《绯闻女孩 第一季 0506集(Gossip.Girl.S01E0506)》英中字幕.doc

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1、目 录第5集2第6集25第5集if you want to bepartof this world, jenny,you need to decideif all this.is worth it.Look, if youre ready toleave,you tell us, okay?No matter what mom says.I would really liketo get out of here.I did this.My mom kinda left usa couple months ago.my dad and my sisterdontreally see that.I

2、 dated a girl like serena once.Your wife would not wantthishanging in my house.She doesnt do background checksonprospective buyers, and neither do I.Besides, its been almost 20 years.And you stilldont know women.Hey, how aboutyou ask me out again?How aboutyou actually show up?Okay.No drama,no disrup

3、tions, I promise.Promise?Oh, no!That meansitsnever gonna happen now.Okay, quick.I take it back.I unpromise.friday.8:00.Gossip GirlSeason1 Episode05With blairs boyfriend nate helping toclose up the family yacht for the season,blair is free to focus on themost important event of the fall-her annual sl

4、eepover,a tradition since the year 2000,each one more decadent than the last.No expense or reputation is spared.With everything from trundlebeds to truffles in place,all thats missing is sleepoverstar and waldorf B.F.F.Serena Van Der WoodsenSerena van der woodsen.hey, dad.Im headed to the bank.You w

5、ant me to deposit the checkfrom moms sale while Im there?Did you knock over a parking meter?No, this is the entire contents from myteenage mutant ninja turtle piggy bank.How long can a man have a piggybank and still call himself a man?I th-I thought it was timeto break donatello open.So tonights the

6、 big night, huh?It is, and I have it all planned.6 pounds of plan, actually.I know its been a whilesince I took someone on a date,but, uh, movie ticket priceshavent risen that much, have they?Dad, this is serena van der woodsen.I cant just take her to a movie.I want this to be perfect.check?Want me

7、to deposit it?you still haventtold her yet, have you?Dad, thats mom first sale.That painting sold days ago.Its kind of a huge deal.I know, which is why I wasthinking of surprising her myself,heading upstate to hudson,bringing her the check in person.What?Arent I supposed todeliver good news in perso

8、n?I think thats bad news.Good news might just befine with a phone call.So youre saying I shouldnt go see her?Im saying, I dont think momis a huge fan of surprises.Your remember her, uh, 30th birthdaywith the clown and his llama?Yeah, that didnT.didnt go over well.- It tanked.- Yeah.Ill call her firs

9、t, just to be safe.Need some change for that?hey!Just the little sisterI was looking for.I need answers, and I need them now.Your brother is being verymysterious about our date tonight.Well, hes a verymysterious guy, apparently.look, he wont even tellme where were going.Can you just give me a hint?A

10、re we going to some secret club tosee the best unsigned band in brooklyn?Or-or a guerillaart exhibit in dumbo?Or, hey, isnt the new yorkfilm festival still going on?You dont leave muchroom for surprise, do you?Well, I dont know howto dress for surprise.Not everything goes with it, you know.Well, Id

11、say jeans anda t-shirt is a safe bet.The humphrey men docasual friday every day.oh, its my brother.Oh, I say hi.Eric, hey, jenny says hi.Well, hi back.Did she spill about tonight?No, not a drop.You all packed?Yeah, baggage is ready to go.Hey, speaking of which,is mom still there?Yeah, shes talking t

12、o the doctor now.I cant believe shes actuallyletting me come home for a weekend.I dont think I evenremember what a weekend is.What times your date?Maybewell cross paths at the palace.7:00.Cant wait to see you.Me, too.Bye.Kay, love you, eric.Bye.What was that I heard?Erics coming home?Perfect timing.

13、How so?Well, it gives your mother andbrother time to bond alone tonightwhile you get drunk on schnapps andmoon the N.Y.U.Dorms from the limo.Blair, what are you talking about?S., Its only the mostimportant night of the fall.Oh, the sleepover.I prefer soiree.Sleepover is so sophomore year.Look, you k

14、now I cant goto that.I have that plan.Serena, when theresa waldorf soiree,theres nothing elseon the social calendar.Blair, the plan is dan.Remember, the guy yourealizedis actually a human beingand worthy of your timeand attention?No offense.None taken.Look, Im really sorry,butthis date is unbreakabl

15、e.Maybe we can swing bylater or something-Im not a stop along the way.Im a destination,andif you refuse to attend,Im gonna have to finda replacement.Girls, the waiting list.Okay.Well, uh,I should get going.- Bye.- Good luck tonight.Thank you.Little jenny humphrey.Whydidnt I think of you before?You h

