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1、Lesson 129,Seventy miles an hour,1.Why is the policeman waving?2.How fast must Gary have been driving?3.Why didnt Gary see the speed limit?,Pre-reading questions,1.Why is the policeman waving?2.How fast must Gary have been driving?3.Why didnt Gary see the speed limit?,Because he wants Gary to stop.,

2、He must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.,He must have been dreaming.,Grammar,must+have been“那时一定是”;表示对过去很肯定的猜测和推断:must have been(肯定)He must have been at home.,Grammar,must+have been+doing“那时一定正在做”;表示对过去正在发生的推测:must have been doing(肯定正在做)He must have been sleeping.,cant have been(否定)“那时不可能

3、是”He cant have been at home.I think he cant have been tired.can have been 表示“那时可能是”He can have been at home.I think he can have been tired.,cant have been doing“那时不可能正在”I think he cant have been sleeping.can have been doing“那时可能正在”I think he can have been sleeping.,用must have been 或cant have been完成句

4、子1.He was in hospital yesterday.He _ill.2.He _ at home.He has been in China for three weeks.3.Bob _ to Tokyo yet.He knows nothing about the place at all.4.He didnt answer the telephone,so I think he _ busy at that time.5.I have lost one of my gloves.It _ dropped somewhere.6.They _ asleep because the

5、re was too much noise.,must have been,cant have been,cant have been,must have been,must have been,cant have been,Vocabulary,track n.跑道mile n.英里overtake v.超车(overtook/overtaken)speed limit 限速dream v.做梦,思想不集中sign n.标记,牌子driving license 驾驶执照charge v.罚款darling n.亲爱的,wave 1.wave to 向某人招手(有事)wave at 和某人挥手

6、(没事)Let me wave to him to come.让我招手叫车开过来。She waved at me.2.n.(头发)卷曲She has lovely waves in her hair.,3.n.波,波浪The waves are high today.The pool has a wave machine.,track1.用作名词可以指人、动物、车辆等行走后留下的“踪迹,痕迹,足迹”(此时常用于复数形式)The bear didnt leave any tracks.那只熊没有留下任何的踪迹。There is a running track.那有一条跑道。,2.动词“追踪,尾随

7、”,指偷偷地跟在某人或某物的后边而不被发现,从而寻找某人或某物的所在地,强调跟踪这一过程而不强调跟踪的结果,常含有“搜索”的意味。The hunters tracked the bear and killed it.猎人们追踪到那只熊并把它杀了。,dream1.V.做梦,梦见我昨晚没有做梦。I didnt dream last night.2.V.梦想,幻想,想象 dream of doing sth 我时常梦想成为一名飞行员I often dream of becoming a pilot.3.梦我在梦中遇见她。I saw her in a dream.,4.梦想,假想,理想She real

8、ized her dream of becoming an artist.,mile 英里,1英里=1.6kmmeter 米cm 厘米(centimeter)feet 英尺inch 英寸kilometer 公里yard 码,overtake 超车,从后面超车 overtook,overtaken用作动词(v.)+名词 overtake the boat 突然袭击了小船 overtake sbs car 超过某人的车 overtake the city 突然降临到这个城市+介词 overtake by 遭到的袭击 overtake with 被吓垮,Translate:没有人可以超过他。No o

9、ne can overtake him.暴风雨突然袭击了小船。The storm overtook the little boat.我必须走的非常快才能赶上他。I have to walk very fast to overtake him.,speed limit 限速Didnt you see the speed limit?at a speed of 以的速度你刚才一定是以每小时70英里的速度开车。You must have been driving at a speed of 70 miles an hour.,sign 1.n.招牌,告示,标志,标记a traffic sign 交通

10、标志2.n.姿态,手势,信号老师做了一个手势叫我们安静。The teacher made a sign to us to be quiet.3.signature 签名4.signal 信号 the traffic signal light,3.n.迹象,征兆,前兆那个岛上没有生物存在的迹象。There were no signs of life on the island.4.v.签署,签名请在此签名。Please sign here.sign ones name 签某人的名字请在纸上签上你的名字。Please sign your name on the paper.,licence 英式拼

11、法,license 美式拼法n.执照,许可证,牌照,特许证 His licence was suspended for drunk driving.他的驾照因酗酒开车被暂时吊销。v.批准,准许,许可,认可,给.发许可证He grants his neighbour a licence to use his field.他许可他的邻居使用他的一块地。,charge 1.v.罚款charge sb+money 罚某人.2.v.要价charge sb+money for sth 向索取费用他们一杯咖啡向我要5美元。They charged me five dollars for a cup of c

