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1、一、开放英语网络考试B级考试直通车题型:第一项:English交际用语20分A:1 Are there any good shows on TV tonight? Titanic is on the movie channel2 Are there any drug-stores around here?Yes, theres one on the left corner3 Are you on holiday here?No, we arent. We live here 4 Ami , I want this report typed today. Itll be ready in the

2、 afternoon, sir5 Afternoon, sir. Where to? Please get me to the airport 6Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy7 Are you sure about that?Oh! yes. Im absolutely positiveC:1 Could I speak to Molly, please? This is molly speaking2 Can you help me clear up

3、the mess? No problem3 Come to our house for a party, please.Oh, thank you for your kindness4Could you please tell how to get to the nearest bus stop?Its on the right corner just ahead5 Could you show me how to get to the railway station?Come with me. Ill show you the way6 Can you tell me where I can

4、 park the car?Well, just over there 7 Could I talk to Prof. Lee? Yes, speaking8Could I borrow your CD of English songs? Im sorry. Its not at hand now9 Can I help you to get it down? Thanks. Its so nice of you 10Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?At the office11Can you tell me how much a radio like

5、this costs?About eighty-five dollars12 Can I take your order now? Just a moment. Two friends are comingD: 1 Do you think the exam will be put off? Not likely2 Do you know if the Andersons are still living there? Yes, they are3 .Do you like watching football matches? Football? No. its a waste of time

6、4. David, youve been losing your temper over nothing lately. Im sorry. I shouldnt have blown up like that5 Do have a seat. Would you like some tea or coffee? Coffee, please6Did you travel to Xian by train or by plane? I flew there7. Do you know if Johns coming home for dinner? Hell be late. He said

7、not to wait for him8 Do you have anything special in mind if you eat at a restaurant here? Some place reasonable and clean9 Do you know which student is the most intelligent?Yes, the one in a red jacket10 Doesnt it snow in your hometown? No, it doesnt11 Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the tab

8、le?Go ahead, please12 Do you know where I can repair my motorcar? Around the street corner13 Dont take too long at the coffee shop. Its 14:15. I see .We have 30 minutes left14 Do you know who telephoned me?I heard it was Sally./Its said that Sally did15Did I tell you? My husband was laid off a coupi

9、e of weeks ago. Im sorry to hear that. Thats really too bad. E1 Excuse me. Is that seat taken? B. I dont think so 2 Excuse me, which bus goes to the city museum? You can take no.102 bus3 Excuse me, May I sit here? Yes, certainly. This seats free4Excuse me, wheres the Capital Theatre? Its only two bl

10、ocks away from here5 Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo?On your right. Itll leave in 5 minutes6 Excuse me, I didnt mean to bother you. Thats quite all right7 Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? Certainly. Here you are8 Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? Its about thir

11、ty miles9Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? Sorry, sir. Im a stranger here myself10 Excuse me .Is this table taken?Yeah. Im saving these seats for friends11 Everyone knows where the shop is, but whos the owner? Steve12Ed said that his boy fell off a tree Oh dear! I hope he wasnt hu

12、rt13 Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? No. youd change at the next stop14 Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? In half an hourG:1 Go that way and take a seat.Thanks, but Id rather standH1 How are things with you, Bill? Im terribly busy these days2 His wife passed

13、 away last week.Sorry to hear that3 Hows your father?He is very well4 How often do you have listening classes in a week? Every Monday and Friday 5. How many students are from America? Only two of them6 Have you heard that Betty is married to George? Youre kidding? I cant believe it7 Have a nice holi

14、day, Ted. Thank you, and you too8How long have you known Jack? For twenty years9 How long will you be away from Italy?About a month10 Here you are, Sir.Thank you very much11How are you feeling now?Much better12 Have you ever been to Tokyo?No, but I hope to go there next year13 How was the journey to

15、 London?It went very well14How are you this morning?Very well, thank you15Help yourself to the steak, Maggie.Thank you, Helen16Hurry up. the lecture begins at 2.00.Dont worry. weve got 20 minutes17 Hello, could I speak to Don please? Whos speaking18 hello, sally. Hows everything? Just so-so19 Have y

