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1、Unit 4 American Dream,Text A,Tony Trivisonnos American Dream,Teaching Objectives:,understand the main idea(Tony realized his American Dream through his own efforts)and structure of the text(one part telling the story of Tonys life and the other giving the authors comments on it)learn to describe a p

2、erson by his or her characteristic features,together with supporting details which demonstrate the features,grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the textconduct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities centered on the theme of the unit.,1 Lead in Activitie

3、s,2 Culture Notes,3 Text Analysis,6 Proverbs and Quotations,4 Detailed Understanding,5 Exercises,1.1 Lead-in Pictures,Look at the following pictures and tell what and where they are.,United States Capitol Washington D.C,Statue of Libertyin New York,Empire State Building in New York,Golden Gate Bridg

4、ein San Francisco,1.2 Lead-in questions,1)What do you often associate America with?2)Do you want to go to America?Why?,America,opportunities,money,violence,terrorism,good job,better education,better life,Freedom,Travel,Why,Why do they go to America?,Do you know Yao Ming(姚明)?He is one of the best bas

5、ketball players in CBA Chinese Basketball Association).He went to America and joined Rockets in Houston(休斯顿火箭队).Now he is a famous star in NBA(National Basketball Association).Yao Mings dream is to play basketball in NBA.Now he made it.,From this we can see that people go to America with different g

6、oals and aims.All the goals are just like their dreams.They want to seek their own dreams in America-American Dream,Back,Immigration in USA,The Great Depression,Cultural Notes,American Dream,2,1)2)3),Back,American Dream,American Dream is a belief that everyone in the United States has the chance to

7、achieve success and prosperity,as long as he/she works hard enough,and that the country offers opportunities for a good and successful life.,For ordinary people,it means a happy family,an ideal job,and a nice house.For minorities and immigrants,it also includes freedom and equal right.,Back,Immigrat

8、ion in USA,In the history,many people made their way to America.They went there for different purposes,some for equal rights,some for freedom such as political freedom and religious freedom.,Immigrants,Apart from“Native Americans”Indians,all Americans have ancestors who were immigrants.Some immigran

9、ts come to the United States in search of a place to practice their religion freely,while others seek political.Still others arrive in hopes of building a better life for themselves and their families.,After two hundred years development,America has become a melting pot(大熔炉)with people from all over

10、 the world.,The values of these Puritan(清教徒)settlers strongly influenced the culture of the American colonies and later of the United States.It is a new nation of immigrants compared with the old world,such as U.K.(英国),Germany.In fact,America is a multi-cultural(多文化)and multi-national(多民族)country.,B

11、ack,The Great Depression,The Great Depression is considered the most severe economic crisis in the industrialized world.,The period of severe economic failure in most countries of the world that lasted from 1929 until World War II.It began in the US when the New York Stock Exchange fell on 29 Octobe

12、r 1929,known as Black Tuesday.Many businesses and banks failed and millions of people lost their jobs.,Back,3 Text Analysis,3.1 Text Organization3.2 Events of Tonys life story3.3 Writing strategy3.4 Summary Writing,Back,3.1 Text Organization,Part 1 Para 1-29 With determination,and with help from Mr.

13、Crawford,Tony achieved his dream of owning his own farm.(Life story of Tony Trivisonno.),Part 2 Para 30-33 Tonys career set the author thinking about why and to what extent he had been successful.(The authors reflections on the story of tony.,Back,Today we are going to learn a text about American dr

14、eam of an ordinary person.Lets see what his American dream is and how he realizes it.,3.2 Events of Tonys life story,1)For what did Tony come to America?,For a better life.,3)How did Tony fulfill his dream?P-98,2)What was his American dream?,Time Sequence,Find out time words and phrases:indicators o

15、f each step of Tony on his way to success,Tony started to work as a help at Mr.Crawfords house.,Tony got a job clearing snow at Mr.Crawfords factory.,Tony asked to be trained as an apprentice,and later learned to be a skilled worker.,Tony bought a house with the help of Mr.Crawford.,Tony bought a fa

