Have a safe trip(安全旅行)46P.ppt

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《Have a safe trip(安全旅行)46P.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Have a safe trip(安全旅行)46P.ppt(46页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Have a safe trip!,Students Daily Report,Topic:My travel experience(热身:引入话题),How to have a safe trip(group work).(读前活动1),To prepare your trip1.before you travel,make sure your passport isnt about to expire.23456,When you are in another country 1.at the airport,use official taxis and buses.Dont accept

2、 rides from anyone.23456,To prepare your trip,1 Before you travel,make sure your passport isnt about to expire.2 Find out if you need a visa.3 Keep medication in original containers4 Find out about climate,culture.5 Get proper medical insurance 6 Make sure you have an international drivers license i

3、f you want to drive 7 Buy a guide book and read about customs and culture 8 Try to learn basic words and expressions,When you are in another country,1.At the airport,use official taxis and buses.Dont accept rides from anyone.2.Dont expect everyone to be friendly.3.Dont leave valuables in your hotel

4、room 4.Dont carry too much cash5.Stay alert in public places.6.Follow the local customs 7.Dont assume the locals speak your own language.8.Remember to smile,New words:(读前活动2),Expire:out of date Tourist:a person who travels to a place for a vacation or for sightseeingTheft:an act of stealing somethin

5、gIn advance:before something happens Take precaution:do something in order to prevent something dangerous from happening,Paperwork:the documents you need for a business or journey Visa:an official mark put on your passport by the government that permits you to enter or leave a foreign countryInsuran

6、ce:money that one pays usually monthly to a company for protection in case of injury,death,fire Medication:medicine or drugsPrescription:a piece of paper on which a doctor writes what medicine a sick person needs.,Container:a box or bottle used to keep things in Customs officials:people who work in

7、an airport or seaport to check luggage or goods for a government Assume:to expect Official transport:transport managed by the governmentMeter:a tool found in a taxi used to record how much money a trip costs Safe:a strong metal container with a lock used to protect money and valuables,Have a safe tr

8、ip!(阅读中:文章脉络梳理任务式),Para 1:People visit other countries for many reasons:Some travel _ _ Others travel to _ _ _(on business,visit interesting places,Interesting places(背景知识拓展),The temples of Thailand,Pyramids at Giza,Egypt,Taj Mahal,India,Para2:Do not expect everyone you meet to be friendly and welco

9、ming,1 A tourist can attract much attention from_.2 _ is one of the most common dangers when travelling.3.It is important to _ _ your trip in advance and to _ _ while you are travelling.(Local people,theft,prepare for,take precautions),Theft!Take care of your wallet!,Para3 make sure you have the rig

10、ht paperwork,1 you must have the right _.2 your _ doesnt expire.3 you have proper _ _.4 If driving,you need an _ _ _.(visa,passport,medical insurance,international drivers license),The right paperwork you need,Passport,International drivers license,visa,Medical insurance,Para4:tips for taking medici

11、ne,1.keep your medication in its _ _.2 Bring a _ from your doctor for prescription drugs(original container,letter),Medication in original containers,Which is proper?,A,B,Para5:A guide and some basic words,1.Read about the local _.2.Dont _ the local people will speak your own language.(customs;assum

12、e/expect),Read guide books about your destination countries.,Pay attention to the local customs,avoiding taboo(禁忌),Para6:tips about transport,valuables and friendly communication way,1 use _ transportation.2.Agree on a_ when taking a no meter taxi.3 make sure you can _ your door in a cheap hotel.4 a

13、sk for a _ to keep your valuables5 remember to _.(official;price;lock;safe;smile),Put Valuables into a safe,Valuables,jewelry,cash,Understand words in the context:(Page 34 Exercise A)读后活动1-拓展与活用,1.Which person would give you a prescription for something?A teacher or a doctor?2.Which of the following

14、 will expire?A visa or luggage?3.If you live in Tokyo,Japan and you go abroad you may visit Osaka(大阪)in Japan or Vancouver(温哥华),Canada,4.A sincere friend will always be _ with you.Dishonest or honest 5.you are in Beijing and you are going to Bangkok.Your destination is _Beijing or Bangkok?6.To prote

15、ct your home from a thief,what precaution can you take?Lock your doors or open your window.,7.You see a woman holding a baby that is crying.What might you assume?You talk to him/the woman is the childs mother.,Remember these useful expressions:读后活动2 巩固与识记,Prepare for your trip in advance 为旅行提前做准备Tak

16、e precautions 采取预防措施Get to your destination 到达目的地 Is about to expire 即将到期,Proper medical insurance 适当的医疗保险An international drivers license国际驾照Take medication 带些药Prescription drugs 处方药Customs officials 海关官员,Dont assume that 别指望Official transport 正规的交通方式Bus and taxi stands 大巴和出租车的停靠点,agree on a price

17、谈好价格Ask about a safe for 要一个保险柜The friendliest and most sincere form of communication 最友好最真诚的交流方式,Excellent sentences to appreciate 佳 句 欣 赏,Wherever you go,and for whatever reason,it is important to be safe.无论你去哪里,也不管是什么原因,安全是首要的。It is important to prepare for your trip in advance,and to take precau

