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1、About Australia,英联邦(Commonwealth of Nations)是英国对联邦其他成员国在政治、军事、财政经济和文化上施加影响的组织。由英国和已经独立的前英帝国殖民地国家或附属国组成。第一次世界大战后,英国势力遭到削弱,各殖民地人民纷纷要求独立,便逐渐用英联邦代替英帝国的称号。英联邦没有设立任何权力机构。主要组织机构有:联邦政府首脑会议、亚太地区英联邦政府首脑会议、联邦财政部长会议及其他部长级专业会议。1965年起设立英联邦秘书处,其职责是促进英联邦的合作,筹划英联邦各级会议。秘书处设在伦敦。,Commonwealth(CommonwealthofNations)isan
4、eestablishmentoftheCommonwealthSecretariat,theCommonwealthofitsresponsibilitiesistopromotecooperationandplanningatalllevelsofthemeetingoftheCommonwealth.SecretariatinLondon.,Australia is the worlds sixth largest country in land area,a large land area than the entire half of Western.Australia is not
5、only a vast land and rich of resources and is the most economically developed countries,is the worlds fourth largest agricultural exporter,but also the worlds first volume of mineral exports a variety of countries.Australia is a nation of immigrants,pursuing multi-cultural,20%of the population born
6、in countries outside Australia.Australia is a sports power,and it is also a global sporting event of the year a number of host countries.澳大利亚是全球土地面积第六大的国家,国土面积比整个西欧大一半。澳大利亚不仅国土辽阔,而且物产丰富,是南半球经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农业出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。澳大利亚是一个移民国家,奉行多元文化,20%的居民出生在澳大利亚以外的国家和地区。澳大利亚也是一个体育强国,是全球多项体育盛事的常年举办国。,A
7、rea of Australia,National emblem,Coat sides of kangaroos and emus are Large Li Yate animals,for the country Flag,a national symbo 盾形两旁为袋鼠和鸸鹋是 大利亚特有动物,为国家 的标志、民族的象征。,Australia is one of the worlds oldest landmasses and has been populated for an estimated 60 000 years.Before the arrival of European se
8、ttlers,Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples inhabited most areas of the continent.Australias contemporary history is relatively short,with the first European settlement established by England on 26 January 1788.On 1 January 1901,the six colonies became a federation,and the Commonwealth of A
9、ustralia was formed.Since federation,Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth country.Australia is a country of multiple cultures with a broadminded liberal and comprehensive society.Australian culture has grown to be one of the most diverse cu
10、ltures of the world,Australias history,澳大利亚是世界上最古老的陆地之一,并已被填充,预计有60000年。欧洲殖民者到来之前,土著和托雷斯海峡岛民居住的大陆的大部分地区。澳大利亚的当代历史相对较短,与英国1月26日1788。在1901年1月1日建立了第一批欧洲移民,六个殖民地成为一个联邦,澳大利亚联邦成立。由于联邦,澳大利亚一直保持着稳定的自由民主的政治制度和仍然是一个英联邦国家。澳大利亚是多元文化与一个心胸开阔自由和全面的社会的国家。澳大利亚的文化已经成长为世界上最多样化的文化之一,Australias Easter,圣诞节和复活节,两人在基督教日历中最
11、重要的日子。圣诞节是12月25日,每年,而复活节是每年观察到在某些时候三月下旬至四月下旬之间。复活节最大的传统活动除了上教堂祈祷(以此来洗罪)还有就是玩一种家庭式的“Easter Eggs Hunt”(搜寻复活节蛋)。蛋在西方传统中一直被认为是新生,重生,生命的开始及延续的象征。比如在埃及的神话 中凤凰为了重生总是烧毁自己栖居处只留下所产的蛋,因为他们相信自已留下的蛋可以开始新一轮生命。人们庆祝主耶稣的死亡及复活,就是通过赠送复活蛋,吃复活蛋等活动来表示的。Christmas and Easter,the two most important in the Christian calendar
12、 day.Christmas is December 25 each year,but Easter is observed annually between late March and late April at some point.?Easter largest traditional activities in addition to the church to pray(in order to Xizui)there is playing a family of Easter Eggs Hunt(Search Easter eggs).Eggs in the Western tra