16、rm and sent for his family in Italy.,Tony died,leaving his family a prosperous farm and his children educated.,4)What is the key to Tonys success?Answers:,Tony worked very hard to create his American Dream.Besides,he was determined,self-controlled,optimistic,self-respected,honest and responsible.All

17、 these helped him become successful.,5)Compare Tony with the greatest industrialists实业家.Both Tony and the greatest industrialists are successful in pursuing their American Dreams.They reached their success by working hard,and by the same values and principles.The only difference was that they had di

18、fferent financial achievements.,Back,There are four kinds of writing,namely,description描写文,narration叙述文,exposition说明文and argumentation论说文.From the title,can you guess what kind of writing Text A belongs to?,3.3 Writing Strategy,To narrate is to give an account of an event or series of events.In a br

19、oad sense,narrative writing includes stories,biographies传记,histories历史剧,news and so on.The first part focuses on the life story of Tony,so Text A belongs to narration.,3.3.1 narration,Narrative passages usually employ time sequence and space sequence.,3.3.2 The importance of details in describing a

20、person,Changes of Tonys appearance:-He was about five-foot-seven or eight,and thin-He seemed to stand a little straighter直挺的.He was heavier.He had a look of confidence-He was neatly dressed,Changes in Tonys manner towards“me”:-Tony had remained standing when talking to“me”-we sat down and talked.Fun

21、ctions of these details:they present an increasingly well-to-do富裕的 Tony.Tonys social status was improving step by step.,Back,3.4 Summary Writing,3.4.1 Language Input 3.4.2 Language Output,Back,From the start,Tony showed his _ to _ his dream.When he came to Mr.Crawford for help,for the first time,Mr.

22、Crawford _,but he didnt give up.Later,Mr.Crawford offered him a job in the factory.He worked hard,and learned to be a _ worker.Then with Mr.Crawfords help,he managed to get a loan on _ for a house.Finally he bought a farm,and he was able to _ his family from Italy.His dream came true.,determination;

23、realize/achieve/fulfill;turn him away/down;skilled/skillful;character;send for,Back,Language Output,After Tony graduating from college,Tony decided to _(自己创业).At the beginning,many banks _(拒绝了他的贷款要求).But he was not discouraged and continued to _(拜访一个个的银行家)seeking help.,turned down his request for a

24、loan,start his own business,call on one banker after another,Moved by his _(决心和乐观精神),a banker agreed to loan him.Now he has become a wealthy businessman._(在谈到惊人的成就时),Tony put emphasis on _(创造机遇而不是等待机遇的重要性。),determination and optimism,Speaking of his amazing achievements,the importance of creating ra

25、ther than waiting for opportunities,Back,4 Detailed Understanding,Back,4.1 Language Points,4.1.1 Part One4.1.2 Part Two,turn away:refuse to help sb.or to allow sb.to enter a place 拒绝帮助,不让.进入;把脸转过去,1.but how could I turn away a person who had come to me for help?(L10),A doctor cant turn away a dying

26、man.,He turned away several people who didnt have the tickets.We cant turn away those who are in trouble.,Collocation:turn into:使变成 turn in交还,上交,turn down拒绝;调低,turn up,turn off关;拐弯,turn on,turn out生产,制造;证明,结果,turn over仔细考虑,She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.,assume:suppose假设,以为

27、采用,承担,开始担任 装出,显出,2.I assumed you had hired him.(L16),A large proportion of population assume the price will continue to rise.,At the age of 40,he assumed presidency of the college.,She assumed a look of surprise when she heard the news.,assumption-假定;假设,Presume 假定,假设,认为Consume 消费,消耗Consumption 消费(量)

28、;消耗,灭绝Resume 拿回,取回,重新开始,继续Resumption 收回;再占领,继续;再使用Presumption 推测,猜测,假定;设想,compliment:praise 赞扬,赞美 pliment sb.on sth.praise sb.for sth.n.赞美的言辞或行为;致意,问候(复数),3.I complimented him on the work he had done.(L10),Her guests complimented her on the decoration of her house.,She received many compliments on t

29、he design of her new dress.,她那件新裙子的设计,受到许多人称赞。,Extend my compliments to your family.,4.I managed to work out some kind of small weekly pay.(L24)-Translation,Well leave it to the committee to work out the details of the plan.,work out:plan,solve,calculate 制定出,解决,算出,理解,弄懂,See if you can work this puzz

