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1、 毕业论文外文资料翻译专 业: 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文写)外文出处:Agriculture Economic Research Service in its series Agricultural Information Bulletins with number 33721 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文可持续的农业绿色技术摘 要对于美国的农业经济继续沿着可持续发展道路,必须进一步提高生产技术,使它既有利可图,更对环境无害。在这方面,我们评估这些“绿色”或可持续的技术,转向更可持续

2、的道路沿线农业中的作用。然而,市场与绿色技术相关的环境没有可以限制其发展。此外,只是在做现有技术并不意味着它会被采用。绿色技术,如保护性耕作,病虫害综合管理,加强营养管理和精准农业的经验表明,即使是盈利的技术,要采取新的方法可以限制其效力的障碍。 引言 农业在可持续发展的独特作用,以合理的成本提供当前和未来几代人的食物。为了评估美国是否是可持续农业,所有当前和未来几代人必须考虑农业生产的成本。这些费用包括对环境的农业生产的影响和自然资本存量(例如,农田,地下 。这种农业可持续发展的看法与可持续发展的美国水,湖泊,河流,河口,湿地)农业部的政策是一致的:美国农业部将平衡生产和盈利的改善,对自然资

3、源基础和生态系统,以及农村社区的活力增强作为管理的目标。美国农业部秘书的可持续发展备忘录 。 (SM9500-6) 这份报告强调了农业的可持续发展的辩论中的作用。然而,在很大程度上由于数据的限制,没有普遍接受已开发的农业可持续发展指标。例如,调整农产品的农业生产对环境影响的收入目前不能做这样的措施完全是因为许多环境服务缺乏市场价格,许多类型的自然资本量的有关数据的变化是有限的。Hrubovcak LeBlanc and Eakin 1995。因此,未来路评估美国农业的可持续性,我们回顾几个指标的趋势(生产力,土壤侵蚀,地下水量,地表水和地下水的质量和湿地转换率)。 我们利用这些趋势,以评估在促

4、进农业的可持续发展的技术变化的贡献。例如,从历史上看,为了满足日益增长的粮食需求,通过农业研究和开发,在农业上研制新技术。这些技术已经促成了农业生产力和产量巨大的激增。实证会计框架是用来衡量生产力和产出,但是,只有对传统农业的投入和产出进行衡量。来自环境和自然资源的使用的服务,目前被视为大自然的馈赠。此外,不会考虑任何归因于农业生产的农场经济损失。对于美国的农业经济继续沿着可持续发展道路,进一步提高产量,必须产生既增加盈利能力和农业生产的环保性能的技术。 为了评估的研究和发展潜力,促进可持续发展,我们强调四个被视为更加可持续的,并已在农业部门的广泛推广潜力的做法。这些做法包括:综合虫害管理,保

5、护性耕作,加强营养管理和精准农业。从我们的经验与这些做法,我们借鉴的采用和推广有潜力的更可持续的技术障碍。 一、 可持续发展问题背景 自从布伦特兰委员会侧重于可持续性和可持续发展方面的关注公众的注意已经过去了十多年。根据这个委员会的报告,这经济可持续发展的道路将“满足,而又不损害子孙后代能满足他们的需要的当代人的需求”(世界环境与发展委员会 1987 年)。 自那时以来,可持续发展问题已呼吁不同的往往无关的利益群体。根据Graham-Tomasi 1991,“几乎每个人都在可持续发展潮流,可持续发展已经意味着对所有乘客的所有的东西”(P.82)。例如,Murcott(1997)已确定自1979

6、 年的 57 可持续发展的定义。布伦特兰委员会的可持续发展目标继续向公众辩论可持续性的出发点是有用的(总统可持续发展理事会,1996 年)。 类似与布伦特兰委员会的可持续发展目标,我们认为当经济福祉的现在和子孙后代的幸福最大化的时候,一个经济体系能够持续。然而,如服装和食品超出了商品经济和服务的传统观点的经济福利,如由环境提供的服务的市场上包括商品和服务往往没有购买和销售(例如,娱乐,安全饮用水和风景)。 为了反映后代的需要,可持续性也超出了这一代经济福利。当前和未来世代的福祉是联系在一起传统观念的资本(例如,建筑物及机械)扩大到包括农田,森林,湖泊,河流,河口(自然资本),湿地 Aldy H

