00886銀基集團 报.ppt

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1、Stock Code 股份代號:886,A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 2 年 報,4,7,30,52,56,77,95,97,98,99,100,101,Summary Financial InformationProduct Highlight,財務資料概要產品介紹,Distribution NetworkKey EventsCorporate InformationChairmans StatementManagements Discussion and AnalysisDirector ProfilesSenior Management ProfilesRepo

2、rt of the DirectorsCorporate Governance ReportIndependent Auditors ReportConsolidated Income StatementConsolidated Statement of Comprehensive IncomeConsolidated Statement of Financial PositionConsolidated Statement of Changes in EquityConsolidated Statement of Cash FlowsStatement of Financial Positi

3、onNotes to Financial Statements,1416182242103104,經銷網絡全年回顧公司資料主席報告管理層討論及分析董事履歷高級管理層履歷董事會報告企業管治報告獨立核數師報告合併損益表合併全面收入表合併財務狀況表合併權益變動表合併現金流量表財務狀況表財務報表附註,REVENUE,收益,GROSSPROFIT,毛利,NETPROFIT,純利,0,4,5,Summary Financial Information財務資料概要,Summary Financial Information財務資料概要,2008二零零八年HK$000,Year Ended 31 March

4、截至三月三十一日止年度2009 2010 2011二零零九年 二零一零年 二零一一年HK$000 HK$000 HK$000,2012二零一二年HK$000,HK$million百萬港元3,5003,000,06-12 CAGR:31.5%06-12複合年增長率:31.5%,2,974,千港元,千港元,千港元,千港元,千港元,2,500,2,217,RevenueGross profit,收益毛利,1,485,054559,165,1,252,210627,102,1,319,089623,048,2,217,3821,021,453,2,974,1261,388,303,2,0001,500

5、1,000,575,984,1,485,1,252,1,319,500,Profit before tax,除稅前利潤,480,439,502,425,483,586,754,990,926,036,3/2006,3/2007,3/2008,3/2009,3/2010,3/2011,3/2012,Profit for the year attributable,本公司普通,Financial year 財政年度,to ordinary equity holdersof the Company,權益持有人應佔年度利潤,399,724,415,122,396,149,585,292,697,874

6、,HK$million百萬港元,Gross Profit Margin毛利率,1,400,06-12 CAGR:54.5%,1,388,60%,Basic earnings per share(HK cents)每股基本盈利(港仙)Non-current assets 非流動資產,44.4119,740,46.1220,166,33.1823,548,49.1828,942,58.6429,979,1,2001,000,06-12複合年增長率:54.5%37.7%,50.1%,47.2%,46.1%1,021,46.7%,50%40%,Current assets,流動資產,780,552,3

7、93,162,1,623,493,1,971,540,2,923,576,800600,24.1%,559,627,623,30%,400,17.8%,20%,Current liabilities,流動負債,292,615,157,109,207,217,349,822,919,544,200,102,237,10%,Non-current liabilities,非流動負債,250,459,281,0,3/2006,3/2007,3/2008,3/2009,3/2010,3/2011,3/2012,0%,Financial year 財政年度,Net assets,資產淨值,507,677

8、,256,219,1,439,574,1,650,201,2,033,730,HK$million百萬港元,Net Profit Margin純利率,Note:The results of the Group for the financial year ended 31 March2008 and the statement of financial position items of theGroup as at 31 March 2008 are extracted from the Companysprospectus dated 30 March 2009.,附註:本集團截至二零零八

9、年三月三十一日止財政年度的業績以及本集團於二零零八年三月三十一日的財務狀況表項目,乃摘錄自二零零九年三月三十日刊發的本公司招股章程。,800700600500400300,06-12 CAGR:67.2%06-12複合年增長率:67.2%26.9%11.3%399,33.2%415,30.0%396,26.4%585,698,23.5%,35%30%25%20%15%,200100,5.6%,111,10%5%,0,323/2006,3/2007,3/2008,3/2009,3/2010,3/2011,3/2012,0%,Financial year 財政年度,Silver Base Grou

10、p Holdings Limited Annual Report 2012,二 零 一 二 年 年 報,銀 基 集 團 控 股 有 限 公 司,Product Highlight,產品介紹,天下三千年,五糧成玉液,十年磨一劍,永福醬酒,Product Highlight產品介紹,天下三千年,五糧成玉液,五糧液為濃香型白酒的典範代表,WULIANGYE,Wuliangye is a typical feature of,“strong flavor type”baijiu,十年磨一劍,永福醬酒為新款高端醬香型白酒,,在醬酒中自成高雅流派,YONGFU JIANGJIU,A new high-en

