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1、Peter ShafferEquus,By Lumi,Leon,Jones,Louis,Peter Shaffer an English Playwright,born on May 15,1926,in Liverpool,England.worked in the Chislet coal mine in 1944 to 1947.attended Trinity College inCambridge and majored in history and received a B.A in1950.was awarded the prestigious honorary title of

2、 Commander,Order of the British Empire in 1987.Gained English knighthood in 2001.Source,Image source,Bevin Boys source,From Wikipedia,the free encyclopediaBevin Boys were young British men conscripted to work in the coal mines of the United Kingdom,from December 1943 until the end of World War II.Ch

3、osen at random from among the conscripts,nearly 48,000 Bevin Boys performed vital but largely unrecognised service in the coal mines,many not being released until years after the war.,1951-1954 worked a variety of jobs:at Doubledays Book Shop An airline terminal Grand Central Station Lord and Taylor

4、s department store New York Public Library.1951 under the pseudonym Peter Antony,penned The Woman in the Wardrobe(1st detective novel)1952 How Doth the Little Crocodile?1955 Withered Murder,Peter Shaffers Famous Works,Five Finger Exercise(1958)The Private Ear(1962;filmed 1966)The Public Eye(1962;fil

5、med 1972)Black Comedy(1965)The Royal hunt of the Sun(1964)Shriving(1970)Equus(1973)Amadaus(1979)Yonadab(1985)Lettice and Lovgge(1987)The Gift of the Gorgon(1992),source,source,source,Peter Shaffer,Plays for Television The Salt Land(1955)Balance of Terror(1957)A screenplayThe Lord of the Files(1963)P

6、lays for Radio Whom Do I Have the Honour of Addressing?(1989),source,Three plays presented at the National Theatre,Five Finger ExerciseShriving Equus,Source,Peter Shaffers Equus,has proved a sensational triumph both in London and New York,where it was awarded the Tony Award for the Best Play,1975.,s

7、ource,Image source,source,source,Source,Plot,Summary:Martin Dysart,a psychiatrist,had a case about a seventeen-year-old boy named Alan Strang who savagely blinded six horses in a stable in Hampshire,England.Dysart started the investigation with all kinds of counseling skills including hypnosis.As Dy

8、sart exposes the truth behind the boys demons,he finds himself face-to-face with his own.,Plot,Martin Dysart started to recall this case from the very beginning,after he saw Alan and Nugget.He was confused.,Plot,Alan blinded six horses.Hesther,the magistrate,convinced others to bring Alan to Dysart

9、for treatment instead of to prison.Alan didnt cooperate with Dysart at first,but just kept singing commercial songs.Dysart had a dream about carvingchildren that night after he saw Alan.“I part the flaps,the other two then study the pattern Its this unique talent for carving that has got me where I

10、am.”(216),Plot,Dysart tried to find the reason Alan blinded the horses so he visited Alans parents.He found that the father Frank was an atheist(Communist even),yet the mother Dora,a Catholic.They had many conflicts beneath the“harmonious”surface.Frank:“She thinks she married beneath her.”(225)“its

11、the Bible thats responsible for all this.”“Bloody religion its our only real problem in this house”(226)Dora:“sex is not just a biological matter,but spiritual as well.That if God willed,he would fall in love one day”(227),Education?Frank:“She doesnt care if he can hardly write his own name,and she

12、a school teacher that was.Just as long as hes happy,she says”(225)Dora:“I dont believe in interfering too much with children”(237)Love?Dora:“the boys hurt!”;”Frank,hes bleeding!”(233)and Frank ignored her.Dora:“How is he,by the way?”(237)Shifting the blame onto others Dora:“Whatevers happened has ha

13、ppened because of Alan.”“If you knew GodYou would know Devil.The Devils there”(270),Plot,Plot,Alan had nightmare and cried about Ek“.Dysart played a game with Alan.Alan then described his experience about meet and ride a horse for the first time.But Alans exultancy was suddenly interrupted by his pa

14、rents.Frank:“Come down at once.Right this moment.”(233)Damsel in distress,Castle,Horse,Prince Charming.,Plot,Alan:“All the power going any way you wanted Then suddenly I was on the ground,where Dad pulled me.I could have bashed him”(240)“I wish I was a cowboy.Theyre free.They just swing up and then

15、its miles of grass I bet all cowboys are orphans!I bet they are!”(241),Our Lord on his way to Calvary A horse looking over a gate,Plot,Frank came to visit Dysart and told him about Alans strange ritual.Dysart:“Why is Equus in chains?”Alan:“For the sins of the world.”(258),Plot,ACT I 15 18Alan told D