7、rubovcak and Vasavada 1998。从经济性角度来看,这可持续性的定义,是需要适当的数量和人工制造和自然资本的组合,为社会投资以确保市场和非市场提供商品和服务。这不仅包括不同类型的资本的直接投资,而且在技术上的研究与发展(RD)的投资,能够以较低的成本增加对商品和服务的生产。 意见分歧的不管是对许多经济体的实际性能还是经济可持续发展在这一目标是一致的。例如,在增长的极限,目前这一代的(上几代)人类在如石油和煤炭不可再生自然资源的使用上增加了一个固定的压力造成的土地基础对子孙后代造成一个黯淡的前景Meadows and others 1972。具体来说,根据本研究:如果世界人口

8、,工业化,污染,粮食生产和资源枯竭目前的增长趋势继续保持不变,在地球上以现在增长速度将在未来一百年达到极限。Simon,Weinrauch 和 Moore(1994)提供了关于自然资源的可用性对比的看法。他们认为,资源稀缺有关措施是价格,其中价格最高的资源是最稀缺的。在不可再生的自然资源的真正关键(通货膨胀调整)的价格趋势评估的基础上,他们得出结论,这些价格表现出下降的趋势,使人对在增长的极限得出的结论产生怀疑。同样,Nordhaus(1992)认为,真正的资源价格数据没有显示出对稀缺重大转机。 最近,在“承载能力”的环境更广泛的概念已被添加到可持续发展的问题清单。承载能力是一个在环境中以支持

9、人类活动的生物极限的能力。例如,服务的环境提供了许多可再生或可再生的,但如果使用率超过自然再生率可能会由于过度使用耗尽。实际上,代表了极限承载能力得到社会的依赖所造成的和增长(以上)都使用不可再生和可再生资源。 有些人认为,地球以履行种群的能力可能受到阻碍。例如,Pimentel 和Giampietro(1994)认为,在美国已经是不可持续的农业生产力“赋予土地,水和能源资源的当前损耗率。”此外,在至少 23 个其他国家包括纽约,宾夕法尼亚州,佛罗里达州的农业区地下水和玉米种植带表面检测到硝酸盐和农药(国家研究理事会,1989)。这一发现有助于对当前在他们渗入地下水和地表水前以作为缓冲和吸收肥

10、料和杀虫剂的农业生产方式已经超出了环境的能力的农业生产实践的关注。 这方面的意见分歧对于各经济的经济体以及要考虑可持续的形状的实际性能的要求,在很大程度上是在于就现在和将来之间的可替代性的差异看法。例如,Christensen(1989)认为,在大多数情况下,人为和自然资本不能互相代替。也就是说,产量更多的增加同时需要人为的和自然资本。沿着这条线的推理,Daly(1990)认为,可持续发展的要求:(1)可再生资源(如,鱼,树木)再生率不超过收获率,(2)使用(如煤,气,油)不可再生资源的价格未超过可再生替代品的发展速度,(3)污染率不超过环境的吸收能力。 Solow(1992)认为,这是不可能

11、保持每一个资本类型,并提出了可持续发展在人为和自然资本被允许互相替代较弱的定义。在这种可持续性的定义下,传统的收入措施,可以扩展到考虑环境商品和服务以及在自然资本存量的变化值。Weitzman 1997 表明,这一收入扩大的措施可以被认为是可持续发展的指标。由于人为和自然资本被允许互相替代,对可持续发展的唯一要求是,整体资本存量,而不是每个类型的资本是不会随着时间减少。二、 以更可持续的农业为例 为了评估美国农业可持续发展,我们综述了以下指标的趋势:农业生产力,土壤侵蚀,地下水量,地表水质量,地下水质量和湿地的转换率。这些人们可以想到的农业生产力,土壤侵蚀,地下水量作为对我们当今和今后几代人提

12、供食物的能力的所代表的服务指标之间有些重叠。地表水质量,地面水质,湿地转换率可以被看作是对环境影响的指标与农业生产有关。 生产力的措施之间的产出增长和投入增长率之间有差异。如果生产力增长是积极的,那么相同的输出可以用较少的投入生产。图 1 显示了在美国农业生产率增长(Ahearn BallYee and Nehring 1998)的模式。从 1948 年到 1994 年,美国农业产量增长以每年 1.9 个百分点的平均增长率增长。在输入一个使用略有下降伴随着这一产量的增长,在一年一度的生产率增长速度为 1.9 个百分点而非农部门的增长速度为 1.1 个百分点。农产品的价格反映了这种生产率的增长。

13、在同一时期,农民真正得到农产品的价格下降了百分之五十。附件2:外文原文(复印件)Sustainable agriculture green technologySummaryThe agricultural economy of the United States to continue along the road of sustainable development, we must further improve the production technology, that make it both profitable and more environmentally sound.

