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1、冀教版五年级上册英语课后作业全册课件,1,Unit 1 My Family,JJ 五年级上册,Lesson 1 Li Mings Big Family,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,六,三,一、核心素养练。1.This is my grandfather and that is my_.2.My father has short hair and my _ has long hair.,mother,Grandmother,3.This is my brother.I dont have a_.4.This is my fathers brother.He ismy uncle.Tha

2、t is my fathers sister.She is my_.,aunt,sister,二、单项选择。()1.I dont have pencils _pens.andB.orC.but,B,方法点拨:,在否定句中,表示并列关系用or,而不用and。,()2.My parents have two children,_.A.she and my sisterB.my sister and meC.my sister and he,B,()3.I _ a brother and my friend Tom_ a sister.【规律记忆法】A.have;have B.has;has C.h

3、ave;has,C,方法点拨:,本题用规律记忆法解答。规律:在一般现在时句子中,当主语是第一人称、第二人称和复数时,谓语动词用原形;当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用单三形式。本题中I是第一人称,have用原形;Tom是第三人称单数,用have的单三形式has。,()4.My mother has a sister.She is my_.A.sister B.cousin C.aunt()5.I have an aunt._ name is Wang Fang.A.Her B.His C.My,C,A,三、根据情境选出恰当而得体的句子。()1.当你想要让朋友认识你的家人时,你最好使用哪句话来介

4、绍?A.This is my family.B.I have a family.C.My family is big.,A,()2.姑姑家的儿子要过生日了,你在生日贺卡上最好使用哪句话来送上祝福?A.Happy birthday to you,my aunt.B.Happy birthday to you,my cousin.C.Happy birthday to you,my uncle.,B,()3.老师告诉你:Your parent can come to school at 8:00 a.m.你会怎样传达老师的话呢?a.Mum,you can come to school at 8:0

5、0 a.m.b.Dad,you can come to school at 8:00 a.m.c.Mum and Dad,you can come to school at 8:00 a.m.A.a and c B.b and c C.a and b,C,()4.你的姥姥和姥爷住在保定,你应使用哪句话来介绍他们的住址呢?A.My parents live in Baoding.B.My grandfather and grandmother live in Baoding.C.My grandfather and mother live in Baoding.,B,()5.当你想介绍朋友和自己

6、时,你最好使用下面哪句话?A.This is I and my friend.B.This is my friend and him.C.This is my friend and me.,C,四、选择恰当的句子完成对话。(填序号)Susan:Hello,Linda!Whats this?Linda:1._Susan:Who is the old man?Linda:2._Susan:Is the tall woman your mother?,B,A,A.He is my grandfather.B.Its a picture of my family.C.Yes,he is.D.He is

7、 five years old.E.No,she isnt.She is my aunt.,Linda:3._ She is my mothers sister.Susan:Who is the little boy?Is he your brother?Linda:4._ My parents have two children,my brother and me.,E,C,A.He is my grandfather.B.Its a picture of my family.C.Yes,he is.D.He is five years old.E.No,she isnt.She is my

8、 aunt.,Susan:How old is he?Linda:5._Susan:You have a happy family.,D,A.He is my grandfather.B.Its a picture of my family.C.Yes,he is.D.He is five years old.E.No,she isnt.She is my aunt.,五、核心素养练1.He is your mothers father.Who is he?_2.She is your fathers sister.Who is she?_,He is my grandfather.,She

9、is my aunt.,3.She is your mothers sister.Who is her husband(丈夫)?_4.He is your fathers brother.Who is his child?_,Her husband is my uncle.,His child is my cousin.,六、阅读短文,完成任务。I have a happy family.There are many people in my family.The old man and woman are my grandfather and grandmother.My father an

10、d mother have two children:Jenny and me.My parents love us.I have an aunt.Her name is Linda.She is my fathers sister.Uncle Tom is my mothers brother.Uncle Tom and Aunt Snowy have one child:Bob.He is my cousin.I love them very much.,(一)根据短文内容,写出家庭树成员。,grandfather,grandmother,aunt,mother,Uncle Tom,Aun