16、ysart how he started to work in stableAlan asked Dysart about his marriage and annoyed him;the room became Dysarts torture chamber.Dysart and Hesther argued about what is normal.ACT I 19 21Dysart gave Alan a hypnosis and realized his ceremony and his HAHA.,Plot,ACT II 22 25Conflict about Worship,Pas

17、sion and Pain in Dysarts head.Dysart:“Can you think of anything worse one can do to anybody than take away their worship?”(272)Dysart:“But that boy has known a passion more ferocious than I have felt in any second of my life I envy it.”Hesther:“You cant.”(274),Plot,ACT II 26 34Dysart gave Alan Truth

18、 Drug,and Alan started to talk about Jill,the night they got out,how he met his father,and how they went to the stable.Alan acted out what happened that night.ACT II 35Dysarts confession.Dysart:“Passion,you see,can be destroyed by a doctor.It cannot be created.”(300)“I need more desperately than my

19、children need me a way of seeing in the dark.”(301),Plot,Characters,Martin Dysart,a psychiatrist,Alan Strang,Frank Strang,his father,Dora Strang,his mother,Hesther Salomon,a magistrate,Jill Mason,Harry Dalton,a stable owner,A Young Horseman,Horses,Patient,Doctor,Catholic,Atheist,Characters,Martin Dy

20、sart:In this play,he played the role of a psychiatrist,trying to cure the seventeen-year-old young man,Alan.Like Alan,the protagonist,in the beginning of this play,Dysart also acted like the readers considering Alans behavior“abnormal.”However,later on Dysart found Alans strange behavior,in fact,cam

21、e from passion and essentiality which could not be found in Dysart himself.The relationship between Martin and his wife were indifferent because they didnt have good sex and no children.The doctor tried to conceal this“abnormal”secret behind his“normal”job.So he had become jealous of Alan Strangs pa

22、ssion.Besides,the doctor thought his trying to cure Alan may also destroy the young mans original passion.,Alan Strang:He is one of the main characters in this play.Alan,at his childhood,was constantly driven into religious thoughts by his mother and forbidden to watch TV because of his father.His m

23、other told him the story about Jesus Christs suffering for human beings,and he attached the picture of the story on the wall of his bedroom.When his father tore it off the wall because of the quarrel with Dora about religion,Alan went into hysterical crying for days without stopping.Later,given the

24、photo of a horse,Alan finally stopped crying.Besides,at the age of six,one day when Alan was building a sandcastle on a beach,he met a horseman and climbed onto the horseback.From then on,he had passionately loved horses,which affected his sexual aptitude and caused his blinding six horses.In additi

25、on,Alans last name,Strang,was quite similar to the word,strange,and this might be the hint of his strange behavior.,Characters,Frank Strang:Frank was Alans father,and he was an atheist.He forbade Alan from watching TV,and he sometimes argued with his pious wife on some religious matters.The opposite

26、 attitudes to religion caused the loveless atmosphere of this family,and he went to the theater to watch adult movies.,Characters,Dora Strang:Dora was Alans mother,and she was a religious person.She used to tell stories in the Bible to Alan when he was just a child,and the content of the story was a

27、bout Jesus Christs suffering to death.Alans father considered it a bloody religion,and the doctor also considered that Dora should take responsibility for Alans extreme behavior.However,Dora said that Alans terrible behavior was caused by Devil.What she said becomes an irony because she was a“faithf

28、ul”religious woman,and she was obviously trying to put the blame on devils.,Characters,Hesther Salomon:She asked Dr.Dysart to cure Alans eccentric“illness”in psychiatry.She treated the young man with the view different from the society.Her intuition told her that Alan was suffering and needed help,s

29、o what she thought was curing Alan,not just putting him into jail.Harry Dalton:He was Alans boss,who represented the view of society.He insisted on putting Alan into jail because he thought Alan abnormal.Both Harry and Hesther thought Alan was not in his right mind;however,Hesther treated him with s

30、ympathy,but Harry with resentment.,Characters,Horseman:At the age of six,Alan saw a man riding a horse on the beach.The horseman invited Alan to ride the horse.When sitting on the horseback,Alan got the wonderful feeling that he had never had before,and Alan felt that he had escaped from his fathers

31、 restriction.The horseman could be regarded as Alans savior in spirit.Jill Mason:She was Alans coworker.Once she brought Alan to watch adult movie in a theater,where he saw his father.Besides,she wanted to have sex with Alan in the stable,but he was impotent just because he felt that he betrayed his

32、 Equus.Besides,Alan felt the horses were staring at him through the shut door,and then he couldnt stand the guilt and blinded all of them.So Jill could be regarded as the fuse of this terrible incident.,Characters,Theme,The play is mainly about the concept of normality.What is“normal”?For example:Th

