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1、职场大变样社区():下载毕业设计成品全套资料,全部50元以下毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班 级: 学号: 姓 名: 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师: 2014年6月JSP TechnologyLevel: IntroductoryBrett D. McLaughlin, Sr. (brettnewI), Author and Editor, OReillyAn old Java technology hand and new Enhydra partisan, the author urges developers to consider alternatives to JavaServer

2、 Pages (JSP) servlets when choosing an approach to coding Web applications. JSP technology, part of Suns J2EE platform and programming model, serves as a solution to the common dilemma of how to turn drab content into a visually appealing presentation layer. The fact is, Web developers arent uniform

3、ly happy with JSP technology. Since many variations on the Sun technology are now available, you can choose from a number of presentation technologies. This article takes an in-depth look at JSP coding and explores some attractive alternatives.Presentation technology was designed to transform plain

4、ol raw Web content into content wrapped in an attractive presentation layer. JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, Suns presentation model and part of the J2EE platform, has received significant attention. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using JSP technology, and Web developers should be

5、 aware of the good and the bad - and know that they dont have to be limited to this single technology. In fact, these days a number of presentation technologies are available. This article begins by defining the problems presentation technologies were designed to solve. It then examines the specific

6、 strengths and weaknesses of the JSP model. Finally, it introduces some viable alternatives to Suns presentation technology.The premiseToday, a decade beyond those fledgling Windows applications, we are still dealing with this huge shift in the presentation paradigm. The woeful Visual Basic and C pr

7、ogrammers who remain now find themselves working either on back-end systems or Windows-only applications, or they have added a Web-capable language such as the Java language to their toolbox. An application that doesnt support at least three of four ML-isms - such as HTML, XML, and WML - is consider

8、ed shabby, if not an outright failure. And, of course, that means we all care very deeply about the ability to easily develop a Web presentation layer.As it turns out, using the new Internet, and all the languages we have at our disposal - Java, C, Perl, Pascal, and Ada, among others - hasnt been as

9、 easy as we might have hoped. A number of issues creep up when it comes to taking the programming languages everyone used for back-end systems and leveraging them to generate markup language suitable for a client. With the arrival of more options on the browser (DHTML and JavaScript coding, for exam

10、ple), the increase in graphic artist talent in the Web domain, and tools that could create complex interfaces using standard HTML, the demand for fancy user interfaces has grown faster than our ability to develop these front ends to our applications. And this has given rise to presentation technolog

11、y.Presentation technology was designed to perform a single task: convert content, namely data without display details, into presentation - meaning the various user interfaces you see on your phone, PalmPilot, or Web browser. What are the problems that these presentation technologies claimed to solve

12、? Lets take a look.A bit of historyBefore diving into an explanation of presentation technology, its helpful to fill in some details on the situation that led to the birth of the technology. Just 10 short years ago, the term thin client was a novelty. We still lived in a world of desktop application

13、s, powered by wimpy 286 microprocessors with 14-inch monitors that we squinted at. Boy, have times changed! Now my desktop does nothing but power a Web browser, while servers from Sun, IBM, HP, Compaq, and the rest churn out computations, business logic, and content. And that little monitor? Replace

14、d by flat-screen, plasma, whopping 21- and 25-inch beauties. Why? So we can see the intricate and complex HTML displays that serve as a front-end to these powerful applications. No longer does a clunky interface suffice; now we expect flashy graphics, moving images, color-coordinated presentations t

15、hat would look good in any room in the house, and speedy rendering to boot.The promise of JSP technologyNow, on to the specifics of JSP coding. The promise of JSP technology is to supply the designer and developer the only presentation technology they will ever need. JSP technology is part of the J2

16、EE platform, which is the strongest show of support Sun can give one of its Java products. To give you an idea of how prevalent this solution is, try running a search on JSP at ; youll find more books devoted to JSP technology than about almost any other single Java API. Before I dive into the speci

17、fic problems that JSP technology presents, you need a clear understanding of what it claims to do.The problemsIve spelled out what a good presentation technology should provide, as well as the specific problems that JSP technology seeks to address. Now, Im ready to cut to the chase: JSP technology,

18、while built on good ideas, presents quite a few problems. Before you choose to use JSP coding in your applications (which you might still do), you should at least be aware of possible pitfalls.You should also be aware of a facet of the J2EE programming platform that is often ignored: just because an

19、 API comes with the platform doesnt mean you have to use it. As silly as this sounds, many developers are struggling with the JSP, or EJB, or JMS APIs, thinking if they dont use these APIs, their applications somehow wont really be J2EE applications. In fact, the platform boasts more APIs than most