11、t Snowy,Jenny,Bob,(二)根据短文内容,选出正确选项。()1.There are _ people in my family.A.nineB.eightC.ten()2.How many children do my grandparents have?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.,C,A,方法点拨:,()3.Whats my sisters name?A.Linda.B.Jenny.C.Bob.()4.Is Bob my brother?【句意推断法】A.Yes,he is.B.No,he isnt.C.We dont know.,B,B,本题用句意推断法解答。

12、根据短文中”Uncle Tom and Aunt Snowy have one child:Bob.”可知Bob是Tom舅舅和Snowy舅妈的孩子,故Bob应是”我”的表兄。,()5.Who is Snowy?A.She is my mothers sister.B.She is my fathers sister.C.She is my cousins mother.,C,Unit 1 My Family,JJ 五年级上册,Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like?,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,六,三,七,一、根据迷宫中的字母提示写单词,补全句子。My coa

13、t is _ and _.2.Your _s child is your _.,uncle,black,white,cousin,3.The _ boy is my friend,Tom.4.I have long _.5.My mothers sister is my _.,aunt,tall,hair,二、核心素养练。big small1._2._ _3._ _4._ _,thin,short,white,long,short,black,tall,fat,三、选词并用其正确形式填空。(可重复使用)I _ black eyes.Jing _ black eyes,too.2.My gran

14、dfather is 80 _ old.,years,has,have,3.What colour _ his trousers?4.What _ Uncle Dachao look like?5.My mother has long _.,does,hair,are,点拨:,hair当“头发”讲时,是不可数名词。,四、根据问句选答语。()1.How old is your brother?A.He is tall.B.He is 10.C.He likes noodles.()2.Is your mother tall or short?A.Yes,she is tall.B.No,she

15、is short.C.She is short.,B,C,点拨:,此题为选择疑问句,答语要给出具体答案,不能用yes和no回答。,()3.What does your sister look like?She likes red.B.She has long hair and she is tall.C.She is a pupil.,B,点拨:,look like意为”看起来像”,故问句是在询问”你的妹妹长什么样?”,()4.Does Li Ming have long hair?Yes,he is.B.No,he doesnt.C.He has short hair.()5.Who are

16、 they?They are in the classroom.B.They have black eyes.C.They are my friends.,B,C,五、猜猜他们是谁?将序号填入括号。A.B.C.D.E.()1.She is tall and thin.She has short and black hair.She is beautiful.()2.He is old.He has white hair.,B,A,A.B.C.D.E.()3.She is short.She has big eyes and long hair.She is wearing a dress.()

17、4.He is tall.He has black and short hair.()5.He is a little boy.He has big ears.He is lovely.,C,E,D,六、阅读理解。(一)阅读短文,选择正确答案。Hello,I am Jenny.I have a picture.Look at it.This is me.Im eleven years old.I am tall and thin.I have brown and long hair.My eyes are blue.The boy beside me is my friend.His name

18、 is Bob.He is eleven,too.He is a little fat.His hair is curly(卷的)and short.He has big and black eyes.,()1.What does Jenny look like?a.She is tall and thin.b.She has long hair.c.Her hair is curly.d.Her eyes are blue.A.a,b,cB.a,b,dC.b,c,d,B,()2.Where is Bob in the picture?A.He is behind Jenny.B.He is

19、in front of Jenny.C.He is beside Jenny.()3.This is _ picture.A.Bobs B.Jennys C.Jennys family,C,B,方法点拨:,()4.There is(are)_ boy(s)in this picture.【概括法】A.one B.two C.three,A,本题用概括法解答。短文主要描述了Jenny的一张照片。照片中是Jenny和她的朋友Bob。因Jenny是女孩,故照片中只有一个男孩。,()5.What colour are Bobs eyes?A.Theyre brown.B.Theyre black.C.

