译林版牛津小学英语5B Unit 7 A busy dayBCD课件.ppt

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1、Name:Mr Chen Hobby:Surfing the Internet,Watching filmsFavourite:Avatar(阿凡达)and Xi Yangyang.,Do you know,what lesson will we learn today?你知道今天英语课我们将要学什么吗?,Unit 7 A busy day(2),Martin Chen,get up,have lunch,Davids busy day,“David,its,its time to”(到了该做的时间了),go to school,watch football games,half past s

2、ix,ten to seven,a quarter to twelve,a quarter past four,12,6,3,9,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,Its half past six.,half=30 一半,past 过,What time is it?,B:Its half past eleven.,B:Its half past three.,A:What time is it?,12,6,3,9,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,B:Its ten to seven.,to 差(到下一个整点还差几分),A:What time is it?,B:Its twenty t

3、o eight.,A:What time is it?,B:Its five to five.,12,6,3,9,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,What time is it?,Its a quarter to twelve.,B:Its a quarter past five.,B:Its a quarter to two.,A:What time is it?,?How to use“past”and“to”?时间表达中如何使用“past”和“to”?,当分针所指时间在半小时以内或半小时,用past。30,当分针所指时间在半小时以上,表示差几分到几点,用to。30,to,to,a q

4、uarter,half,Its ten to one.,Brain storm:What time is it?看谁反应快?,Its a quarter past six.,Its a quarter to four.,Show the time and say in groups,try to say quickly 小组内一人任意拨时间,其他人快速说出来!,Say the following time quickly,My busy day,Show the time and say:,“Its,its time for”,A:Hello,is that?B:Yes,speaking.A:

5、This is speaking.Its half past seven,its time for rest.I want to play computer games on the Internet,do you want to join me?(你想要加入我吗?)B:Sorry,I want to have breakfast.A:Why?B:Its ten to seven in the morning in China,its time for school.A:Oh,I see.Goodbye!B:Goodbye!,Its 6:50 in the morning in China.,

6、Its 7:30 in the evening in the USA.Now,David is calling GaoShan.,What time is it?,-Its a quarter past nine.,(=Its time to have class),Its time for class.,Ask and answer:,Ask and answer:,What time is it?,-Its _.,Its time for _.,-I want to play cards.Do you want to join me?,-No,Im doing my homework.,G

7、ame:灰太狼一心想吃了喜洋洋一家,今天他来向小羊们询问时间,并假意发出邀请,如果你是没事情做并接受邀请的小羊,他就会把你吃掉,小羊们小心噢!Work in groups:Choose one student to act Hui Tailang,the other students to act XiYangyang.如果在3秒钟内答不上来不幸被吃掉,就交换扮演。,A:Yangyang!Baby!What time is it?B:Its,its time forA:I want to,do you want to join me?B:Yes./No,Im ing now.A:Haha,Ill eat you!/What a pity!(真可惜!),Time 6:50 7:1511:40 12:30 4:15 7:45,Time is money.一寸光阴,一寸金。Time flies.光阴似箭,岁月如梭。,Proverb(谚语),Homework:1.用英语写出下列时间.例如:6:05 five past six 7:10 9:30 12:50 8:15 10:40 1:55 2:45 3:29 4:31 2.书面完成CD部分.,Thank you for your attention!,


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