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1、PART 2 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIESUnit 5 Basic ChemicalsBefore reading the test bellow,try to answer these questions.1.Can you list some kinds of basic chemicals which are produced in the highest volume?2.What is the main task of the basic chemical industry?3.Have you got any idea about the scale and pric

2、e of a basic chemical?4.What are the challenges that the basic chemical industry is now facing?,We can divide the various sectors of the chemical industry into these two types:the higher volume sector and low-volume sector.In the high-volume sector,individual chemicals are typically produced on the

3、tens to hundreds of thousands of tonnes per annum scale.As a result,the plant used are dedicated to the single product,operate in a continuous manner and are highly automated,including computer control.Annual:adj 每年Annum:n 年be dedicated to:献身于,致力于参考译文 我们可以把化学工业的各部门分成两类:大批量生产部门和少量生产部门。大量生产部门中,单独一个化学品

4、常以每年几万乃至几十万吨的数量生产。结果,所用工厂常致力于一个产品,以连续方式操作、高度自动化,包括计算机控制。,Sectors(categorized as high-volume)are sulphuric acid,phosphorus-containing compounds,nitrogen-containing compounds,chlor-alkali and related compounds,plus petrochemicals and commodity polymers such as polythene.With the exception of the latte

5、r,they are key intermediates,or base chemicals,which are feedstock for the production of a wide range of other chemicals,many of which are also required in large quantities.,Categorize:vt 分类 ClassifyCategory n 分类 Classification,参考译文 属于大量生产的部门有硫酸、含磷化合物、含氮化合物、氯碱以及相关化合物,再加上石油化学品及如聚乙烯的商品高分子。除后者外,它们是关键中间

6、体或基本化学品-它们是生产广大其他化学品的原料,它们中的许多也要大量的生产。,with the exception of:除 之外,Polythene=Polyethene,In contrast,low-volume sectors are largely involved in fine chemicals manufacture,and individual products are produced only on the tens of tonnes to possibly a few thousand tonnnes scale.However,they have a very h

7、igh value per unit weight,in contrast to high-volume products.Fine chemicals are usually produced in plants operating in a batch(批)manner and the plants may be multiproduct ones.Thus,low-volume sectors are agrochemicals,dyestuffs,pharmaceuticals and speciality polymers such as PEEK(polyether ether k

8、etone).,参考译文 相反,小批量生产的部门主要涉及精细化学品的生产,单个产品一般只有每年几十到几千吨的规模。然而,与大批量生产的产品相比,它们单位质量的价值很高。精细化学品通常以间歇形式生产。工厂可以有多个产品。因此,小批量生产部门通常是农用化学品、染料、医药以及特殊高分子如聚醚醚酮等。,In contrast to:对照,和 形成对比be involved in:涉及,专心Batch and continuous:间歇与连续Agro-or agri-or agr:表示“土壤,农业,田野”之义,Compared with.对比.in comparison to,Basic chemica

9、ls are the orphans(孤儿)of the chemical industry.They are not glamorous(迷人的),like drugs and are sometimes not very profitable(赚钱)(and at the very least the profits come in unpredictable(不可预知的)cycles of boom and bust).They are not seen or used directly by the general public and so their importance is n

10、ot often understood.Even within the industry their importance is often insufficiently appreciated.Without them,however,the rest of the industry could not exist.At the very least:一点,丝毫(加强语气)Boom and bust:一时性繁荣;经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环参考译文 基础化学品是化学工业的弃儿。他们不像药品那样引人注目,而且时常无利可图(在经济繁荣与萧条的不可预测的交替循环中,利润很少)。它们不被公众直接应用,因

11、此其重要性通常不被理解。即使在(化学)工业内部,它们的重要性通常也得不到充分的理解。然而,如果没有它们,其它工业则无法存在。,Basic chemicals occupy the middle ground between raw materials(that is,things that are mined(采矿),quarried(采石)or pumped from the ground)and end-products.One distinguishing feature of basic chemicals is the scale on which they are manufact

12、ured:everything from really big to absolutely enormous.Fig,2-1 shows the top 25 chemicals in the USA market by volume in 1993,just to give a feel for the sort of chemicals and volumes concerned.Basic chemicals are typically manufactured in plants that produce hundreds of thousands of tonnes of produ

13、ct per year.A plant that produces 100,000 tonnes per year will produce about 12.5 tonnes every hour.Another distinguishing and important feature of basic chemicals is their price:most of them are fairly cheap.参考译文:基础化学品占据原材料及产品的中间地带(这儿所谓原材料是指通过采矿、采石及泵出地面的东西)。基础化学品的一个特异的性质就是其生产规模:每件事均从实在大到绝对巨大。图2-1给出

14、了1993年美国巿场生产量前25个化学品,只是给大家所涉及这类化学品的种类及数量的些许感觉。基础化学品通常在年产几十万吨的工厂里生产。每年产10万吨意味着每小时就要生产12.5吨。基础化学品的另一个特异及重要的性质就是其价格:它们的大多数都相当便宜。,The job of the basic chemical industry is to find economical ways of turning raw materials into useful intermediates.There is little leeway(回旋的余地)for any company to charge pr