30、le out.,I cant work out the meaning of this poem.,They worked out a method of sending a spacecraft to the space.We havent worked out a good way to keep in touch with him.The accountant has worked out your share of the expense at 1,000 yuan.Collocation:work at:从事 work up:引起,激起,Weekly 每周的,一周一次的(1).adj

31、.happening once a week or every week.He thinks his weekly wage of 100 yuan is enough.Are you paid weekly or monthly?(2).adv.once a week,every week,by the week.21st century is published weekly.(3).n.a publication issued发行once a weekBusiness Weekly 商业周刊 Publishers Weekly(美)出版商周刊a twice weekly 半周刊,do/d

32、eal with:对待,处理-used in questions with what,5.Well,what do you do with such determination and hope?(L30),What have you done with my book?,What are we going to do with the food left over from the party?,(2).tolerate.I cant do with him and his impoliteness.(3).(often with could,can)desireI could do wit

33、h a cup of tea.,do without:没有也行,将就do away with:废除,去掉have something to do with:和有点关系have nothing to do with:和毫无关系,capacity:1)the ability to understand or do sth.能力,才能His capacity for remembering things is interesting.2)the power of ability to hold or contain sth.容量,6.But I doubted whether Tony had th

34、e capacity to read blueprints and micrometers or do precision work.(L36),This book is within the capacity of young readers.,The seating capacity of this theater is over 500.,The hall has a seating capacity of 500.The maximum amount that can be contained.The trunk槽 is filled to capacity.CF:表示能力,capac

35、ity 用于物时,指容纳接受的能力,如容积,容量,生产能力;用于人时,指潜在的能力,多用于才智,道德,尤指接受能力,颖悟性,敏感性等。ability 既指天赋的能力,也指培养造就而获得的本领,主要用于人,指已经表现出来的实际能力,尤指人的思维能力。capability:较多用于人,指胜任某项工作的能力,本领proficiency:正式用语,带有技术性,指对业务的精通和熟练。,1.Her mental _ is very great.2.The film is beyond the _ of the children.3._ in several foreign languages is nee

36、ded for work as a travelers guide.4.He has the _ of solving practical problems.,ability,capacity,Proficiency,capability,7.He had learned to read the millionths of an inch on the micrometer and to shape the grinding wheel with an instrument set with a diamond.My wife and I were delighted with what we

37、 felt was a satisfying end of the story.(L42),他学会了在千分尺上辨识一百万分之一英寸,会用镶嵌着金刚石的工具制作砂轮。我和太太都挺高兴,觉得他的事总算有了个令人满意的结局。,8 On the edge of town,he had found a house for sale,a complete wreck.(L45),for sale 代售 available to be boughtWreck 残破物;残骸,The company will put the house for sale.Not for sale 非卖品on sale 上市,出

38、售;减价,贱卖a sale on credit 赊购on sale or return 包退包换的,无法销售可以退货的,call on:(1):visit sb.for a short time拜访,9.I called on a banker friend.“Do you ever loan money on character?”(L48),I shall call on my advisor before I start writing the term paper.,call on sb.to do sth:请或叫某人做某事;号召,呼吁,(2):summon号召,appeal呼吁The

39、y called on the workers of the city to support the strike.(3):invite,requireThe host of the party called on the Chairman to speak.,collocation:call for 邀约;要求;需要 call off 取消 call up 打电话;召集;想起 call in 顺路到某处;收回,(1).the particular collection of qualities that make sb./sth.Different from other.品质的培养应是教育的

40、主要点Character building should be the main point of education.,He has a strong but gentle character.他有坚强但温柔的性格。,character:品德,品质;个性,特色,性格;人物;字,(2).person in a play,movie,etcI find all the characters in his new play very real.(3).Letter,sign or mark used in a system of writing or printing.The characters

