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1、托福听力怎样能够听懂材料呢 托福听力要想有好成绩首先就是要听明白托福听力材料,之后还有懂得如何做题,下面就和大家分享托福听力怎样能够听懂材料呢,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力怎样能够听懂材料呢?要想彻底不卡壳地听懂托福听力听力材料或与老外进行无障碍交流,首先要 Maintain your composure and your confidence,就是说要保持冷静和自信,千万不要因为一处没反应过来,就慌了手脚。良好的心理素质对于听力实力的培养和提高相当关键。TOEFL听力的过程中要学会根据语言传达的信息Make pictures and images, 也就是说:把抽象的文字变成形

2、象的图画反映于脑海之中。有了连续的动态图像的帮助,就有利于我们避开“直接翻译的无序性”,以抓住TOEFL表达的主干而不是旁支末节,从而走出“听了后面,忘了前面”的“怪圈”。也只有这样,才能使我们真正体会到“登泰山而小天下”的神奇感受。托福听力备考时在听懂之后,不要盲目追求“题海战术”,迫不及待地找其他题目来听,而应该把注意力放到听过的题目上。可以说它们才是我们进一步分析、研究从而树立听觉形象的上佳材料。所以要Model everything ( pronunciation, intonation, tone, slang, idioms, patterns, etc.) we heard be

3、fore。也就是说认真模仿和跟读托福听力题目中的各种语言点(包括语音、语调、语气、俚语、习语、句式等),不能放过任何细节。比如:考生需要熟练掌握 TOEFL听力“十大发音规律”、TOEFL听力“十大特色语音”、TOEFL听力“四大音变现象”、TOEFL听力“四类语气词解题”和 TOEFL听力“八大特色语调”等(参见TOEFL听力新思维一书和自学美音快速正音教程)。在模仿的基础上,Multiply the meaning and usage of the words and patterns。 即大力补充和扩展TOEFL听力题目中常用词汇和句式的其它含义和用法。因为TOEFL听力考查的一大难点就

4、是“一词多义”,或“一义多词”。这也就是很多考生之所以听出来老外用的是哪个词,却仍然搞不懂其在题目中确切含义的重要原因。比如:考生需要大力扩展TOEFL听力“九大场景词汇”、 “十大概念词汇”、TOEFL听力“十大魔鬼动词”、TOEFL听力必备200条补充习语和TOEFL听力补充“口语精粹极短句”等(参见TOEFL听力新思维一书)。在模仿和扩展的基础之上,要学会Mine(挖掘)the cultural background and the way of English thinking behind the language, 即努力挖掘听力题目语言背后的美语思维模式和美国文化背景。毕竟语言是

5、文化和思维的载体,掌握了老外的逻辑思维,就能在TOEFL听力过程中变被动为主动,以不变应万变。比如:考生应努力挖掘TOEFL听力“三大思维模板”、TOEFL听力“七大修辞模式”和TOEFL听力“十大段落原则”等(参见TOEFL听力新思维一书)。Memorize them。即在“立体”解构了这些TOEFL听力题目之后,将它们加以背诵和记忆,以求达到脱口而出的感觉。因为TOEFL听力的语言重现率很高,背得越多,意味着没听过的就越少。久而久之,听力实力便会大增。不可否认背诵是份“苦差事”,但“欲穷大地三千里,须上高峰八百盘。”可以说,背诵是登上听力最高境界的重要环节。如果说前五步是“消化过程”,那么

6、背诵这第六步就是“吸收过程”。我们始终都要铭记:吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。托福听力练习对照文本Before we begin our tour, Id like to give you some background information on the painter Grant Wood.在我们开始这段游览之前,我想给你们一些关于画家Grant Wood的背景信息Well be seeing much of his work today.今天我们将会看到很多他的作品Wood was born in 1881 in Iowa farm country, and became intereste

7、d in art very early in life.Wood于1881年出生在Iowa的乡下农场,在很年轻时就对艺术感兴趣Although he studied art in both Minneapolis and at the Art Institute of Chicago, the strongest influences on his art were European.尽管他在Minneapolis和Chicago艺术学院都学过艺术,对他的艺术产生最大影响的却是在欧洲He spent time in both Germany and France and his study t

8、here helped shape his own stylized form of realism.他在德国和法国都呆过,并且他在那里的学习帮助他形成了他自己风格的现实主义形式When he returned to Iowa, Wood applied the stylistic realism he had learned in Europe to the rural life he saw around him and that he remembered from his childhood around the turn of the century.当他回到Iowa,Wood把他在

9、欧洲学到的现实主义体裁应用到了他所见到的在他周围的农村生活中,以及他世纪之交的童年的记忆中。His portraits of farm families imitate the static formalism of photographs of early settlers posed in front of their homes.他的早起定居者在他们房前造型的农场家庭肖像画,模拟了照片的静态形式主义。His paintings of farmers at work, and of their tools and animals, demonstrate a serious respect

10、 for the life of the Midwestern United States.他的农民干活的画作,以及他们的工具和牲畜,展现了对中西部美国生活的一种严肃的尊重。By the 1930s, Wood was a leading figure of the school of art called American regionalism.在二十世纪30年代,Wood成为被称作“美国地方主义”的艺术学院的领导人物。In an effort to sustain a strong Midwestern artistic movement, Wood established an ins

11、titute of Midwestern art in his home state.在一个试图维持一个强劲的中西部艺术的运动中,Wood在他故乡的州建立了一所中西部艺术学院。Although the institute failed, the paintings you are about to see preserve Woods vision of pioneer farmers.尽管学院并不成功,你们即将要见到的画作保持了Wood的拓荒农民的愿景。托福听力练习对照文本Today well examine the role that private transportation, nam

12、ely, the automobile plays in city planning.今天我们将调查私人交通工具,换句话说,汽车在城市规划中所扮演的角色A number of sociologists blame the automobile for the decline of the downtown areas of major cities.许多社会学家把主要城市的市中心的衰退归咎于汽车。In the 1950s and 1960s the automobile made it possible to work in the city and yet live in the subur

13、bs many miles away.在五十年代和六十年代,汽车使在城里工作,但却生活在许多英里之外的郊区成为可能。Shopping patterns changed: instead of patronizing downtown stores, people in the suburbs went to large shopping malls outside the city and closer to home.购物模式改变了:生活在郊区的人们去城外且离家近的大型购物中心,而不是屈尊闹市商店。Merchants in the city failed; and their stores

14、closed. Downtown shopping areas became deserted.城里的商人失败了;并且他们的上店关门了。市中心购物区变得荒芜了。In recent years theres been a rebirth of the downtown areas, as many suburbanites have moved back to the city.近年来中心区有了新生,因为许多郊区居民搬回了城里。Theyve done this, of course, to avoid highways clogged with commuters from the suburb

15、s.他们这么做,当然了,是为了避免来自郊区通勤者们阻塞公路。Ive chosen this particular city planning problemour dependence on private transportation to discuss in groups.我选择了这个特殊的城市规划问题我们对私人交通工具的依赖,来做小组讨论。Im hoping you all will come up with some innovative solutions.我希望你们都将提出一些创新性的解决方案。Oh, and dont approach the problem from a purely sociological perspective; try to take into account environmental and economic issues as well.哦,不要从一个纯粹的社会学视角来着手处理这个问题;也试试考虑环境和经济问题。托福听力怎样能够听懂材料呢


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