15、emium prices(溢价)for its products,so the company that makes the products at the cheapest cost will probably be the most profitable.This situation means that companies must always be on their toes(准备行动)looking for new and more economical ways of making and transforming their raw materials.参考译文:基础化学工业的

16、工作就是找到把原材料转化成有用中间体的经济方法。对任何公司来说为他们的产品升值都很少有回旋的余地。因此,以最低成本生产的公司才可能取得最大的利润。这种情况意味着公司必须时刻注意寻找新的和更为经济的方法去制造和转化原材料。,Many basic chemicals are the products of oil refining,while parts of the industry-the sulphur,nitrogen,phosphorus and chloro-alkali industries-put elements other than carbon and hydrogen in

17、to chemicals.In combination,these products and the basic products of the petrochemical industry can be combined to produce the myriad(无数的)of important chemicals that feed the rest of the chemical industry.,参考译文:许多基础化学品是石油精炼的产品,而部分工业-硫、氮、磷及氯碱工业,则把除碳、氢之外的元素做成化学品。结合起来,这些产品与石油化工的基础产品一起可以产生无数重要的化学品提供给其他化

18、学工业。,The basic chemicals industry is now facing one of the biggest challenges in its history.The main consumer of the industrys key products-the agriculture industry-has stopped growing and is severely cutting back its demand for fertilizers.Western farmers have been producing too much food and gove

19、rnments have been cutting subsidies(补贴),with the result that less land is being farmed and less fertilizer used.Environmental concerns about the effects of excessive fertilizer run-off have also reduced demand for fertilizers.Severely:严重的Significantly:明显的参考译文:基础化学工业正面临它历史上最大的挑战。其关键产品的主要消费者农业已经停止增长并且

20、对化肥的需求已经严重缩减。西方农民已经生产了大多的食品,政府已经削减补贴。结果造成较少的农田耕种及化肥量的减少。对过多化肥的流失对环境的影响的关注也使得对化肥需求大大减少。,Products such as chlorinated compounds have come under threat(威胁)from environmentalists(环保人士).Some will be banned under the Montreal Protocol(蒙特利尔议定书 or蒙特利尔公约),but others are not harmful and may survive environmen

21、talist pressures.The industry can no longer rely on long-term growth in demand.,Chlorine Chlorinated 含氯的Nitrogen-containingOxygen-containing,参考译文:如含氯化合物这样的产品已受到来自环保人士的威胁。有些在蒙特利尔议定书中将被禁止,但其他会无害,可以在环境压力下生存。(但)本工业将不再能依赖于需求的长期增长,The industry may well see increased consolidation as companies swap(换掉)plan

22、ts to achieve better economies of scale or better market position in specific products.This could leave an industry with far fewer players but with a better balance of supply and demand and better profitability.The industry will move more to serving the rest of the chemical industry and less to serv

23、ing the farming industry.参考译文:当公司更换生产线来实现特定商品的更好的经济规模或更好的巿场定位时,这个工业也许会增加其稳固性。这将使一个工业拥有少得多的从业者,但会有更好的供求平衡及更好的效益。化学工业将更倾向于为化学工业的其余部分而更少地为农业提供服务。,Another threat is the perceived environmental messiness of many large-scale processes.Despite the relative efficiency of many big plants,the industry has a l

24、ong way to go to achieve the best environmental standards possible.The drive to increased recycling and the ideal of emission-free plants will be a major factor influencing the development of the industry in the next decade.参考译文:另一个威胁是对许多大规模过程的被认为的环境的污染。不管许多大型工厂的相对有效,这个工业到实现可能最好的环境标准还有很长的路要走。增加循环的推动

25、力以及理想的零排放工厂将会是下个十年影响工业发展的主要因素。,Technical developments will not stop.There will be increasing emphasis on plants and processes that do not pollute.Companies will compete on efficiency-those able to produce the best quality products at the cheapest price will prosper.This will require companies to kee

26、p investing in technical improvements.New ways of bringing basic chemicals together to form useful intermediates will be found.There is still much to do in the basic chemicals industry.参考译文:技术的发展不会停息。对无污染的工厂及过程的关注将会增加。公司将会在效率上产生竞争即那些能够在最便宜的价格下生产最好质量的产品的公司将会兴隆。这要求公司持续对技术革新进行投资。能够使基础化学品一起来形成有效中间体的工艺将会

27、被发现。对于基础化学工业依然还有许多工作要做。,3.Put the following into Chinese:commodity(日用品)ether(醚)speciality(特殊品)end-product(最终产物)on ones toes(准备行动)elastomer(高弹性体)hydrate(水化物)plasticizer(增塑剂)sulphonate(磺化)formulate(配方)metallurgy(冶金学)phosphoric acid(磷酸),4.Put the following into English:烷基(alkyl)芳基(aryl)乙基(ethyl)丁基(butyl)离子(ion)乙醇(ethanol or ethyl alcohol)甲醇(methanol or methyl alcohol)醋酸(acetic acid or ethanoic acid)均相的(homogeneous)系数(coefficient)摩擦(friction)无排放的(emission-free),


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