14、In this regard, we evaluated these green or sustainable technology, turn to the role of a more sustainable agriculture along the road. However, the market with green technology environment can limit their development. In addition, just doing the existing technology does not mean it will be adopted.

15、And green technologies, such as conservation tillage, integrated pest management, enhance nutrient management and precision agriculture experience showed that even if the technology is profitable to adopt a new approach can limit the effectiveness of the obstacles.IntroductionThe unique role of agri

16、culture in sustainable development, provide current and future generations of food at a reasonable cost. In order to assess the United States, whether it is sustainable agriculture, and all current and future generations must take into account the cost of agricultural production. These costs include

17、 the impact on the environment of agricultural production and natural capital stock (for example, farmland, and underground. View of the sustainable development of agriculture and sustainable development of water, lakes, rivers, estuaries, wetlands) policy of the Department of Agriculture: U.S. Depa

18、rtment of Agriculture will balance production and profitability to improve and enhance the vitality of the natural resource base and ecological systems, and rural communities as a management goal. - Sustainable development of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary memorandum. (SM9500-6) This r

19、eport highlights the role in the sustainable development of agriculture in the debate. However, in large part due to data limitations, there are no generally accepted agricultural development indicators of sustainable development. For example, the adjustment of agricultural products, agricultural pr

20、oduction and environmental impact of income can not do such a measure because many environmental services, lack of market prices, changes of many types of natural capital, the amount of data is limited. Therefore, on the way to assess the sustainability of U.S. agriculture, we review the trend of se

21、veral indicators (productivity, soil erosion, and groundwater quantity, the quality of surface water and groundwater, and wetland conversion rate).We capitalize on these trends, to assess the contribution in promoting the sustainable development of agriculture of technological change. For example, f

22、rom a historical point of view, in order to meet the growing demand for food, agricultural research and development in agriculture to develop new technologies. These technologies have contributed to the huge surge in agricultural productivity and production. Empirical accounting framework is used to

23、 measure productivity and output, but only to measure the inputs and outputs of the traditional agriculture. From the use of the environment and natural resources services, are now considered a gift of nature. In addition, it will not consider any farm economic losses attributed to agricultural prod

24、uction. For the agricultural economy of the United States to continue along the road of sustainable development, to further increase production, you must generate both to increase the profitability and environmental performance of agricultural production technology.In order to assess the research an

25、d development potential, promote sustainable development, we emphasize four is considered more sustainable, and has been widely potential in the agricultural sector practices. These practices include: integrated pest management, conservation tillage, to enhance nutrient management and precision agri

26、culture. , We learn from our experience with these practices have the potential and promote more sustainable technical obstacles.First, sustainable development BackgroundConcern for the publics attention focused on sustainability and sustainable development since the Brundtland Commission has passed

27、 a decade. According to the report of the Committee, the economic path of sustainable development is . met, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs of contemporary peoples needs (World Environment and Development Council, 1987).Since then, the Sustainable Developme

28、nt has called for different, often unrelated interest groups. According to the Graham-Tomasi 1991, . almost everyone in the sustainable development of the trend of sustainable development means that all passengers of all things (P.82). For example, Murcott (1997) have been identified since the defin

29、ition of 57 in 1979, sustainable development. Continue the Brundtland Commissions sustainable development objectives to the public debate on the sustainability of the starting point is useful (President of the Council for Sustainable Development, 1996).Similar to the Brundtland Commissions sustainab

30、le development objectives, we believe that an economy can be sustained when the economic well-being and happiness of future generations to maximize. Such as clothing and food, however, beyond the traditional view of economic well-being of the commodity economy and services, such as the services prov

