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1、China Mobile Telecom Market Analysis report(Industry Overview Part),2005.10,Sensky Telecom Consulting for SK Telecom(China),2,Contents,Country OverviewCommunication Industry PolicyCurrent status of Communication Industry Communication industry overviewOperators overviewFixed network industry situati

2、onInternet industry situationMobile industry situationAnalysis on marketing&sales of mobile communication CMCC marketing&sales analysis CUCC marketing&sales analysis Comparison of marketing&sales between CMCC&CUCC,3,Country overviewChinas position in the world,Population of China:1.304 billionGDP:1.

3、6493 trillion US dollars,Population of India:1.104 billionGDP:0.6919 trillion US dollars,Population of US:296 millionGDP:11.6675 trillion US dollars,Population of Japan:128 million GDP:4.6234 trillion US dollars,Source:National Bureau of Statistics of China 2005,4,Country overviewPEST analysis,Polit

4、ics,Society,Economy,Technology,Main characteristics,Conclusions,The largest developing country in the worldA country with centralized system,currently enjoying a steady society.The policies on foreign investments are determined by the State CouncilThe opening-up policies are of great advantage to fo

5、reign investments,There are 1.3 billion people on the Chinese mainland In the multi-nationality country,there are 56 nationalities,with Han population accounting for over 91%10%people have religious faith.There are five official religious bases,spending accounts for 1.35%among GDPThere are 900 thous

6、and scientists and engineers committing to R&DThere are 820 thousand graduates and 13.335 million undergraduates in colleges and universities,GDP has maintained an annual growth rate of 8%for successive 20 years.Huge investment space in China for FIEsThe residents enjoy growing consumption capacity,

7、Steady politics,rapidly growing economy and huge potential for foreign investmentsIncreasingly larger market space and stronger consumption capacity of residentsThe information industry enjoys a rosy future due to the supports from national policiesLow overall technical level.Various foreign patent

8、technologies should be introduced,5,Country overviewpolitics overview,As the largest developing country in the world,China carries out socialist system.The system of peoples congresses is the fundamental political system for China.National Peoples Congress(NPC)is the supreme state power organ in Chi

9、na,owing legislative power,power of appointment and removal,power to make decisions and supervisory power.The State Council,i.e.central peoples government,is the executive organ of highest-level state power organ.It is also the supreme state administrative organ.,6,Overview of Chinas economy,GDP enj

10、oys a rapid growth.In 2004,Chinas GDP achieved RMB13.6515 billion yuan.Among that,agriculture sector,industrial sector and service sector respectively contributed RMB2.0744 billion yuan,7.2387 billion yuan and 4.3384 billion yuan.The population has a large base.The GDP per capita only achieves 1257

11、US dollars.,Currently,China has gradually formed the economic circle focusing on Beijing,Tianjin and Tangshan,the Yangtze Delta economic circle led by Shanghai and the Pearl Delta economic delta centering on Shenzhen and Guangzhou.The three economic circles account for over 60%of Chinas GDP.China wi

12、tnesses the imbalance among regional economic developments.The GDP in East China and West China respectively achieve 53%and 17%of the total.,Source:National Bureau of Statistics of China 2005,7,Main economic indicators,In 2004,the total value of Chinas imports and exports achieved a growth rate of 3

13、5.7%.Among that,exports and imports respectively increased by 35.4%and 36.0%.Chinas main financial indicators are much lower than international warning line.This can facilitate the foreign exchange transactors to have more confidence in RMB value,thus achieving steady RMB exchange rate.,Source:Natio

14、nal Bureau of Statistics of China 2005,8,Society overview,With an area of about 9.6 million square kilometers,Peoples Republic of China has two special administrative regions,four municipalities,23 provinces and five autonomous regions.In 2005,Chinas population achieved 1.304 billion,with urban popu

15、lation and rural population respectively accounting for 41.7%and 58.3%.There are 56 nationalities in China.Among that Han population accounts for 91.6%.The rest 55 are called minorities.Five official religious bases consist of Buddhism,Islamism,Taoism,Catholicism and Protestantism.There are over 100

16、 million religious believers.,Source:National Bureau of Statistics of China 2005,9,Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Hongkong,Harbin,Changchun,Shenyang,Dalian,Yantai,Nantong,Tsingdao,Wuxi,Suzhou,Nanjing,Hefei,Hangzhou,Ningbo,Fuzhou,Xiamen,Shantou,Tianjin,Shijiazhuang,Taiyuan,Jinan,Zhengzhou,Wuhan,Urumchi,X