20、Theyre blue.,B,(二)根据表格内容回答问题。1.How old is my grandfather?_.2.What colour is my Grandmothers hair?_.,He is 75 years old,Its white,3.Does my mother have big eyes?_.,Yes,she does,4.What does my mother look like?_.5.Do I have black eyes?_.,She is tall and thin,Yes,I do,七、根据名片信息,介绍你的朋友。This is my friend.

21、_,This is my friend._,This is my friend.Her name is Juice.She is 11 years old.She is tall and thin.She has long and black hair.Her eyes are blue and big.,Unit 1 My Family,JJ 五年级上册,Lesson 3 What Do They Do?,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,六,三,七,一、根据图片及首字母提示写单词补全句子。1.My aunt Wanrong is an_.,nurse,2.What does your

22、father do?He is a w_.【构词法】,worker,方法点拨:,本题用构词法记忆单词。work是动词,表示“工作”,后缀er表示“做的人”,work后加er就表示“工人”。,3.There is a new h_ in the street.4.My mother is a d_.5.Farmers w_ on the farm.,ospital,ork,river,二、核心素养练1.I teach English at a school.I am a _.2.He drives the bus.He is a _.3.She likes to dance.She is a _

23、.,teacher,driver,dancer,4.He sings every day.He is a _.5.He writes stories.He is a _.你还能想起一些这样的单词吗?试着写一写。_,singer,writer,worker;cleaner;player,三、单项选择。()1.Where _ Uncle Zhiwei work?A.isB.do C.does,C,()2.How does your father go to work?He _ to work.A.by car B.takes a bus C.drive,B,点拨:,主语He是第三人称单数,其后的谓

24、语动词要用单三形式,故排除C;“by交通工具”表示交通方式时,一般放在句尾。,()3.Uncle Li is a _.He _ in a factory(工厂).work;works B.worker;work C.worker;works()4._ does your aunt do?She is a teacher.A.What B.Where C.How,C,A,()5.I live near my school so I go to school _.A.on foot B.on feet C.by walk,A,四、火眼金睛,选出正确的单词或短语补全句子。1.Where does L

25、i Ming _(live/lives)?2.My parents work in a hospital.They are _(worker/doctors)3._(Does/Is)your uncle a policeman?,live,doctors,Is,4.This is _(Danny/Dannys)family.5.I go to school _(by a bus/by bus).,Dannys,by bus,五、给下列句子选择相应的答语。()1.How does your sister go to work?()2.What does your father do?()3.Wh

26、ere do you work?()4.Do you go to work by bus?()5.Is your brother a policeman?,C,A.No,I dont.B.He is a driver.C.She walks to work.D.Yes,he is.E.I work at a school.,B,E,A,D,六、按要求完成下列句子。1.My sister is a nurse.(写出工作地点)My sister works _.2.My aunt works at a school.(对画线部分提问)_.,at a hospital,Where does you

27、r aunt work?,3.How do you go to school?(根据图片回答问题)_4.What does your mother do?(用teacher回答)_,I go to school by bike.,She is a teacher.,5.My parents walk to work.(将主语改为My father)_,My father walks to work.,点拨:,当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用单三形式。,七、阅读理解。(一)阅读短文,选择正确答案。This is my family.There are six people in my fam

28、ily.My grandparents,my parents,my brother and me.My grandparents are old.They dont go to work.My father is a teacher.He drives to work.My mother is a nurse.She walks to her hospital.My brother is 24 years old.He is a policeman.I am a student of Grade 5.I go to school by bus.I love my family.,()1.The

29、 best title(题目)is _.A.My family B.My parents C.My brother()2.How does my father go to work?A B C,A,B,()3.What does my brother do?A B C()4.How does my mother go to work?A.On foot.B.By bus.C.By car.,A,B,()5.What does my grandfather do?A.He is a worker.B.He doesnt work.C.He is a teacher.,B,(二)阅读短文,根据短文

