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1、Part II High-speed Train,项目二 动车乘务,Crew PreparationVocabulary图解词汇,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWords and Phrases词汇短语1.make an announcement 播报2.fill in 填写3.the returned drink report.退水单4.make a big effort to make it known to the passenger在车内加大宣传5.start the roll call开始点名6.crew duty routing值乘交路7.special mis

2、sion case专运备品箱8.reservation box防护备品箱9.shift report交接本,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWords and Phrases词汇短语10.service guides服务指南11.sign your name签字12.under control during the whole journey全程都在进行控制13.stand in a line列队14.have a check of the equipements核实设备15.turn up the air-conditioner调高空调温度16.sanitary condi

3、tion卫生质量17.the sanitation report 卫生鉴定单18.wear the armband戴下肩章,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWorking Expressions 乘务用语1.Tidy up your scarf please.请整理一下丝巾。2.,could you fasten your hair and tidy up your hair style,please?,请把你的发型整理好。3.In combination with holiday transportation schedules,we need to strengthen

4、the organization work in order to help all the fast pass holders.结合节日运输做好客流的组织,对持卡旅客加大安排和组织工作力度。4.We have to increase everyones sense of responsibility and safety.加强安全责任意识,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWorking Expressions 乘务用语5.We have to strengthen our work of broad-casting,offer suggestions.强化广播宣传、安全提示

5、工作。6.We need to take care of passengers needing special attention.做好重点旅客的帮扶。7.We make every effort to promote nonsmoking.加大禁烟宣传力度。8.Now,please take down the key tasks of this trip.请大家记录本趟的重点工作。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWorking Expressions 乘务用语9.Inspect the safety facilities and the darkcorners regul

6、arly.按时检查安全设备、阴暗部位10.Ensure the safe boarding ar/d getting-off of the passengers.组织旅客安全乘降、防止误乘。11.Take special care of the old,the young,the sick,the disabled,and the pregnant women.对老人、儿童、病人、残疾人、孕妇做好重点照顾。12.Make sure that the baggage arrangement is well done.强化行李架的整理及大件行李的疏导安排。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew Prepar

7、ationWorking Expressions 乘务用语13.Are the consumables of each train ready?各车底消耗品都配齐了吗?14.Let me count the number of backup articles in the reservation box.我点一下备品箱里的备品数。15.Hold on.Let me check.稍等,我核对一下。16.Do we have enough water dispensers?咱车上取水架是否齐全?,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWorking Expressions 乘务用语17

8、.Is there any problem with the equipment?设备有问题吗?18.Its all written on the shift report.都写在交接本上了。19.Chief:Two priorities for the cleaning-up today,the area under the electric water-heater and the lower corners of the toilet wall.今天卫生恢复有两项重点项目:电茶炉下的污渍要彻底清擦;卫生间的墙壁下边角重点清刷。20.I have all checked out.We ha

9、ve enough supply for a full train.我已经核实过了。都是按定员数上的。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWorking Expressions 乘务用语21.Wheres the list of our dining car?餐车报表在哪呢?22.Please sign your name when you draw the cosmetics later.一会儿领化妆品别忘了签字。23.Here is a new message from the management team.Please sign your names after rea

10、ding it.车队有新的文件传达,阅后请签字。24.C2020 has a special mission today.Please count the number of special mission articles and straighten your clothes up.Dont forget to bring the walkie-talkies.今天C2020次有专运任务,请清点专运物品,整理人容,别忘了带电台。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWorking Expressions 乘务用语25.Carriage 5 and 7 are in excha

11、nge,please give directions to passengers.5、7车厢席位号互换,做好旅客引导。26.duty handover from carriage l t0 3 is completed.Carriage 4 to 6 is completed.1-3号车厢交接完毕、4-6车交接完毕。27.Please examine the dead angles of the whole carriage请检查一下全列的阴暗部位。28.Find the reason for it,and write it down in the shift report.确认一下是什么原因