17、ining,Lanzhou,Chengdu,Yinchuan,Xian,Hohehot,Chongqing,Guiyang,Kuming,Nanning,Haikou,Zhuhai,Changsha,Nanchang,Datong,Wenzhou,Lhasa,Overview of each province in China,Inner Mongolia:Mongolia nationality population:4.0292 million,Tibet:Tibetan nationality population:4.0292 million,Guangxi:Zhuang nation

18、ality population:15 million,Ningxia:Hui nationality population:1.9 million,The red points refer to the most developed cities in terms of society,economy and culture in ChinaThe red points refer to the most developed cities in terms of society,economy and culture in each province,Source:National Bure

19、au of Statistics of China,Population unit:10,000 persons,GDP unit:RMB Yuan,10,Chinas consumers will maintain a sustained growth of consumption in the future With increasing consumption capacity,it is predictable that China will see an increasingly larger consumer market.,-,1,000,2,000,3,000,4,000,5,

20、000,6,000,7,000,8,000,9,000,10,000,1995,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,RMB Yuan,Current status and trends of consumers financial structure,2006,2007,2008,Source:National Bureau of Statistics of China,11,Chinas investment environment,In 2004,China used a FDI of 60.6 billion US dollars,up 13.

21、3%year on year;Since China is still in high-speed growth stage,it is predicted that China will maintain the preferential policies on foreign investments and attract more foreign investors to inject investments in China.After the entry into WTO,China will accelerate the opening-up of the market for f

22、oreign investors in terms of depth and scope.,Source:National Bureau of Statistics of China 2005,Protection before entered WTO,Mid,High,Low,Chemical,Bank,Retail,Network Service,Insurance,Big change,Automobile,Agriculture,Stock,Energy,sources,Electronic,Telecommunication,Consumable,Medicine,Small cha

23、nge,less change,High,Mid,Protection after entered WTO,Mid,High,Low,Chemical,Bank,Retail,Network Service,Insurance,Big change,Automobile,Agriculture,Stock,Energy,sources,Electronic,Telecommunication,Consumable,Medicine,Small change,less change,Mid,LOW,12,The direct investment of Japan and South Korea

24、 in China,13,Contents,Country OverviewCommunication Industry PolicyCurrent status of Communication Industry Communication industry overviewOperators overviewFixed network industry situationInternet industry situationMobile industry situationAnalysis on marketing&sales of mobile communication CMCC ma

25、rketing&sales analysis CUCC marketing&sales analysis Comparison of marketing&sales between CMCC&CUCC,14,History of policy management,15,Current telecom management systems in China,Non-governmental management organizationsChina National Consumers Association was established in December 1984National T

26、elecom User Committee was established on September 16,1999On May 23,2001,China Post&Telecommunication Enterprise Management Association was renamed as China Communication Enterprise Association.,Trend of new Telecom LawEstablishing independent telecom monitoring institution,As the telecom regulatory

27、 department of China,MII monitors and manages Chinas telecom industry;other governmental departments will divide their work on the basis of duties,implementing corresponding management over telecom industry within their duties.Directly led by MII,the telecom management bureaus in each province,auton

28、omous region and municipality,in accordance with Telecom Regulations,carry out management over the telecom industry in local administrative regions.,16,Foreign operators investments in Chinas telecom market,17,Vodafone in the Chinese market,2001/02:Sign strategy agreement with CMCC,2001/11:Establish

29、 Subsidiary company in HK.Establish agent in China,2001/2002:Use 800millions US$Purchase 3.27%share of CMCC,2001/2002:Use 35 millions US$Purchase 9.9%share of Aspire,Vodafone will inject more investments in China during 3G era.,Initial stage:Establish strategy cooperation Establish agent in China,Ca

30、pital operation stage:Purchase stock,Deepened stage:Penetrate in the value chain,Establish strategy alliance with CMCC,cooperate in the fields of new technique,equipment and terminal,18,The Frequency Layout in China,China 3G frequency allocation solution is stipulated in Notice about 3G Public Mobil

31、e Communication System Frequency Planning(XBW 2002 No.479)of Radio Management Administration under MII Among that,reserve TD-SCDMA-specific frequency for the development of national independent IPRs,19,Inter-network connection,Trend of new Telecom LawThe monopoly of user access will disappearA fine

32、of RMB5 million Yuan for interconnection breakdown,20,Structure of main tariffs regarding China Telecom,Fixed telephone call tariffsLocal telephone call tariffThree fees:installation fee,basic monthly rent fee and call fee.Monthly payment system:installation fee and monthly fixed-value fee.Domestic

