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1、(交际用语120题)1.A: What a surprise! You changed your hairstyle.B: Yes, and another surprise. Im going to get married next Saturday.A: _B. Really? Congratulations!2.Ashley: Excuse me. Is this table taken? Michael:C. Yeah. Im saving these seats for friends.3.Amanda: I know youre busy, but you have to put

2、some time aside to play with your kids. Matthew: _A. I should. But I have too much work to do these days.4. Are you ready to order dessert, please? _D. Yes, Id like to have some chocolate cake.5.Amy: Hi, Tony. How did your experiment go yesterday? Tony: _C. Well, it wasnt as easy as I had thought. 6

3、.Bob: Why didnt you make an appointment to see the doctor last week when you first twisted your ankle? Carrie: _B. The injury didnt seem serious then.7.Can I borrow your camera for a week?_A. Sure, here you are 8. Can I help you with your luggage?_.A. Thank you. I can manage it myself 9.Connie: Its

4、late. I have to say goodbye.Mrs. White:D. Hope you had a good time. See you tomorrow.10. Can you go out with us for dinner this evening?B. Thanks a lot but Im busy tonight.11. Can you turn down the radio, please? _B. Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud12. Can I have a look at your passport?_.

5、 C. Here you are 13. Could I speak to John Harris, please? _D. Speaking14.Customer: Why is it so hard to get fast service in this store?Waiter: _C. Im really sorry about that.15.- Can I help you, sir?- _. Whats the airfare to Tokyo?- Tokyo? Let me see Five hundred and twenty pounds.A. Yes, please16.

6、Christopher: When will you be through with your work, John? John: _D. Not known yet.17.Customer: _ if youd serve me as soon as possible as Ive got an appointment at two fifteen. Waiter: Ill do my best, Madam.D. Id be most grateful18.Do you mind telling me where youre from? D. Certainly not. Im from

7、London.19.Did Tom tell you to water the flowers? _ D. He did. And so do I20. Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon? _.B. OK, but what for?21.- Do you like my new jacket?- _. It goes beautifully with your hat.C. Yes, I like it very much22.Dont forget to come to my birthday party

8、tomorrow. _.B. I wont 23. -Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?_D. I believe not24. Excuse me. I dont want to interrupt you but _C. Its quite all right. 25.Guest: Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower?Clerk: We havent any rooms with a shower fr

9、ee now, but theres a bathroom available on each floor.Guest: _.D. All right. Thatll do.26.George: Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Li.Mrs. Li: _B. Im glad you enjoyed it.27.Guest: Oh, its ten oclock. Id better go now. Host: C. Wont you stay for another cup of coffee?28. Good morning,

10、Dr Johnsons office. Can I help you?B. Id like to make an appointment, please.29. Good morning, sir. May I help you?_C. Yes, I need some sugar. 30.Grandpa: Robbie, well go fishing soon, and well take your dad with us. Grandson: Im ready, Grandpa. _ A. You name the day 31. _ have dinner with me this e

11、vening?Yes. Its very kind of you.A. Would you like to 32. Havent seen you for ages. _Ive been in California for the past month. D. Where did you hide?33. Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines?_ .A. Yes, can I help you? 34. Hi, is Mary there, please? _.A. Hold on. Ill get her 35. Hurry up please, or Ill b

12、e late. _.A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now 36.Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?_.C. Sorry, he is busy at the moment 37. Hows the young man? _C. Hes much better. 38- Hello, sir. _ C. What can I do for you?- Hi. Uh, I have this cassette player here that I bought about six months ago.

13、It just ruined four of my favorite tapes.39.- Have you found anything wrong with my stomach?- _. Ill let you know the result next week.A. Not yet, Im still examining40.- Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening?- _. Ill find out.B. Hold the line, please41.I was worried abo

14、ut chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! B. Congratulations! Thats a difficult course.42.Id like to book a flight to Shanghai, please._.C. Yes, sir, single or return? 43. - Im afraid Susans question made you angry.- _. If I had been angry, I would have refused to answer.C. Dont worry44.Im afraid Iv

15、e got a terrible flu._.C. Better go and see a doctor.45.Its cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door?_C. Of course not 46.Im going to America for a holiday next week._.D. Thats great47.- Is this table taken?- No. _.- Thanks a lot.A. Go ahead, sit down48.- Its already ten. Were going to miss the

16、 train!- _. It leaves in about an hour. Weve got plenty of time.C. Relax49. - Is that what you are going to do, Stack? Transfer to New York? B. Im not really sure- _. My wifes not happy about the idea. She has her own job and all of her friends are here.50.- Its really a problem. My husband likes In

17、dian food and Mexican food. _. Actually French food is my favorite. D. But I hate them.- At least you have something in common. You both like Chinese food.51.- I really dont see why football players get such high salaries.- _ C. Neither do I _. After all, how much work do they do? A couple of hours

18、a week at most!52.- I think Ill have ice-cream for dessert. What would you like to have?- The chocolate cake looks delicious to me. _. It would ruin my figure.A. But Id rather skip my dessert.53.Ive got your invitation. Oh, good._ A. Can you come? 54.Is that Mr. Robert Lee?_.A. Yes, Lee speaking 55.