12、offee.3.n.管理Be in charge of sth 管理谁是这儿的 负责人?Who is in charge of here?,charge sb with sth 因某事控诉某人。Charge Jack with murder,Notes,had better do sth 最好做 had better not do sth 最好不要做 你最好听从我的劝告。Youd better take my advice.be good at doing sth.擅长做某事 我擅长游泳。I am good at swimming.,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空1.My friends _

13、to me when they saw me.(wave)2.The boy _ a house on the wall when the teacher came in.(draw)3.The blue car had _ the red one at ninety.(overtake)4.You should _ his advice,because he is always right.(take)5.My son cant _ the truth.(tell)6.I will _be more careful next time.(certain)7.It hasnt rained f

14、or a long time.It is _dry(terrible).8.It is _ news.(surprise),waved,was drawing,overtaken,take,tell,certainly,terribly,surprising,He didnt come to work yesterday.He must have been ill.He didnt come to the office this morning.He had to stay at home.I dont think she was Austrian.She must have been Ger

15、man.I lost my pen so I had to buy a new one.He forgot his case so he had to return home.She didnt hear the phone.She must have been sleeping.,翻译句子1.让我看一看你的驾驶执照。_2.这就是我没有看见那牌子的原因。_3.请不要超车。(overtake)_4.你刚才一定是以每小时70英里的速度在开车。(drive at)_5.我哥哥掌管一家大公司。(in charge of)_,Let me have a look at your driving lice

16、nce.,This was why I didnt see the sign.,Please dont overtake.,You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.,My brother is in charge of a large company.,课文讲解,Look,Gary!That policemans waving to you.He wants you to stop.Look!瞧!(用来引起别人的注意)瞧,你又哭了。Look,you are crying again.瞧,我不过是想帮个忙。Look,I was on

17、ly trying to help.wave to you 向你招手,Where do you think you are?On a race track?do you think 是特殊疑问句中的插入语,它用于征询见解或表达看法。你认为你现在应做什么?What do you think you can do now?你认为他是谁?Who do you think he is?你猜我今天花了多少钱?How much do you guess I spent today?on a race track?=Do you think you are on a race track?,You must

18、 have been driving at seventy miles an hour.must 一定是(表示猜测)其基句型结构有:1)must+动词原形你一定是病了。You must be sick.2)must+be+v-ing 他们一定在喝酒。They must be drinking now.3)must+have+过去分词 表示过去动作的猜测昨晚你一定喝酒了。You must have drunk last night.,4)must+have been+v-ing 表示对过去某一时刻,某一时间内的动作的猜测,或过去一直到现在的一段时间内动作的猜测。昨天晚上我给你打电话的时候你肯定在

19、喝酒You must have been drinking when I called you last night.前两周你肯定在为会议做准备工作。You must have been preparing for the meeting in the last two weeks.表示速度用at.以每秒1000英里的速度at 1000 miles a second,I cant have been.=I cant have been driving at seventy miles an hour.cant(must表猜测时的否定形式)不可能他不可能在伦敦,我今儿早还在这见到他的。He ca

20、nt be in London.I saw him here only this morning.你不可能在家,我都能听见火车的声音。You cant be at home.I can hear the noise of the train.他们不可能昨天把活儿干完。They cant have finished their job yesterday.你不可能是一直一个人呆着You cant have been staying alone.,I was doing eighty when I overtook you.I was doing eighty.=I was driving at

21、eighty miles an hour.overtake 超过Didnt you see the speed limit?Im afraid I didnt,officer.I didnt=I didnt see the speed limit.,I must have been dreaming.dream n.梦;v.做梦这里引申为“思 想 开小差。”He wasnt dreaming,officer.I was telling him to drive slowly.was telling 用进行时态加强语气证明“我一直都在告诉他”。tell sb to do sth 告诉(叫)某人做

22、叫他停下来。Tell him to stop.叫他走近点。Tell him to come closer.,Thats why I didnt see the sign.Thats why.”所以“(用于解释原因)这就是我迟到的原因Thats why I was late.这就是我生气的原因。Thats why I am angry.Let me see your driving licence.Let sb do sth 让某人做某事让我告诉你原因吧!Let me tell you the reason.,I wont charge you this time.But youd better

23、 not do it again!charge 罚款youd better=you had betterhad better do sth 最好做某事(表建议)had better not do sth 你最好早点回来。Youd better come back early.你最好别告诉他实情。Youd better not tell him the truth.,Thank you.Ill certainly be more careful.I told you to drive slowly,Gary.Tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事You always tell me to drive slowly,darling.Well,next time youd better take my advice!take ones advice 接受某人的意见,听从某人的劝告,听某人的话。我总告诉你要注意,但你从来不听我的话。I always tell you to be careful,but you never take my advice.,


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