13、dition has been considered freshmen,rebirth,the beginning of life and a symbol of continuity.For example,in the Egyptian myth of the phoenix reborn always burned themselves to inhabit the place,leaving only produced eggs,because they believe themselves to leave the eggs can start a new round of life
14、.People celebrate the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus,that is,by giving Easter eggs,eating Easter eggs and other activities represented.,中文:鸸鹋 rmio 英文:emu,Emu is Australias another symbol.It is on the national emblem,because it is Australias largest bird.As one of Australias symbolic animal
15、s,emus is one of the worlds most ancient species of birds and it cannot fly。Like the ostrich(鸵鸟),emus are about 1.5 meters in height.Their mouths are short and flat,and they have gray or brown feathers.They grow up in forests in Australia,eating leaves and wild fruit.,鸸鹋是澳大利亚的另一个symbol.It是国徽?因为它是澳大利
16、亚最大的bird.As澳大利亚的象征性动物之一,鸸鹋是世界上最古老的鸟类之一,它不能飞。像鸵鸟(鸵鸟),鸸鹋是height.Their嘴长约1.5米短而扁平,并且他们有灰色或褐色feathers.They生长在森林在澳大利亚,吃树叶和野果。,Aboriginal culture in Australia,Aboriginal stories,songs and traditions from generation to generation.Dance and celebration party will still retain the traditional culture;tribal
17、members together through song,music and dance about Australias past.土著居民的故事,歌谣和传统代代相传。歌舞会和庆典舞会仍保留着这些传统文化;部落成员聚集在一起,通过歌曲、音乐和舞蹈讲述澳大利亚的过去。,What is a koala?,The koala is a small bear-like,tree-dwelling animal,which averages about 9 kilograms in weight.Its fur is thick and usually ash gray.The koala gets
18、 its name from an ancient Aboriginal word,meaning no drink,because it receives over 90%of its water from the Eucalyptus leaves(also known as gum leaves)it eats,and only drinks when ill or when there is not enough moisture in the leaves.考拉是什么?是一个小考拉熊样,树栖动物,其中约9公斤重的平均数。它的皮毛很厚,通常灰白色。考拉会从一个古老的土著语的名字,意思是
19、“不喝酒”,因为它超过其90的水从桉树叶接收(也称叶胶),它吃的,只有在生病或饮料时,没有足够的水分在叶子.,饮食习惯,澳大利亚人自古至今澳大利亚人有个绝对无法通融的习惯:那就是每周日上午,一直严守“周日做礼拜”的习惯。一般欧美人士,周日一清早就去打高尔夫球,有时候,还利用打球的时候,大谈生意。亿万元的合约,往往在场上就“一言为定”了。可是你想在澳洲人身上来这一招,保证不管用。因此,要避免在周日上午约他们出来打球。Australians since ancient times,there is absolutely no accommodation habit:that every Sunda
20、y morning,has been strictly Sunday worship habits.Europeans and Americans in general,play golf early in the morning on Sunday,sometimes also used when playing big talk business.Contracts billions of dollars,often in the field on the whiz the.But you want him to Australians this trick to ensure no ma
21、tter.Therefore,to avoid the Sunday morning about them out to play.,日常生活习惯,澳大利亚人在饮食上习惯以吃英式西菜为主,其口味喜清淡,忌食辣味菜肴,有的人还不吃酸味的食品,他们的菜肴一般以烤、焖、烩的烹饪方法居多。他们在就餐时,大都喜爱将各种调味品放在餐桌上,任其自由选用调味,而且调味品要多。澳大利亚的食品素以丰盛和量大而著称,尤其对动物蛋白的需要量。他们通常爱喝牛奶、喜食牛羊肉、精猪肉、鸡、鸭、鱼、鸡蛋、乳制品及新鲜蔬菜。他们爱喝咖啡,吃水果、喝啤酒,对咖啡很感兴趣。Australians in the British di
22、et to eat Western cuisine,its flavors hi light,eat spicy food,and some people do not eat sour foods,they generally grilled dishes,cooking stew,braise the majority.When they eat,most loved all kinds of condiments on the table,any of their free choice of seasonings and spices to many.Australia is reno
23、wned for hearty food and a large amount is known,especially animal protein requirement.They usually drink milk,eating beef,mutton,pork essence,chicken,duck,fish,eggs,dairy products and fresh vegetables.They drink coffee,eat fruit,drink beer,coffee very interested.,Life customs,无拘无束是澳大利亚人的最好概括,澳大利亚有特