16、ave no plans.Youre coming to the soiree.Me?Really?her?Really?The thing is, if you come,youll have to be up to alittle morethan just sleeping.Im up for anything.My place.- 7:00 sharp.- Okay.Bye.Oh, a girls first sleepover-somethingshell never forget.Lets make sure of it.Taking betson how long she las

17、ts?50 bucks say an hourandnot 1 minute more.I dont understand.He said I was ready.We talked about it inour session this morning.What he said is that you couldcome home, not that you should.But, mom,I thought-I dont wanna argue about this.I need time to think.Please.Look, I told the doctor Iwouldtake

18、 it under advisement.You cant justwalk out of here anyway.Theres papersthat have to besigned, release forms, insurance-I cant believe you.You wantto keep me here forever.If you still thinkImkeeping you here,that just proves how notreadyyou are to come home.look, well talkabout this tomorrow.Yeah.Yea

19、h, you bet we will.- hey.- Hey.Hey, uh,am I early or.no.No, I, uh,Im just running late.Come in.excuse me while I go slipinto somethingless comfortablesure, sure.talk to me while I change?- I will.- Okay.Say, its a nice placethat you and.800 other peoplehave got here.Yeah, the, uh,identical surroundi

20、ngsdo make you crazyafter a little while.Sometimes I feel like Im ina secretgovernment experiment.Most government experiments donthave plasma tvsor maid services.Just something Ive noticed.Dandan.Does serena know youre here?Yeah, of course.Yeah, she let me in.At least,I hope that was her.Shes about,

21、 uh,yeatall and very blonde?It makes jokes.Cute.Big shopping day?I had a lot on my mind.So where are youtakingmy daughter tonight?I.I dont know.I thought maybe wed do a walkingtourof new york underground,visit my friendsthe mole people.Theyre great, excepttheyonly ever eat leftovers.Im sorry.I dont

22、knowwhyI just said any of that.I have-I have this thing,this nervoustic where I never stop speaking,like, ever.In fact, when I wasa little boy,my mom used to say there was nevera word I metthat I didnt like.You know what else I like?Your daughter.I-I really like your daughter.I.Youre not wearingthat

23、with that, are you?Uh, mom.here.Wait.take this.Oh, thank you.Hey, um, wheres eric?I thoughthe was gonna be home by now.Oh, he was too tiredto come home tonight.Mom.Later.Come on.Lets go.Home by 1:00.Bonus points for 12:45.Oh, my god, a vespa!I cant believe it!I love vespas!oh, my gosh.You dont under

24、stand.I spent one of my favoritesummersriding all around italy on one of these.How did you know?My mom wont let melearn to drive causeshe saysthats what drivers are for,but really, dan,this is amazing.Really.Come on.Where are the helmets?mr.Humphrey.- Is he-is heours? - Yeah.Okay, great.Spotted on t

25、hesteps of the palace-cinderella stepping onto apumpkin instead of her carriage.Lucky for lonely boy, theres morethan one fable filling our in-box.its not bad.I will take thatfor you, yes?Jenny!jenny!Oh, Im so gladyou could make it.Heres an inside tip, little J.- The faster you rise, the harder you

26、fall.Hope that hello kitty sleepingbag doubles as a parachute.Let the games begin.hows the braised quail?Very good, sir.Okay.And the, uh, the lay-pin?Lah-pan.Its delightful.Okay, what is that again?Rabbit, sir.Oh, well,I wont be having that.Um, how about chicken?You cant go wrong with chicken.- Yes,

27、 sir.- Thank you.Miss?Uh, Ill havethe lobsterbisque and muscovy duck, please.Thank you.Merci, mademoiselle.I cant believethe waiter forgotme.I was-I was just here.the other day.Yeah,I come here for the crowd.You wanna playmistress or second wife?Because its harderthanit looks.Believe me.So is her fa

28、ce.Uh, will you excuse me?I, uh.Im gonna go to therestroomto freshen up a little.Yeah, of course, of course.I think thebathrooms are-uh, dont worry.Ill find them.Oh, excuse me, sir.Uh, how much is thatduckshe just ordered?$78, sir.Okay, right.Thank you.Um, you know what?Can you just cancelmy main di

29、sh, andIll just have the appetizer as the main?- Of course, sir.- Thank you.Thank you.Merci.too beyonc?too mary-kate.uh-huh too hannah montana.Even Im impressed.Um, I dont know.I mean, dont really.feel right.Well, as my mother alwayssays,fashion knows not of comfort. All that mattersis theface you s