19、 Is _ here? No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.C. everybody 56.I believe weve met somewhere before.No, .C. I dont think so 57.- Is there any way to convince John hes wrong?- Well, _. I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt listen.B. hes likely to be stubborn58.Johnson: How often do you eat fast food?To

20、m: _.A. Every day.59. Jerry: But what happens if it rains? What are we going to do then? Cherry: _A. The plan must be canceled with bad weather.60.- John said he didnt like the film you went to last week. What did you think of it?- _a total waste of time.A. It was boring and unrealistic61.Jack: I he

21、ard you got a full mark in math exams. Congratulations! Mike: _.A. Thanks! Im sure you also did a good job.62.Jane: Carol, you look very well.Carol: Thank you, Jane. You look wonderful too. Your weekend tennis must have done you good. Jane: _.C. You think so? Thats encouraging. 63.- John, Im sorry t

22、o be late. Thank you for waiting.- Oh, _. Ive been here only 5 minutes.C. I dont mind64.Kate: I wonder if you could give me a hand.Jack: _.B. Sure, Id like to.65. Lets go and have a good drink tonight. _ Have you got the first prize in the competition?A. What for? 66.Louise: Do you mind if I play so

23、me music?Gill: _Ive finished writing my assignment.A. Not at all. Go ahead.67.-My radio doesnt work. Can you fix it for me?- _. A piece of cake.B. Sure thing68.Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John? C. Thank you. He is fine.69.May I see the menu, please? Ive been waiting an hour already.

24、 C. Here you are, sir.70.M: _W: If it werent for the climate, Id like it here very much. A. I hope youre enjoying your stay here.71.M: Merry Christmas!W: _C. The same to you! 72.M: Would you cash these travelers checks, please?W: _M: In ten-dollar bills, please.D. How would you like them?73. Mr. Cha

25、irman, could I raise a point about the plan?_.A. Yes, Dr Chosuk 74. My grandmothers taken ill and Ive got to go down to the hospital._.A. Very sorry to hear it. I hope its nothing serious 75.Man: Thats a beautiful dress you have on!Woman: .B. Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday76.- Miami Beach is

26、 beautiful, isnt it?- _. I like the beach very much.A. Yes, terrific77.Mary: Oh, dear! Im starving. I cant walk any farther. Mike: _A. Lets go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat. 78.Must I be home before seven? A. No, you neednt 79. Now, where is my purse? _! Well be late f

27、or the picnic!C. Come on 80. Oh, Im sorry. But I promise Ill be careful next time. _B. Oh, never mind. It doesnt matter81.Oh dear! Ive just broken a window._ ! It cant be helped.B. Never mind82. Please help yourself to the fish._.A. Thanks, but I dont like fish 83.Sorry, I have kept you waiting._A.

28、Thats all right84-Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? A. Id rather stay here if you dont mind 85.Stranger: Excuse me, sir, could you tell me the way to Peoples Square?Passer-by: _B. Sorry, Im a stranger here, too.86.Salesman: _Customer: Yes. What size is that green T-shir

29、t?D. Anything I can do for you?87. Shall I try it on? _.B. Please 88.Speaker A: Well, its getting late. Maybe we could get together sometime.Speaker B: _ A. Sounds good. Ill give you a call 89.Student A: May I use your computer this afternoon?Student B: Im sorry, but I have to finish typing this ter

30、m paper today.Student A:_ . C. Thank you just the same 90.Sarah: Hi! Andrew. Where are you heading? Andrew: _C. Im on my way home from work.91.Sony: I hear you are moving into a new apartment soon? White: _C. Yes, but its more expensive.92.Sam: Are you feeling better now? Bill: _B. Well, not too goo

31、d yet. Better than I was, though.93.Salesgirl: Good morning, Miss. Can I help you? Mary: Yes, Id like half a kilo of oranges, please. Salesgirl: _. Anything else? Mary: No, thank you. C. There you are. 94.Sorry to interrupt, but can you give me another copy of the handout? _.B. Certainly95. Shall we

32、 go skating or stay at home? Which _ do yourself?B.would you rather96. Shall I tell John about it? No, you _. Ive told him already.A. neednt 97. These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much. _.B. You are welcome98. - The lecture given by Sue was absolutely fascinating.- _. I was totally

33、attracted by her.D. I couldnt agree with you more99.Tom: How did you like yesterdays play? Ted: _ A. Generally speaking, it was quite good. 100.Ted: Hi, Christine. _. B. Whats up? Christine: Hi, Ted. I just bought a new camping tent. I cant wait to use it.101.The light in the office is still on. Oh,

34、 I forgot _.C.to turn it off 102.That man alone over therewho is he?_.B. He is Doctor Took103.Would you like a cup of coffee?_C. Yes, please104.Well, its getting late. I must be going. Thank you again for inviting me to the party._.B. Thank you for coming105.W: D. Where are you heading?M: Im going t

35、o my sisters.106.W: Ive come to say goodbye. Im flying home on Sunday afternoon.M: Well, _ C. have a safe trip and remember me to your parents.107.W: How do you like my new dress, dear?M: _youve never been more beautiful.D. It looks terrific on you!108.W: Operator.M: Operator, _A. would you please p

36、ut me through to extension 211? 109. Would you mind changing seats with me? _. C. No, I dont mind 110.What day is today? _. B. Today is Saturday111.Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday? D. Friday112. Would you like some wine? Yes. Just _.C. a little 113.What do you want to do next? We have ha

37、lf an hour until the basketball game. _. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.B. Its up to you114.Waiter: C. Excuse me, are you ready to order now ?Customer: Yes, Ill have a cheeseburger, medium rare, with French fries. 115.- Will you have dessert, sir?- _. Im stuffed.D. No, thank you116.When you

38、r classmate cant follow you, what will he say to you?He will say, “_B. Pardon?117.W: Im afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth. M: _D. Oh, dont worry about it.118.- Would you mind helping me for a minute, Barbara?- _. What do you want me to do?D. Id be glad to119.- Were having a picnic tomorrow. Why dont you come with us?- _, but I think its going to rain. The weatherman says it is.B. Id like to120.You speak very good English. _.C. Thank you


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