31、ided by the environment on the market, including goods and services often do not have to buy and sell (for example, entertainment, safe drinking water and landscape).In order to reflect the needs of future generations, the sustainability is the generation of economic well-being. The well-being of pr

32、esent and future generations is linked to the traditional concept of capital (for example, buildings and machinery) to be expanded to include farmlands, forests, lakes, rivers, estuaries, (natural capital) wetlands the Aldy Hrubovcak and Vasavada 1998. From an economic point of view, this definition

33、 of sustainability, need a combination of the appropriate number of artificially produced and natural capital for social investment to ensure that the market and non-market goods and services. This includes not only the different types of capital, direct investment, and investment in technical resea

34、rch and development (R & D), can increase the production of goods and services at lower cost.Differences of opinion, regardless of the actual performance of many economies or economic sustainable development are consistent with this goal. For example, in The Limits to Growth, the current generation

35、(previous generations) human non-renewable natural resources such as oil and coal use increased by a fixed pressure of the land base to the future generations a bleak prospect, Meadows, and others 1972. Specifically, this study: If current growth trends of the worlds population, industrialization, p

36、ollution, food production and resource depletion continue to remain the same on Earth with the present growth rate reached its limit in the next one hundred years. Simon, Weinrauch and Moore (1994) provides a view on the availability of natural resources contrast. They believe that the measures of r

37、esource scarcity prices, the highest price of resources are most scarce. Assessment of price trends on the basis of non-renewable natural resources, the real key (adjusted for inflation), they concluded that these prices show a downward trend, the people cast doubt on the conclusions reached in The

38、Limits to Growth. Similarly, the Nordhaus (1992), the real resource price data did not show a major turning point of scarcity.Recently, in a broader concept of carrying capacity of the environment has been added to the list of issues of sustainable development. The carrying capacity is the biologica

39、l limit the ability to support human activities in the environment. For example, the service environment provides many of the renewable or renewable, but if the usage exceeds the rate of natural regeneration may be depleted due to excessive use. In fact, represents the ultimate bearing capacity of t

40、he dependence of society caused by the growth (above) to use non-renewable and renewable resources. Some people believe that the Earths ability to fulfill the population may be hindered. For example, Pimentel, and Giampietro (1994), unsustainable agricultural productivity given land, water and energ

41、y resources, the current attrition rate in the United States. In addition, in at least 23 other countries, including New York, Pennsylvania, Florida agricultural areas of groundwater and the corn belt, the surface detection of nitrates and pesticides (National Research Council, 1989). This finding h

42、elp on the current before they seep into groundwater and surface water as a buffer and absorb fertilizer and pesticide mode of agricultural production is beyond the capacity of the environment, agricultural production practices concern.This respect the differences of opinion to be considered for the

43、 economies of the economy, and the actual performance requirements of the sustainable shape, in large part is on the substitutability of the differences between the present and future view. For example, Christensen (1989) that, in most cases, man-made and natural capital can not replace each other.

44、In other words, increase the yield of man-made and natural capital. Along this line of reasoning, Daly (1990), the requirements of sustainable development: (1) renewable resources (eg, fish, trees) and regeneration rate does not exceed the harvest rate, (2) (such as coal, gas, oil) non-renewable res

45、ources, the price does not exceed the pace of development of renewable alternatives, (3) contamination rate does not exceed the absorptive capacity of the environment.The Solow (1992), it is possible to keep every type of capital and sustainable developments in the man-made and natural capital are a

46、llowed to replace each other the weaker definition. In this definition of sustainability, traditional measures of income can be extended to consider the environmental goods and services as well as changes in the stock of natural capital. Weitzman, 1997, this expanded income measures can be considere

47、d as indicators of sustainable development. Due to man-made and natural capital are allowed to replace each other, the only requirement is that of sustainable development, the overall capital stock, rather than each type of capital will not reduce over time.Second, a more sustainable agriculture, fo

48、r exampleIn order to assess the sustainable development of U.S. agriculture, we have the following trend of the indicators: agricultural productivity, soil erosion, the amount of groundwater, surface water quality, and groundwater quality and wetland conversion rates. These people can think of agricultural productivity, soil erosion, groundwater availability as there is some overlap between the ability to provide food for our present and future generations on behalf of service indicators. The quality of surface w


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