30、how the world,and your face looks likeitsgoing to a bat mitzvah.But before we continuethe renovation.martini.Oh, no, thanks.I dont like vodka.Oh, thats nice,becausethis is gin, as it should be.its a party, jenny.Either swallow that or swipeyourmetrocard back home.Its up to you.all right, people.Whos

31、 readyfora game of truth or dare?Oh, I love truth or dare. Once I had to eatanentire bag of marshmallows.Thats nice, little humphrey,but,um, thats not how we play.Well, how do you play?I think Ill go truth.hello?Hello?what am I, a teenager?9 2.9, 2.hello?Yeah, hey,I must have the wrong number.Did yo

32、u just calla second ago?Sorry about that, but I-Impretty surethis is the right number.Who are youtrying to reach?Is alison humphrey there?Hold on a second.She justgot out of the shower.Whos calling?Rufus HumphreyRufus humphrey.Who is this?Alexander bancroft,uh, just her-just.Im-Ima friend.So am I, i

33、t seems.Im here.Im here.Hello?thank you.are you sure you didntwantany of my dinner?You entr was so small.No, no, no, no.It was amazing.I didnt realize,uh,fish could be creamed.Would you like to seethe dessert menu?Oh, no, thank you.I think were fine.- Sure you dont want dessert?- Yeah.Okay, well, th

34、en welljustget the check, please.Uh, actually I alreadytookcare of that earlier.What?Yeah, I-I just chargediton my moms card.Its-its not a bigdeal.Dont worry about it.You know, I can pay.Its notlike I dont have the money.Yeah, Im-Imsure you do.You just shouldnt haveto spend it here.I dont understand

35、.Did I do something wrong?No.Look,I wanted a date with you, justnot the dateyou thought I wanted.Its-itsfine.All right, all right.Well, then.if its a real danhumphrey datethat you want,then itsa real dan humphreydate that youre gonna get.- Lets go.- Really?Yes.Mademoiselle.Spotted fleeing dessert- S

36、.And lonelyboy lighter than air and heading downtown.it wasnt easy gettingtheentire uniform, but.done and done.Whats the doorman wearing?Dont you worry about that,little J.Just drink up.Youre lagging behind.oh, my phone.S.O.S.Still in prison. is thateric van der woodsen?I thought he went home for th

37、e weekend.Guess it didnt happen.Is, why dont you takethe girls to visconti?meet you there in an hour?Lets ramp this up,shall we?Truth or dare?Oh, and you already usedyour truth.So.dare?I dare youto jailbreak eric.- Blair- Blair.- Its perfect.You want in,and he wants out.Whats it gonna be?Do or die,

38、little J.?Spotlight on little j, nowput to the test by one queen B.Will J.Take the bait andturn from brady to britney,or will her goody two-shoes mind-setturn into the nights biggest buzz kill?Lets do it.Surprise.Jenny, hey.Wh-what are youdoing jenny, hey.Your S.O.S.Was heard and answered.Come on,we

39、re breaking you out. Wait, how.wait, what do you mean we?Okay, I have a problem.I have a big problem.It starts with a capital rx.what drugshave you been taking?Mm, caffeine, nicotine, ketamine,G.H.B., P.C.P., L.S.D.,Di-dri-diazepam, lorazepam.All the pams, really.You know,I dont discriminate.Apparen

40、tly not.Code yellow, floor six.Why dont you waitright here?Ill get a doctor.And Id love a cappuccino.Come on, lets go.I heard you were bored,and figured I owed you one.Yeah, try 50.Okay, come on.Get a move on.Come on.hello?What?How did this happen?Wh- he waswith who?Young, blonde and beautiful.Yep,

41、thats his sister.Ill find them.Thank you.ah, of course.And another one.Sorry, joe.Thats game.Uh, thats 75 bucks.I think that pays for your duck.That it does.Thank you.So what now?You play me.You?Yeah, unless youre afraid to lose.I think the only thing being lostin this game would be your dignity.- O

42、h, really?- Yes.- You think so?- I think so.Well, then rack emup.Ill buy us a soundtrack.this better not be my wife.Rufus, do you alwaysanswerthe phone like that?Lily?Lily?Listen, I need yoursons cellphone number.Its an emergency.A real emergencyor a lily emergency?- Eric is missing.- Missing?- From where?- From.his-hisroom here.


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