《第四章 前台之结账离店服务.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第四章 前台之结账离店服务.ppt(45页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、前厅部的工作流程,离店结账服务Check-out,本章主要内容,前台操作财务常识离店结账程序,前台操作财务常识,账单付款方式发票,账单bill,前台财务常识,房帐餐费挂账洗衣费租车费康乐部消费客房Mini Bar商务中心费用饭店为客人代付的费用,付款方式,现金 Cash 信用卡 Credit Card支票 Check/Cheque挂账 City Ledger,信用卡Credit Card,由银行或信用卡公司依照用户的信用度与财力发给持卡人,持卡人持信用卡消费时无须支付现金,待结账日时再行还款。刷卡时,操作员应首先查看信用卡的有效期和卡片背后的签名刷卡后,POS机会打出刷卡支付的收据,要核对收据
2、上的签名和信用卡背后的签名是否一致预授权一般用于支付押金,即冻结一部分信用卡的可用额度,当作押金若预授权没有取消,银行会自动取消预授权(一般为730天不等),国际主要的信用卡组织,威士国际组织 VISA International万事达卡国际组织 MasterCard International美国运通国际股份有限公司America Express大来信用证有限公司 Diners ClubJCB(Japan Credit Bureau)日本国际信用卡公司 JCB欧洲的 EUROPAY中国的银联 UnionPay,VISA和MASTERCARD是世界两大信用卡组织,由国际上各银行会员组成,都属于
3、非盈利组织。一般美国用visa比较多,欧洲用master比较多。美国运通公司最初的业务是提供快递服务,后于1891年率先推出旅行支票,主要面向经常旅行的高端客户。1958年,美国运通推出第一张签账卡,这就是运通卡的雏形。运通卡主要面向高端客户,所以又称“富人卡”JCB卡是日本使用最普及的信用卡,中国银联是经中国人民银行批准的,由80多家国内金融机构共同发起设立的股份制金融服务机构,公司于年月日成立,总部设在上海,POS 机 操 作,POS(Point Of Sales)是“销售点终端机具”的英文简称,是安装在特约商户内,为持卡人提供授权、消费、结算等服务的专用银行电子支付设备,中文简称“POS
4、机具”或“POS终端”。通过通讯线路和银联中心与发卡机构的主机相连,实现消费不用现金、将纸币交易转化为电子交易的一种银行专用电子支付设备。,支 票,支票(Check)是出票人签发,委托办理支票存款业务的银行或者其他金融机构在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。支票出票人签发的支票金额,不得超出其在付款人处的存款金额。如果存款低于支票金额,银行将拒付。这种支票称为空头支票,出票人要负法律上的责任。,支票分类与必要项目,支票可分为现金支票和转账支票。现金支票只能支取现金,转账支票只能转账,并限定同城使用一张支票的必要项目包括:“支票”字样;无条件支付命令;出票日期;出票人名称其签字;
5、付款银行名称及地址;付款人;付款金额,支票填写,出票日期(大写):数字必须大写,大写数字写法:零、壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、拾在 填写月、日时,月为壹、贰和壹拾的,日为壹至玖和壹拾、贰拾和叁拾的,应在其前加“零”;日为拾壹至拾玖的,应在其前面加“壹”。人民币小写:最高金额的前一位空白格用“¥”字头打掉,数字填写要求完整清楚印章必须清晰,印章模糊只能将本张支票作废,注意问题,支票正面不能有涂改痕迹,否则本支票作废支票的有效期为10天,日期首尾算一天,节假日顺延。认真审核支票的大小写金额是否一致,支 票,旅行支票,旅行支票(Travelers Check)指一种由著名银行或旅行社发行,专
6、供持有者于旅途中签发使用的支票.支票持有人不受时间上的限制,永久保存有效,在购买及使用时均须当面签名或盖章。,发票invoice,分为机打发票和手写发票收款及报销凭证一式三联:第一联交给税务部门(白色);第二联给客人(红色);第三联留存(蓝色)不得丝毫涂抹,否则作废不得超消费数额开具发票需盖有酒店发票专用章才有效一般情况,10元以上,客人要求的都需开具,离店结账服务流程Check-out,The procedure of check-out,1.Greeting guest2.Inquire guest room number&collect guests room key3.Post cha
7、rge of MINI BAR4.Print out bill folio and invite guest to sign on the bill5.Withdraw guest RC and all the checks 6.Confirm payment method,7.Confirm with guest if they require any other assistance(e.g.invoice发票)8.Remind bell man to help guest luggage9.Bid farewell with guest10.Keep all necessary mate
8、rials,Initiate to greet guest with smile:“Good morning,Sir/Madam,May I help you?”Keep body straight and eye contact.,1.Greeting guest,If guest claim to check out,say:“Sir/Madam,May I have your room number,please?”And then confirm the guests name.Politely collect guest room key for recycling.,2.Inqui
9、re guest room number&Collect guests room key询问客人房号,收取房间钥匙,Inquire guest if there is any Mini bar consumption in the room inform HSKP to Check immediately.询问客人是否使用房间的酒吧并通知客房部的员工及时查看确认.Politely ask guest:”Mr./Ms.XX.Did you use the mini bar in your room?”If guest used mini bar,post the charge in comput