24、别浓厚的自由和无拘无束的气氛。人们日常互相直呼其名(只称呼名,不称呼姓),老板和员工之间、教师和学生之间都如是。Unrestrained-is best summed Australians,Australia has a particular strong atmosphere of freedom and unfettered.Peoples everyday first name basis(only call names,do not call surname),both in the case between employers and employees,between teach
25、ers and students.,服饰礼仪,澳大利亚男子多穿西服,打领带,正式场合打黑色领结;妇女一年四季多穿裙子,社交场合则搭配西装上衣。年轻人比较喜欢牛仔裤,土著居民则赤身裸体或在腰间扎条围巾,比较讲究的土著会在身上也披条围巾。土著人的装饰品丰富多彩,有臂环项圈、前额箍、骨制鼻针等,节日时,还会在身上涂抹各种颜色。Australian men wear a suit and tie,black tie formal occasions playing;women wear skirts all year round,it is a social occasion with a blaze
26、r.Young people are more like jeans,indigenous peoples are naked or tie a scarf around his waist,more attention to the indigenous who is also draped in a scarf.Colorful decorations indigenous people have armbands collar,forehead hoop,needle nose bone,etc.,when the festival will be applied in a variet
27、y of body colors.,交际礼仪,握手是澳大利亚常见的招呼方式,拥抱亲吻则比较罕见,多发生于女性好友之间。澳大利亚人的时间观念很强,商务约会必须提前预约并准时赴约;私人拜访则需携带礼物,最合适的莫过于一束鲜花、一盒糖或一瓶葡萄酒。澳大利亚男子秉承了英国传统绅士的作风,讲究“妇女优先”,感情不外露。多数男人不喜欢紧紧拥抱或握住双肩之类的亲密动作;在社交场合打哈欠,伸懒腰等小动作,是非常不雅观、不礼貌的行为。Handshake is a common greeting in Australia way,hugging kissing is relatively rare,occurs
28、between women friends.Australians strong sense of time,business appointments must be booked in advance and arrive on time;personal visit is required to bring a gift,the most appropriate way to a bouquet of flowers,a box of candy or a bottle of wine.Australian men adhering to the traditional British
29、gentlemans style,pay attention to women first,feelings are not exposed.Most men do not like to hug or hold intimate action shoulders like;in social situations yawning,stretching and other tricks,it is very unsightly,rude behavior.,婚丧礼仪,在澳大利亚,男女婚前一般要先订婚,由女方家长宴请男方家长及兄弟姐妹,婚礼后要举行宴会。澳大利亚人的葬礼,多在教堂内举行,由牧师主
30、持追思礼,该国还完整保存着寡妇沉默的古俗。In Australia,the first engagement of men and women before marriage in general,the man from the womans parents entertained parents and brothers and sisters,to be held after the wedding banquet.Australians funeral,mostly in the church held memorial ceremony presided over by the pr
31、iest,the country also holds the complete silence of the ancient custom of widows.,禁忌,澳大利亚人最喜爱的动物是袋鼠与琴鸟,前者被视为澳洲大陆最早的主人,后者则是澳大利亚的国鸟。蛋白石是澳大利亚人珍爱的宝石,也是该国的国石。兔子则被视为不吉利的动物,碰到兔子意味着厄运降临。在数目方面,受基督教的影响,澳大利亚人对“13”和“星期五”反感至极。懂得享受户外生活的澳大利亚人喜欢邀请友人携伴同游,这被认为是密切双边关系的捷径之一。在社会生活中,他们乐于保护弱者,乃至私生子的合法地位;谈论种族、宗教、工会、个人生活、等级
32、、地位等问题,会引起他们的不满。Australians favorite animal is a kangaroo with lyrebird,the former is regarded as the earliest masters of the Australian continent,the latter is the national bird of Australia.Australians cherished gem opal is also the countrys national stone.Rabbits were considered unlucky animals e
33、ncounter rabbit mean doom coming.The number,the influence of Christianity,Australians for 13 and Friday extremely offensive.Know how to enjoy outdoor living Australians like to invite friends to bring accompanying tour,which is considered one of the close bilateral relations shortcut.In social life,they are willing to protect the weak,and even the legal status of illegitimate children;talk about race,religion,trade unions,personal life,class,status and other issues,will cause their discontent.,Thank you!,