18、tions while you are travelling.提前为旅行做准备,同时在旅行期间做好安全防范是很重要的。While the majority of people you will meet when travelling are sure to be friendly and welcoming,there are dangers-theft being the most common.尽管旅行期间你遇到的大多数人是友好亲切的,但是危险还是有的,偷窃就是最经常发生的。,Your uncle/aunt is rich now,he/she plans to travel abroa

19、d and he/she wants some tips for traveling in Thailand through telephone.(读后活动3-生活中的运用),1.出国前做些什么?What preparations should I do in advance?护照,签证,医疗保险,国际驾照,带药,风俗与文化2.出国以后,该注意什么问题?What precautions should I take?如何出行,贵重物品存放,待人接物的方式3 你想提醒的其他问题:购物,天气,衣服What other things should I pay attention to?,Activit

20、y,Homework:,Go over the text again and put the useful words or expressions onto your note books.Select excellent sentences from the text and learn them by heart.,Paperwork:the documents you need for a business or journey Visa:an official mark put on your passport by the government that permits you t

21、o enter or leave a foreign countryInsurance:money that one pays usually monthly to a company for protection in case of injury,death,fire Medication:medicine or drugsPrescription:a piece of paper on which a doctor writes what medicine a sick person needs.,Container:a box used to keep things in Custom

22、s officials:people who work in an airport or seaport to check luggage or goods for a government Assume:to think Official transport:transport managed by the governmentMeter:a tool found in a taxi used to record how much money a trip costs Safe:a strong metal container with a lock used to protect mone

23、y and valuables,Sincere:honest or always means what somebody says,Have a safe trip!,1 中国游客在美国遇难的图片导入。中国香港游客在菲律宾遇难的图片。偷窃的图片。海关检查的图片。2 引入话题,去国外旅行之前要做哪些准备呢?3 身处异国应该注意什么呢?4 看看课文都给我们提供了哪些建议?5 第一段设计人们旅行的原因。6 第二段设计偷窃是最大的危险7 出国要带哪些paperwork?8 出国带要为什么要原包装?9 为什么要了解当地风俗?10 在国外乘车要注意什么问题?不做黑车,如何砍价?11 如何保管自己的贵重物品

24、呢?,Chapter 2 A trip to Thailand,What was the weather like when we arrived in Bangkok?It was hot and damp.How many time had they travelled to Asia?The first time.What made them interested in the local food?All the different sights and smells,Did they stay in expensive hotel or cheap one?Cheap but ver

25、y clean.What about the owners attitude?Friendly and helpful.How did the owners treat them when they arrived?offer them drinks.,What about their plan in Bangkok?Stay there for a few days and visit temples then travel to Chiang MaiTuesday:What impression did they have about Bangkok?Fantastic,fabulous

26、and wonderfulWhere did they visit and what did they see?The floating markets and saw many special fruits and vegetables.,How did they travel to Chiang Mai?By trainHow will they go to Chiang Rai?By busFriday:How did they feel the journey to Chiang Rai?Long and exhausting.What about the accommodations

27、 in a small mountain village?Basic but comfortable,What about the local peoples living conditions?No computers,no mobile phones,few possessions.What word did they say most?Hello Who is Kathy?The writers partner.Whats the writers wish?People back home were also friendly.,How did the writer spend thei

28、r last few days there?Hiking or walking thereWhen will they return to Bangkok?TomorrowWhat do you know about the Isthmus of Kra?ita a narrow strip of land joining Thailand.,Whats their next destination?Surat Thani or Koh Samui?Surat Thani How will they get to Koh Samui?By ferry,Useful expressions:pa

29、ra1,humid:weather that is humid makes you feel uncomfortable because the air feel very hot and wet仲夏的东京十分闷热潮湿。Tokyo is extremely humid in mid-summer.,Curious:wanting to know or try When I mentioned her name everyone was curious.Fantastic:extremely good,attractive,enjoyableSounds like a fantastic ide

30、a to me.我觉得这个主意太好了。,Fabulous:extremely good or impressiveYou look fabulous!你看上去真美啊Statue:an image of a person or animal that is made in solid material such as stone or metal and usually large 雕塑,雕像People say Rome is a city with many statues人们说罗马时一个有很多雕塑的城市。A collection of 一批An amazing collection of

31、unique-smelling fruits and vegetables:好多味道独特的水果和蔬菜,Exhausting:making you feel extremely tired That was an exhausting journey.那是一次令人疲惫不堪的旅行。Take local transportation(transport)乘坐当地的交通工具Accommodation:the rooms,food,service that are provided in a hotel,train boat etc.住宿膳食服务,basic:plain,simple and uncomplicated The farm lacks even basic equipment.这个农场连最基本的设备都没有。Possessions:something that someone owns and keeps or uses themselves所有物,财产The police went through all the dead girls possessions警方检查了死去女孩的所有财物。Trektrekkedtrekking:to make a long and difficult journey,especially on foot.徒步长途旅行,


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