30、内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Look at this picture.This is Lindas mother.She is thirty years old.She has black and long hair.Her eyes are big.She is a teacher.She goes to the school from Monday to Friday.Every day,she takes a bus to the school at 7 oclock.And she gets to the school at 7:25.There are forty pupils

31、 in her class.She teaches them English.She teaches them to sing English songs.Her students like her very much.After class,she has to check her students homework.She goes home at 5 oclock.In the evening,she reads books after dinner.,()1.Lindas mother is forty years old.()2.Lindas mother goes to the s

32、chool by bus.()3.Lindas mother works five days a week.()4.Lindas mother is an English teacher.()5.Lindas mother likes to read books in the evening.,F,T,T,T,T,Unit 1 My Family,JJ 五年级上册,Lesson 4 What Do They Like to Do?,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,六,三,七,一、读一读,选出与画线单词不同类的一项。()1.This is my computer.A.book B.like

33、 C.homework()2.I like to draw pictures.A.help B.play C.tree,C,B,()3.He walks in the park in the morning.A.watch B.cake C.cook()4.Let me help you.A.I B.him C.her()5.I read a book in the evening.A.goes B.drive C.take,A,B,A,二、根据图片及字母提示写出单词,补全句子。(部分单词已给出全部字母,重新排列字母即可)1.My grandfather likes to go for a w

34、_ with my grandmother.,alk,2.These _(f e s l w r o)are beautiful.3.My father can c_.,flowers,ook,4.The girls like to go _(s o h p i n p g).5.My grandmother likes to p_ vegetables.,shopping,lant,三、单项选择。()1.I like to go for a walk _ my sister.A.withB.andC.at()2.Jing and Jenny _ watch TV.A.like B.likes

35、 to C.like to,C,A,()3.What _ your father like to do?He _ to run.A.does;like B.do;likes C.does;likes()4.My sister likes to go _.A.swim B.swimming C.shop,C,点拨:,go swimming表示“去游泳”,是固定搭配。,B,()5.There is some _.He _ the grass.【一词多用法】A.waters;watersB.water;watersC.water;water,B,方法点拨:,此题用一词多用法解答。water作名词意为

36、“水”,是不可数名词;作动词讲意为“给浇水”。,四、下面的人物都喜欢做什么?请你根据图片补全句子。1.I like to _.2.I _.3.My grandparents _.,read books,like to fly a kite,like to go for a walk,4.My mother likes to_.5._.6._.,go shopping with me,Lily likes to cook,Tom likes to watch TV,注意:,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用单三形式。,五、读一读,选择恰当的选项补全对话。(写序号,有多余选项)Teacher:It

37、s Saturday tomorrow.What does1._ like to do on Saturday?Lily:My father likes 2._.Teacher:Does 3._ go to work,Jenny?,D,A,B,A.your familyB.your motherC.work on his computerD.to work on his computerE.to go fishingF.to help her cookG.to help him cookH.WhatI.Yes J.No,Jenny:4._,she doesnt.Teacher:Do you l

38、ike to help your mother?Jenny:Yes.I like 5._.Teacher:6._ do you like to do,Tom?Tom:I like 7._ with my grandfather.,E,H,F,J,A.your familyB.your motherC.work on his computerD.to work on his computerE.to go fishingF.to help her cookG.to help him cookH.WhatI.Yes J.No,六、连词成句。(注意句首单词首字母大写)1.look what does

39、 sister Jennys like(?)_2.likedoesntcooktohe(.)_3.doyourwhatdoparents(?)_,What does Jennys sister look like?,He doesnt like to cook.,What do your parents do?,4.liketowithherIplaygames(.)_5.doesDachaogohowto work(?)_,I like to play games with her.,How does Dachao go to work?,七、阅读短文,完成任务。Im Lucy.There

40、are four people in my family.They are my grandfather,my parents and me.My grandfather likes to plant flowers.He works on his farm every morning.My father likes to watch TV.He likes to watch the news very much.My mother likes to go shopping.She often buys new clothes for us.I like to read books.I go