20、applications need. If you have problems with or doubts about JSP technology, you dont have to use it! Take a close look at both the positives and the negatives before choosing to use JSP technology in your applications. Lets take a look at some of the negatives.SummaryI hope that I have opened your

21、eyes a bit about the advantages and disadvantages of JSP technology and that now you can look at JSP coding as one alternative among many presentation technologies. At this point, you might also be a bit skeptical about the entire J2EE programming model. If youre convinced to further investigate the

22、 platform options, look for alternatives to JSP coding in Apache Cocoon, Enhydra, and the various templating engines.Finally, keep in mind that, despite all appearances to the contrary, this article isnt about recommending you use JSP or that you avoid it. I do intend to encourage you to peel back t

23、he layers of any technology to make sure its right for you. Programming models are like examples; sometimes they make sense, and sometimes they dont. Look around, find out what works best for you, and make the informed decision, rather than the quick one.Have fun, and see you on the Web!JSP技术作为一名 Ja

24、va 技术老手和新的 Enhydra 拥护者,作者力劝开发人员在选择设计 Web 应用程序的途径时,考虑一下 JavaServer Pages (JSP) servlet 以外的其他方法。实际上,Web 开发人员也并非一致对 JSP 技术表示满意。既然现在有 Sun 技术的多种变体可以使用,所以您就可以在许多表示技术之间进行选择。本文深入探讨 JSP 编码,并探究几个有吸引力的替代方法。表示技术设计用来将平淡的拉丁文原始 Web内容转化为包装在有吸引力的表示层中的内容。JavaServer Pages (JSP)技术,作为 Sun 公司的表示模型和 J2EE平台的一部分,受到了极大关注。使用

25、JSP 技术有利有弊,Web开发人员应知晓这些利弊 -懂得他们不必拘泥于这一技术。实际上,近来出现了许多表示技术。本文以表示技术所要解决的问题为开端,然后考察JSP 模型的特有优势和弱点。最后,介绍几个可以代替 Sun的表示技术的可行方案。前提 十年后的今天,作为雏形的 Windows应用程序已经成为历史,我们仍面临着表示方法上的巨大转变。悲惨的Visual Basic 和 C 程序员发现,他们现在只能编写后端系统或仅用于Windows 的应用程序,或者已在自己的工具箱中添加了能提供 Web功能的语言,例如 Java 语言。不支持四分之三以上 ML 语言(如HTML、XML 和WML)的应用程

26、序即使不被认为是完全失败的,也会被认为是很低劣的。当然,这说明我们都很注重很容易地开发Web 表示层的能力。结果是,使用新的因特网,以及我们熟悉的所有语言(Java、C、Perl、Pascal、Ada以及其他语言)都不像我们所希望的那么容易。当将每个人都使用的编程语言用于后端程序并生成适用于客户机的标记语言时,会出现大量的问题。随着浏览器提供更多的选项(例如DHTML 和 JavaScript 编码)、Web领域图形艺术人才的增加、以及能够使用标准 HTML生成复杂界面的工具的出现,对别具一格的用户界面的需求比我们开发这些应用程序前端的能力增长得还要快。这就导致了表示技术的兴起。 表示技术设计

27、用来执行一项任务:将内容(即不带显示详细信息的数据)转换为表示- 即您在电话、掌上电脑或 Web浏览器中看到的各种用户界面。这些表示技术声称能够解决哪些问题?让我们来看一下。历史点滴表示技术之前,介绍一些导致此技术产生的详细背景资料很有帮助。仅仅在10年前,瘦客户机还是一个很新的术语。那时我们还生活在台式机应用程序的世界中,使用低级的286 微处理器,眯着眼睛看 14英寸的显示器。但是现在时代不同了,朋友!现在,我的台式机除了运行Web 浏览器之外什么也不干。我们使用 Sun、IBM、HP、Compaq和其他公司的服务器来运行计算、业务逻辑和内容。那个小显示器呢?它已被又大又漂亮的21 英寸和

28、 25英寸等离子体平面显示器所取代。为什么呢?因为这样我们就可以观看错综复杂的HTML 显示,而这些 HTML显示是强大的应用程序的前端。单调沉闷的界面已不能满足要求;现在,我们希望看到华丽的图形、移动的图像、色彩协调的表示,不管哪个房间看上去都那么漂亮,并且能够快速显示出来。 编写与修改 除了将内容和表示分离开来以外,衡量表示技术是否有用的另外一个因素则是它所免除的修改工作量。表示和内容的分离加大了内容开发人员的角色差别。程序员可将注意力集中在前面示例中的原始内容上,图形艺术家或网站管理员则可将精力放在表示上。但是,在把艺术家设计的表示或标记取出并加入到程序员编制的内容中时,还会出现一些角色