12、,在交接本上注明。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWorking Expressions 乘务用语29.Please tell the machinist to turn up the air-conditioner.Its a little bit cold.请机械师把全列空调温度调高,温度有点低。30.Please check out the number and the accurate position of safety net.核对一下防护网的数量和定型位置。31.The ceilings of the toilets arent in an all clean

13、 state.卫生间顶棚擦的不到位。32.Please check the sanitation and arrangement of the multi-functional room检查一下多功能室内的卫生和定型情况。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationWorking Expressions 乘务用语33.Please check out the folding tables.请检查一下折叠小桌。34.All crew members,make sur bedding is tidy,and the floor under berth is clean.各车厢列车员,注意检

14、查卧具的定型质量和包房铺下有没有杂物。35.Chief:Attention please.Check-in starts in a minute,please get ready for passengers.列车员,车站就要检票了,请抓紧时间立岗!36.Chief of C2020,passengers of carriages l-4 have all get on.You may close the door.C2020次列车长,1-4车旅客乘降完毕,可以关闭车门。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue l 出务点名Chief

15、:Please have a thorough check of yourself now.Straighten your clothes up and wipe your shoes clean,please.列车长:请检查一下自己的仪容着装,把制服整理好,鞋子擦干净。Crew member:Yes,Maam.列车员:是的,车长。Chief:Please hurry up,everyone.Were starting the roll call now.列车长:快一点儿,我们开始点名了。Crew member:Yes,Maam.Im coming.列车员:好的,马上。,任务1 出乘准备,Cr

16、ew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue l 出务点名Chief:At ease.Attention,please Now lets start the roll call列车长:稍息,立正!现在开始点名。(人名)。Crew member:Present列车员:到。Chief:First of all,lets look at the priority of todays work列车长:先说一下今天的重点工作。Crew member:Yes.列车员:好的。Chief:Now questions regarding your duty.Please reci

17、te todays crew duty routing.列车长:现在我提问一下业务,你复述一下今天的值乘交路。Crew member:Todays crew duty routing is 2006-2013-2020-2027-2034-2205.,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue l 出务点名列车员:今天值乘2006-2013-2020-2027-2034-2205。Chief:Here is a new message,please takenotes.列车长:接下来,我传达一个文件通知,请做好记录。Chief:Thats

18、 it for the roll call.Please get in line and go downstairs.列车长:点名结束,列队下楼。Crew member:Yes,Maam.列车员:好的。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 2备品交接Crew member:Good afternoon.I would like to pick up the special mission case and reservation box for the C2002 train.列车员:下午好,我来领C2002次的专运备品箱和防护备

19、品箱。Hot Backup:Well,these are for your train.热备人员:好的,这边是你们车上的。Crew member A:Are the backup articles all here?Is there anything missing?列车员甲:备品都齐吗?缺少什么东西吗?,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 2备品交接Crew member B:We are short of one aromabox.is responsible for it.It is clearly recorded in

20、the shift report.列车员乙:备品中芳香盒缺一个,责任人是,在交接本上都注明清楚了。Crew member A:Are the headrests and covers of headrests all here?列车员甲:头枕、头枕片都不缺吧?Crew member B:Yes,they are all here.列车员乙:齐的,不少。,任务2 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 2备品交接Crew member A:Hold on.Let me check the special mission case.So we n

21、eed five glasses?列车员甲:我看下专运备品箱,是差5个水晶杯吗?Crew member B:Yes,I have informed the backup office.列车员乙:对,已通知热备办公室了。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 3设备交接Chief A:Good morning!How is the train going today?列车长甲:车(长),你好!今天列车情况怎么样?Chief B:The train No.C2006 stopped for one minute because of A

22、TP system(Automatic Train Protection).It is now recovered.Everythings fine.列车长乙:列车始发C2006次ATP死机,停车一分,目前已修复,不影响行车。Chief A:How are the water dispensers?列车长甲:取水架情况怎么样?,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 3设备交接Chief B:There is a small crack at the lower left corner of the water dispenser i