11、d“soy flavor type”baijiu,Yongfu Jiangjiu is unique in various soy flavor baijiu products,Product Highlight,產品介紹,天下第一窖,國窖1573,國酒之源清香之祖文化之根,山西杏花村汾酒,Product Highlight產品介紹,天下第一窖 國窖1573,源自全國重點文物保護單位1573,國寶窖池群,NATIONAL CELLAR 1573,Originated from 1573 liquor cellar units,a key cultural relics under the St

12、ate-level protection,山西杏花村汾酒,為中國清香型白酒之鼻祖。,SHANXI XINGHUACUN FEN WINE,It is the originator of fresh flavor type baijiu.,Product Highlight,產品介紹,酒中美人,貴州鴨溪窖,關東名釀,國寶大泉源,Product Highlight產品介紹,酒中美人,貴州鴨溪窖擁有逾二百年的,悠久歷史,GUIZHOU YAXI LIQUOR,Guizhou Yaxi is a mixed flavor type baijiu,with a long history of over

13、200 years,國寶大泉源,木製酒海貯佳釀,國家級非物質文化遺產,GUO BAO DAQUANYUAN,Gigantic wooden barrels for vintage baijiu storageStates Catalogue of Intangible Cultural Heritage,Distribution Network,經銷網絡,14,15,Distribution Network經銷網絡EXTENSIVE DISTRIBUTION,Distribution Network經銷網絡IMAGE STORE NETWORK,NETWORK廣闊的經銷網絡,最終銷售點Fina

14、l Points of Sales,縣鎮Counties&Towns,形象店網絡,“Tier System”to Manage the DistributionNetwork Effectively and Efficiently利用分級制有效和高效率地管理經銷網絡市Cities,二級及三級經銷商2nd&3rd Tier Distributors5 Channels of Distribution to FullyPenetrate into the PRC Market善用五種經銷渠道全面滲透中國市場,一級經銷商1st Tier Distributors,省Provinces,Types o

15、f Image Store形象店種類,Supermarkets超市Hotels&Restaurants酒店及餐館Liquor&Cigarette Specialty Stores酒類及香煙專賣店,Silver Base GroupsDiversified Product Mix銀基集團的多元化產品組合,Silver Base Image Stores/Sale Units銀基形象店銷售單元,Wine Kingdom品匯壹號68%&45%Wuliangye Image Store68度及45度五糧液形象店,Group Purchases團購,Entertainments娛樂場所,Counters

16、/Shop-in-shop專櫃店中店,Silver Base Group Holdings Limited Annual Report 2012,二 零 一 二 年 年 報,銀 基 集 團 控 股 有 限 公 司,16,17,Key Events全年回顧,Key Events全年回顧,7 MAY 2011Silver Base Group obtained the soleworldwide distribution right for 55%(alcoholic degree)40-year Qinghua FenWine and 55%(alcoholic degree)ClassicGu

17、ocang Fen Wine of Shanxi XinghuacunFen Wine2011年5月7日銀基集團取得山西杏花 村 汾 酒 的55度40年,29 JUNE 2011Silver Base Group was awarded withthe“Outstanding High-end WineOperator”in“The 6th CAPITALOutstanding China Enterprise Award”2011年6月29日銀基集團榮獲第六屆資本中國傑出企業成就獎,26 AUGUST 20112011 Curs Bourgeois duMedoc China Tour201

18、1年8月26日2011梅多克中級名莊葡萄酒全國巡展,14 SEPTEMBER 2011Yongfu Jiangjiu Awarded“NewTechnological Innovation on ChineseLiquor Product”2011年9月14日永福醬酒榮獲中國白酒技術創新典範 品稱號,3 FEBRUARY 2012Silver Base Group Sponsored the5th Annual Conference of AsianManufacturing Forum2012年2月3日銀基集團贊助第五屆亞洲製造業論壇年會,23 MARCH 2012Silver Base G

19、roup renewed Wuliangye45%Distribution Agreement withWuliangye Group2012年3月23日銀基集團與五糧液集團續訂五糧液45度 酒 經 銷,青花汾酒及55度經典國藏汾酒產品的全球獨家總經銷權,協議,7/5,29/6,26/8,14/9,3/2,23/3,2011,18/5,26/7,8/8,22/12,2012,22/2,29/3,18 MAY 2011Silver Base attended 16th CLSA ChinaForum2011年5月18日銀基出席第十六屆里昂證券中國投資論壇,26 JULY 2011Corporat

