How to Improve Students’ Oral English如何提高学生英语口语.doc

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1、如何提高学生英语口语How to Improve Students Oral English 摘 要本文对解决大多数学生的英语口语问题的研究课题,结合本人在英语教学中的实践过程,给出了详细的实验报告。本文的假设是:作为一个将要毕业的英语系的学生,如何提高你的英语口语水平和应试能力。专门设计的四个星期的课堂教学实践活动证实了这个假设。在实验过程中使用了因材施教和因生施教等理论方法验证了这个假设。 关键词:词汇;兴趣;方法;口语AbstractThe present study presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve

2、 the problem that students oral English. It is hypothesized that how to improve . This hypothesis is verified by a four-week practice of classroom teaching with the specially designed oral exercise activities.Among the methods of scientific investigation used are listening talking and reading.Key wo

3、rds: vocabulary, interest, methods, oral English ContentsAcknowledgment.IAbstract (in Chinese).IIAbstract (in English).IIIContents.IV1. Introduction.12. Problem.13. Problem analysis.23.1 Analytical method.23.2 Questionnaire.33.3 Brainstorming.44. Project objective.55. Project hypothesis.56. Project

4、rationale.67. Project design.87.1 Description of subjects.87.2 The principles adopted.97.3 Teaching plan.108. Project implementation.129. Data analysis.1410. Project evaluation.1511. Conclusion.16References.17Appendix A.18How to Improve Students Oral English1.IntroductionI am an English teacher in S

5、hiyan Middle School.Now I teach Grade Nine. We all know that oral English is very important, but most students oral English is very poor. At the beginning of my teaching practice, I realized this one. I told my students the importance of oral English and let them to take an active part in oral work.

6、 However, their interest in speaking English does not seem to be improved. I hope I can find solution to the problem through action research and my students can also benefit from the project.2. Problem The Problem in my teaching is that how to improve students oral English .3.Problem analysisWhy the

7、 students oral English is very poor. I think that there are four reasons. Firstly, some students didnt think the oral practice is useful to their grammar-oriented exam. Secondly, some students particularly those who did not do well in the traditional grammar-oriented written exam lacked self-confide

8、nce in oral work. They thought that the oral class was only the showing-time for the “top-students.” Thirdly, some students were afraid of being laughed by others because of their poor pronunciation and performance. Fourthly, some students wanted to say, but they didnt know how to get start and what

9、 to say.3.1 Analytical method : talking to your god friends .3.2.Questionnairi: listening to the tape and reading follow it .3.3 Brainstorming: say them as possible as you can .4.Project objectiveMy research objective is to how to improve studentsoral English . 5. Project hypothesis It is hypothesiz

10、ed that how to improve students oral English.6. Project rationale7. Project design7.1 Description of subjects .7.2 The principles adopted 7.3 Teaching plan 8. Project implimentation9Data analysis10Project evaluation11ConclusionReferences:Teaching diaryWeek 1.Date:June 1st, 2007, Friday, Class :5.Tod

11、ay, in my oral English teaching, I found some students arent interested in oral English. I told my students the importance of oral English and let them to take an active prat in oral work. However, their interest in speaking English does not seem to be improved. I hlpe I can find solution to the pro

12、blem through action research and my students can also benefit from the project.Week 2.Date:June 8th, 2007, Tuesday, Class :5.To find out why some students arent interested in the oral practice, I designed a questionnaire, the questions cover a range from the importance and the purpose of the oral pr

13、actice to the roles of the teachers and students. 20 questionnaires were distributed and collected. After processing the results with computer, it is found that is 15% of my students were not interested in oral practice, and 40% of them just felt so so, which formed the base of the project research.

14、Week 3.Date:June 14th, 2007, Thursday, Class :5.In order to implement the research, in the second week, we did a Rote-play Activity to practice direct & indirect speech based on Unit 3: Students worked in groups. Each group formed by student A, B, and C. Student A and B requested each other to do so

15、mething. Student C was not clear about what they say, so student C asked A and B to retell what their partners said in indirect way. Through Role-play Activity. Improved the students interest in oral English practice.Week 4.Date:June 20th, 2007, Wednesday, Class :5.In the fourth week based on the Un

16、it 4: First I provided some information about making an apology and responses to my students. Then I designed some situation, suppose one day you are late for school/ your friends party. How to make an apology to your teach/ your friend? I ask students make a dialogue. The students are interested in

17、 this activity. Therefore, Better oral work desing can really improve students interest in oral English practice. It can improve students ability of speaking in English, too. 教案教学目标:Let students master how to ask the way and give directions教学内容:Where is the Post office?教学重点:Some useful expression教学难

18、点:How to ask the way and give directions?教学方法:The method of scene designing教学过程:Step1. Ask the students to look at the pictures and discuss what they are. Then ask two students to write the correct words on the blackboard.Step2. Ask students some questions:(1). Have you ever got lost?(2). What do yo

19、u do if you lose your way in a foreign city?(3). What can you ask?(4). If a foreigner asks you to tell him the way, what do you say?Step3. Ask students to work in pairs.Step4. Elicit answers from the students and help them with some familiar expressions.(1). Asking the way.a. Excuse me. Could you te