16、ou got a table for four, waiter? Yes, sure. This way, please20 Hey, Barbara. You look so pale. Im just getting over the flu21 Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? Im sorry, but its completely booked22 Hows the movie? Interesting? Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV23 Ho

17、w do I get to Cairo? You could catch the 9.30 flight and change at Paris 24 How long have you lived in London? My whole life 25How much is it altogether? It”s free I:1Im trying to call Marie, but theres no answer. Really? Maybe shes out 2I wonder if you could help me. Of course3 Im sorry for giving

18、you so much trouble.Not at all4 Id like to know if everybody is here. Everyone except Tom is3 I wonder what Bill is doing now.? Hes probably talking to the professor4 I wonder where you were yesterday. I stayed at home5 It is a great race! Do you agree? Yes, its really exciting6 I have got a pain in

19、 my neck. Im sorry to hear that7 Im sorry Ive returned your book late. Thats all right8 Its a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Smith. My pleasure, too(直通车答案Ive been looking forward to meeting you ,too.)9.Ive got a bad cold today. Oh, dear! I hope you get better soon10 Is my TV program disturbing you?

20、 Yes, Im trying to write my paper11 I wish you success in your career.The same to you 12 I really enjoy pop music. Whats your favorite?Well, actually I like classical music13I heard you just came back from your vacation. How was your trip?Not too good, The restaurants were overpriced 14 Im looking f

21、or a place to stay. Could you recommend a good hotel?Let me see. Oak Hotel is pretty good, though it may be a little expensive15 Is it going to be warm next week?Yes, it is 16 I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as hes promised. Dont worry. He always keeps his word17 Im sorry to b

22、e late. Thank you for waiting. Thats OK/Oh,I dont mind .I ve been here 10 minutes18 Ive ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? A beer is fine for me. Im not hungry yet19I heard your motorcar was stolen. Mine wasnt but Bills was20 Im sorry. Bobs not in his office Can you take a message for m

23、e?21 Is there a drugstore near here? Yes, there is a big one. 22 Is this the motel you mentioned? Yes, its as quiet as we expected23 I havent seen Belly for 10 years. Neither have I24Is there anything serious, doctor? No, just stay in bed and drink more water25 I dont like the sports programs on Sun

24、days. Neither do I26In my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off. Ill take your advice27 I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. Please wait for a minute. He is busy now28Id like to know something about your life in Paris.Ill tell you29Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor?On the gr

25、ound floor30I think the internet is very helpful.Yes, so do I31I wonder if Tim could control the situation.Well, if he cant control it, no one can32 Ive got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? Why not? Lets go33 I dont think Im late. Excuse me, whats the time? It says 8.00.

26、 but its 5 minutes slow34 Im sorry for giving you so much trouble. A. Not at all 35 I feel quite ill Youd better have a rest 36 Is there anything I can do for you?Yes.Its very kind of you37.I hope the weather will stay fine tomorrow. I hope so too. 38.I wonder what happened to that plance. It may ha

27、ve fallen into the sea39.Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? On the ground floor.J: 1 Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ians, wont he? Yeah, hes bringing his cousin, Sandy 2Jack, are you leaving now? Its 7:20. No, Ill set off in 30 minutesL: 1 Linda, can you give me a lift after wor

28、k?No problem. We go the same direction2Look at the rainbow! what a view!Yes. How beautiful it is3 Lets take a walk. Yes, lets4 Let me help you carry this.Thats OK. I can manage5 Look, 25% off. The $2,500 camera is on sale today. Yeah, a surprising bargain. Ill buy itM: 1 May I take this plate away n

29、ow, Sir? Yes, please do 2 Mrs. Johnson, Ive come to say good-bye. Have a pleasant journey. Ill miss you 3.Must we hand in our homework now?No, you neednt4 May I give you a hand? Thank you. You are so kind5May I help you, madam? Yes, Id like 2 kilos of oranges6 My camera isnt working properly. Maybe

30、theres something wrong with it7 May I speak to Jack please? Im afraid youve got the wrong number8 May I use your bike to go shopping?Certainly. There it is9May I know your address? Sure. Here you are10 May I have a look at your photo album? Yes, of course11must I do the washing-up tonight? Leave it