20、e Day Event for analysts andfund investors2011年7月26日分析員及投資者企業推廣日,8 AUGUST 2011Silver Base Group held 2011 AnnualGeneral Meeting2011年8月8日銀基集團舉行2011年度股東週年大會,22 DECEMBER 2011Silver Base Group was awarded the“15th Win-win General Assembly ofManufacturers and Franchisers-theBest Brand Operator”by Wuliang

21、yeGroup.,22 FEBRUARY 2012Silver Base Group and Mr.LiangGuoxing,the chairman received“Outstanding Relationship ManagementAward”and“Outstanding AsianKnowledge Leaders Awards”,29 MARCH 2012Silver Base Group obtained exclusivedistribution right for Jilin Guo BaoDaquanyuan brand products2012年3月29日,Silver

22、 Base Group Holdings Limited Annual Report 2012,2011年12月22日銀基集團獲五糧液集團有限公司頒發第十五屆12.18廠商共建共贏大會之傑出品牌營運商稱號,respectively2012年2月22日銀基集團及主席梁國興先生分別獲頒發 卓 越關係管理獎及亞洲知識領袖獎二 零 一 二 年 年 報,銀基集團取得吉林省國寶大泉源品牌產品獨家經銷權銀 基 集 團 控 股 有 限 公 司,18,19,Corporate Information公司資料,Corporate Information公司資料,EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr.Lian

23、g Guoxing(Chairman)Mr.Guan HuanfeiMr.Wang JindongMr.Joseph Marian Laurence OzorioMs.Cheung Mei SzeNON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr.Wu Jie Si,執行董事梁國興先生(主席)關浣非先生王晉東先生柯進生先生章美思女士非執行董事武捷思先生,NOMINATION COMMITTEEMr.Hung Sui Kwan(Chairman)Mr.Ma LishanMr.Zhang MinMr.Liang GuoxingMr.Guan HuanfeiAUTHORISED REPRESENTA

24、TIVESMr.Guan Huanfei,提名委員會洪瑞坤先生(主席)馬立山先生張民先生梁國興先生關浣非先生法定代表關浣非先生,Mr.Chen Sing Hung Johnny,陳陞鴻先生,Ms.Fok Pik Yi Carol,ACIS,ACS(PE),CMILT,霍碧儀女士 ACIS,ACS(PE),CMILT,INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr.Hung Sui KwanMr.Ma LishanMr.Zhang MinCOMPANY SECRETARYMs.Fok Pik Yi CarolACIS,ACS(PE),CMILTAUDIT COMMIT

25、TEEMr.Hung Sui Kwan(Chairman)Mr.Ma LishanMr.Zhang MinCOMPLIANCE COMMITTEEMr.Hung Sui Kwan(Chairman)Mr.Ma LishanMr.Zhang MinMr.Guan HuanfeiREMUNERATION COMMITTEEMr.Hung Sui Kwan(Chairman)Mr.Ma LishanMr.Zhang MinMr.Liang GuoxingMr.Guan HuanfeiSilver Base Group Holdings Limited Annual Report 2012,獨立非執行

26、董事洪瑞坤先生馬立山先生張民先生公司秘書霍碧儀女士 ACIS,ACS(PE),CMILT審核委員會洪瑞坤先生(主席)馬立山先生張民先生合規委員會洪瑞坤先生(主席)馬立山先生張民先生關浣非先生薪酬委員會洪瑞坤先生(主席)馬立山先生張民先生梁國興先生關浣非先生,AUDITORSErnst&YoungCertified Public Accountants22/F,CITIC Tower1 Tim Mei AvenueCentral,Hong KongREGISTERED OFFICECricket SquareHutchins DriveP.O.Box 2681Grand Cayman KY1-1

27、111Cayman IslandsHEAD OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OFBUSINESS IN HONG KONG27th FloorThe Suns Group Centre200 Gloucester RoadWanchai,Hong KongHEAD OFFICE IN THE PEOPLES REPUBLICOF CHINARooms 5709-5716,57th FloorOffice TowerShun Hing Square Di Wang Commercial Centre5002 Shen Nan Dong RoadShenzhen,PRC,核數