41、to the library on Sunday.,(一)将人物与相应的活动连线。1.fatherA.2.mother B.3.grandfather C.4.Lucy D.,(二)根据短文内容选择正确的选项。()1.How many people are there in Lucys family?A.Five.B.Four.C.Six.()2.What does Lucys grandfather like to do?A.Plant flowers.B.Watch TV.C.Go shopping.,B,A,()3.What does Lucys father watch on TV?A

42、.He watches sports games.B.He watches the news.C.He listens to songs.()4.What does Lucys mother buy for them?A.New fruit.B.New books.C.New clothes.,B,C,()5.Does Lucy go to the library on Sundays?A.Yes,she does.B.No,she doesnt.C.We dont know.,A,Unit 1 My Family,JJ 五年级上册,Lesson 5 Having Fun Together,提

43、示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,六,三,七,一、核心素养练。1.How many days are there in a week?play _2.Its rainy.We cant go out.paint _,rainy,days,3.Whats the boys name?make _4.We like to have fun in the park.kite _5.My mother is a math teacher.them_,like,name,mother,二、读一读,选出可以替换画线部分的一项。()1.We are a happy family.【区别词性法】A.They

44、B.Them C.Us,A,方法点拨:,此题可采用区别词性法解答。We 和They 为人称代词主格,Them和Us为人称代词宾格。,()2.There are some trees in the park.A.read B.at C.fun()3.They like to swim on Sundays.A.play B.vegetables C.playing()4.He works in a hospital.A.tall B.cinema C.film()5.My family likes to cook together.A.You B.His C.She,B,A,B,B,三、火眼金睛

45、,选出正确的一项,写在横线上。1.Look at the picture.This is _(me/I)._(me/I)am ten years old.2.What _(is/does)your family like to do?We _(like/likes)to play cards together.,me,does,I,like,3.My grandfather likes to plant vegetables _(for/on)the farm.4.We like to _(have/has)fun in the park.5.I help _(he/him)._(We/She

46、)are good friends.,on,点拨:,like to动词原形,表示”喜欢做”。,have,him,we,四、单项选择。()1.Li Mings grandparents _ for a walk together.A.goesB.goC.going,B,()2.My family _ a film at the cinema.A.like to look B.likes to lookC.likes to watch,C,点拨:,My family作为一个整体,通常看作单数,故谓语动词用单三形式;”看电影”用动词watch,而不用look。,()3.What do you lik

47、e to do?_A.We like to plant flowers.B.They like to plant flowers.C.He likes to plant flowers.()4.There are five _ at the party.A.family B.families C.child,A,B,()5.Lets go to the _ to watch animals.A.shop B.zooC.restaurant,B,五、根据句意及图片补全对话。【固定句型法】1.A:What does your family like to do?B:We like to _.2.A

48、:What does your mother like to do?B:She likes _ in the kitchen.,to cook,watch a film,3.A:_ your grandmother_?B:_ the flowers.4.A:_ your grandfather_?B:_.,He likes to watch TV,What does,She likes to water,like to do,What does,like to do,5.A:What _ you _?B:I _ homework.,do,like to do,like to do my,方法点

49、拨:,本题用固定句型法解答。询问某人喜欢做什么事的句型结构为:What do/does sb.like to do?人称代词主格like/likes to do其他.当主语是第三人称单数时,问句中助动词用does,答语中谓语动词用likes。,六、根据短文内容给图片排序。Today is Sunday.My family likes to have fun together.In the morning,we plant potatoes on the farm.Then we go to the zoo to watch the animals.In the afternoon,we fly

50、 kites together.And in the evening,we go to the cinema to watch a film.At 8:00 pm,we watch TV at home.We have a happy day!,()()()()(),5,3,2,4,1,七、写作技能提升练。请你介绍一位自己的家人。可以介绍他的外貌,工作,工作地点,如何去上班以及爱好等。要求:1.请使用正确的动词形式。2.人物描述合理,表达通畅正确。3.不少于6句话。,_,This is my father.He is 35 years old.He is tall and thin.He ha


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