新pep小学四年级下册英语第四单元at the farmppt课件.ppt

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《新pep小学四年级下册英语第四单元at the farmppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新pep小学四年级下册英语第四单元at the farmppt课件.ppt(31页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 4 At the farm,Part B Lets learn,Listen and Guess,Whats this?Its a.,hen,What is this?,Its a.,Whats this?Its a,sheep.,Its a _.,What is it?,Its an animal(动物).Its black and white.We can get milk from it.,cow,What is this?,Goat 山羊,goa/u/t,Its a goat.,Read and remember them,cow cowshorse horses hen h

2、ens sheep sheepgoat goats,one sheep,five sheep,six sheep,four sheep,three sheep,two sheep,sheep sheeps,eight sheep,nine sheep,ten sheep,seven sheep,sheep,They are,What are these?,horses.,What are these?,They are,horses.,What are these?,They are cow.,s,They are sheep.,What are these?,What are these?,

3、They are goats.,Are they cows?,Yes,they are.,看我的火眼金睛,Are they cows?,No,they arent.,Lets get on the bus and go to Old MacDonald s farm(农场).,我们坐上车去Old MacDonald 的农场吧。,There are more and more animals.I am busy.help!农场里的动物越来越多,我越要忙不过来了!,I need some part-time workers(暑假工).The summer holiday(暑假)is coming,

4、can you help me?报酬:包吃包住,待遇优厚。期待你的加入!Macdonald 2011.6.6,Job Notice,面试第一关 Task 1 Meeting the animals(认识动物),hen,horse,cow,sheep,goat,Lets play games:What can you see?If you can,Please say it loudly.,What are these?,hens,sheep,cows,horses,These are _.,试用期Task 2 Go to help Macdonald!(实战演练),This is old Ma

5、cdonalds farm.lets have a look.,These are carrots and potatoes.,This is the vegetable garden.,Those are tomatoes and green beans over there.,There are animals,too。what are these?,They are sheep。Mr MacDonald has ten sheep on the farm.,Are these sheep?,No,they are goats。,They love to eat carrots,1.-Wh

6、at are these?-BA.Its a pig B.They are pigs,2.当你不确定那些动物是不是马时,你这样问:_ A.Are they sheep?B.Are they horses?3.否定回答是:_ A.No,they arent.B.Yes,they are.,同学们:在这个暑假,你们用辛勤的汗水换来了动物们的喜欢以及农场主Macdonald的肯定,被评为最佳农场小帮手特发此状,以资鼓励。Macdonald2014.5.25,1、Read P43。读43页所学内容。2、Draw some animals or vegetableson page 43.,Homework:,Goodbye!,


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