28、師安永會計師事務所執業會計師香港中環添美道1號中信大廈22樓註冊辦事處Cricket SquareHutchins DriveP.O.Box 2681Grand Cayman KY1-1111Cayman Islands香港總辦事處及主要營業地點香港灣仔告士打道200號新銀集團中心27樓中華人民共和國總辦事處中國深圳深南東路5002號信興廣場地王商業中心辦公大樓57層5709-5716室銀 基 集 團 控 股 有 限 公 司二 零 一 二 年 年 報,20,Corporate Information公司資料,CAYMAN ISLANDS PRINCIPAL SHAREREGISTRAR AND

29、 TRANSFER OFFICEButterfield Fulcrum Group(Cayman)LimitedButterfield House68 Fort StreetP.O.Box 609Grand Cayman KY1-1107Cayman IslandsHONG KONG SHARE REGISTRAR ANDTRANSFER OFFICEComputershare Hong Kong Investor Services LimitedShops 1712-1716,17th FloorHopewell Centre183 Queens Road EastWanchai,Hong

30、KongPRINCIPAL BANKSIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China(Asia)LimitedBank of China(Hong Kong)LimitedSTOCK CODE886WEBSITE OF THE COMPANY(information on the website does not form part of thisannual report)Silver Base Group Holdings Limited Annual Report 2012,開曼群島股份過戶登記總處Butterfield Fulcrum Group(Cay

31、man)LimitedButterfield House68 Fort StreetP.O.Box 609Grand Cayman KY1-1107Cayman Islands香港股份過戶登記處香港中央證券登記有限公司香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心17樓1712-1716室主要往來銀行中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司股份代號886公司網站(網站內的資訊並不構成本年報一部分),Chairmans Statement,主席報告,22,Chairmans Statement主席報告集團主席梁國興先生Mr.Liang Guoxing,the Groups Chairman,De

32、ar Shareholders,On behalf of the board of directors(the“Board”)ofSilver Base Group Holdings Limited(the“Company”),Iam pleased to present the annual report of the Companyand its subsidiaries(collectively,the“Group”)for the yearended 31 March 2012.Grasping opportunities to deliversound resultsAs a lea

33、ding baijiu distributor and supplier in China,the Group capitalised on the opportunity to divide itsmarkets,adopt proactive marketing strategy accordingto local conditions,allocate more resources to sales,increase efforts in sales supervision,carry out multi-Silver Base Group Holdings Limited Annual

34、 Report 2012,各位股東:本人謹代表銀基集團控股有限公司(本公司)董事會(董事會),欣然提呈本公司及其附屬公司(統稱本集團)截至二零一二年三月三十一日止之年報。緊緊把握機遇創造不凡成績作為中國領先白酒運營商和供應商,年內本集 團 把 握 市 場 契 機,進 一 步 細 分 市 場,因 地制宜採取積極的營銷措施,加大銷售資源投放 及 銷 售 督 導 力 度,開 展 多 層 次、多 方 位 的營銷互動,實現產品與市場、渠道、終端消費,23,Chairmans Statement主席報告,level and comprehensive marketing interaction andac

35、hieve high integration of products,markets,channelsand end consumers,posting sound results.For the yearended 31 March 2012,the Groups revenue amountedto HK$2,974.1 million.Profit for the year attributableto ordinary equity holders of the Company amounted toHK$697.9 million and basic earnings per ord

36、inary sharewere HK$0.5864.The Board recommend the paymentof a final dividend of HK$0.05 per ordinary share and abonus issue of 1 bonus ordinary share for every 40 existingordinary shares held by the shareholders of the Company(the“Shareholders”)for the year ended 31 March 2012.Diversifying marketing

37、 systemStrengthening leading position in industryTo increase operating benefit and efficiency in line withthe market development,the Group established 210 salesoffices across provinces and cities to strengthen its salesservices and channel management during the year underreview.The move not only imp

38、roved the quality of salesservices,but also effectively expanded the sales servicenetwork.During the year under review,the Group workedwith franchisees to open 300 image stores nationwide,which has laid a solid foundation for future growth andstrengthened the Groups leading position in Chinas mid-ra

39、nge to high-end baijiu distributionmarket.The competition in Chinas baijiu marketis keen.The Group always adjusts itschannels and marketing strategy toadapt to changes,fine-tuning resourceallocation as well as marketing plansaccording to changes in channels andretail sales to achieve optimisation an

