子中不同的句法功能,使用与之相适应的词性。例如:1、He never helped other.2、But he is difference now.,others 或 other people,different,21,动词形,名词数,还要注意形和副;非谓语,细辨别,习惯用法要记住;句子成分多分析,逻辑错误须关注;冠词连词常光顾。,短文改错口诀:,22,1.Im sorry to say that

14、 I fail in English exam last time.2.Mary is my best friend,We re all from Henan.3.He found that a bag of gold had stolen from his house.,_,failed,been stolen,单句练习,both,23,4.There are a chair and some desks in the room.5.He asked angry if we had finished the work.6.As we all know,junk food is harm to

15、 our health.7.He is a excellent student,and he is good at all subjects.,_,is,harmful,_an_,angrily,24,8.In a cold morning,Tom was walking along the streets.9.Ms Lin came in but started class.10.It was a great game and I enjoyed me so much.11.The moving film that I watched just now made me to cry.12.J

16、ack is friendly than Tom,so their classmates like Jack more.,On,and,myself,cry,more friendly,25,(1)整体把握短文大意。(2)逐句分析,把握结构。(3)粗略分析词法、句法、逻辑上是否有 问题。(4)逐行修改,先易后难。(5)复读全文,验证答案。(6)要注意答题是否合乎规范。,应试技巧点拨,26,2016年真题演练,Hi,Im Lucy.There are four people in my family,dad,mom,my brother Tim and me.We usually visited

17、 grandma at weekends.She is nice and real good at cooking.Grandma lives by her because my grandpa died 3 years ago.We both miss him.When we were young,he often told us a lot of interested stories,but took us to swim in the river.,1.visit,2.really,3.herself,4.all,5.interesting,6.and,27,I have a uncle

18、,Uncle Simon.He is kind and we often go to see exhibits(展览)in a museum together.The museum is famous.It is hundred of years old.He married a Janpan girl.They have two daughters.They live at the US.We will visit them in the coming summer vacation.,7.an,8.hundreds,9.Janpanese,10.in,28,小 结,做短文改错应采取三个步骤,1.通读短文,掌握大意,2.细读全文,逐一作答,3.复读全文,验证答案,29,30,Homework,Finish the mistake correcting exercises on the papers.,31,Success belongs to you!,32,


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