23、n carriage 3.The label on the water dispenser in carriage 4 is broken.We have informed the management team.列车长乙:3车水架左下角有一处小裂痕,4车取水架标识破损,已经通知完车队了。Chief A:How many consumables are left in the train?列车长甲:车上的消耗品数量怎么样?Chief B:We don t have too many passengers today.So we are good.The details are written

24、in the shift report.列车长乙:今天客流不大,使用量不是特别多。明细都在交接本上。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 4 餐车备品Dining Car Chief A:Is the number of articles correct?餐服长甲:货品数量齐全吗?Dining Car Chief B:Here are the backup articles:100 paper cups,50 wet tissues,100 service guides,10 tin coffee,5 bottle coffee,

25、1 tin beer,and 3 instant coffee.餐服长乙:备品如下:纸杯100个,湿巾50个,服务指南100个,铁听咖啡10个,瓶装咖啡5个,啤酒1听,一体咖啡3个。Dining Car Chief A:Two towels in the special mission case are dirty.I took them to the management office in exchange for the new ones.Ill bring them to you in the evening.餐服长甲:专运备品箱里有两条毛巾脏了,我拿回车队换一下,晚上给你拿到车上来。

26、,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 5 设备检查Chief:please have a check of the equipments.列车长:好的,核实一下设备问题。Crew member:The armrest of No.48 seat in carriage 1 is broken.The mirror lock of the toilet in position2 in carriage3 can not be locked properly.Everything else is fine.列车员:1车48号坐椅扶手坏

27、,3车2位厕所镜面无法锁闭,其他设备良好。Chief:Hows the equipment on your side?列车长:你那边设备情况怎么样?,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 5 设备检查Crew member:The dustbin lock in the toilet in position 2 0f carriage 2 does not.work properly.列车员:2车2位卫生间垃圾箱门关不上。Chief:OK,please send your summary to the dining car late

28、r.列车长:好的,一会把你总结的设备问题交到餐吧就行。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 6 车容检查Chief:,please put the suitcases of the crew in order.列车长:请大家的乘务箱按顺序依次码放整齐。Crew member:Yes,Madam.列车员:明白,车长。Chief:,please distribute what weve taken to the train to the cleaners and ask them to put in the right place.列

29、车长:,把咱们拿上车的物品分给大家让各口乘服员定型。Crew member:Yes,Maam.Ill do that right away列车员:好的,马上发给大家。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 6 车容检查Chief:,please put the suitcases of the crew in order.列车长:请大家的乘务箱按顺序依次码放整齐。Crew member:Yes,Madam.列车员:明白,车长。Chief:,please distribute what weve taken to the train

30、to the cleaners and ask them to put in the right place.列车长:,把咱们拿上车的物品分给大家让各口乘服员定型。Crew member:Yes,Maam.Ill do that right away列车员:好的,马上发给大家。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 6 车容检查Chief:Who is the quality inspector?列车长:谁是质检员?Quality inspector:Its me.My name is质检员:我,。Chief:How is the

31、sanitary condition when the train comes out of the garage?列车长:出库卫生质量怎么样?Quality inspector:I have checked.Its basically good.There are some problems,which have recorded in the sanitation report.质检员:我已经检查过了,卫生情况基本达到标准,存在的一些问题我已经写在卫生鉴定单上了。,任务1 出乘准备,Crew PreparationCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 6 车容检查Chief:OK.Let me have a look at the sanitation report.列车长:好的,我看一下出库卫生鉴定单。Quality inspector:Here it is.质检员:给你。Quality inspector:Please sign your name on the sanitation report.质检员:请您在卫生鉴定表上签字。Chief:OK,its basically good.列车长:好的,卫生问题基本到位。,任务1 出乘准备,


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