10、er.在系统中计入费用,3.Post charge of MINI BAR,Print out guest folio for guest review by saying:“Mr./Ms.Here is your bill,would you please review/check it?”OR“Please check it first.”“If there is no problem,please sign your name here.”,4、Print out bill folio and invite guest to sign on the bill,5、Withdraw gue
11、st RC and all the checks 找出客人的登记单、预授权等客人信息,Confirm with guest regarding the payment method.Cash/checkCredit card,6、Confirm payment method确认付款方式,Check with guest if he is paying with the same credit card given upon check in.确认客人是不是用同样的信用卡结账If yes,.If no,.,Credit card,Credit card,If yes,check if appro
12、val amount of credit card is enough to cover guest consumption.Refer to POS machine to settle bill with approval.如果是同样的信用卡,检查信用卡授权能否支付客人的全部花销,用pos机进行预授权的确认。,Credit card,If using different credit card,collect card and check its expiry date.使用不同的信用卡时,注意查看有效期Politely ask the guest to sign on the vouche
13、r.礼貌的邀请客人在凭证上签字Ask guest to sign again as the same as check-in.If not similar,refer to Duty Manager.请客人用与入住登记时(预授权)相同的签名,如果不一致,请示大堂副理,Cash,Confirm balance with guest与客人确认余额 Carefully but efficiently count the cash which should be refund to guest and hand it over to guest.仔细快速的数好需返还给客人的现金交给客人 注:如果是现金
14、结账,需要回收客人的押金收据,根据实际消费多退少补,City Ledger,City Ledger(挂账):指客人使用完酒店各种设施,但并不直接付款,而通过记帐以后一起结算的方式 Check company document and voucher of travel agency检查公司信函及旅行社凭证检查客人居住期间是否在公司及旅行社授权范围之内,需确保酒店能从公司及旅行社收取费用,Bid farewell guest by saying:“Mr./Ms.XX.Thank you for your staying in China World Hotel.We wish you to co
15、me back again and have a pleasant trip.”,guest registration card deposit receiptbill folio(with guests signature)deposit refund voucherFor Financial department checking,Company Logo,Good morning.Sir/Madam/Mr./Ms.Check out?Did you use the mini bar in your room?This is your bill,please check it first.
16、Is there any problem?May I use your credit card?How would you like to settle the bill?Do you need the official invoice?Have a nice day!Have a nice trip!Wish you come back soon!Look forward to your next coming!Hope to see you again!,常用英文表达,Company Logo,Practice 1,黎明先生1055 无小冰箱消费用信用卡结账 2480元(预授权是2500元
17、)需要开发票 发票抬头是青岛酒店管理学院,Company Logo,Practice 2,王菲女士1205房间消费了一瓶依云水30元用现金结账 1080元(交押金是1000元)需要开发票 抬头是个人,Company Logo,Practice 3,Ms.Cathy GreenRoom number:1080No mini bar consumptionShe need to pay 2380 yuan(preauthorization is 2000 yuan)Using the same credit cardNo need invoice,Company Logo,Practice 4,M
18、r.John SmithRoom number:1601He had a bottle of Qingdao beer and a Coca cola(The total consumption is 70 yuan.)His bill is 1900 yuan.(His deposit is 1000 yuan)No need invoice,Company Logo,Practice 5(check in&check out),Mr.John SmithHe reserved a queen-size room for two nights.Room number:1601 Two days later He came to Front desk and checked out.He had a bottle of Qingdao beer and a Coca cola(The total consumption is 70 yuan.)His bill is 1900 yuan.(His deposit is 1000 yuan)No need invoice,