31、(to tomorrow if) if youre exhausted N:1 Northwestern Airlines. May I help you?Yes, Id like some information about morning flights from Beijing to Detroit2 Now what did I do with my umbrella?Perhaps at the back of the car3nice weather, isnt it. Yes, it isO:1 Oh, the box is too heavy. Can I help you t

32、o carry it2 Oh, youre back at work? How was your holiday? We had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of the timeP:1 Please give me a hand, wont you? Of course I will/(No problem)2 please tell David not to drink too much. I seeS:1 So sorry to trouble you.Its a pleasure2 sue looks good in that

33、 new dress, doesnt she? Yes, she does3 Sam, this is my friend, Jane.Glad to meet you, JaneT:1Ted, are you and your wife busy this Sunday?No, were not 2 The tickets for the Sing concert are sold out.Oh, how disappointing 3 Thanks a lot.Youve gone to so much troubleIts no trouble at all.4.Theres new c

34、afeteria at the comer. How about going there for supper? Fine.But I treat this time.5.Thank you for your invitation and the nice coffee. My pleasure. I hope youll come again.6.This picture is very nice,but I think its too small for our room I agree. Lets look for a bigger one.7.There is an hour to g

35、o. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink? Sure.8.The lecture given by Prof. Smith was really interesting. I couldnt agree with you more.W: 1What would you like, tea or coffee? Coffee, please2 Will it take me long to get to the green Park?No, its just a few minutes bus ride 3 why dont you buy a car?

36、I cant afford one at the moment 4 what should we have for dinner? How about fish? Its very fresh5 what about another coffee? No, thank you6 when are you going on holiday? Next week7 what did the manager go to Paris for? For business8 whats on at the star cinema this week? Sorry, I dont know3 What wi

37、ll the weather be like tomorrow? The same as today4 Whats the best way to get to the Empire hotel from here? Walking through the wood5 What was your journey like? It was terribly interesting6 What do you usually do in your spare time?Gardening5 whats the matter with you?I feel a bit sick6 which of y

38、our nieces looks like the girl in the photo?The older one does7 What time does the train leave?At half past five8 What are you majoring in?Medicine9 Whats the weather like in this area?Its rainy10 What time is the next flight to Washington?Its 1:45 pm11What do you think of his suggestion?Its hard to

39、 say, actually13 What does your English teacher look like?She looks much like her mother14 Would you like a tea?Yes, please15 Whats the fare to the museum?Five dollars16 What does this word mean, Joe?Sorry, I dont know, either17 Whose car is this?Its my uncles18 What subjects are you studying?Im stu

40、dying philosophy2 Which language do you speak at home?English, most of the time3when does the next bus leave for Glasgow?They leave every hour4Would you like to see the menu?No, thanks. I already know what to order5What do you find difficult in learning English?Listening and speaking6Will you go on

41、a picnic with us tomorrow?Sorry. I have an appointment with Dr. Brown6 What a beautiful dress in the window!Yes, really. If I had the money, Id buy it7 Where are you from?Britain8 Why are you so late?I came across an old friend9 Whats the weather like in your hometown?Its cold in winter and hot in s

42、ummer10 would you mind if I open the window for a better view?Of course not11 would you like to order now? Yes, Id like fish and the soup12 whats the problem, Harry? I cant remember where I left my glasses13 What kind of TV program do you like best? Its hard to say, actually14 What if my computer do

43、esnt work? Ask Anne for help15 Well, Mary, how are you? Im fine16Wait here and Ill get my car and go there together Why bother? Its within walking distance17 who has done your hair, Susan? That hair stylist18 Will you have some dessert, Judy? No, thank you. Im on a diet 9 what do you do?Im a teacher

44、10 What kind of job are you applying for?If possible, Id like to be an accountant11 When is your birthday?Its on the 18th of March 12 Whos the tall man behind the door?Dont you remember? Thats David Smith. We met him at the airport13 Whats the date today?The Second of July14 Where to? Im so thirsty.

45、 Why dont we enjoy some beer at that bar15 will you please turn down the TV? Sorry. I havent realized youre sleeping18 what about going for a walk? Why not? A good idea19 what do you think about this story? I like it very much20 why not have a glass of beer? Thats great21What time is it, Lucy? Its ten to nine.22.When will the meeting be held? In a week .23.Where do you think the Deans office is? Im afraid dont know.Y:


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