29、交迭。 在最简单的情况下,艺术家提供标记,开发人员提供代码并将标记插入表示技术中。然后,应用程序“启动”,内容会魔术般地变成一个用户界面。当然,我们都知道,开发工作通常不会仅止于此。下一步是修订和更改界面,并编制新的业务规则,这正是检验表示技术灵活性的地方。虽然更新输入到表示层中的原始数据通常并不难,但是图形艺术家就很难对他们的原始作品进行编辑。对表示层的更改是很常见的(我们都饱受过市场部门改这改那之苦)。所以,现在出现了这样一个问题:设计人员应该从何处入手来更改他们的工作?是修改他们交给开发人员的原始标记语言页吗?可能不是。因为最可能的是,此页很可能已插入定制标记或代码(JSP页、模板引擎)

30、、转化为 Java servlet、或者已变得面目全非了。通常,设计人员必须在原始页上进行修改,并再次把此页交给开发人员。开发人员必须把此页再次转化为表示技术所使用的特定格式。否则,设计人员就必须学会一种脚本语言,或至少懂得此页中的哪些源代码区域是禁止入内的。当然,这是一种容易出错的、非常危险的方法。一旦您确定下来以一种表示技术支持内容和表示之间的明确分离,您就应确保改变表示所需的修改工作量限定在最小。JSP 技术的承诺 现在,我们来讨论 JSP 编码的具体内容。JSP技术承诺为设计人员和开发人员提供他们所需的最合适的表示技术。JSP技术是 J2EE 平台的一部分,显示了 Sun 公司所能给予

31、 Java产品的最强大支持。为了使您对此解决方案的流行程度有一个概念,您可以试着在 上搜索一下“JSP”,您会发现,论述 JSP的书籍比论述其他任何一种 Java API 的书籍都要多。在我深入讨论 JSP技术存在的特定问题之前,您需要对它承诺的功能有一个清楚的了解。大部分用过程语言比如ASP、PHP开发出来的Web应用,初始的开发模板就是混合层的数据编程。例如,直接向数据库发送请求并用HTML显示,开发速度往往比较快,但由于数据页面的分离不是很直接,因而很难体现出业务模型的样子或者模型的重用性。产品设计弹性力度很小,很难满足用户的变化性需求。MVC要求对应用分层,虽然要花费额外的工作,但产品

32、的结构清晰,产品的应用通过模型可以得到更好地体现。首先,最重要的是应该有多个视图对应一个模型的能力。在目前用户需求的快速变化下,可能有多种方式访问应用的要求。例如,订单模型可能有本系统的订单,也有网上订单,或者其他系统的订单,但对于订单的处理都是一样,也就是说订单的处理是一致的。按MVC设计模式,一个订单模型以及多个视图即可解决问题。这样减少了代码的复制,即减少了代码的维护量,一旦模型发生改变,也易于维护。 一些思考我做了一个良好的展示技术,以及应提供JSP技术的具体问题,寻求解决。现在,我已经准备好了切入正题:JSP技术,而建立在良好的思路,提出了不少问题。在你的应用程序(你可能还在做),你

33、选择使用JSP编码之前,你至少应该知道可能存在的缺陷。因为API都带有这个平台并不意味着你必须使用它,你也应该知道J2EE编程平台往往被忽视的一个方面。这听起来愚蠢,许多开发商都在努力与JSP,EJB,或JMS API的思维,如果他们不使用这些API,他们的应用程序以某种方式不会真的是“J2EE应用程序。”事实上,该平台拥有比大多数应用程序需要更多的API。如果你有问题或怀疑JSP技术,你不必使用它!仔细看看双方的正面和负面,然后选择在你的应用程序中使用JSP技术。小结 我希望我为您拓宽了一些眼界,使您看到了 JSP技术的优缺点。现在,您可以把 JSP编程看成是多种表示技术中的一种可选技术。在这一点上,您可能对整体的J2EE编程模型有所怀疑。现在您也许希望更进一步研究此平台的替代方案,并在Apache Cocoon、Enhydra 和多种模板中选择替代 JSP 编码的方案。 最后,应该记住的是,尽管本文似乎提出了反对意见,但并没有建议您使用或不使用JSP。我鼓励您深入到任何技术的深层探究它是否符合您的要求。编程模型就像是例子,有时行得通,有时行不通。三思而后行,找到最适合您的方案再做决定,这总比草率做决定要好。玩得开心!


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