20、ll me the way to?b. Excuse me. How can I get to?c. Excuse me. Where is the nearest?d. Pardon me. Is there near here ?e. Pardon me. Im looking for(2). Giving directionsa. Go straight along this road.b. Turn right/left at the traffic lights.c. Its at the corner of street and Road.d. Its next to/at the

21、 end of /across from/neare. Its on Main Street. Step5. Then ask classmates to make a conversation. One asks how to get to the cinema/post office/ the bank/the bookstore/ the park and so on. And the other gives directions.Step6. Homework: Master some useful expression about how to ask the way and giv

22、e directions.Step7.Blackboard designing: 1. Asking the way 2.Giving directionsa. a.b. b. c. c.Step8. 课后小结: This lesson is very important. Most of the students master how to ask the way and give directions by practicing and their oral English has improved.调查问卷班级-年龄 -性别-1、你喜欢背诵新的语法规则和生词吗? A、喜欢 B、不喜欢 C

23、、比较喜欢2、教师用英语讲课你能听懂吗? A、能 B、不能 C、有时能,有时不能3、你认为口语教学能够提高你的英语笔试成绩吗? A、能 B、不能 C、能,但不大4、你平时是否“开口大声”地读英语? A、通常 B、有时 C、几乎不5、你能听懂别人说英语吗? A、有时 B、几乎不能 C、能6、你认为背课文、句型对练习英语口语重要吗? A、重要 B、不重要 C、有帮助7、你害怕在讲英语时出错误吗? A、有点 B、害怕 C 不介意8、在口语课堂上,你参与的多吗? A、多 B、不太多 C、很少9、你对英语老师的口语课堂设计满意吗? A、满意 B、较满意 C、一般10、你觉得在口语课堂上同学们的精神状态如

24、何? A、好 B、一般 C、不佳11、你认为口语课重要吗? A、重要 B、一般 C、不重要12、你的口语好吗? A、好 B、一般 C、差13、你经常参加英语角吗? A、经常 B、有时 C、很少14、你有和你一起说英语的固定的伙伴吗? A、有 B、没有15、你希望通过口语学习达到什么目的?A、能提高英语交际能力B、能提高笔试考试成绩C、既能提高口语表达能力,又能提高语法笔试成绩调查结果为提高同学们的英语口语水平,也为了更好地指导自己今后的英语口语教学,进一步掌握学生学习英语的情况,即他们在学习英语中听、说的掌握程度及在实际学习中是如何进行听说来提高英语水平的。在我教学实习的前后,对同一个班级的2




28、还是似懂非懂,稀里糊涂,有人虽然笔试会得高分,但需要运用英语时却出现“聋子英语”和“哑巴英语”,听不懂和说不出来的现象。这不能不说是我们实际教学中的一大遗憾,这也说明了在实际教学中还存在许多弊端。所以教师在平时教学中不仅要鼓励学生多开口、勤开口,而且要尽力创设真实、宽松的语言情景,充分发挥学生的主体作用,多创造讲英语的机会。充分调动学生积极参与课堂活动,让学生乐学、善说英语,而且要持之以恒才能取得实质性的进展。 那么,如何提高同学们的英语口语,是摆在我们英语老师面前的一个课题。作为一个将要毕业的英语系的学生,带着这个问题,我进行了为期四周的教学实习。通过教学实践以及对同学们的问卷调查,使我对上






34、,科学地设计口语教学,有效地组织课堂口语活动,善待同学们的错误,多鼓励学生开口,同时,在课下组建英语角和英语口语兴趣小组,激发学生的口语学习兴趣,多加练习,切实提高学生的英语口语能力。因此,教师在实施因材施教的同时,也要因“生”施教,即不忘考虑根据学生的不同情况、不同问题,采取相应的教学措施,确实做到教学相长,有效地提高教学效率和学生的口语水平。学生签名 薛 凯 教师签名 孔 磊 永城电大英语专业教学实践设计开题报告学生姓名薛凯学号051370065方向英语教育指教师孔磊职称工作单位永城电大教学实践设计题目How to Improve Students Oral English如何提高学生的口

35、语一、选题的目的、意义和必要性:目的:指导自己的口语教学,提高学生的英语口语,进而提高学生的英语成绩。意义:探索一条实用的、有效的提高学生英语口语的方法,并通过口语训练达到师生共同提高。必要性:现在,有些学生只重视以英语语法为主的英语学习,而忽视了英语口语的学习,对英语口语不感兴趣,英语作为一门语言,学生不能用它进行交流。二、研究的重点与过程设计研究的重点:如何通过口语训练教学,提高同学们的英语口语过程设计:第一步 让学生对英语口语加强练习 第二步 通过好的课堂设计,提高同学们的学习英语的口语兴趣,进而提高同学们的英语口语。 第三步:通过口语互动课堂,提高同学们的英语口语。三、研究方法 通过问卷调查,与学生坐谈,分析课堂效果等方法,从提高同学们学习英语口语的兴趣入手,根据教学内容,为学生设计好会话的环境。四、预期结果 同学们学习英语的兴趣、英语口语水平、英语交际能力会有所提高,使80%的学生重视翱语口语教学,喜欢口语课。指导教师审定意见 签名: 孔 磊 2008 年 3 月 18 日


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