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1、Lesson 31Wheres Sally?,Lesson143A walk through the woods,surround,beauty spot,New words and expressions,v.包围,n.树林,风景点,百,城市,hundred,city,wood,through,visitor,tidy,litter,prep.穿过,n.观光者,游客,adj.整齐的,n.杂乱的东西,废物筐,litter basket,place,through,rubbish,count,v.放,v.扔,抛,n.垃圾,数,点,覆盖,cover,piece,tyre,rusty,among,n

2、.碎片,n.轮胎,adj.生锈的,prep.在之间,v.依法处理,prosecute,一.Words Usages.,1.surroundsurround v.包围The city is surrounded by trees.城市被树包围着。surrounding adj.周围的,附近的the surrounding country 近郊surroundings n.周围的事物,2.wood当森林讲时,比forest小,(cn.)树林,森林;木材,木料She got lost in the woods.她在森林中迷路了。This house is made of wood.这座房子是木制的。

3、Be made from,3.hundred n.百*hundreds of几百的;数以百计的(有s就有of,有数字就没有s)Thousand n.千Million n.百万,4.through prep.穿过,(物体内部)遍及,She walked through the woods.她穿过森林。across prep.横穿(表面)eg:He is swimming across the river.他正横渡小河。,5.visitor,n.参观者,游客,来访者 We had three visitors today.我们今天有3位访客 No visitors 谢绝会客 visit v.浏览,

4、参观,拜访 I visited my aunt yesterday.我昨天去探望了我姑妈。,6.tidy,adj.整齐的 反义词:untidy eg:I like this tidy room 我喜欢这个整洁的房间.I dont like untidy room.,7.litter,n.杂乱的东西 eg:No litter,please!请勿丢垃圾!区别 little,8.place,v.放,安置;把寄托于,take place(事情)发生eg:The wedding took place yesterday.3.n.地方,eg:He placed the books on the right

5、,他把书本放在了右边。,9.throw v.扔 throw-threw-thrownThe child threw a stone at the window.那孩子对着窗子扔石头*throw away抛弃扔掉,10.rubbish,n.垃圾;荒唐之事,无聊的事,废话clean away the rubbish清扫垃圾Dont talk rubbish.别说废话了,11.count,v.计算,数,点Count from one to thirty从1 数到30,12.covercover 1)v.覆盖,隐瞒;占用,延续 n.套子,盖子;包装纸,2)封面,书皮1)She covered her

6、face with her hands.她用手掩面*be covered with sth.盖满,被覆盖2)Please write your name on the cover of your book.,13.piece,n.碎片,部分the pieces of glass.玻璃碎片n.块,件一条新闻A piece of news,14.rusty1)adj.生锈的,变钝了的,荒废了的My English is a bit rusty.我的英语有点生疏了2)rust v.生锈eg:Stainless(不锈的)steel(钢铁)does not rust.,15.1)among prep.(

7、三者或三者以上)在之间,在内部That singer is very popular among young people.那位歌手很受年青人的欢迎2)between 两者之间eg:The man is sitting between the two policemen.,Language Points,I live in a very old town,定语从句-物做主语。从句是被动语态which is surrounded“被所包围”。,On Sundays,hundreds,1)简单句to see our town and to walk through the woods为不定式短语充

8、当目的状语。From the city作定语修饰hundreds of people.2)hundreds of,虚指,数以百计的;hundred:前可加基数词,但不加s.3)on Sundays 星期前用on4)come from 从来,Visitors have been asked,现在完成时的被动语态主动语态:The town has asked the visitors to keep the woods clean and tidy.What I saw made me very sad.1)主语从句2)made me sad“使我悲伤”,The litter baskets were empty and,1)ground was covered with“地面被覆盖着”被动结构。2)be covered with是被动结构。译为:覆盖着eg:The ground was covered with snow.,Anyone who leaves litter,1)who引导的定语从句2)anyone做主语,谓动用单数。不定代词做主语,谓语用单数,,


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