33、long-distance call tariffCalculate the fees according to the distance and traffic(call duration)International long-distance call tariff Collection charge of international call serviceTotal accounting rate:2 US dollarsDivision rate:50%,50%Settlement rate:1 US dollar,Internet service tariffsService ty

34、pes:Dialing accessPrivate-line accessEnterprise emailVPN serviceInternet service is value-added service.In accordance with the regulations of Telecom Regulations,the tariffs should be formulated mainly on the basis of market adjustment.The government should strengthen supervisions to prevent illegal

35、 competition.Charge calculation of normal dialing service:traffic calculation system and monthly payment systemPrivate-line access service:charge collection based on bandwidth,Mobile phone call tariffsMobile phone call charge collection ways Calling party one-way charge and calling&called parties tw

36、o-way chargeMonthly payment system(after-service payment)and prepayment Structure of tariffs regarding mobile phone calls in China Structure:Network access charge(cancelled on July 1,2001)Basic monthly rent chargeCall chargeRoaming charge,IP telephone call tariffsBeing value-added service.The tariff

37、 carries out market adjustment priceIP call tariffCalculate the charge according to trafficCalculate the charge on the basis of minutes Since IP call serves as prepayment service,currently,the large operators face intense competition,which can be seen from the sharp discounts of IP cards.,Inter-netw

38、ork connection tariffs and network element rent tariffsInter-network connection tariffs Network element rent tariffsDetermine tariffs based on costs,Trend of new Telecom Law:the tariff moves towards market adjustment,21,Contents,Country OverviewCommunication Industry PolicyCurrent status of Communic

39、ation Industry Communication industry overviewOperators overviewFixed network industry situationInternet industry situationMobile industry situationAnalysis on marketing&sales of mobile communication CMCC marketing&sales analysis CUCC marketing&sales analysis Comparison of marketing&sales between CM

40、CC&CUCC,22,Overview of Chinas telecom industry,The telecom industry always maintains a rapid growth.Its business revenue maintained a two-digit growth rate,higher than the growth rate of GDP.Since 2000,each industry in China has gained an average profit rate of less than 10%.The operation benefit of

41、 the telecom industry is higher than the average level of various industries of national economy.Nevertheless,due to the intensified competition,the profit rate sees a decline year by year.Mobile phones have accelerated the replacement of fixed telephones and the dispersion of fixed telephone call t

42、raffic.,Source:MII and data about operators in 2005,23,Structure of communication service revenue,The revenue from fixed local and mobile communication services still remain the majority.The revenue is mainly from voice services.However,from the perspective of change trend,fixed telephone call reven

43、ue suffered a sustained decline of share due to the heterogeneous competition and etc.Mobile communication becomes the main revenue source.Data service enjoys a rapid growth.But it is currently in market cultivation stage,having no grate influences on telecom service structure.Since telecom tariff d

44、ecrease in 2001,long-distance telephone call tariff also witnessed a decline,acquiring a smaller share.Nevertheless,as long-distance telephone call becomes IP-oriented,the service can see a recovery of revenue with its low price advantages.Other telecom services such wireless paging and telegraph se

45、rvices suffer a decrease of revenue.,24,Regional differences of communication levels,The communication developments among East China,Central China and West China,especially between urban areas and rural areas,show obvious imbalance.The fixed telephone penetration rate and mobile phone penetration ra

46、te in West China are less than 50%of those in East China.The fixed telephone penetration rate and mobile phone penetration rate in Central China also suffer a wide gap with those in East China.In West China and Central China as well as rural areas,due to the backward economic level and small migrati

47、on of population,the people pose few demands on communication products,resulting in low per capita telecom consumption level.,Source:MII and data about operators in 2005,25,Market share,Analysis of current status and market share:market change rules and market shares of major operatorsChina Mobile a

48、chieves a highest market share.The Chinese residents show an increasingly higher recognition level of mobile communication.,Since urban areas and East China enjoy a high economic level and fast population migration,the people pose high demands on communication and information consumption,directly re

49、sulting in increasingly greater differences of telecom consumptions in each area.,Source:MII and data about operators in 2005,26,Contents,Country OverviewCommunication Industry PolicyCurrent status of Communication Industry Communication industry overviewOperators overviewFixed network industry situ

50、ationInternet industry situationMobile industry situationAnalysis on marketing&sales of mobile communication CMCC marketing&sales analysis CUCC marketing&sales analysis Comparison of marketing&sales between CMCC&CUCC,27,Network deployment of each operator,28,Analysis of strength and weakness regardi


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