40、dmaximise the synergy of channels andmarketing.,者的高度契合併創造了不凡業績。截至二零一二年三月三十一日止年度,本集團的收益為2,974.1百萬港元,本公司普通權益持有人應佔年度利潤為697.9百萬港元,每股普通股基本盈利為0.5864港元。董事會建議派發截至二零一二年三月三十一日止年度末期股息每股普通股0.05港元及發行紅股,即本公司股 東(股 東)每 持 有40股 普 通 股 派 送1股 紅利普通股。多元擴展營銷體系鞏固行業領先地位為了提高營運效益和配合市場發展,本集團於回顧年內在中國各省市設立210個銷售辦事處以加强銷售及渠道管理。此舉不但

41、提升了銷售服務質素,更有效地擴大了服務銷售網絡。年內本集團與加盟商合作,在全國開設形象店300家,為未來的增長奠定更加堅實的基礎,使本集團於中國中高端品牌白酒經銷市場中持續保持領導地位。中國白酒巿場競爭激烈,本集團時刻堅持渠道、終端營銷策略的以變應變,隨時因應每個渠道、終端銷量變化作出資源配 置、營 銷 格 局 的 調 整,以 求實現市場渠道、終端的配置格局的持續優化,最大可能地創造各渠道、終端的營銷協同效應。,二 零 一 二 年 年 報,銀 基 集 團 控 股 有 限 公 司,24,Chairmans Statement主席報告,During the year under review,th

42、e Group diversified itssales service platform,built its exclusive e-commerceplatform and used“Wine Kingdom”as its majore-commerce delivery and logistics platform.In addition,the Group forged a strategic partnership with a largeChinese commercial bank and joined“The Club”,the banks e-commerceplatform

43、,so that its customers canpurchase the Groups products on thebanks website.As the Group continuesto optimise its e-commerce platform andproactively expands its sales business,itssales platform is becoming increasinglycomprehensive and convenient forbusinessmen and consumers so as toincrease the Grou

44、ps sales revenue.Stepping up cooperation with suppliersEnhancing product portfolioThe Group has collaborated with the Wuliangye Group,the most renowned strong-flavor type baijiu producerin China,and achieved positive results in the market.During the year under review,the Group strived to boostWulian

45、gye sales.On 23 March 2012,the Group renewedits agreement with Yibin Wuliangye Liquor Sales Co.,Ltd.for the distribution of Wuliangye with 45%alcoholcontent,which demonstrates partners recognition for theGroups marketing capability and channel managementas well as the strong business relationship.Ba

46、sed onits diversification strategy,the Group has introduceda number of renowned baijiu brands since 2010,andcurrently owns four flavor type baijiu products with strongflavor,soy flavor,fresh flavor and mixed flavor.Silver Base Group Holdings Limited Annual Report 2012,回顧年內,本集團多元擴展營銷服務平台,建立了專屬的電子商貿平台

47、,以品匯壹號作為電子商貿的主要發送及物流平台。此外,本集團與國內大型商業銀行進行戰略性合作,參與其電子商貿平台積分樂園,方便其客戶通過網站購買本集團產品。隨著本集團不斷優化電子商貿平台,積極擴闊新的銷售領域,本集團的銷售平台日趨多維、立體,可更方便連接商家直至消費者,從而提升本集團的銷售收益。持續擴大與供貨商合作不斷豐富產品組合本集團與中國最著名濃香型白酒生產商五糧液集團合作多年,並取得不俗巿場業績。在回顧 年 內,本 集 團 致 力 提 升 五 糧 液 的 銷 量;於二零一二年三月二十三日,與宜賓五糧液酒類銷售有限責任公司續訂五糧液45度酒經銷協議書;從而也印證了合作夥伴對本集團的營銷能力及

48、渠道管理的認同和牢固的合作關係。本集團本著多元化策略,自二零一零年起不斷引入多個知名白酒品牌,現時已擁有濃香、醬香、清香及兼香型的四大香型的經典白酒產品。,25,Chairmans Statement主席報告,In March 2012,the Group also entered into an exclusivedistribution agreement with Jilin Daquanyuan Wine Co.,Ltd.,which possesses national production technologyrecognised as intangible cultural he

49、ritage,and becamethe sole distributor of its brand products in China GuoBao Daquanyuan for a period of 20 years.This furtherextended the Groups upstream baijiu product line andenhanced its product diversification strategy.The Group developed its wine business steadily duringthe year under review.Foc

50、using on the long-termdevelopment of wine market in China,the Groupcapitalised on the difference of demands and consumptionchanges and strategically formulated marketing strategy tobring ongoing revenue contribution of the business to theGroup.Corporate and brand awareness continue toincreaseEngaged


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