33、e Normal is the good smile in a childs eyes”but also as“the dead stare in a million adults”.(257),Horses:Godslave“Why is Equus in chains?”and“For the sins of the world.”(258)“Equus,my Godslavewe ride against them all.”(265)The chains relate back to the picture of Jesus on his way to Calvary that was

34、 replaced by the picture of the horse.Stable:Equus temple“Holy of Holies.”(259)“Hes a mean bugger!Ride-or fall!Thats Straw Law.”(259)This relates to Christianity.Jesus was born in a stable in the straw.,Symbol,Telly(TV):dangerous drug“Its a dangerous drug.”(219)“You sit in front of that thing long e

35、nough,like most of the population.”(219)“Mindless violence!Mindless jokes!.”(220)“What did you do last night?.Watched telly.”(244)Mask:priest“Im a chief priest holding a sharp knife.”and“the sacrifice is a herd of children.”(216)“Carving up children.”(228)“Passion,you see,can be destroyed by a docto

36、r.It cannot be created.”(300),Symbol,Peter Shaffer uses a chorus to make sounds described as the Equus noise.“Suddenly I heard this noise.”(230)The Equus noise is first heard in the beach scene when Alan has his first encounter with a horse.“Chorus makes a warning hum.”(290)It is described a warning

37、 hum and is showing that Equus is watching what Alan is doing and disapproves.,Chorus,The theme of religion explored in Equus,One of the major themes in Peter Shaffers play Equus is religion,or more specifically religious worship,and its importance to the emotional and mental well being of man.This

38、theme is explored through several characters throughout the play and as the play progresses it becomes clear it is worship,and through that passion,what everything in the end comes down to.,“The King ride out on Equus,mightiest of horses AMEN!”(265266)The midnight ride is a sacramental means of iden

39、tification with a Christ who trample his enemies.Several phantasms which haunt the boys mind are blended in skillful gradation:hostilities,self-punishment,erotic desire and religious needs.The prepositional phrase“on you”becomes“in you”and leads to direct transcend:“I want to BE you forever and fore

40、verAmen.”The boy wants to transcend both himself and time.The repeated phrase“one person”accentuates the search for ontological security.The play is a quest for being.,Midnight Ride,“Religion is the opium of the people?”(221)“especially when I hear her whispering that Bible to him hour after hour,up

41、 there in his room.”(225)“It can mark anyone for life,that kind of thing.”(226)Many of the phrases that Alan has taken and used in his religion are connected with the Christian religion that Dora believes so devoutly in.,The issue of the influences of the parents on a child,“Come on,Trojan-bear me a

42、way!”(232)“Bear you away.Two shall be one.”(259)The bearing away phrase seems to originate from the time when Alan was riding Trojan on the beach and the horseman said to make Trojan go faster all you have to say is bear me away.This phrase also suggests bearing away from the normal world and arrivi

43、ng in a world of passion and Equus religion.,“I used to have to read him the same book over and over,all about horse.”(222)When Alan was younger,Dora told him that when Christian cavalry first appeared in the New World,the pagans thought that horse and rider were one person,even a God.These events f

44、rom Alans past are links and have had a great influence on him.Many of these links appear to originate from things his mother had said to him about religion,clearly demonstrating the power of the role and influences of a parent on a child.,“The Hosts of Jodhpur.The Hosts of Bowler and Gymkhana.All t

45、hose who show him off for their vanity.Tie rosettes on his head for their vanity!”(265),Alans interest in horses may have also had been sparked by his mother and her horsy side of the family.This shows that Alan has taken these views from Frank who has strong views against upper-class riff-raff and

46、the world of equitation.Alan seems to be confused by his parents divided views on religion,horses and sex.However,it can be argued that this is not Alans parents fault as at the end of the day it is Alan himself who takes his parents views and chooses to use them on his own religion.,WORKSHOP ON BAS

47、IC COUNSELLING SKILLS source,Empathy-the counselor must concentrate on understanding how the client sees the world and feels about it,and must be able to show the client that she has this understanding.Acceptance-the counselor must be able to show the client that she/he accepts the client as someone

48、 of worth,that she/he values the client unconditionally as a person,even if she disapproves of the clients behavior.Genuineness-the counselor must be really there in the relationship,not pretending to be someone she/he isnt,not saying one thing and meaning another,not hiding her/his feelings.,the pe

49、rson-centered approach to counseling the American psychologist Carl Rogers,Transference,Countertransference,Transference and Countertransference:source Are natural projective behaviors and are to be expected in the counseling relationship.,refers to certain unconsciously redirected feelings,fears,or

50、 emotions from a client towards the counselor.,refers to the projecting of a counselors experiences,values and repressed emotions that are awakened by identification with the clients experiences,By Kevin C.Jackson(2002),Questions,Why does Alan blind the horses?Why does he say KILL ME!.KILL ME!after


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