41、 in Chinese writing look like small pictures.,a leading character,a Chinese character,characteristic:特性,特征;特有的,表示特性的,汉字看起来像是一幅幅小图画。,CF:character,characteristic,feature&personalitycharacter:指成年人已经充分发展的生活方式,而且往往与品格有关characteristic:指某物的任何方面,不涉及全局的重要性,但常指有代表性的一个侧面,常用于科技领域feature:通常指外貌的特征或特别的、附加的、有吸引力的东西

42、personality:偏重指一个人表现出来的无法明确阐述的整个情绪方面的特点,不与形容词连用时表示情感上的吸引力,1.An aquiline nose was her best _.鹰钩鼻子是她最明显的特征2.He can read a guys _ at the first glance.他一眼就能看出一个人的品质3.He has character but no _.他有性格但没个性4.A psychological report lists very possible _ of the person being studied.一份心理学报告列举了研究对象所有可能有的特征,featur

43、e,character,personality,characteristic,10.Youre not getting a damn thing from your lot.It will stay there for years.(L51)-Translation,眼下,你从你那块地上一分钱也得不到。那块地空在那儿要好多年呢。,lot:地皮,场地a vacant lota parking lot,11 Reluctantly,the banker wrote a mortgage for$2,000 and gave Tony the house with no down payment.(

44、L54)-Translation,那位银行家勉强开了两千美金抵押贷款,没要托尼首付款就把房子给了他。,mortgage买房者可以先贷一大笔款来买下房子,然后通过分期付款慢慢还债,这种贷款方式就叫做mortgage(抵押),pay ones mortgage in monthly installment(每月分期付款偿还抵押借款)installment payment 分期付款down payment:the initial payment 首付,12.From then on,it was interesting to see that any discarded odds and ends

45、around our place a broken screen,a bit of hardware,boards from packing Tony would gather and take home.(L55),从那以后,只要有人在我家附近丢弃了零星杂物,坏了的屏风啦,五金器具啦,包装纸板啦,托尼都会收起来拿回家,看到这些,我觉得真是很有趣。,They discarded empty bottles/old beliefs,discard 指“抛弃、丢弃”无用的、已经成为负担或障碍的人或物 abandon“丢弃、离弃”指彻底、永久地离开某个地方,如家园、船只、飞机等;表示“抛弃、遗弃”时

46、,宾语为人,往往指割断某种关系(如亲情、友情等);还可表示“放弃(希望、努力等)”,discard:throw away 抛弃,odds and ends:零碎的东西这种词组在英语中叫对词。大纲中要求掌握的对词有:back and forth来回地,反复地black and blue青一块紫一块by and by不久,迟早by and large大体上,总的来说day and night见 night and dayebb and flow兴衰,起伏,far and wide到处few and far between稀疏的,稀少的first and foremost首要的是,首先here an

47、d now此时此刻here and there各处in black and white白纸黑字odds and ends零星杂物,琐碎物品,off and on断断续续地,间歇地,有时on and on继续不断地,不停地once(and)for all一劳永逸地,永远地over and above除之外(还),超过over and over(again)一再地,再三地safe and sound安然无恙then and there/there and then 当场,当即through and through完全,彻底,time and again/time after time 屡次,一再b

48、y/in leaps and bounds极其迅速地 by trial and error反复试验,不断摸索 every now and then时常,不时,间或the rank and file普通士兵,普通成员through thick and thin 不顾艰难险阻,在任何情况下,amaze:surprise sb.very much 使惊愕,使诧异be amazed at(by)对大为惊奇,13.I was amazed.(L62),Her knowledge amazes me.Visitors were amazed at the achievements in the car m

49、anufacture of the city during the past decade.,Audrey Hepburn,astonishamazesurprise,但amaze有惊叹之意amazing:令人惊异的;amazement:惊愕,惊异I was amazed by the news of Georges sudden death.听到乔治突然去逝的消息,我感到惊愕。It amazed me that you would believe those lies.It amazed me to discover how long the dinosaur age lasted.,sen

50、d for:ask for the arrival of派人去叫,召唤,派人去拿,14.He had sent for his wife and son and daughter back in Italy.(L62),We may have to send to Japan for spare parts.,What will you do if your water pipes have burst?,We must send for a plumber管子工.,大纲中含send的词组有:send away 把打发走send for1.派人去请,召唤;2.函购,函索send in递送,呈报


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